Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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Should abortion be a capital crime - murder? With the death penalty in play for women who get abortions?

I wonder how much of a tax increase and how large of a government program all these supposed "small government conservatives" would want to have put in place to hunt down all the young women.

The task force, the government program, police, lawyers, wiretaps, prisons, lobbies, we're probably talking hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

Besides common sense says all making abortions illegal would do would create a black market for them, just like the drug war has done. So essentially the "pro-life" crowd just wants abortions done by black market thugs rather than doctors or self-done, and they want them performed in back alleys and bathrooms rather than doctor's clinics.

'Criminalizing x does not end all instances of x, therefore x should be legal?'

Do you really want to run with that?

That's not what I said, you did. I gave multiple examples as to why it wasn't feasible.

My point is if it's important to you to end abortions, making them illegal won't. What you want is to punish a tiny % of performed abortions, much like the pro-drug war crowd wants trillions spent to punish a tiny % of drug use despite it having almost zero impact on how many people and how often they use drugs.
So if people insist on committing crimes, then we should make those crimes legal?

You realize that's exactly what you're saying, right?

It's the same argument the drug users use...."People are going to use regardless, so it should all be legal".
Just as a human shares part of it's DNA with a chimp.... does not mean it is the same.. the child has it's own UNIQUE DNA signature.. that is neither the mother's nor the fathers....
The DNA isn't what makes an individual

I believe it was Cecil who brought up identical twins

your premise is fallacious

Already mentioned the phenotypes as well

I think identical twins have the same phenotype as well. That's why they're called "identical".

It is my understanding that if a person with an identical twin commits a crime, any forensic evidence found can only narrow it down to "It was one of them", and the prosecutor is screwed unless there's some other sort of evidence pointing to one or the other.
What if we mastered cloning and she were pregnant with a child that shared her exact same DNA?

You DNA argument falls apart. It would, however, still constitute a distinct biological organism. It would still be a human life, and we can still expect the emergence of an individual mind.

Should abortion be a capital crime - murder? With the death penalty in play for women who get abortions?

Not likely to happen in a society that so thoroughly undervalues children. People don't get the death penalty for killing CHILDREN now, it's unlikely they will ever get the death penalty for killing unborn children.

Well, it is a fact that most murders in general do not get the death penalty, so nothing says that if society at some point decides to make abortion illegal and view it as an unlawful killing of a human being, it is therefore compelled to make it a capital crime.
So if people insist on committing crimes, then we should make those crimes legal?

You realize that's exactly what you're saying, right?

It's the same argument the drug users use...."People are going to use regardless, so it should all be legal".

I have to disagree. That's not what he's saying. It's what he's IMPLYING, because he doesn't have the balls to say it and stand by it. As long as he just implies it really loudly, he can pretend he has deniability.
So if people insist on committing crimes, then we should make those crimes legal?

You realize that's exactly what you're saying, right?

It's the same argument the drug users use...."People are going to use regardless, so it should all be legal".

I have to disagree. That's not what he's saying. It's what he's IMPLYING, because he doesn't have the balls to say it and stand by it. As long as he just implies it really loudly, he can pretend he has deniability.

Lol better to just make baseless accusations about false assumptions you've already made than to actually read what I said and have an adult discussion.
Lol you're the one trying to play the abortion issue as a black and white thing. "You're either a hideous baby killer or you're on the moral highground kissing every baby's forehead with me."

Anything I consider a baby, pregnancies at a certain point and babies in countries we're bombing, I am against them being killed. So in all circumstances where I consider something a baby and not a fetus I'm against the killing.

You can't say you stick to that principle. You aren't anti-war and since you consider all fetuses babies and you aren't against abortions in all circumstances than you don't even stick to it then. So you have no moral issue with foreign babies having their heads blown off and you don't care about the babies in the instances of abortion you approve of.

So, we're back to square 1, you're a hypocrite.

LMAO!! So since you have no problem murdering children through abortion but have an absolute issue in taking a life through conflict while at the same time as supporting a president who has now murdered a lot of children.....Who would you say is the larger Hypocrite? hmmmmm Seems to me there is nothing hypocritical about my stance on the issue but there appears to be plenty with yours hmmmm how funny is that.

Name one good thing I've ever said about Obama, I would certainly never vote for him, or any other democrat, or any republican. I'm a fiscal conservative, so I can't vote for either of the 2 popular parties.

You take a stance where you're on here pretending it's based on baby-killing, my posts have proven that's not the case with you.

See you can make excuses for baby-killing, thus you don't really have a moral issue with it as you pretend to on this thread.

Good Grief You've proven nothing and shown nothing except you are completely dishonest my stance is quite clear there is no ambiguity there is nothing hidden I've shown you several times what the core issue with me is.

Here Let me ask this of you Drock since this seems to be the only way that you might understand.

Do you support Death on Demand..... Simple Yes or No

As a society it is my belief that we should not condone nor accept the principle premise that life is so cheap that killing it is the same as throwing away a used napkin very little thought is given to the decision. Can our society survive treating life like so much garbage to be thrown away when its inconvenient to the person who was not forced to have sex or not provide some form of protection.

Or are you so guttural that life means nothing to you as you've indicated.
So if people insist on committing crimes, then we should make those crimes legal?

You realize that's exactly what you're saying, right?

It's the same argument the drug users use...."People are going to use regardless, so it should all be legal".

I have to disagree. That's not what he's saying. It's what he's IMPLYING, because he doesn't have the balls to say it and stand by it. As long as he just implies it really loudly, he can pretend he has deniability.

Lol better to just make baseless accusations about false assumptions you've already made than to actually read what I said and have an adult discussion.

Nothing baseless about it. Your own posts provided the basis for my analysis of your character. Don't blame ME if your words are revealing and you don't like what they reveal.
LMAO!! So since you have no problem murdering children through abortion but have an absolute issue in taking a life through conflict while at the same time as supporting a president who has now murdered a lot of children.....Who would you say is the larger Hypocrite? hmmmmm Seems to me there is nothing hypocritical about my stance on the issue but there appears to be plenty with yours hmmmm how funny is that.

Name one good thing I've ever said about Obama, I would certainly never vote for him, or any other democrat, or any republican. I'm a fiscal conservative, so I can't vote for either of the 2 popular parties.

You take a stance where you're on here pretending it's based on baby-killing, my posts have proven that's not the case with you.

See you can make excuses for baby-killing, thus you don't really have a moral issue with it as you pretend to on this thread.

Good Grief You've proven nothing and shown nothing except you are completely dishonest my stance is quite clear there is no ambiguity there is nothing hidden I've shown you several times what the core issue with me is.

Here Let me ask this of you Drock since this seems to be the only way that you might understand.

Do you support Death on Demand..... Simple Yes or No

As a society it is my belief that we should not condone nor accept the principle premise that life is so cheap that killing it is the same as throwing away a used napkin very little thought is given to the decision. Can our society survive treating life like so much garbage to be thrown away when its inconvenient to the person who was not forced to have sex or not provide some form of protection.

Or are you so guttural that life means nothing to you as you've indicated.

Death on demand no i don't, but I don't think abortion is that, so you're asking me a loaded question. Hence my example with society handling miscarriages differently than babies dying in car wrecks, nobody views these as equal situations. There's just some people who like to pretend they do, so they can pretend they're on a moral highground and have an excuse to look down on people who simply have a different opinion on a political issue.

Again, I don't think it's ending life.

And again, why aren't you constantly speaking out against wars? You're still pretending that killing babies is why you're pro-life? Are you mad about all the babies we killed in vietnam, iraq, afghanistan? Or do you excuse all those because they're foreign babies, who deserve death because they were coincidentally born on enemy soil?
I have to disagree. That's not what he's saying. It's what he's IMPLYING, because he doesn't have the balls to say it and stand by it. As long as he just implies it really loudly, he can pretend he has deniability.

Lol better to just make baseless accusations about false assumptions you've already made than to actually read what I said and have an adult discussion.

Nothing baseless about it. Your own posts provided the basis for my analysis of your character. Don't blame ME if your words are revealing and you don't like what they reveal.

I explained it quite clearly, but you are have an intellect-free/emotion-based assumption made. I can't help you break free from your baseless assumptions, only you can do that.
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Name one good thing I've ever said about Obama, I would certainly never vote for him, or any other democrat, or any republican. I'm a fiscal conservative, so I can't vote for either of the 2 popular parties.

You take a stance where you're on here pretending it's based on baby-killing, my posts have proven that's not the case with you.

See you can make excuses for baby-killing, thus you don't really have a moral issue with it as you pretend to on this thread.

Good Grief You've proven nothing and shown nothing except you are completely dishonest my stance is quite clear there is no ambiguity there is nothing hidden I've shown you several times what the core issue with me is.

Here Let me ask this of you Drock since this seems to be the only way that you might understand.

Do you support Death on Demand..... Simple Yes or No

As a society it is my belief that we should not condone nor accept the principle premise that life is so cheap that killing it is the same as throwing away a used napkin very little thought is given to the decision. Can our society survive treating life like so much garbage to be thrown away when its inconvenient to the person who was not forced to have sex or not provide some form of protection.

Or are you so guttural that life means nothing to you as you've indicated.

Death on demand no i don't, but I don't think abortion is that, so you're asking me a loaded question. Hence my example with society handling miscarriages differently than babies dying in car wrecks, nobody views these as equal situations. There's just some people who like to pretend they do, so they can pretend they're on a moral highground and have an excuse to look down on people who simply have a different opinion on a political issue.

Again, I don't think it's ending life.

And again, why aren't you constantly speaking out against wars? You're still pretending that killing babies is why you're pro-life? Are you mad about all the babies we killed in vietnam, iraq, afghanistan? Or do you excuse all those because they're foreign babies, who deserve death because they were coincidentally born on enemy soil?

LMAO!! so who's here claiming the moral high ground......Ok fine I get it you're intellectually dishonest that's fine should have known better. Conversation over.
Lol better to just make baseless accusations about false assumptions you've already made than to actually read what I said and have an adult discussion.

Nothing baseless about it. Your own posts provided the basis for my analysis of your character. Don't blame ME if your words are revealing and you don't like what they reveal.

I explained it quite clearly, but you are have an intellect-free/emotion-based assumption made. I can help you break free from your baseless assumptions, only you can do that.

Once again, you IMPLIED that because illegalizing abortion would not prevent ALL abortions, there was no point in doing so. Then, when you were called on that, you responded with, "I never said that."

Please "explain clearly" where anything I have said so far is incorrect.

Since it is NOT in any way incorrect, there is therefore nothing "intellect-free" or "emotion-based" in my statement that you attempted to say something without actually saying it, so as to allow yourself deniability.

If you can "explain clearly" where any of THAT is incorrect, please feel free.
Nothing baseless about it. Your own posts provided the basis for my analysis of your character. Don't blame ME if your words are revealing and you don't like what they reveal.

I explained it quite clearly, but you are have an intellect-free/emotion-based assumption made. I can help you break free from your baseless assumptions, only you can do that.

Once again, you IMPLIED that because illegalizing abortion would not prevent ALL abortions, there was no point in doing so. Then, when you were called on that, you responded with, "I never said that."

Please "explain clearly" where anything I have said so far is incorrect.

Since it is NOT in any way incorrect, there is therefore nothing "intellect-free" or "emotion-based" in my statement that you attempted to say something without actually saying it, so as to allow yourself deniability.

If you can "explain clearly" where any of THAT is incorrect, please feel free.

No my point is that it wouldn't do anything to lessen abortions, like the drug war hasn't done anything to lessen drug use.

You want your taxes increased, government size increased, government spending increased for the sole purpose of punishing a tiny % of women who had abortions. Has nothing to do with "saving the baby."
This subject is now closed for me. You dont want answers. You dont give a fuck, right? So why "dare" anyone to disagree with you and then jump their shit because you dont like what they say when they do answer?

Actually, it's the pro-abortion spokesperson Art who said he didn't give a fuck what anybody thought.

What was said is that the pro-life people don't care what you DO to your body, except in the event that you are using it to inflict harm.

If it's too sensitive a subject for you, you shouldn't bring it up.

And whether or not you want a baby, it doesn't matter, it is still your responsibility. We don't get to kill off people we don't want around us.
What about people we don't want in us?

Then don't take any chances on getting pregnant! Simple!
Good Grief You've proven nothing and shown nothing except you are completely dishonest my stance is quite clear there is no ambiguity there is nothing hidden I've shown you several times what the core issue with me is.

Here Let me ask this of you Drock since this seems to be the only way that you might understand.

Do you support Death on Demand..... Simple Yes or No

As a society it is my belief that we should not condone nor accept the principle premise that life is so cheap that killing it is the same as throwing away a used napkin very little thought is given to the decision. Can our society survive treating life like so much garbage to be thrown away when its inconvenient to the person who was not forced to have sex or not provide some form of protection.

Or are you so guttural that life means nothing to you as you've indicated.

Death on demand no i don't, but I don't think abortion is that, so you're asking me a loaded question. Hence my example with society handling miscarriages differently than babies dying in car wrecks, nobody views these as equal situations. There's just some people who like to pretend they do, so they can pretend they're on a moral highground and have an excuse to look down on people who simply have a different opinion on a political issue.

Again, I don't think it's ending life.

And again, why aren't you constantly speaking out against wars? You're still pretending that killing babies is why you're pro-life? Are you mad about all the babies we killed in vietnam, iraq, afghanistan? Or do you excuse all those because they're foreign babies, who deserve death because they were coincidentally born on enemy soil?

LMAO!! so who's here claiming the moral high ground......Ok fine I get it you're intellectually dishonest that's fine should have known better. Conversation over.

My very first post in this thread stated quite clearly that moral and intellectual people could be on the pro-life side or the pro-choice side, you obviously disagree, hence you being the one playing the moral highground. Falsely albeit, but you're trying.
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I explained it quite clearly, but you are have an intellect-free/emotion-based assumption made. I can help you break free from your baseless assumptions, only you can do that.

Once again, you IMPLIED that because illegalizing abortion would not prevent ALL abortions, there was no point in doing so. Then, when you were called on that, you responded with, "I never said that."

Please "explain clearly" where anything I have said so far is incorrect.

Since it is NOT in any way incorrect, there is therefore nothing "intellect-free" or "emotion-based" in my statement that you attempted to say something without actually saying it, so as to allow yourself deniability.

If you can "explain clearly" where any of THAT is incorrect, please feel free.

No my point is that it wouldn't do anything to lessen abortions, like the drug war hasn't done anything to lessen drug use.

In other words, exactly what I and others SAID that you said.

By the way, how do you KNOW it hasn't lessened drug use? What is your evidence that drug usage would be no greater if they were legal and widely available?

You certainly do make a habit of stating your personal opinions as settled, proven fact.

You want your taxes increased, government size increased, government spending increased for the sole purpose of punishing a tiny % of women who had abortions. Has nothing to do with "saving the baby."

Speaking of baseless . . . When have I EVER said I wanted my taxes increased in regards to abortion? That was YOUR fallacious assertion, to which no one ever agreed. In fact, most of us just ignored it as ignorant, emotional, extremist drivel and didn't comment on it at all. (Please interpret this as the only comment I think it deserves, and the only one I intend to give it.)

Thanks for telling me what my motives are and are not, Miss Cleo. Can you also give me Saturday's Powerball numbers?
Once again, you IMPLIED that because illegalizing abortion would not prevent ALL abortions, there was no point in doing so. Then, when you were called on that, you responded with, "I never said that."

Please "explain clearly" where anything I have said so far is incorrect.

Since it is NOT in any way incorrect, there is therefore nothing "intellect-free" or "emotion-based" in my statement that you attempted to say something without actually saying it, so as to allow yourself deniability.

If you can "explain clearly" where any of THAT is incorrect, please feel free.

No my point is that it wouldn't do anything to lessen abortions, like the drug war hasn't done anything to lessen drug use.

In other words, exactly what I and others SAID that you said.

By the way, how do you KNOW it hasn't lessened drug use? What is your evidence that drug usage would be no greater if they were legal and widely available?

You certainly do make a habit of stating your personal opinions as settled, proven fact.

You want your taxes increased, government size increased, government spending increased for the sole purpose of punishing a tiny % of women who had abortions. Has nothing to do with "saving the baby."

Speaking of baseless . . . When have I EVER said I wanted my taxes increased in regards to abortion? That was YOUR fallacious assertion, to which no one ever agreed. In fact, most of us just ignored it as ignorant, emotional, extremist drivel and didn't comment on it at all. (Please interpret this as the only comment I think it deserves, and the only one I intend to give it.)

Thanks for telling me what my motives are and are not, Miss Cleo. Can you also give me Saturday's Powerball numbers?

1.) My opinions are opinions, not facts. We're all predicting what a hypothetical future would bring with illegal abortions.
2.) I don't know how making abortions illegal wouldn't cause for a need of an enormous amount of government spending, which requires taxes.
3.) I'm not telling you what your motives are, I'm telling you in my opinion what I think would be accomplished if your motives were put into law.
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