Why Benghazi Matters

You know if the right-wing could stop crying and actually pick some relevant things to attack the President on instead of all these utterly retarded attacks that just drown each other out, they might actually have a reasonable argument.

What else do they have, though?
What else do they have, though?

Yeah, because 4 dead Americans and 14 days of the president openly lying isn't "relevant."

Seriously..you should stick to stuff you know about..

Like you do!

Lying for Obama is something you really know about.

Um..wait a minute.

You don't know about anything.

Just continue..because it's fun to watch.


I knew enough to tear your partisan hackery apart.

Naw..you screwed the pooch when you flummoxed the Reagan response to Lockerbie.

Then got deeper into it.

Keep it up.

Fun stuff.
4. It demonstrates the pervasive corruption of journalism in our mainstream media.

Sadly,modern journalism, by giving us the opinions of the uneducated, keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community who will believe it's every word.
Short list?

-Institute the changes that Al Gore wanted to Air Port security. You know, the ones Republicans shot down as to expensive.

You're so full of shit.

{The report advanced 20 serious recommendations to strengthen aviation security. The proposals called for a 60-day test for matching bags with passengers on domestic flights and a computer-based system of “profiling” passengers.

Also proposed were “vulnerability assessments” at every commercial airport in the country, increased numbers of bomb-sniffing dogs, better screening and training of the workers who examined bags, and more frequent tests of their work.

At a press conference on Sept. 9, Vice President Gore declared his strong support for these proposals. But this support did not last for long.

“Within 10 days, the whole [airline] industry jumped all over Al Gore,” commissioner Victoria Cummock, a citizen activist whose husband was killed on Pan Am 103, would later claim.

As the Boston Globe would report five years later, this pressure took the form of an intense lobbying campaign aimed at the White House.

On Sept. 19, Gore backed off the proposal in a letter to Carol Hallett, president of the industry’s trade group, the Air Transport Association.

Wrote Gore, “I want to make it very clear that it is not the intent of this administration or of the commission to create a hardship for the air transportation industry or to cause inconvenience to the traveling public.”}

How Al Gore subverted his own aviation commission

Hey, you're a democrat; you lie.


Now this is just funny - I mean, you lie about everything, but Dubya was focused on the Ruskies, huh?

Oh, that Clinton "advice," "Bin Laden determined to attack."

Well fuck, THAT is some actionable intel. Who couldn't look at that and know that aircraft would be hijacked on 9/11 and used for kamakazie attacks?

Seriously, you're a fucking clown, a partisan buffoon.

{ "I think America — America never made up for the Clinton peace dividend; America never made up for the gutting of the intelligence services that Bill Clinton did," Giuliani said Nov. 2, 2007, on Bloomberg TV's Political Capital With Al Hunt. "I think those are Tenet's words, by the way, that Bill Clinton gutted American intelligence — 20, 30 percent cuts," Giuliani said, referring to former CIA director George Tenet, who has taken much of the heat for not foreseeing the 9/11 attacks.

Given that his fellow front-runner, Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York, was first lady during that time, Giuliani is eager to paint the most unflattering portrait he can of the Clinton administration's antiterrorism record.

It is true that Clinton oversaw decreases in the intelligence budget and that Tenet has described the budget situation when he became CIA director in 1997, four years into Clinton's presidency, as a disaster. But Tenet has never placed blame on Clinton in the way Giuliani describes (which makes sense since Clinton made him director). }

PolitiFact | He's on point, but still off base

Lie much?

In 1994...

So it would be Clinton who should have paid attention.

-Pay attention to his own Presidential briefs. You know, the ones that said Al Qaeda was determined to attack America?

He did none of that.

Such actionable intel.

"Bin Laden determined to attack." Fucking a, that's all we needed to stop the attack.

Seriously..you should stick to stuff you know about..

Um..wait a minute.

You don't know about anything.

Just continue..because it's fun to watch.


[/I]Hmm, samething with the Ben Ghazi attack. Intel knows al Qaeda is training in Libya, Obama sent Stevens there to get armaments to send to Syria. He even made a deal with Mursi in Egypt to kidnap Stevens to exchange him for the blind sheik to make him look good before election day. Murphy's Law kicked in and things went FUBAR. Funny how the Left always attempts to lie, deny and deflect the issues of today. At least Carter tried to rsecue the captured Embassy workers, here Oblamer let them die. Didn't Oblamer try to blame the CIA for this? Guess he couldn't blame Bush or could he.?[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
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Desperation? To want answers and not lies? To want to know why the Ambassador and the Consulate's only security were two Libyan militias?

To want to know why this Administration allowed the Consulate to be under attack for 7 hours and not attempt a rescue?

To want to know why the Administration in effect left these men to die?


Yes really.

You guys are so eager to smear our President because Romney is such a poor candidate that this is the flavor of the month. You'll be on to something else next month.

It will be good news too ; you look like idiots this month.

Just shows what an Obamabot you are. How callous. How very liberal of you. Four men are dead.

Obama and his Administration lied for days on end blaming a video.

It took the Libyan President to tell us the truth. That's a sad commentary on the political divide in America.

Truly sad.

You dickweeds tried to make the same case out of Fast and Furious--remember? Now it's hardly mentioned.

If you're bringing this up again in February, I'll be happy to retract my statement. What you're trying to do now is smear your President. It's that simply and your thinly veiled cloak "concern" for four dead Americans whose death you're politicizing will be your cross to bear.
You're so full of shit.

{The report advanced 20 serious recommendations to strengthen aviation security. The proposals called for a 60-day test for matching bags with passengers on domestic flights and a computer-based system of “profiling” passengers.

Also proposed were “vulnerability assessments” at every commercial airport in the country, increased numbers of bomb-sniffing dogs, better screening and training of the workers who examined bags, and more frequent tests of their work.

At a press conference on Sept. 9, Vice President Gore declared his strong support for these proposals. But this support did not last for long.

“Within 10 days, the whole [airline] industry jumped all over Al Gore,” commissioner Victoria Cummock, a citizen activist whose husband was killed on Pan Am 103, would later claim.

As the Boston Globe would report five years later, this pressure took the form of an intense lobbying campaign aimed at the White House.

On Sept. 19, Gore backed off the proposal in a letter to Carol Hallett, president of the industry’s trade group, the Air Transport Association.

Wrote Gore, “I want to make it very clear that it is not the intent of this administration or of the commission to create a hardship for the air transportation industry or to cause inconvenience to the traveling public.”}

How Al Gore subverted his own aviation commission

Hey, you're a democrat; you lie.


Now this is just funny - I mean, you lie about everything, but Dubya was focused on the Ruskies, huh?

Oh, that Clinton "advice," "Bin Laden determined to attack."

Well fuck, THAT is some actionable intel. Who couldn't look at that and know that aircraft would be hijacked on 9/11 and used for kamakazie attacks?

Seriously, you're a fucking clown, a partisan buffoon.

{ "I think America — America never made up for the Clinton peace dividend; America never made up for the gutting of the intelligence services that Bill Clinton did," Giuliani said Nov. 2, 2007, on Bloomberg TV's Political Capital With Al Hunt. "I think those are Tenet's words, by the way, that Bill Clinton gutted American intelligence — 20, 30 percent cuts," Giuliani said, referring to former CIA director George Tenet, who has taken much of the heat for not foreseeing the 9/11 attacks.

Given that his fellow front-runner, Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York, was first lady during that time, Giuliani is eager to paint the most unflattering portrait he can of the Clinton administration's antiterrorism record.

It is true that Clinton oversaw decreases in the intelligence budget and that Tenet has described the budget situation when he became CIA director in 1997, four years into Clinton's presidency, as a disaster. But Tenet has never placed blame on Clinton in the way Giuliani describes (which makes sense since Clinton made him director). }

PolitiFact | He's on point, but still off base

Lie much?

In 1994...

So it would be Clinton who should have paid attention.

Such actionable intel.

"Bin Laden determined to attack." Fucking a, that's all we needed to stop the attack.

Seriously..you should stick to stuff you know about..

Um..wait a minute.

You don't know about anything.

Just continue..because it's fun to watch.


[/I]Hmm, samething with the Ben Ghazi attack. Intel knows al Qaeda is training in Libya, Obama sent Stevens there to get armaments to send to Syria. He even made a deal with Mursi in Egypt to kidnap Stevens to exchange him for the blind sheik to make him look good before election day. Murphy's Law kicked in and things went FUBAR. Funny how the Left always attempts to lie, deny and deflect the issues of today. At least Carter tried to rsecue the captured Embassy workers, here Oblamer let them die. Didn't Oblamer try to blame the CIA for this? Guess he couldn't blame Bush or could he.?[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

You're comparing the situation in Iran to Libya?

Uh-huh...because in the liberal mind the lives of terrorists are more important than the lives of Americans.

It is very possible that the AC 130 Gunship would have taken several lives of persons of many nationalities not to mention all hell breaking loose in every capitol of the Islamic world. And I suppose you'd be fine with a country with embassies and consulates here here sending in close air combat support anytime there is a protest outside of their consulate/facilities here?

Let me guess, you think we play by different rules than they do, right?

Ty Woods had painted the target. A gunship would not have been strafing the crowd. Why must you try to obfuscate the facts? The "fog of war" argument died the moment that news came out that our guys were in radio contact with superiors. Our fighters on the ground were telling what was going on and where help was needed. Obama and his administration as well as their cohorts in the media are trying to bury this story because it's shows that Obama is not competent to be CinC.

You don't seem to know how bullets flying from a vulcan cannon work. Or the secondary explosions, invading another nation's airspace with a war plane, etc...
Yes really.

You guys are so eager to smear our President because Romney is such a poor candidate that this is the flavor of the month. You'll be on to something else next month.

It will be good news too ; you look like idiots this month.

Just shows what an Obamabot you are. How callous. How very liberal of you. Four men are dead.

Obama and his Administration lied for days on end blaming a video.

It took the Libyan President to tell us the truth. That's a sad commentary on the political divide in America.

Truly sad.

You dickweeds tried to make the same case out of Fast and Furious--remember? Now it's hardly mentioned.

If you're bringing this up again in February, I'll be happy to retract my statement. What you're trying to do now is smear your President. It's that simply and your thinly veiled cloak "concern" for four dead Americans whose death you're politicizing will be your cross to bear.

Fast and Furious isn't over at all. Not by a long shot. And the Benghazi investigation has just begun.

Here's an update for you on F&F. I'm following it. I haven't forgotten about Brian Terry. Neither has Issa.

Latest Fast and Furious Report Incriminates DOJ

But this thread is about Benghazi and how Americans were left to die with no rescue attempt.
Standard Disclaimer: Yes, it's from COD4, but well demonstrates how this thing works.

Considering the 25mm on that fires like some sort of pin-point laser gun, as opposed to the wide dispersal of rounds shown in ACTUAL gun camera footage.

Er...you're wrong.
Former Pacific Fleet chief: We need full disclosure on Benghazi — now​

October 30, 2012
by Ed Morrissey

Retired Admiral James A. Lyons likely pulled few punches as commander in chief of the US Pacific Fleet during his career … and he hasn’t started pulling punches now, either. In a blistering column at The Washington Times, the former commander blasts the lack of action from the US when the administration learned our consulate in Benghazi had come under attack, writing that “courage was lacking” that might have saved at least some of the four American lives lost on September 11. “Someone high up in the administration,” Lyons writes, “let our people get killed” — and he wants some answers immediately as to whom:

The Obama national security team, including CIA, DNI, State Department and the Pentagon, watched and listened to the assault but did nothing to answer repeated calls for assistance. It has been reported that President Obama met with Vice President Joseph R. Biden and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in the Oval Office, presumably to see what support could be provided. After all, we had very credible military resources within striking distance. At our military base in Sigonella, Sicily, which is slightly over 400 miles from Benghazi, we had a fully equipped Special Forces unit with both transport and jet strike aircraft prepositioned. Certainly this was a force much more capable than the 22-man force from our embassy in Tripoli.

I know those Special Forces personnel were ready to leap at the opportunity. There is no doubt in my mind they would have wiped out the terrorists attackers. Also I have no doubt that Admiral William McRaven, Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, would have had his local commander at Sigonella ready to launch; however, apparently he was countermanded—by whom? We need to know.

I also understand we had a C-130 gunship available, which would have quickly disposed of the terrorist attackers. This attack went on for seven hours. Our fighter jets could have been at our Benghazi mission within an hour. Our Special Forces out of Sigonella could have been there within a few hours. There is not any doubt that action on our part could have saved the lives of our two former Navy SEALs and possibly the ambassador.

Having been in a number of similar situations, I know you have to have the courage to do what’s right and take immediate action. Obviously, that courage was lacking for Benghazi. The safety of your personnel always remains paramount. With all the technology and military capability we had in theater, for our leadership to have deliberately ignored the pleas for assistance is not only incomprehensible, it is un-American.

There has been plenty of speculation as to what Ambassador Chris Stevens was doing in Benghazi in the first place, which Lyons touches on in his column. Even apart from that, though, this argument above is the key to the failure of the American response. We always come to the aid of our diplomatic missions when under attack, especially with as many assets in the area as we had at the time. It’s worth noting that we intervened militarily in Libya in the first place to prevent a massacre of civilians by Moammar Qaddafi in Benghazi — and now we’re supposed to believe that we couldn’t coordinate a military response to an attack in that same city on our own consulate in seven hours?

Here’s another curiosity, too. General Carter Ham, who commanded AFRICOM on September 11th, had already been rotated back home. Now we find out he’s leaving the Army altogether:

General Carter F. Ham, the Combatant Commander of Africa Command (AFRICOM) and a key figure in the Benghazi-gate controversy, is leaving the Army. On October 18, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta had announced that General Ham would be succeeded at AFRICOM by General David Rodriguez. Later speculation tied this decision to the fallout from the September 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens. However on Monday October 29 a defense official told The Washington Times that “the decision [to leave AFRICOM] was made by General Ham. He ably served the nation for nearly forty years and retires after a distinguished career.” Previously all that was known was that General Ham would be rotating out of AFRICOM at some future date, but not that he was leaving the service. General Ham is a few years short of the mandatory retirement age of 64, but it is not unusual for someone of that rank to retire after serving in such a significant command.

James Robbins notes that the White House insisted that Ham took part in the decision not to supply assistance to the consulate, but Ham told Rep. Jason Chaffetz that no one had asked him about it.

Read more:
Former Pacific Fleet chief: We need full disclosure on Benghazi — now « Hot Air
I would LOVE to see Gary Johnson get elected and the Libertarians gain more seats in Congress.

I suspect that you would like to see people vote for Johnson to siphon votes away from Romney.

Oh, and I would MUCH rather see Johnson as president than Romney, but pragmatically acknowledge that Romney is the key to getting the cancer of Obama cut out of America.

I just think that you 2016 and World Nut Daily folks are pretty fucked up individuals who want to obtain and retain power.

Dinesh D'Souza put together the only rational treatise on Obama that I've seen. Rejecting the bullshit of the birthers and those claiming Obama is a Muslim, D'Souza provides a well researched and factual look at Obama. That you trash him is just an example of your lack of rational thought.

I'm who's minion? Do I get paid?

Or is it that anyone who isn't a faithful Obamabot MUST be a Limbaugh minion?

So, your little tin god repealed the patriot act, right? I mean, you had your Messiah® and both houses of congress for two years, so your shameful party went all out to repeal the patriot act; yes?

By Republicans and their democrat counter-parts.


Sparky, "neo-con" means "domestically conservative, with a leftist global policy." Gee, your little tin god has a leftist global policy? Who woodathunkit?

Where were the WMD's that you Administration claimed were in Iraq?

I had an administration? Why didn't someone tell me? I would have sold it to finance an expansion on the garage....

Thanks for the laugh. :lol:

Any time!

That would be great too, I'm not a fan of the republicans who support Romney. You are most likely a republican sheeple, Romney would be no better than Obama, they are pretty similar, if you had true Liberal Libertarian leanings, you would know that.

Dinesh's "rational treatise" is only "rational" to wingnuts . Here's a prime example of the delusion shared by you people: "D'Souza says Obama removed a bust of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from the Oval Office because Churchill represented British colonialism. White House curator William Allman said the bust, which had been on loan, was already scheduled to be returned before Obama took office. Another bust of Churchill is on display in the president's private residence, the White House says." '2016: Obama's America' Fact-Check
'2016: Obama's America' Fact-Check

You don't have to be paid to be part of limbaugh or hannity's ignorant minions.

He has the same fiscal policy as the neocon he replaced. He has the same domestic policy as the neocon he replaced, and he has pretty much the same foreign policy as the neocon Administration his Administration replaced.

I disagree with him when he acts like a neocon. I disagreed with him when he signed the PA and NDAA. Will Romney issue an executive order to stop the above acts? Do you actually think that Romney has the ability to issue an executive order to stop the Affordable Care Act? :lol: How will Romney be any different?

Many of you republican "conservative" types are nothing but lying dishonest drama queens.
Just shows what an Obamabot you are. How callous. How very liberal of you. Four men are dead.

Obama and his Administration lied for days on end blaming a video.

It took the Libyan President to tell us the truth. That's a sad commentary on the political divide in America.

Truly sad.

You dickweeds tried to make the same case out of Fast and Furious--remember? Now it's hardly mentioned.

If you're bringing this up again in February, I'll be happy to retract my statement. What you're trying to do now is smear your President. It's that simply and your thinly veiled cloak "concern" for four dead Americans whose death you're politicizing will be your cross to bear.

Fast and Furious isn't over at all. Not by a long shot. And the Benghazi investigation has just begun.

Here's an update for you on F&F. I'm following it. I haven't forgotten about Brian Terry. Neither has Issa.

Latest Fast and Furious Report Incriminates DOJ

But this thread is about Benghazi and how Americans were left to die with no rescue attempt.

Yet somehow you had to be prompted to post about F&F. You're just doing a hatchet job. Not a very effective one at that. Obama is cruising.
Benghazi matters because it showed to American people and the world, how ingrained and deep is the culture of lies from this Oba-boom-boom Administration.
This Administration is a bunch of liars .... burn in hell all ....
How is getting this OBL and other top tier, middle, and lower tier AQ operatives, using drones in a liberal manner, and actively fighting the famed 'war on terror' by this Administration called "apeasement"? :lol:

The guy has a neo-con foreign policy you all should love him!
He just let 4 Americans be sacrificed to avoid riling up the Muslim Brotherhood. And if a couple of guys hadn't disobeyed orders, 30 Americans would be dead.

Tell me that's not appeasement. Lie to me.

Prove to me that he actually gave the order not to engage the enemy. We both don't know what happened, all you are working off of is a combination of 'leaks' and conjecture by conservative talking heads who are doing this solely as a way to attack him. They should be ashamed of themselves to try to use this incident and tragedy as a political football.
You don't know if that General was relieved from duty because he didn't act any more than it was because he wanted to act and didn't follow orders from his chain of command. The President was friends with the Ambassador, I think that the incident needs to be investigated by a bi-partisan panel. I think and know that someone DID drop the ball on this one.
If you people want to give the President all of the 'credit' for this incident, it's pretty hypocritical of you to not want to give him the 'credit' and distance him away from getting OBL.

If you want us to prove this, why don't you personally call the 'dear leader' and ask him to release all the documents and DVD's of visual and audio documentaion of his fiasco in Ben Ghazi. We are sure that your pearls of wisdom will bring out the 'truth'. Strangely I personally did not post any information for the first week after this assaination of four Americans. As time has gone by we continue to peel the onion closer to the source and it keeps coming back Presidential orders. Like Fast & Furious will Obama claim "Executive Privilege" than the truth?
Benghazi is a nonissue this election and the president's handling of this disaster is more than he needed to clinch the 2nd term. Romney acts completely lost/clueless all of a sudden.

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