Why Biden Is Going To Win the 2024 Election....In One Chart

Bullshit, Trump was sent there to break shit and disrupt the permeant assholes that think they run things and we are their servants.

You actually believe what trump told you , that's the whole problem.
No, I am a REAL American, not a piece of dogshit leftist like you who want to try to twist and contort MY country into some euroweenie socialist utopia.
Your poorly chosen words indicate you are a pathetic American.
I support the protest, (it's called Freee Speech)

There was not insurrection

NO, you're an idiot.
There was an attempted insurrection , that's why they were only charged with sedition. Like most things in trump's twisted life , it was a failure, thank GOD.
I don't think Biden will win the election. To old, and he does not seem mentally fit, from what I , and many others are seeing. I think it may be a new Republican leader, if Americans do not accept Trump again.??
Real Americans like myself never wanted Bidumbshit nor kamala the Kunt. Real Americans like myself hate Democrat dogshit like you. We know you are the enemy. Oh and your addled hero, BiDumbshit is in the Chink's pocket.
If there were such a thing as " Real Americans " they wouldn't hate other Americans. Hatred is not an American value.
I don't think Biden will win the election. To old, and he does not seem mentally fit, from what I , and many others are seeing. I think it may be a new Republican leader, if Americans do not accept Trump again.??
In my opinion Biden is the best choice IF it's a match between Biden and trump. How do you trust a madman like trump. Ask yourself what public service has trump ever done in his life. Zero. He even stole from his charity. How can you trust a criminal nap like that. You don't.
Nobody. The 14th Amendment says you aren't real Americans.

If you support Jan 6 and insurrection, then you are a traitor.

Just like members of the Confederacy supported insurrection and they were traitors.

Just like members of the Confederacy supported insurrection and they were traitors.
That's not true, the supreme court decision on secession wasn't rendered till after the war was over, the 14th and subsequent laws, were ex post facto and unconstitutional on their face when applied to anyone who fought for the Confederacy. See Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3.

I think you're under estimating the effect of high inflation and interest rates, even on the college educated, they have bills to pay as well. Those same factors influence the working class and minorities as well. As a man said once, "It's the economy, stupid."


Okay, the stock market is at record highs, unemployment is at record lows, and inflation is down to 3%.

The economy looks pretty good to me.

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