Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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No my point is that it wouldn't do anything to lessen abortions, like the drug war hasn't done anything to lessen drug use.

In other words, exactly what I and others SAID that you said.

By the way, how do you KNOW it hasn't lessened drug use? What is your evidence that drug usage would be no greater if they were legal and widely available?

You certainly do make a habit of stating your personal opinions as settled, proven fact.

You want your taxes increased, government size increased, government spending increased for the sole purpose of punishing a tiny % of women who had abortions. Has nothing to do with "saving the baby."

Speaking of baseless . . . When have I EVER said I wanted my taxes increased in regards to abortion? That was YOUR fallacious assertion, to which no one ever agreed. In fact, most of us just ignored it as ignorant, emotional, extremist drivel and didn't comment on it at all. (Please interpret this as the only comment I think it deserves, and the only one I intend to give it.)

Thanks for telling me what my motives are and are not, Miss Cleo. Can you also give me Saturday's Powerball numbers?

1.) My opinions are opinions, not facts. We're all predicting what a hypothetical future would bring with illegal abortions.
2.) I don't know how making abortions illegal wouldn't cause for a need of an enormous amount of government spending, which requires taxes.
3.) I'm not telling you what your motives are, I'm telling you in my opinion what I think would be accomplished if your motives were put into law.

1) I know your opinions are not fact. That is why I would appreciate it if you stop asserting them as if they WERE fact. And YOU are predicting what the future would bring with illegal abortions. I haven't predicted a damned thing, and others who discuss the changes it would make in society are basing their guesses on history, rather than wild supposition.

2) That is because you insist on projecting all manner of things that "must" happen if abortion were illegal, like "hunting down girls". No one has suggested doing so except you.

3) You are indeed telling me what my motives are when you say, "You want your taxes increased, government size increased, government spending increased for the sole purpose of punishing a tiny % of women who had abortions. Has nothing to do with 'saving the baby'." Furthermore, how can you be telling me what you think would be accomplished if my motives were put into law if you are not telling me what my motives are? Certainly I have not made any statements to you about my motives.
I explained it quite clearly, but you are have an intellect-free/emotion-based assumption made. I can help you break free from your baseless assumptions, only you can do that.

Once again, you IMPLIED that because illegalizing abortion would not prevent ALL abortions, there was no point in doing so. Then, when you were called on that, you responded with, "I never said that."

Please "explain clearly" where anything I have said so far is incorrect.

Since it is NOT in any way incorrect, there is therefore nothing "intellect-free" or "emotion-based" in my statement that you attempted to say something without actually saying it, so as to allow yourself deniability.

If you can "explain clearly" where any of THAT is incorrect, please feel free.

No my point is that it wouldn't do anything to lessen abortions, like the drug war hasn't done anything to lessen drug use.

You want your taxes increased, government size increased, government spending increased for the sole purpose of punishing a tiny % of women who had abortions. Has nothing to do with "saving the baby."

Abortions increased EXPONENTIALLY when abortion was legalized. It follows that they will decrease EXPONENTIALLY when it is made illegal, again. At best there is absolutely ZERO evidence that the number of abortions will remain the same if it is illegal.

Scare tactics and fear mongering. You must really have a good reason for protecting the baby rapists who impregnate teeny bop girls and are protected by PP.
Once again, you IMPLIED that because illegalizing abortion would not prevent ALL abortions, there was no point in doing so. Then, when you were called on that, you responded with, "I never said that."

Please "explain clearly" where anything I have said so far is incorrect.

Since it is NOT in any way incorrect, there is therefore nothing "intellect-free" or "emotion-based" in my statement that you attempted to say something without actually saying it, so as to allow yourself deniability.

If you can "explain clearly" where any of THAT is incorrect, please feel free.

No my point is that it wouldn't do anything to lessen abortions, like the drug war hasn't done anything to lessen drug use.

You want your taxes increased, government size increased, government spending increased for the sole purpose of punishing a tiny % of women who had abortions. Has nothing to do with "saving the baby."

Abortions increased EXPONENTIALLY when abortion was legalized. It follows that they will decrease EXPONENTIALLY when it is made illegal, again. At best there is absolutely ZERO evidence that the number of abortions will remain the same if it is illegal.

Scare tactics and fear mongering. You must really have a good reason for protecting the baby rapists who impregnate teeny bop girls and are protected by PP.

Lol this goes right in line with your standard style of posting Allie. Accuse someone else of something, then do it yourself. Like how you accuse everyone of being a religious bigot towards your religion, yet you're an outspoken and proud religious bigot of ppl who don't share your religion.

Scare tactics and fearmongering by saying people who are pro-choice protect baby-rapers. Who would want those who were raped by a baby-raper to be punished for a potential choice they make? Me or you?

Good day folks, see you tomorrow.
No my point is that it wouldn't do anything to lessen abortions

1) So we shouldn't make homicide illegal if it doesn't stop homicide?

2)If laws regarding abortion don't prevent women from having abortions, why are the pro-abortionists complaining about the laws in the first place?
Once again, you IMPLIED that because illegalizing abortion would not prevent ALL abortions, there was no point in doing so. Then, when you were called on that, you responded with, "I never said that."

Please "explain clearly" where anything I have said so far is incorrect.

Since it is NOT in any way incorrect, there is therefore nothing "intellect-free" or "emotion-based" in my statement that you attempted to say something without actually saying it, so as to allow yourself deniability.

If you can "explain clearly" where any of THAT is incorrect, please feel free.

No my point is that it wouldn't do anything to lessen abortions, like the drug war hasn't done anything to lessen drug use.

In other words, exactly what I and others SAID that you said.

By the way, how do you KNOW it hasn't lessened drug use? What is your evidence that drug usage would be no greater if they were legal and widely available?

Looking at the opium epidemic prior to criminalization, I think there's a case to be made that, without these laws, we would've ended up like China post Opium War
Once again, you IMPLIED that because illegalizing abortion would not prevent ALL abortions, there was no point in doing so. Then, when you were called on that, you responded with, "I never said that."

Please "explain clearly" where anything I have said so far is incorrect.

Since it is NOT in any way incorrect, there is therefore nothing "intellect-free" or "emotion-based" in my statement that you attempted to say something without actually saying it, so as to allow yourself deniability.

If you can "explain clearly" where any of THAT is incorrect, please feel free.

No my point is that it wouldn't do anything to lessen abortions, like the drug war hasn't done anything to lessen drug use.

You want your taxes increased, government size increased, government spending increased for the sole purpose of punishing a tiny % of women who had abortions. Has nothing to do with "saving the baby."

Abortions increased EXPONENTIALLY when abortion was legalized.

How do you know this?

What are the numbers and what is your source for them? How do we know how much of an apparent increase is an increase in abortions versus an increase in reporting?
Actually, it's the pro-abortion spokesperson Art who said he didn't give a fuck what anybody thought.

What was said is that the pro-life people don't care what you DO to your body, except in the event that you are using it to inflict harm.

If it's too sensitive a subject for you, you shouldn't bring it up.

And whether or not you want a baby, it doesn't matter, it is still your responsibility. We don't get to kill off people we don't want around us.
What about people we don't want in us?

Then don't take any chances on getting pregnant! Simple!
That's your solution? I suppose you tell people trying to avoid rape not to have orifices.
What about people we don't want in us?

Then don't take any chances on getting pregnant! Simple!
That's your solution? I suppose you tell people trying to avoid rape not to have orifices.
Woman is concerned about how having a baby could change her life 16%
Woman can't afford baby now 21%
Woman has problems with relationship or wants to avoid single parenthood 12%
Woman is unready for responsibility 21%
Woman doesn't want others to know she has had sex or is pregnant 1%
Woman is not mature enough, or is too young to have a child 11%
Woman has all the children she wanted, or has all grown-up children 8%
Husband or partner wants woman to have an abortion 1%
Fetus has possible health problem 3%
Woman has health problem 3%
Woman's parents want her to have abortion <1%
Woman was victim of rape or incest 1%
Other 3%

Plan B One-Step
Then don't take any chances on getting pregnant! Simple!
That's your solution? I suppose you tell people trying to avoid rape not to have orifices.
Woman is concerned about how having a baby could change her life 16%
Woman can't afford baby now 21%
Woman has problems with relationship or wants to avoid single parenthood 12%
Woman is unready for responsibility 21%
Woman doesn't want others to know she has had sex or is pregnant 1%
Woman is not mature enough, or is too young to have a child 11%
Woman has all the children she wanted, or has all grown-up children 8%
Husband or partner wants woman to have an abortion 1%
Fetus has possible health problem 3%
Woman has health problem 3%
Woman's parents want her to have abortion <1%
Woman was victim of rape or incest 1%
Other 3%

Plan B One-Step
Beukenema, you don't get it. No surprise.
No my point is that it wouldn't do anything to lessen abortions, like the drug war hasn't done anything to lessen drug use.

You want your taxes increased, government size increased, government spending increased for the sole purpose of punishing a tiny % of women who had abortions. Has nothing to do with "saving the baby."

Abortions increased EXPONENTIALLY when abortion was legalized.

How do you know this?

What are the numbers and what is your source for them? How do we know how much of an apparent increase is an increase in abortions versus an increase in reporting?

Are you suggesting that you think it's possible that 1.21 million abortions (Guttmacher Institute numbers for 2008) were performed each year prior to Roe v. Wade in secret, without anyone noticing?
Should abortion be a capital crime - murder? With the death penalty in play for women who get abortions?

Not likely to happen in a society that so thoroughly undervalues children. People don't get the death penalty for killing CHILDREN now, it's unlikely they will ever get the death penalty for killing unborn children.

Well, it is a fact that most murders in general do not get the death penalty, so nothing says that if society at some point decides to make abortion illegal and view it as an unlawful killing of a human being, it is therefore compelled to make it a capital crime.

Should hiring someone to murder your 2 year old child be a capital crime???
Most people who want their infants dead do it themselves. They rarely are even convicted of murder.
And in the case of abortion, there are people who actually cheer them on! Art, for example, and Care! Kill those babies, rah rah!
Oh and anguille. A good baby-killing thread always pulls you out of the woodwork.
With all the problems this nation faces abortion is maybe, maybe 179th on the list.
Abortion: a NON ISSUE.


I put the welfare of infants pretty high on my list of priorities. \

Everybody knows that the people who support abortion don't, it's not exactly news that you rank child welfare somewhere below gay marriage and the price of cosmetic surgery.
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