Why Benghazi Matters

WaPo opinion: What was Obama told at the September 10, 2012, NSC meeting on ‘9/11 threats’?​

By: Marc A. Thiessen
October 31, 2012

On the White House Web site, the president’s calendar for September 10, 2012 — the day before the Benghazi, Libya, attack — is blank and and the daily press guidance says “The President has no public events scheduled.”

But the president did have an important meeting that day. In an e-mail exchange over President Obama’s record of skipping his daily intelligence meetings, National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor wrote me the following:

I’d also note that this focus on just the PDB and not the countless other NSC meetings the President has each week really misses the point. For example, the President had a briefing with the Principals Committee to review 9/11 threats and mitigation efforts on September 10th. Seems like a relevant data point for you[r] piece.


Read more:
What was Obama told at the September 10, 2012, NSC meeting on ‘9/11 threats’? - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

It took almost 3 and a half years to get Preisdent Bushes Aug. 6th PDB declassified and released.

But......keep howling moonbats.
1. It demonstrates the failure of our appeasement towards hostile Muslim countries.

2. It demonstrates the unconscionable elevation of politics over protection of American citizens.

3. It demonstrates pervasive corruption/coverup throughout the Executive Branch of our government.

4. It demonstrates the pervasive corruption of journalism in our mainstream media.

5. It demonstrates the corruption of political partisans who support their candidate no matter what harm is done to their country.

Isn't it interesting that not one of the above points has been disputed, much less refuted?

How do you refute dumb as dirt stupidity?

First, consult a dictionary. Then try again.
Whatever the facts,
it is unlikely Obama knew,
or had reason to know,
of the need for additional protection of the embassy.

Hilary, however, had a personal
and apparently deep and abiding interest
in the leadup to the attack
for it was Hilary who said
"Gaddafi dead or alive"
and after Gaddafi had been tortured
and a bayonet stuck up his ass
while he was alive
later said:
"We came, we saw-he died."

Hilary was Secretary of State,
and still is.
and is likely to be replaced by such a person as
Panetta, or Petraeus, or Rice or Powers.

Hilary knew or should have known of the need
and of its lack of fulfillment
and whatever happened, happened on her watch.

Brett Bair is breaking news right now on a new cable that Fox News has obtained from the Benghazi scandal.... More to come.......

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