Why Benghazi Matters


Yep...four (4) unnecessarily dead Americans at the hands of the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD and the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...NOT EXACTLY A MOLE HILL.

Lady, and I use the term loosely, you are a REAL BITCH.

If this were 2013 or 2011, it wouldn't even register. As per usual, right wing loons are just trying to smear their President. It's expected, it's played, it's old; nobody cares. See Fast and Furious...somehow that never gets brought up anymore and that was going to "bring down" Obama.

Been there, done that, we know how the play ends.

You don't care that those Americans were killed in Libya and that our government refused to send them help?????

I told you there was something wrong with this world.
Yep...four (4) unnecessarily dead Americans at the hands of the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD and the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...NOT EXACTLY A MOLE HILL.

Lady, and I use the term loosely, you are a REAL BITCH.

If this were 2013 or 2011, it wouldn't even register. As per usual, right wing loons are just trying to smear their President. It's expected, it's played, it's old; nobody cares. See Fast and Furious...somehow that never gets brought up anymore and that was going to "bring down" Obama.

Been there, done that, we know how the play ends.

You don't care that those Americans were killed in Libya and that our government refused to send them help?????

I told you there was something wrong with this world.

I adjusted Candy Corn's photo to better represent her personna.

Yeah. The death of four men is "seriously funny."

What an asshole you are.

Conjuring up conspiracy theories with no supporting evidence dishonors the dead. Whether it is a 9/11 WTC conspiracy theory, or a 9/11 Benghazi conspiracy theory. It is disgusting behavior. The people who came up with the idea a missile hit the Pentagon without explaining what happened to all the people who died on the flight that actually hit the Pentagon, or the idea Obama watched the men in Benghazi die are the real assholes.

The parody I created was a slap in the face to those who are dishonoring the dead. They are so retarded that if I wanted to, I could write it in such a way that people would accept it as true without question.

These assholes need to STFU.

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The kooks are frustrated because no one is paying attention to them. The explanation for that is simple. The rest of America isn't as 'effin stupid as these conservative cranks.

They won't accept that, of course. They themselves fall hard for every idiot conspiracy theory, so they demand every else must become as gullible as themselves. And they get so upset when people won't join their crank crusade, so you see them here, stamping their widdle feet and pouting.

On the bright side, they do send a lot of votes to the Democrats. And they'll be amusing for the next 4 years of Obama's presidency.
Slowly, but surely the MSM is beginning to cover it:

What was Obama told at the September 10, 2012, NSC meeting on ‘9/11 threats’? - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Posted at 12:54 PM ET, 10/31/2012

What was Obama told at the September 10, 2012, NSC meeting on ‘9/11 threats’?
By Marc A. Thiessen

On the White House Web site, the president’s calendar for September 10, 2012 — the day before the Benghazi, Libya, attack — is blank and and the daily press guidance says “The President has no public events scheduled.”

But the president did have an important meeting that day. In an e-mail exchange over President Obama’s record of skipping his daily intelligence meetings, National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor wrote me the following:

I’d also note that this focus on just the PDB and not the countless other NSC meetings the President has each week really misses the point. For example, the President had a briefing with the Principals Committee to review 9/11 threats and mitigation efforts on September 10th. Seems like a relevant data point for you[r] piece. [Emphasis added].

The fact that “the President had a briefing with the Principals Committee to review 9/11 threats and mitigation efforts on September 10th” raises a whole host of new questions:

● What was the president told in that briefing about “9/11 threats and mitigation efforts” in Libya?

● The New York Times reports that “In the months leading up to the Sept. 11 attacks on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, the Obama administration received intelligence reports that Islamic extremist groups were operating training camps in the mountains near the Libyan city and that some of the fighters were ‘Al Qaeda-leaning.’ ” Was the president briefed on those reports at the NSC principals meeting?

● The Times further reports that “a week before Mr. Stevens died, the American Embassy warned that Libyan officials had declared a ‘state of maximum alert’ in Benghazi.” Was the president told of this assessment by Libyan officials of the state of security in Benghazi at the 9/10 meeting?

● U.S. diplomats in Libya made numerous requests for additional security. The president claims he was not “personally aware” of those requests.Well, was there any discussion of those requests in the NSC principals committee meeting on September 10th?

If the NSC Principals Committee did not discuss Libya as part of their briefing on “9/11 threats and mitigation efforts,” then it would seem to be an example of gross negligence. If they did discuss Libya, then Americans deserve to know what they told the president about the security situation in that country one day before our ambassador was killed. And if the president was in fact briefed on the growing al-Qaeda threat in Benghazi a day before the attack, it would further call into question the administration’s efforts to blame the attack on a YouTube video.

The only way to answer these questions is for the administration to release the records relating to the September 10 NSC meeting — including any briefing slides or papers prepared for the meeting. Those records will tell us a great deal about what the president knew — and when he knew it.
I'll go check to see if this is true about the AC-130, but I wouldn't doubt it.

Liberals here show their stupidity when they claim the AC-130 would just kill everyone on the ground if it engaged targets. They can shoot a truck to pieces while leaving a truck next to it intact, you dumbfucks.
The kooks are frustrated because no one is paying attention to them. The explanation for that is simple. The rest of America isn't as 'effin stupid as these conservative cranks.

They won't accept that, of course. They themselves fall hard for every idiot conspiracy theory, so they demand every else must become as gullible as themselves. And they get so upset when people won't join their crank crusade, so you see them here, stamping their widdle feet and pouting.

On the bright side, they do send a lot of votes to the Democrats. And they'll be amusing for the next 4 years of Obama's presidency.

It is very possible that the AC 130 Gunship would have taken several lives of persons of many nationalities not to mention all hell breaking loose in every capitol of the Islamic world. And I suppose you'd be fine with a country with embassies and consulates here here sending in close air combat support anytime there is a protest outside of their consulate/facilities here?

Let me guess, you think we play by different rules than they do, right?

Ty Woods had painted the target. A gunship would not have been strafing the crowd. Why must you try to obfuscate the facts? The "fog of war" argument died the moment that news came out that our guys were in radio contact with superiors. Our fighters on the ground were telling what was going on and where help was needed. Obama and his administration as well as their cohorts in the media are trying to bury this story because it's shows that Obama is not competent to be CinC.

You don't seem to know how bullets flying from a vulcan cannon work. Or the secondary explosions, invading another nation's airspace with a war plane, etc...

Tell me, was invading another country's airspace considered when the Seals were going after Bin Laden? And please, don't make lame excuses for why those brave Seals in Libya didn't get back up. The U.S. could have sent a low flying fighter plane just for the noise and it would have helped. And I believe our military could certainly have hit their target with a lot of collateral damage.
WaPo opinion: What was Obama told at the September 10, 2012, NSC meeting on ‘9/11 threats’?​

By: Marc A. Thiessen
October 31, 2012

On the White House Web site, the president’s calendar for September 10, 2012 — the day before the Benghazi, Libya, attack — is blank and and the daily press guidance says “The President has no public events scheduled.”

But the president did have an important meeting that day. In an e-mail exchange over President Obama’s record of skipping his daily intelligence meetings, National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor wrote me the following:

I’d also note that this focus on just the PDB and not the countless other NSC meetings the President has each week really misses the point. For example, the President had a briefing with the Principals Committee to review 9/11 threats and mitigation efforts on September 10th. Seems like a relevant data point for you[r] piece.


Read more:
What was Obama told at the September 10, 2012, NSC meeting on ‘9/11 threats’? - PostPartisan - The Washington Post
I think the right has overplayed its hand on this one. The American people can recognize the cynical usage of death for poltical gain when they see it. They're a lot more likely to take the word of Panetta, Powell and Rice than any number of ultra-CON blowhards.

Thank you for proving #5.

Romney's Jeeps-to-China lie fits #5 better than anything Obama's done. Kiss Ohio and Michigan good-bye. :clap2:

Typical leftie deflection to a totally different topic. Thanks again!
Romney's Jeeps-to-China lie fits #5 better than anything Obama's done. Kiss Ohio and Michigan good-bye. :clap2:

OOOOHHHH..., that hurt's. It's apparent the righties are beside themselves with worry, Benghazi isn't taking and Mitt just shot himself in the foot. :D

Benghazi isn't "taking" because the MSM kisses Obama's ass. They praised him without vetting and got him elected ...now they can't back off and recognize that he is a lying, cowardly piece of shit...as demonstrated in the Benghazi saga.

Obama worshipers certainly think Benghazi should be swept under the rug. I'll be surprised if Obama ever tells the fucking truth!
He just let 4 Americans be sacrificed to avoid riling up the Muslim Brotherhood. And if a couple of guys hadn't disobeyed orders, 30 Americans would be dead.

Tell me that's not appeasement. Lie to me.

Prove to me that he actually gave the order not to engage the enemy. We both don't know what happened, all you are working off of is a combination of 'leaks' and conjecture by conservative talking heads who are doing this solely as a way to attack him. They should be ashamed of themselves to try to use this incident and tragedy as a political football.
You don't know if that General was relieved from duty because he didn't act any more than it was because he wanted to act and didn't follow orders from his chain of command. The President was friends with the Ambassador, I think that the incident needs to be investigated by a bi-partisan panel. I think and know that someone DID drop the ball on this one.
If you people want to give the President all of the 'credit' for this incident, it's pretty hypocritical of you to not want to give him the 'credit' and distance him away from getting OBL.

If you want us to prove this, why don't you personally call the 'dear leader' and ask him to release all the documents and DVD's of visual and audio documentaion of his fiasco in Ben Ghazi. We are sure that your pearls of wisdom will bring out the 'truth'. Strangely I personally did not post any information for the first week after this assaination of four Americans. As time has gone by we continue to peel the onion closer to the source and it keeps coming back Presidential orders. Like Fast & Furious will Obama claim "Executive Privilege" than the truth?

They you go again with that "dear leader", the only people I see referring to him that way are right wing loons. Thanks for the laugh. :lol:
I want them to have a bi partisan investigation regarding Benghazi. I don't refer to anyone as "dear leader".

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