Why Benghazi Matters

You know, we had ICBMs too. How come the administration didn't use the?

Incompetence! Treason! Yeeeaaarrrrgghhhhh!

it's rather amusing watching the lunatics from the right wing jump the shark.

They are a bunch of loons, one even used a video game to show the capabilities of a gunship! This is the fantasy land these dolts live in!!! :lol:
A LOT LESS than the guy you most likely voted for two terms in a row and the Iraq debacle where thousands were killed because of some bogus war built on errors and misinformation and a STUPID nation-building experiment. You guys have some nerve! :lol:

Well, there you go.

We should ignore Obama lying to the American people because BOOOOOSSHHHH.

It's kind of a "catch all" for you leftist-regressives. Anything can be covered up with a good BOOOOOSSHHHH.

Hey, if that doesn't work, you can call us racist!

Actually it's "Well, there YOU go." , where did I state that "We should ignore Obama lying to the American people because BOOOOOSSHHHH."? That's your DISHONEST pretext, I stated a fact.

Actually I was just pointing out the possibility of your hypocrisy.

I don't have to call you guys 'racists', some of your comrades make the case for themselves all too well. :)
All right. Here is what really happened in Benghazi. I have this from a reliable source in the comments section of a right wing oriented blog I read.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens and President Barack Obama were in a homosexual love triangle with Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Stevens blamed Obama for Terry's death and was "going to blow the lid off" the Fast & Furious scandal. His inside information was going to bring down the whole Obama Administration, and possibly result in Obama serving some hard time.

Obama's homosexuality explains why he sends Michelle on so many taxpayer-paid vacations and why he spends so much time on the golf course to get away from her. Tales of "big gay orgies" in the country club locker room have been making the rounds of the Secret Service for years.

Obama decided the best way to solve his problems was to send Stevens to the most dangerous place in the world with the hopes his Muslim brothers would "do the right thing" and kill Stevens for him.

But the Muslims "had bigger fish to fry" what with trying to take over the entire Middle East through revolution in Syria and Egypt and Libya.

Obama became frustrated with their slowness to do his ex-lover in. The situation became completely untenable for him when, as an inside joke about Libya's Qaddafi, Stevens began daily threatening "the mother of all October Surprises" which would hand Romney an "election bombshell" on a silver platter.

Stevens knew he was "a big, fat target" and kept requesting protection through back channels, but Obama was well wired into the back channels since he had been personally overseeing drone attacks "since Day One" of his Administration and the military was loyal to him. And over at the State Department, the "dyke of diplomacy", Hillary Clinton, had her own beef with Stevens for threatening to drag her down with Obama by exposing her love affair with Condi Rice. So she also cock-blocked all protection requests by Stevens.

As October drew closer and closer, Obama decided to take matters into his own hands, using his fellow Muslims as cover for his own personal assassination plot.

As one person in the White House situation room admitted, Obama said, "That bastard has been on my kill list for too long. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself."

Obama then personally commandeered the Predator drone flying over the consulate and shot a Hellfire missile into the consulate wall, creating a hole for the "terrorists" to enter the compound and take out Stevens. To add insult to injury, Obama had the "terrorists" gang rape Stevens' body.

To cover his tracks further, in subsequent days Obama alternated between the fictions of an anti-Muslim video and a terrorist attack to sow confusion in the public discourse over the matter.

He was "greatly amused" over the back and forth arguing over whether the killing was because of the video or because it was a terrorist attack. No one ever suspected it was something else entirely.

This will all be coming out in Judge Neopolitano's tell-all book Wake The Fuck Up, Sheep!

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We are going to hear this on the Savage Nation, as well as hannity, limbaugh tomorrow afternoon! If it was published in a blog, I'm sure that a few of these blowhard lemming would run with it. :lol:
1. It demonstrates the failure of our appeasement towards hostile Muslim countries.

2. It demonstrates the unconscionable elevation of politics over protection of American citizens.

3. It demonstrates pervasive corruption/coverup throughout the Executive Branch of our government.

4. It demonstrates the pervasive corruption of journalism in our mainstream media.

5. It demonstrates the corruption of political partisans who support their candidate no matter what harm is done to their country.

It demonstrates right wing desperation. That is the net result.

Desperation? To want answers and not lies? To want to know why the Ambassador and the Consulate's only security were two Libyan militias?

To want to know why this Administration allowed the Consulate to be under attack for 7 hours and not attempt a rescue?

To want to know why the Administration in effect left these men to die?


Yes really.

You guys are so eager to smear our President because Romney is such a poor candidate that this is the flavor of the month. You'll be on to something else next month.

It will be good news too ; you look like idiots this month.
Why will President Obama not disclose everything about his love triangle with Stevens and Terry?

Why won't the Secret Service address questions about the country club gay orgies?

Why hasn't Michelle spoken about her real reasons for going on so many vacations?

Why is Condi Rice hiding?

This sure does make Obama look even more suspicious.

It demonstrates right wing desperation. That is the net result.

Desperation? To want answers and not lies? To want to know why the Ambassador and the Consulate's only security were two Libyan militias?

To want to know why this Administration allowed the Consulate to be under attack for 7 hours and not attempt a rescue?

To want to know why the Administration in effect left these men to die?


Yes really.

You guys are so eager to smear our President because Romney is such a poor candidate that this is the flavor of the month. You'll be on to something else next month.

It will be good news too ; you look like idiots this month.

Just shows what an Obamabot you are. How callous. How very liberal of you. Four men are dead.

Obama and his Administration lied for days on end blaming a video.

It took the Libyan President to tell us the truth. That's a sad commentary on the political divide in America.

Truly sad.
Benghazigate: Obama’s “Bad Intel” Excuse is Falling Apart​

October 29, 2012
By: Daniel Greenfield

The current excuse is that Obama wasn’t lying when he and his cronies kept blaming a video, he was the victim of “bad intel” from the “bad intelligence” community. Oddly though Senators with less intel access, like McCain, drew the right conclusions and so did most serious commentators on the region.

And the intelligence community stated that it was a terrorist attack by Al Qaeda, not a protest\murderous movie review.

Two days after the deadly Libya terror attack, representatives of the FBI and National Counterterrorism Center gave Capitol Hill briefings in which they said the evidence supported an Al Qaeda or Al Qaeda-affiliated attack, Fox News has learned.

The description of the attack by those in the Sept. 13 briefings stands in stark contrast to the now controversial briefing on Capitol Hill by CIA Director David Petraeus the following day — and raises even more questions about why Petraeus described the attack as tied to a demonstration.

The Sept. 13 assessment was based on intercepts that included individuals, believed to have participated in the attack, who were celebratory — as well as a claim of responsibility.

FBI and NCTC also briefed that there were a series of Al Qaeda training camps just outside of Benghazi, where the attack occurred and resulted in the deaths of four Americans. The area was described as a hotbed for the militant Ansar al-Sharia as well as Al Qaeda in North Africa.

The intelligence community did not mislead Obama by providing bad intel, as the FOX News story documents it was the Obama Administration that appeared to have pressured top officials like Petraeus into adopting a different narrative.

It takes no great intelligence to know that a large scale assault conducted with heavy weapons is not a spontaneous event. But the Administration wanted to present a picture of offended Muslims to hide the truth that Al Qaeda was on the rampage and that Obama’s policies had made the rampage possible.
1. It demonstrates the failure of our appeasement towards hostile Muslim countries.

2. It demonstrates the unconscionable elevation of politics over protection of American citizens.

3. It demonstrates pervasive corruption/coverup throughout the Executive Branch of our government.

4. It demonstrates the pervasive corruption of journalism in our mainstream media.

5. It demonstrates the corruption of political partisans who support their candidate no matter what harm is done to their country.

I think the right has overplayed its hand on this one. The American people can recognize the cynical usage of death for poltical gain when they see it. They're a lot more likely to take the word of Panetta, Powell and Rice than any number of ultra-CON blowhards.
It didn't bother the Obama Administration to use the Ambassador's death for political gain by covering it up with smarm if not total hubris about how it was all our fault for insulting the Muslim world..
There is no excuse the American public will accept for purposefully withholding aid to Americans in harms way.

Truth will rise to the surface. The American military will not lie to cover Obama.
Benghazigate: Obama’s “Bad Intel” Excuse is Falling Apart​

October 29, 2012
By: Daniel Greenfield

The current excuse is that Obama wasn’t lying when he and his cronies kept blaming a video, he was the victim of “bad intel” from the “bad intelligence” community. Oddly though Senators with less intel access, like McCain, drew the right conclusions and so did most serious commentators on the region.

And the intelligence community stated that it was a terrorist attack by Al Qaeda, not a protest\murderous movie review.

Two days after the deadly Libya terror attack, representatives of the FBI and National Counterterrorism Center gave Capitol Hill briefings in which they said the evidence supported an Al Qaeda or Al Qaeda-affiliated attack, Fox News has learned.

The description of the attack by those in the Sept. 13 briefings stands in stark contrast to the now controversial briefing on Capitol Hill by CIA Director David Petraeus the following day — and raises even more questions about why Petraeus described the attack as tied to a demonstration.

The Sept. 13 assessment was based on intercepts that included individuals, believed to have participated in the attack, who were celebratory — as well as a claim of responsibility.

FBI and NCTC also briefed that there were a series of Al Qaeda training camps just outside of Benghazi, where the attack occurred and resulted in the deaths of four Americans. The area was described as a hotbed for the militant Ansar al-Sharia as well as Al Qaeda in North Africa.

The intelligence community did not mislead Obama by providing bad intel, as the FOX News story documents it was the Obama Administration that appeared to have pressured top officials like Petraeus into adopting a different narrative.

It takes no great intelligence to know that a large scale assault conducted with heavy weapons is not a spontaneous event. But the Administration wanted to present a picture of offended Muslims to hide the truth that Al Qaeda was on the rampage and that Obama’s policies had made the rampage possible

Why is it the American people are always the last to know when this Administration starts playing the fiddle and fiddling around?
I would LOVE to see Gary Johnson get elected and the Libertarians gain more seats in Congress.

I suspect that you would like to see people vote for Johnson to siphon votes away from Romney.

Oh, and I would MUCH rather see Johnson as president than Romney, but pragmatically acknowledge that Romney is the key to getting the cancer of Obama cut out of America.

I just think that you 2016 and World Nut Daily folks are pretty fucked up individuals who want to obtain and retain power.

Dinesh D'Souza put together the only rational treatise on Obama that I've seen. Rejecting the bullshit of the birthers and those claiming Obama is a Muslim, D'Souza provides a well researched and factual look at Obama. That you trash him is just an example of your lack of rational thought.

I listened to the two scumbags hannity and limbaugh today, they expose your 'principles' quite clearly. The fat fuck limbaugh tried to make an issue of Obama suspending his campaigning today, had Obama campaigned today, the fat fuck and his minions like you would have complained about.

I'm who's minion? Do I get paid?

Or is it that anyone who isn't a faithful Obamabot MUST be a Limbaugh minion?

Take those 'right wing principles' and shove them. Signing the PA was sure looking out for our Civil Liberties.

So, your little tin god repealed the patriot act, right? I mean, you had your Messiah® and both houses of congress for two years, so your shameful party went all out to repeal the patriot act; yes?

The PA was enacted by republicans,

By Republicans and their democrat counter-parts.

Obama is no better than you guys because he extended it and signed the NDAA. He has the neocon policies as you guys but you knock him for that.


Sparky, "neo-con" means "domestically conservative, with a leftist global policy." Gee, your little tin god has a leftist global policy? Who woodathunkit?

Where were the WMD's that you Administration claimed were in Iraq?

I had an administration? Why didn't someone tell me? I would have sold it to finance an expansion on the garage....

Thanks for the laugh. :lol:

Any time!
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Short list?

-Institute the changes that Al Gore wanted to Air Port security. You know, the ones Republicans shot down as to expensive.

You're so full of shit.

{The report advanced 20 serious recommendations to strengthen aviation security. The proposals called for a 60-day test for matching bags with passengers on domestic flights and a computer-based system of “profiling” passengers.

Also proposed were “vulnerability assessments” at every commercial airport in the country, increased numbers of bomb-sniffing dogs, better screening and training of the workers who examined bags, and more frequent tests of their work.

At a press conference on Sept. 9, Vice President Gore declared his strong support for these proposals. But this support did not last for long.

“Within 10 days, the whole [airline] industry jumped all over Al Gore,” commissioner Victoria Cummock, a citizen activist whose husband was killed on Pan Am 103, would later claim.

As the Boston Globe would report five years later, this pressure took the form of an intense lobbying campaign aimed at the White House.

On Sept. 19, Gore backed off the proposal in a letter to Carol Hallett, president of the industry’s trade group, the Air Transport Association.

Wrote Gore, “I want to make it very clear that it is not the intent of this administration or of the commission to create a hardship for the air transportation industry or to cause inconvenience to the traveling public.”}

How Al Gore subverted his own aviation commission

Hey, you're a democrat; you lie.

-Take Clinton's advice and focus on terrorists, instead of the Chinese and Russians.


Now this is just funny - I mean, you lie about everything, but Dubya was focused on the Ruskies, huh?

Oh, that Clinton "advice," "Bin Laden determined to attack."

Well fuck, THAT is some actionable intel. Who couldn't look at that and know that aircraft would be hijacked on 9/11 and used for kamakazie attacks?

Seriously, you're a fucking clown, a partisan buffoon.

{ "I think America — America never made up for the Clinton peace dividend; America never made up for the gutting of the intelligence services that Bill Clinton did," Giuliani said Nov. 2, 2007, on Bloomberg TV's Political Capital With Al Hunt. "I think those are Tenet's words, by the way, that Bill Clinton gutted American intelligence — 20, 30 percent cuts," Giuliani said, referring to former CIA director George Tenet, who has taken much of the heat for not foreseeing the 9/11 attacks.

Given that his fellow front-runner, Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York, was first lady during that time, Giuliani is eager to paint the most unflattering portrait he can of the Clinton administration's antiterrorism record.

It is true that Clinton oversaw decreases in the intelligence budget and that Tenet has described the budget situation when he became CIA director in 1997, four years into Clinton's presidency, as a disaster. But Tenet has never placed blame on Clinton in the way Giuliani describes (which makes sense since Clinton made him director). }

PolitiFact | He's on point, but still off base

Lie much?

-Pay attention to the news. Osama Bin Laden, during a CNN interview declared war on the US.

In 1994...

So it would be Clinton who should have paid attention.

-Pay attention to his own Presidential briefs. You know, the ones that said Al Qaeda was determined to attack America?

He did none of that.

Such actionable intel.

"Bin Laden determined to attack." Fucking a, that's all we needed to stop the attack.

Seriously..you should stick to stuff you know about..

Um..wait a minute.

You don't know about anything.

Just continue..because it's fun to watch.

And I do believe many of us, without being crazy 9/11 truthers wanted answers. Demanded answers.

And we got as much as we could hope for considering the absolutely insane plot. And truly that's what it was. Who would ever believe crazy Islamists were going to go kamikaze into the WTC towers?

What was Bush to do?

Ground all air traffic?

Liberals on the other hand don't want to know the truth about Benghazi and appear to be perfectly fine with the "video spontaneous attack" lie.

We had to learn the truth that this was an organized attack from the freaking Libyan President for crying out loud.

What lie?

Initial intel had a demonstration and attack sparked from the video.

And..to this day..the video hasn't been ruled out.

It was republicans that cut funding for embassy security.

And, in any case, embassies are not military bases or fortresses.

This compound didn't even have the basics.

And are you going to try to tell me that Marines couldn't have been transferred to Libya from Embassies in Britain, Belgium, Ireland or Canada for example?

That no one in this administration thought that the Embassy in Brussels was secure and maybe Ambassador Stevens needed Marines more in Libya?

And that all this pathetic administration could come up with were two Libyan Militias to guard the Consulate?

Are you serious?

Could they?

Not an expert on these things.

And not knowing what you know now..where would you put them?

Egypt? That's pretty much more of an important state to us geopolitically then Libya..

How about Yemen? How about any number of Middle Eastern countries in turmoil. How do you choose? And how are you so sure that a greater military presence isn't going to infuriate both the fragile governments and the local population?

Like I said..these are embassies. Despite what you folks may think..they are not suppose to be a projection of US military might.

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