CDZ Why can't Trump Stick to his Agenda and zip his lips Otherwise?

He uses a bit of bravado to his benefit but yeah, I wish Melania would take his phone away sometimes.
He is a narcissist. He can’t help it
His job is to sell his agenda and implement it. Going on about other things is not his job.

I just replied to someone about why Trump is manipulating the media, rather than Trump being the victim somehow.

He wrote in his book years ago that any news is free publicity. And that's what he thinks.

He thinks it's more important to get free publicity than actually act presidential.
Preaching to the choir and his electoral base.
He is a narcissist. He can’t help it
Yes and yes. The love and dependable defense he gets from his base feed his insatiable self-esteem (I don't think I'd call it "ego"). He's in his own little world, getting rid of anyone who crosses him and bringing on those who will defend him and put up with him.

Think of the books written about former Presidents, even Nixon. Those written about this one will be on a whole different level. I'd guess some will end up in the Psychology section.
I have no credentials as a mental health expert, but he comes across to me as a egomaniac. I like most of his policies, but he can no more keep his big fucking mouth shut than pigs can fly.
He has deregulated to a significant degree, lowered my taxes and is sending NG troops to the border. That's three agenda items he promised and delivered on.
Be has a short attention span and cannot stay on topic
His job is to sell his agenda and implement it. Going on about other things is not his job.

If he didn't tweet/talk, the "news" would be 100% anti-Trump propaganda. Anyone who would vote against him on that basis is unable to distinguish between form and substance.
I have no credentials as a mental health expert, but he comes across to me as a egomaniac.
I'm sure as hell not licensed either, but I don't think it's ego, I suspect it could be the opposite. His constant attempts to impress via bluster make me wonder about his self esteem. His father was powerful, so there may some issues there. What looks like an ego may just be psychological window dressing.
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Trump seems to forget that what elected him:

His agenda

and the agenda of Hillary and the Ds

He needed both of those to win in what was a squeaker. If the Electoral college was not mostly winner take all he would have lost but the Rs would have owned congress for the foreseeable future and Hillary would be facing an independent counsel and a probable pointless one term, at best.

At the rate Trump is going the counterfactual outcome would be better for the country.
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I have no credentials as a mental health expert, but he comes across to me as a egomaniac.
I'm sure as hell not licensed either, but I don't think it's ego, I suspect it could be the opposite. His constant attempts to impress via bluster make me wonder about his self esteem. His father was powerful, so there may some issues there. What looks like an ego may just be psychological window dressing.

Could be, one way or another this guy has a super thin skin though. And it's getting in the way of his own political agenda.
I have no credentials as a mental health expert, but he comes across to me as a egomaniac.
I'm sure as hell not licensed either, but I don't think it's ego, I suspect it could be the opposite. His constant attempts to impress via bluster make me wonder about his self esteem. His father was powerful, so there may some issues there. What looks like an ego may just be psychological window dressing.

Could be, one way or another this guy has a super thin skin though. And it's getting in the way of his own political agenda.

Given the ever more Trotskyite leadership of the Ds Trump will probably be reelected. No sane voter will have any other choice.
IMHO most of Trump's economic policies are an improvement over what the Dems did while they were in under Obama, but then he says or tweets such stupid things that distract from what's working for him and the GOP. It's almost surreal.

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