Why Benghazi Matters

It is very possible that the AC 130 Gunship would have taken several lives of persons of many nationalities not to mention all hell breaking loose in every capitol of the Islamic world. And I suppose you'd be fine with a country with embassies and consulates here here sending in close air combat support anytime there is a protest outside of their consulate/facilities here?

Let me guess, you think we play by different rules than they do, right?

Ty Woods had painted the target. A gunship would not have been strafing the crowd. Why must you try to obfuscate the facts? The "fog of war" argument died the moment that news came out that our guys were in radio contact with superiors. Our fighters on the ground were telling what was going on and where help was needed. Obama and his administration as well as their cohorts in the media are trying to bury this story because it's shows that Obama is not competent to be CinC.

You don't seem to know how bullets flying from a vulcan cannon work. Or the secondary explosions, invading another nation's airspace with a war plane, etc...
And, being the retard that you are, you don't seem to grasp the idea of sovereignty of embassies.

Other than that and to the bolded, don't take any more of the brown acid.
Anybody just see Greta's interview with Bing West? He went through some of the military protocol that would've been involved. What he's saying is that if Obama spoke correctly and gave the order that everything that could be done to get those guys out should be done... there would be a written executive order to reflect it, and that to put the matter to rest Obama should be able to produce that order. What's more, if he gave that order and Panetta, Dempsey, and Ham did otherwise... they'd have been disobeying a direct order from the president. Not a very likely scenario if you ask me.

Oh... and those guys coming from Tripoli would've been HILLARY's guys, State Dept. security, not military.
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Ty Woods had painted the target. A gunship would not have been strafing the crowd. Why must you try to obfuscate the facts? The "fog of war" argument died the moment that news came out that our guys were in radio contact with superiors. Our fighters on the ground were telling what was going on and where help was needed. Obama and his administration as well as their cohorts in the media are trying to bury this story because it's shows that Obama is not competent to be CinC.

You don't seem to know how bullets flying from a vulcan cannon work. Or the secondary explosions, invading another nation's airspace with a war plane, etc...
And, being the retard that you are, you don't seem to grasp the idea of sovereignty of embassies.

Other than that and to the bolded, don't take any more of the brown acid.

The Embassy is in Tripoli. Dumbass.
Benghazi is a nonissue this election and the president's handling of this disaster is more than he needed to clinch the 2nd term. Romney acts completely lost/clueless all of a sudden.

You've got to be kidding. No you're a liberal Obamabot. You're serious.

Benghazi matters because it showed to American people and the world, how ingrained and deep is the culture of lies from this Oba-boom-boom Administration.

They hit the ground running with lies. Bless the Libyan President for actually opening up a can of whoop ass on this Administration by standing by his claim that this was an organized terror attack.

I can't believe I just typed that, but it's true. The Libyan President was the one who held his ground on this and got people asking questions.
Benghazi matters because it showed to American people and the world, how ingrained and deep is the culture of lies from this Oba-boom-boom Administration.

They hit the ground running with lies. Bless the Libyan President for actually opening up a can of whoop ass on this Administration by standing by his claim that this was an organized terror attack.

I can't believe I just typed that, but it's true. The Libyan President was the one who held his ground on this and got people asking questions.

Sorry, not enough for Romney. Not a thought of a Patriot, rather, a thought of losing the election.
You don't seem to know how bullets flying from a vulcan cannon work. Or the secondary explosions, invading another nation's airspace with a war plane, etc...
And, being the retard that you are, you don't seem to grasp the idea of sovereignty of embassies.

Other than that and to the bolded, don't take any more of the brown acid.

The Embassy is in Tripoli. Dumbass.
No it isn't.

Not since February last year and staff who have been sent there to reopen it are recalled.

Do try to keep up.
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Benghazi matters because it showed to American people and the world, how ingrained and deep is the culture of lies from this Oba-boom-boom Administration.

They hit the ground running with lies. Bless the Libyan President for actually opening up a can of whoop ass on this Administration by standing by his claim that this was an organized terror attack.

I can't believe I just typed that, but it's true. The Libyan President was the one who held his ground on this and got people asking questions.

Sorry, not enough for Romney. Not a thought of a Patriot, rather, a thought of losing the election.

It's quite obvious liberals don't care that the Administration let Americans die in Benghazi.

It's obvious you didn't care that F&F killed Brian Terry and many Mexicans.

We get it. You just want free phones from Bam Bam. All you care about is yourself and what you can get for free.

We understand.

Libya is not Canada, that tragedy is not uncommon there. Benghazi is a nonissue this election, the president's handling of this disaster will be what gives Obama the easy victory. It was close, I admit, but this week will be Mitt's undoing, finito.
Libya is not Canada, that tragedy is not uncommon there. Benghazi is a nonissue this election, the president's handling of this disaster will be what gives Obama the easy victory. It was close, I admit, but this week will be Mitt's undoing, finito.

I agree to disagree Benghazi is a mayor issue here.
Libya is not Canada, that tragedy is not uncommon there. Benghazi is a nonissue this election, the president's handling of this disaster will be what gives Obama the easy victory. It was close, I admit, but this week will be Mitt's undoing, finito.

I agree to disagree Benghazi is a mayor issue here.

You're grasping, Sandy is the issue. Before that it was the economy, not Benghazi.
Libya is not Canada, that tragedy is not uncommon there. Benghazi is a nonissue this election, the president's handling of this disaster will be what gives Obama the easy victory. It was close, I admit, but this week will be Mitt's undoing, finito.

I agree to disagree Benghazi is a mayor issue here.

You're grasping, Sandy is the issue. Before that it was the economy, not Benghazi.

Both the economy and the cover up !
Obama has a problem with both the economy and Foreign Affairs.
Not everyone listens to and absorbs Rush Limbaugh. Benghazi will have zero effect at the polls. It's already over, Romney is looking more and more incompetent while Obama is looking better than ever. Kinda makes the earlier "Romney Momentum" look like a joke now.
1. It demonstrates the failure of our appeasement towards hostile Muslim countries.

2. It demonstrates the unconscionable elevation of politics over protection of American citizens.

3. It demonstrates pervasive corruption/coverup throughout the Executive Branch of our government.

4. It demonstrates the pervasive corruption of journalism in our mainstream media.

5. It demonstrates the corruption of political partisans who support their candidate no matter what harm is done to their country.

you a taffy puller at the fair again this year?
Libya is not Canada, that tragedy is not uncommon there. Benghazi is a nonissue this election, the president's handling of this disaster will be what gives Obama the easy victory. It was close, I admit, but this week will be Mitt's undoing, finito.

I agree to disagree Benghazi is a mayor issue here.

It only matters if it is at the govenors level.
Why Benghazi Doesn't Matter To Most Americans

Most Americans are worried about jobs and the economy which are improving. Most Americans do not watch FOX News or hang out on the world wide web looking for issues to attack the President on in order to make Romney look good.

Most Americans know no crime was committed by any Americans here. The President did not attack the US Consulate in Libya.

So why do people who watch FOX News and hang out on the world wide web look for issues to attack the President on in order to make Romney look good, even if it means breaking the compact we have on sticking together when attacked by enemies of America? I don't think these people are evil. I think they're misguided and locked in a bubble where a Noise Machine in the Echo chamber of their world has them programmed to stay paranoid, alarmed, and angry.

It's not 1984 in America -- It's A Brave New World


It's not 1984 in America -- It's A Brave New World

Why Benghazi Doesn't Matter To Most Americans

Most Americans are worried about jobs and the economy which are improving. Most Americans do not watch FOX News or hang out on the world wide web looking for issues to attack the President on in order to make Romney look good.

Most Americans know no crime was committed by any Americans here. The President did not attack the US Consulate in Libya.

So why do people who watch FOX News and hang out on the world wide web look for issues to attack the President on in order to make Romney look good, even if it means breaking the compact we have on sticking together when attacked by enemies of America? I don't think these people are evil. I think they're misguided and locked in a bubble where a Noise Machine in the Echo chamber of their world has them programmed to stay paranoid, alarmed, and angry.

It's not 1984 in America -- It's A Brave New World

Benghazi illustrates the fact that Obama should never have been elected our President.

We don't have to look for issues upon which to attack Obama. He creates them every fuckin' day with his lies. He is a boy in a man's job and he just can't cut it!

FUCK Obama and all of his supporters!

I guess you think your post actually adds something to the discussion. :eusa_hand:

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