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Why Benghazi Matters

It's all about politcal opportunity and the rabid righst efforts to oust the n,,,,,,,,um (lazy person), from the White House. The louder they yell the more rabid they are.......I think Hammity is going to have a stroke when the President get re-elected.

Hey Boo, as a mindless hack with utterly no integrity, have you gone back to blaming the YouTube video, the way Shallow and other forum regressives have?

Obama lied, people died.
AC-130U Gunship was on-scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin refused to let it fire​

Written By: Bob
AC-130U Gunship was on-scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin refused to let it fire « Bob Owens
Oct• 26•12

This is treason.

A much more detailed confirmation from a Delta operator:

Having spent a good bit of time nursing a GLD (ground Laser Designator) in several garden spots around the world, something from the report jumped out at me.

One of the former SEALs was actively painting the target. That means that Specter WAS ON STATION! Probably an AC130U. A ground laser designator is not a briefing pointer laser. You do not “paint” a target until the weapons system/designator is synched; which means that the AC130 was on station.

Only two places could have called off the attack at that point; the WH situation command (based on POTUS direction) or AFRICOM commander based on information directly from the target area.

The designator will not work without the plane overhead.


This may be the reason General Carter Ham was relieved of duty. He disobeyed presidential orders and sent assistance to those Americans in trouble.

Another International newsworthy scoop by Bob, huh? Uh, that's NOT Bob Woodward, by any chance, writing under a pseudonym?
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For reference to the topic:

Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aiding or involved by such an endeavour.
Treason - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Libya, Syria and now Iran
Does anyone really think the truth will come out.

Hell. Barry pulled EP on FF and I wouldn't be a big surprised if he does the same here.
What exactly would you call Bush's incompetence when he igorned multiple warning about 911and lied about WMDs in Iraq that got 10,000 americans kill and a millon innocent muslims, 30,00 wounded american troops, Not to mention the monetary cost of his incompetence and corruption aided by Cheney and Rumsfeld. They should have been court martialed when International Tribuanal convicted them of war crimes. And you want to tar and feather Obama and tie him on a rail because 4 americans died? What is is about white is right and black wrong? More than four children die daily because of right wing village idiot's gun right laws.

Frankly I no longer consider what Bush did or didn't do. He is in the past, like all other past presidents. I deal with the present president and find him woefully lacking, self centered, and incompetent. Wow, you do bring up pertinent questions of comparison don't you. I'll take the last first. Chicago that has the strictest gun laws in the U.S. have more murders per day and the guns used there are all illegal. In fact there are more KIA in Chicago per day than in the Stan. Ha, talking about four kids dying due to 'gun rights laws'.
Oh, your giving Bubba Clinton a pass on 9/11. After all the attacks on sovereign ground not to mention WTC#1, the USS Cole, or Khobar Towers. Clinton allowed al Qaeda terrorists to train flying Boeing 757's for at least three years in the U.S. A good comparison would be to train a Pit Bull to kill and give it to a stranger without telling them the dog has been trained to kill Just what did Clinton know and when did he know it?
You're a poor miss led fool.
In closing your attempt at deflecting the issue of Ben Ghazi Gate and Obama is futile and pitiful.
Now Obama is trying to say that he gave orders to Marines to protect themselves. BULLSHIT!!! This makes no sense considering General Ham was removed from his duties for ignoring orders to stand down.

The Marine who painted the target, clearly in anticipation of the drone striking the target, was killed and it's likely because he gave his position away when he pointed out the target with the laser.

So, we had people there on the ground and in the air and they were ready to go, but they were ordered to stand down.

It does no good for people to try and bring up Bush or Clinton ignoring intel for 9/11. This is about Obama knowing what was happening and not acting.

I think we need to learn more about about "lighting up" with laser. I think it means that not only is the target is identified with laser light but the weapon intended to fire at it is locked on and ready for the "kill" button to be pushed.

I'll wait on official reports to learn how those on the ground died, but I think from what I have already heard that they went to the embassy, killed a bunch of attackers, found one or more of the Americans, moved to what they considered a safer place and were killed there.

One report is that the two Americans killed 50 to 60 ragheads before being taken out....but I'll wait for confirmation on that before cheering more.
This isn't a video game where an AC-130 can pinpoint and shoot and not kill any civi's People are honestly really shortsighted.
Could U.S. military have helped during Libya attack? - CBS News

You find a way to make this happen," Berntsen says. "There isn't a plan for every single engagement. Sometimes you have to be able to make adjustments. They made zero adjustments in this. They stood and they watched and our people died."

The Pentagon says it did move a team of special operators from central Europe to the large Naval Air Station in Sigonella, Italy, but gave no other details. Sigonella is just an hour's flight from Libya. Other nearby bases include Aviano and Souda Bay. Military sources tell CBS News that resources at the three bases include fighter jets and Specter AC-130 gunships, which the sources say can be extremely effective in flying in and buzzing a crowd to disperse it.

No matter how many sources are linked to, the liberals will not believe that Obama knew anything about anything. They believe other people are running things without Obama's input or knowledge. Well, that is if whatever happens is bad. If it's good, then Obama was totally engaged from the start.

So are you saying you have an independent source to back up what the OP is claiming?

You are missing the point. The point is one of logic. If someone was painting the target it means there was something there with the ability to fire. You don't paint the target until you are ready to fire because the laser is easily detected by the enemy and you will give up your position. In fact because the laser is tied into the firing system of the firing aircraft I don't even think you can paint the target without the aircraft being there (although i could be wrong on that).

Now you could argue that the reports that he was painting the target were false, but if those reports are true then there had to be something there with the ability to deliver ordinance.
And did we know where the friendlies were and who was alive. Line of sight ends at brick walls but a 30-mm round will got through brick walls hardly slowing down. Use your freakin' head for a moment here.

Hmm, from what I understand the defenders on the ground were looking to take out the mortar position. That's what killed the two Seal Team members.

WHAT?!?!? Would you please shout in my deaf ear?!
This isn't a video game where an AC-130 can pinpoint and shoot and not kill any civi's People are honestly really shortsighted.

Funny argument. My brother actually develops guidance systems for such things. According to him, put the most accurate kicker in the nfl on the 30 yard line and him on other side of the nation with his rockets and he will put more through the goalposts than the kicker.

Now you always run the risk of someone getting killed by friendly fire, but you underestimate how precise our targeting systems are.
This isn't a video game where an AC-130 can pinpoint and shoot and not kill any civi's People are honestly really shortsighted.

Funny argument. My brother actually develops guidance systems for such things. According to him, put the most accurate kicker in the nfl on the 30 yard line and him on other side of the nation with his rockets and he will put more through the goalposts than the kicker.

Now you always run the risk of someone getting killed by friendly fire, but you underestimate how precise our targeting systems are.

You can honestly and confidently tell me that the gunship is that precise? Don't the AC-130's shoot some rather large rounds?
This wehrwolfen nut with his 30 crackpot Benghazi threads a day is really putting a shine on the idiocy of you rightwingers.

He is your newest best representative.
AC-130U Gunship was on-scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin refused to let it fire​

Written By: Bob
AC-130U Gunship was on-scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin refused to let it fire « Bob Owens
Oct• 26•12

This is treason.

A much more detailed confirmation from a Delta operator:

Having spent a good bit of time nursing a GLD (ground Laser Designator) in several garden spots around the world, something from the report jumped out at me.

One of the former SEALs was actively painting the target. That means that Specter WAS ON STATION! Probably an AC130U. A ground laser designator is not a briefing pointer laser. You do not “paint” a target until the weapons system/designator is synched; which means that the AC130 was on station.

Only two places could have called off the attack at that point; the WH situation command (based on POTUS direction) or AFRICOM commander based on information directly from the target area.

The designator will not work without the plane overhead.


This may be the reason General Carter Ham was relieved of duty. He disobeyed presidential orders and sent assistance to those Americans in trouble.

Another International newsworthy scoop by Bob, huh? Uh, that's NOT Bob Woodward, by any chance, writing under a pseudonym?

Apparently you are either dyslexic or lacking in reading comprehension. If you look closely the man's name is Bob (Robert) Owens @ www.Bob-Owens.com .
AC-130U Gunship was on-scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin refused to let it fire​

Written By: Bob
AC-130U Gunship was on-scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin refused to let it fire « Bob Owens
Oct• 26•12

This is treason.

A much more detailed confirmation from a Delta operator:

Having spent a good bit of time nursing a GLD (ground Laser Designator) in several garden spots around the world, something from the report jumped out at me.

One of the former SEALs was actively painting the target. That means that Specter WAS ON STATION! Probably an AC130U. A ground laser designator is not a briefing pointer laser. You do not “paint” a target until the weapons system/designator is synched; which means that the AC130 was on station.

Only two places could have called off the attack at that point; the WH situation command (based on POTUS direction) or AFRICOM commander based on information directly from the target area.

The designator will not work without the plane overhead.


This may be the reason General Carter Ham was relieved of duty. He disobeyed presidential orders and sent assistance to those Americans in trouble.

All right. Enough of this fucking bullshit. This is the stupidest bullshit fabrication in a long while.

There is NO evidence Obama was watching the attack live.

And a designator does work without a plane overhead. It's just a laser set to a specific frequency with specific pulses and codes imbedded in it. It does not require any linkup with an aircraft to light up a target.

What kind of fucking retard is coming up with this shit? Seriously.

Stop spamming the board with these bullshit Benghazi masturbation fantasies, asshole! All your shit needs to be dumped into the conspiracy section, or the Rubber Room.


Apparently you are a Obama supporter and prefer to deflect the issue to a personal one by attacking me. Go right ahead. It will not deter me from posting what you and your ilk prefer not to see about your 'Dear One'. I guess people like Lt. Col Tony Schafer would be considered by you a "fucking retard". The only fantasy rooms around here is the one you live in. As I said to you previously 'KMAM'.

It is interesting that you assume someone who wants to wait until the FACTS are known, and who doesn't guzzle third person guesses about what happened, must be an Obama supporter.

Very interesting. Sane people who do not guzzle nutter piss must be Obama supporters.


What if it turns out the security officer was NOT designating a target, dipshit? What if Fox News got their reportage wrong, moron?

That shit happens all the time, you know.

Every fucking thing hinges on "facts" which have not been confirmed.

"Oh! He was designating the target? Then Obama had to be watching and there had to be an AC-130 on the scene! Somebody I know who knows someone else told me that was what happened."

Some other dipshit said there had to be armed Predators on the scene.

This is all GUESSES, based on what could very well be a piece of real shitty reporting.

Let's wait until we hear what the security officer himself has to say. Let's wait until we hear someone who was actually in the Situation Room says whether or not Obama was there and stopped whatever the fuck you think he stopped.

Okay, dipshit?

You are setting a bar here, dumbass. Think about it.


This isn't a video game where an AC-130 can pinpoint and shoot and not kill any civi's People are honestly really shortsighted.

Funny argument. My brother actually develops guidance systems for such things. According to him, put the most accurate kicker in the nfl on the 30 yard line and him on other side of the nation with his rockets and he will put more through the goalposts than the kicker.

Now you always run the risk of someone getting killed by friendly fire, but you underestimate how precise our targeting systems are.

Rocket's aren't guided, Nor is anything an AC-130 fires. All dumb as a board, sure they're accurate but er, they're not laser guided accurate being the rounds are again- not guided within the least. And finally think I found a video of the blasted 25mm firing, been looking for hours at this point.

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AC-130U Gunship was on-scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin refused to let it fire​

Written By: Bob
AC-130U Gunship was on-scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin refused to let it fire « Bob Owens
Oct• 26•12

This is treason.

A much more detailed confirmation from a Delta operator:

Having spent a good bit of time nursing a GLD (ground Laser Designator) in several garden spots around the world, something from the report jumped out at me.

One of the former SEALs was actively painting the target. That means that Specter WAS ON STATION! Probably an AC130U. A ground laser designator is not a briefing pointer laser. You do not “paint” a target until the weapons system/designator is synched; which means that the AC130 was on station.

Only two places could have called off the attack at that point; the WH situation command (based on POTUS direction) or AFRICOM commander based on information directly from the target area.

The designator will not work without the plane overhead.


This may be the reason General Carter Ham was relieved of duty. He disobeyed presidential orders and sent assistance to those Americans in trouble.

Another International newsworthy scoop by Bob, huh? Uh, that's NOT Bob Woodward, by any chance, writing under a pseudonym?

Apparently you are either dyslexic or lacking in reading comprehension. If you look closely the man's name is Bob (Robert) Owens @ www.Bob-Owens.com .

I saw it. Apparently, you didn't get the joke.
It's all about politcal opportunity and the rabid righst efforts to oust the n,,,,,,,,um (lazy person), from the White House. The louder they yell the more rabid they are.......I think Hammity is going to have a stroke when the President get re-elected.

Hey Boo, as a mindless hack with utterly no integrity, have you gone back to blaming the YouTube video, the way Shallow and other forum regressives have?

Obama lied, people died.

Sweet-talking will get you nowhere you rabid-puppy.
It's all about politcal opportunity and the rabid righst efforts to oust the n,,,,,,,,um (lazy person), from the White House. The louder they yell the more rabid they are......

No objective person can deny that something is off about this whole affair. I do believe we aren't being told the whole truth in an effort to help the president save some face. I don't necessarily believe at this point that he, himself, may have done anything wrong, but somebody along the way certainly did, but he's the president so he'll take the heat for it.

It's no coincidence, in my opinion, that the president has taken a sharp drop in public opinion polls over the past week as more information about this slowly leaks out.
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