Why can’t the gov’t borrow?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

All of us at some time has borrowed money to buy something (spending money we don’t have) or to pay a debt. So why should we expect the gov’t to be different? The White House is the home of the American citizens and each American has a home and a head of the home and the White House has a president the head of the White House and both are run basically the same. We get credit cards and sometime get another one the pay of the first one. We borrow from the credit card when we use it. Sometimes we use the credit card to buy things we do not need and get cash from them. Some time we have to get second jobs to create more revenue to pay off money borrowed. (debts) We don’t usually change our spending habit or cut out basics like food or recreation. The federal gov’t and the state gov’t does the same thing. But state borrow money from the federal gov’t and they don’t pay it back.
The federal Government is run similar to a household and it doesn’t matter who the president is.
You cannot run a house hold and pay your debts by cutting out basic human needs of the family like food, healthcare, rent and education. You have to create more revenue or cut spending on thing we don’t need.
We know what we have in Obama, we have a recession instead of a depression, but we don’t know what we will get from Romney and Gingrich.
We know what we have in obamaturd, a socialist, that is why we want to be rid of him come November.
The problem is the borrowing and not being able to pay it back. If obamaturd was my financial advisor I would have fired him a long time ago.
SSDD, people.... They're all a bunch of lying, pandering pigs who don't give a shit about anything but their own power.

It blows my mind that they're so consumed by their lust for it, they'll line up and volunteer to be the captain of the Titanic, AFTER it's hit the iceberg...
The diffference is that I have to pay back what I borrowed through my own labor. The govt just spends everyone's money and doesn't have to worry about being accountable or responsible. You and I do.

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