Why Conservatives hate education

I am fiscal conservative and believe edukation tis greight wen yew hav difront pints hov viewz...

Two sighlent tha upposition pint hov viewz happenz frum booth zidez...
The only education the left loves is the indoctrination they can impose. They love any education that brings with it a lack of knowledge. The left doesn't educate. It miseducates. The left denies science in favor of social dogma. It twists history in favor of its own mythos. Then the leftist high priests of the terminally stupid call disagreement with the utter bullshit hating education.

No one hates education, just your education.

Education forces children to look at the Progressive point of view, that the Founding Fathers were slave owners, committed genocide to the American Indian, and therefore, should be replaced with Karl Marx because the Constitution must then be crap. No need to mention how the Founding Fathers rightly feared democracy and mob rule. In fact, let's falsely reiterate time and time and time again in class how the US is a Democracy, when in fact, it is a Republic. Then ignore how the Progressives seek to do such things as do away with the Electoral College to turn more and more to a pure democracy and mob rule. Ignore how Progressives have centralized government to the point that the Federal government now has ultimate control over the states, something the Founders feared would happen as they chose the model of Federalism instead and gave the Federal government limited powers. And NEVER teach children about the Fifth Amendment, which gives states the right to amend the Constitution instead of the Federal government. It has never been done and must never be done to curb the power and influence of the Federal government. And when people refer to it, just call it crazy and say if they try we will end up losing all our rights if we let them. Then point to the racism against the black man that once was used to justify the slavery of blacks, while ignoring the fact that these same white folks turned against it all because of the very Constitution that Progressives disdain. Yes, the racist white man was divided on the issue and fought his brother to the death to do away with it. But how could this be?

While we are at it, let us completely ignore the history of how all centralized governments devolve into war provoking dictatorships and how socialism/communism contributed to this. To start, the NAZI regime will not be referred to as socialists, even though they self identified as such and adhered to socialist policies, hated capitalism, and heavily taxed the top 4%. Let's ignore the fact that the Nazi regime was more concerned about the environment and animal rights than human beings they targeted through identity politics to destroy, like the unborn children of today. Yes, let's refer to the Nazi regime as a right wing hate group because they are fascist and fascist now means right wing cuz we say so. Funny how the Foundering Fathers were not fascists yet they are put in the same arena as the Jew hating fascists of the right today. Yep, communist left, Nazi to the right even though both communist and Nazi regimes were socialist and collectivist utopias.

Let's continue to use class time to pull children from the class room and drag them out into the streets to protest gun rights, instead of teaching them about the Second Amendment and gun rights in the class room. Never mind that the Founding Fathers favored gun rights, even Gandhi favored gun rights, as all fascist and communist regimes in history sought to take guns away from the populace. Ignore the fact that Obama and Holder ran guns across the border to give to drug cartels, which ended up in zero arrests and many, many, innocent murders, while in the same breath touting the need to take guns from law abiding Americans. Then act as though the Trump regime is criminal while Eric Holder was the only AG in US history to be held in contempt of Congress over the gun running scheme.

Let's strip morality from the class rooms and wonder why children bring guns into the class room to shoot the place up, turn to drugs, and watch in horror as amoral human beings are empowered via education to wreak havoc upon society in various ways.

Then to finish them all off, let's tell children that science is better than religion. Let's tell them that history shows that the church attacked science, burned scientists at the stake for their findings, and believe in fables that contradict science while ignoring the fact that this all occurred under oppressive centralized governments, which was the true culprit. Fables such as the Garden of Eden should be ridiculed because we all know that our origins are in evolution, after all, science tells us this. Yes, ignore the story of a man and a woman told not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because they will surely die if they do. Now why do you suppose that the tree was called the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Could it be that the message here is, knowledge without wisdom brings death? Could it be that science, not the Bible, is at the heart of all our ills today? Could they be as blind not to see that such issues as global warming, the threat of WMD's, over population, non-reproducing vegetation that is slowly overtaking those that reproduce naturally, AI and all it's future threats, are because of having knowledge without wisdom? Why is such knowledge stands on the verge of destroying all of mankind while religion continues to be blamed?

Well to hell with them all!! Promote abortion to limit their numbers, run wreak less deficits so that future generations have no real future at all, and then medicate them by legalizing as many illicit drugs as humanly possible, while allowing them to continue to flow into the country that has no border security.
I can understand being frightened of the future but who are we to decide what knowledge our descendants will need and what will be superfluous long after we are dead? In the end all you can do is to give them the broadest view of the world possible and hope they will make the right choices. One thing is certain: the pace of change is accelerating and educating Americans to find change a bewildering overwhelming process is grave disservice.

I would say that the most grave of disservice is to empower amoral children with knowledge and then blame religion for all our ills.
Religious types exercising secular power are their own worst enemy. The ability to question everything and accept nothing is a extraordinarily valuable skill these days. If this means that people are less willing to accept things on faith alone what we know as religion is an acceptable loss.

The Founding Fathers were horrified at how the Church of England controlled the pulpit in England. I'm sure they were equally as horrified as the history of Constantine adopting the Christian faith to conquer with and then subsequently setting up a state church that carried such injustices out as Inquisitions/Crusades, etc. Constantine was not even a Christian, he still worshiped the pagan gods, even though he was rumored to have converted on his death bed.

Christians I think learned long ago about the evil nature of politics and the state, and to avoid a theocracy. Christ even warned that his kingdom was not of this world, nor could be. Unfortunately, Islam has never learned this lesson. In fact, their religion demands religion be combined with the state due to Sharia law.

No, I'm not an advocate of theocracy, even though I'm sure you can find a Christian or two who are. I am just a voice of warning, just as Christ was to us.

So how does one keep a moral society without mandating a state religion? The US did a pretty good job for a while, the best example that I can think of.

But alas, when the morality of society is that of a jail house, all one can do is build a wall around it and hire a warden. This I think is why Left wingers, who are fascists, want to destroy the moral fiber of society. They know that it can only lead to authoritarianism.
Morals do not guarantee an ethical society. Most people are generally decent without the mysticism and afterlife threats and rewards.

Everyone has morals, even those behind bars.

The issue is, morals that lend to a civil society.

As a rule, we are all born with the Golden Rule, told to us by Christ. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. But we all violate this understood moral code even though we understand it. What is worse, society at times justifies it in various ways.

To prove my point, Hitler justified identity politics in targeting Jews because he said that they were "vermin". They were not our equals, thus, the Golden Rule does not apply. Likewise, slaves were understood by the state to be subhuman, or a glorified ape, thus the Golden Rule need not apply. And today, we see the same with the unborn. They are not human, they are a fetus, thus the Golden Rule need not apply.

The one commonality that all three have is, these mental gymnastics are done because of one thing, the love of money which is the root of all evil in the world today. The Jews had their gold taken as they were sent off to die, the slave owners were the wealthiest colonists and, without their wealth, probably could not have fought off England, and most women who have abortions today do so because of financial concerns.

What is humbling is, how our morality can be so easily manipulated by the state. Take slavery, for example. Before it was made illegal, the general consensus was that, although not ideal, it is OK. However, centuries after being made illegal, all are in agreement that it is immoral. Likewise, before Roe vs. Wade, the general consensus was that abortion was immoral. However, decades after being made legal, the general consensus has shifted to it being OK, although not ideal.

As the Bible states, we are sheeple in may ways when it comes to morality even with the innately given Golden Rule
Many Trump supporters and Conservatives are less educated than most...and damn proud of it! Celebrating one's dumbness is a badge of honor for them, but why?? The answer can be found way back in the 70's during the reign of Republican Richard Nixon. In a Woody Allen film a beautiful WASPish woman was asked why she thought Mr. Allen (Character name Fielding Mellish) was a traitor to our country, she replied:

"I think Mr. Mellish is a traitor to our country because his views differ from those of the President and his kind, differences of opinion should be tolerated, but not when they're too different, then he becomes... a subversive mother!

Education forces us to consider diverse points of view, too look at things from the perspective of others. Education encourages us to think outside the box, and to seek new solutions, and expand our boundaries of understanding. This stands in stark contrast to the Conservative agenda, which tells us in little bumper sticker slogans that "we're right, and they're wrong!" "We're superior and they're inferior" "We're strong, and they're weak"

History is full of Conservative thinkers who (with the full backing of the church) taught the earth was the center of the universe, the earth was flat, many women were witches, and must be burned, the study of the stars and human autonomy, and other fields of science were the devils works, and the list goes on-

In my 64 years of walking this old rock called planet earth I've learned: Ignorance = Fear. It's fear that tells Conservatives that waves of evil foreigners are invading our great nation from the southern border and spreading violence and disease. It's fear that tells Conservatives they have to own a gun, or they'll be attacked at any minute, it's fear that tells Conservatives our universities are spreading the doctrine of socialism and liberalism, which undermine the values of our fine Christian nation...just like it's fear that makes Conservatives clutch their little bibles, and believe with all their Christian souls, that Donald J Trump is going to build a great, big beautiful, and MEXICO is going to pay for it.

I feel so sorry for these folks, though their intentions are good, they're blindly placing their trust in a man who doesn't give a shit about them at all....

Why Conservatives hate education

The only education the left loves is the indoctrination they can impose. They love any education that brings with it a lack of knowledge. The left doesn't educate. It miseducates. The left denies science in favor of social dogma. It twists history in favor of its own mythos. Then the leftist high priests of the terminally stupid call disagreement with the utter bullshit hating education.

No one hates education, just your education.

No one should be shouted down at a university, yet only conservatives are shouted down.

No one should be denied access to speak at a major university, yet only conservatives are denied this right.

Very telling.

It's as I've said, the Left in the US is as fascist as the Nazi regime.
Many Trump supporters and Conservatives are less educated than most...and damn proud of it! Celebrating one's dumbness is a badge of honor for them, but why?? The answer can be found way back in the 70's during the reign of Republican Richard Nixon. In a Woody Allen film a beautiful WASPish woman was asked why she thought Mr. Allen (Character name Fielding Mellish) was a traitor to our country, she replied:

"I think Mr. Mellish is a traitor to our country because his views differ from those of the President and his kind, differences of opinion should be tolerated, but not when they're too different, then he becomes... a subversive mother!

Education forces us to consider diverse points of view, too look at things from the perspective of others. Education encourages us to think outside the box, and to seek new solutions, and expand our boundaries of understanding. This stands in stark contrast to the Conservative agenda, which tells us in little bumper sticker slogans that "we're right, and they're wrong!" "We're superior and they're inferior" "We're strong, and they're weak"

History is full of Conservative thinkers who (with the full backing of the church) taught the earth was the center of the universe, the earth was flat, many women were witches, and must be burned, the study of the stars and human autonomy, and other fields of science were the devils works, and the list goes on-

In my 64 years of walking this old rock called planet earth I've learned: Ignorance = Fear. It's fear that tells Conservatives that waves of evil foreigners are invading our great nation from the southern border and spreading violence and disease. It's fear that tells Conservatives they have to own a gun, or they'll be attacked at any minute, it's fear that tells Conservatives our universities are spreading the doctrine of socialism and liberalism, which undermine the values of our fine Christian nation...just like it's fear that makes Conservatives clutch their little bibles, and believe with all their Christian souls, that Donald J Trump is going to build a great, big beautiful, and MEXICO is going to pay for it.

I feel so sorry for these folks, though their intentions are good, they're blindly placing their trust in a man who doesn't give a shit about them at all....

Why Conservatives hate education

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Here is a woman who said that the reason the unemployment rate is so low under Trump is because people need to work to jobs in order to make ends meet.

Too bad the synapses don't meet.
Many Trump supporters and Conservatives are less educated than most...and damn proud of it! Celebrating one's dumbness is a badge of honor for them, but why?? The answer can be found way back in the 70's during the reign of Republican Richard Nixon. In a Woody Allen film a beautiful WASPish woman was asked why she thought Mr. Allen (Character name Fielding Mellish) was a traitor to our country, she replied:

"I think Mr. Mellish is a traitor to our country because his views differ from those of the President and his kind, differences of opinion should be tolerated, but not when they're too different, then he becomes... a subversive mother!

Education forces us to consider diverse points of view, too look at things from the perspective of others. Education encourages us to think outside the box, and to seek new solutions, and expand our boundaries of understanding. This stands in stark contrast to the Conservative agenda, which tells us in little bumper sticker slogans that "we're right, and they're wrong!" "We're superior and they're inferior" "We're strong, and they're weak"

History is full of Conservative thinkers who (with the full backing of the church) taught the earth was the center of the universe, the earth was flat, many women were witches, and must be burned, the study of the stars and human autonomy, and other fields of science were the devils works, and the list goes on-

In my 64 years of walking this old rock called planet earth I've learned: Ignorance = Fear. It's fear that tells Conservatives that waves of evil foreigners are invading our great nation from the southern border and spreading violence and disease. It's fear that tells Conservatives they have to own a gun, or they'll be attacked at any minute, it's fear that tells Conservatives our universities are spreading the doctrine of socialism and liberalism, which undermine the values of our fine Christian nation...just like it's fear that makes Conservatives clutch their little bibles, and believe with all their Christian souls, that Donald J Trump is going to build a great, big beautiful, and MEXICO is going to pay for it.

I feel so sorry for these folks, though their intentions are good, they're blindly placing their trust in a man who doesn't give a shit about them at all....

Why Conservatives hate education

View attachment 246344

Boston University should be ashamed of Cortez, but they aren't.
I bet that today's college graduates are less informed than the high school students from 75 years ago.
Many Trump supporters and Conservatives are less educated than most...and damn proud of it! Celebrating one's dumbness is a badge of honor for them, but why?? The answer can be found way back in the 70's during the reign of Republican Richard Nixon. In a Woody Allen film a beautiful WASPish woman was asked why she thought Mr. Allen (Character name Fielding Mellish) was a traitor to our country, she replied:

"I think Mr. Mellish is a traitor to our country because his views differ from those of the President and his kind, differences of opinion should be tolerated, but not when they're too different, then he becomes... a subversive mother!

Education forces us to consider diverse points of view, too look at things from the perspective of others. Education encourages us to think outside the box, and to seek new solutions, and expand our boundaries of understanding. This stands in stark contrast to the Conservative agenda, which tells us in little bumper sticker slogans that "we're right, and they're wrong!" "We're superior and they're inferior" "We're strong, and they're weak"

History is full of Conservative thinkers who (with the full backing of the church) taught the earth was the center of the universe, the earth was flat, many women were witches, and must be burned, the study of the stars and human autonomy, and other fields of science were the devils works, and the list goes on-

In my 64 years of walking this old rock called planet earth I've learned: Ignorance = Fear. It's fear that tells Conservatives that waves of evil foreigners are invading our great nation from the southern border and spreading violence and disease. It's fear that tells Conservatives they have to own a gun, or they'll be attacked at any minute, it's fear that tells Conservatives our universities are spreading the doctrine of socialism and liberalism, which undermine the values of our fine Christian nation...just like it's fear that makes Conservatives clutch their little bibles, and believe with all their Christian souls, that Donald J Trump is going to build a great, big beautiful, and MEXICO is going to pay for it.

I feel so sorry for these folks, though their intentions are good, they're blindly placing their trust in a man who doesn't give a shit about them at all....

Do “less educated” people always out earn more educated people?
I don't know about anyone else, but I really noticed this change beginning with Dubya, and really accelerating with Sarah Palin. Obligated to protect and defend their candidates for partisan reasons, they had to come up with a way to spin for candidates who were, uh, somewhat less than articulate.

So they decided to champion "plain spoken" qualities, one thing led to another, this momentum built, and suddenly people who sounded intelligent and articulate were demeaned for it. That, of course, led to demeaning the value of education. And, obviously, this has continued with Trump.

A weird phenomenon.

That is a funny coincidence, because the media attacked W and Palin like no other modern politicians. I see it as the beginnings of the media becoming unhinged. Their hate hate for Bush was so great that they stopped calling him the president and just used his last name. Maybe some tried to protect them because of the vicious assault? To be sure, very few people tried to protect them, after all they had the wrong letter after their name.
I don't know about anyone else, but I really noticed this change beginning with Dubya, and really accelerating with Sarah Palin. Obligated to protect and defend their candidates for partisan reasons, they had to come up with a way to spin for candidates who were, uh, somewhat less than articulate.

So they decided to champion "plain spoken" qualities, one thing led to another, this momentum built, and suddenly people who sounded intelligent and articulate were demeaned for it. That, of course, led to demeaning the value of education. And, obviously, this has continued with Trump.

A weird phenomenon.

That is a funny coincidence, because the media attacked W and Palin like no other modern politicians. I see it as the beginnings of the media becoming unhinged. Their hate hate for Bush was so great that they stopped calling him the president and just used his last name. Maybe some tried to protect them because of the vicious assault? To be sure, very few people tried to protect them, after all they had the wrong letter after their name.
Not sure what that has to do with the fact that they were not articulate.

All one had to do was view a video or hear audio of them speaking.
The only education the left loves is the indoctrination they can impose. They love any education that brings with it a lack of knowledge. The left doesn't educate. It miseducates. The left denies science in favor of social dogma. It twists history in favor of its own mythos. Then the leftist high priests of the terminally stupid call disagreement with the utter bullshit hating education.

No one hates education, just your education.

No one should be shouted down at a university, yet only conservatives are shouted down.

No one should be denied access to speak at a major university, yet only conservatives are denied this right.

Very telling.

It's as I've said, the Left in the US is as fascist as the Nazi regime.

They are so educated that they are afraid of someone else's point of view.
I can understand being frightened of the future but who are we to decide what knowledge our descendants will need and what will be superfluous long after we are dead? In the end all you can do is to give them the broadest view of the world possible and hope they will make the right choices. One thing is certain: the pace of change is accelerating and educating Americans to find change a bewildering overwhelming process is grave disservice.

I would say that the most grave of disservice is to empower amoral children with knowledge and then blame religion for all our ills.
Religious types exercising secular power are their own worst enemy. The ability to question everything and accept nothing is a extraordinarily valuable skill these days. If this means that people are less willing to accept things on faith alone what we know as religion is an acceptable loss.

The Founding Fathers were horrified at how the Church of England controlled the pulpit in England. I'm sure they were equally as horrified as the history of Constantine adopting the Christian faith to conquer with and then subsequently setting up a state church that carried such injustices out as Inquisitions/Crusades, etc. Constantine was not even a Christian, he still worshiped the pagan gods, even though he was rumored to have converted on his death bed.

Christians I think learned long ago about the evil nature of politics and the state, and to avoid a theocracy. Christ even warned that his kingdom was not of this world, nor could be. Unfortunately, Islam has never learned this lesson. In fact, their religion demands religion be combined with the state due to Sharia law.

No, I'm not an advocate of theocracy, even though I'm sure you can find a Christian or two who are. I am just a voice of warning, just as Christ was to us.

So how does one keep a moral society without mandating a state religion? The US did a pretty good job for a while, the best example that I can think of.

But alas, when the morality of society is that of a jail house, all one can do is build a wall around it and hire a warden. This I think is why Left wingers, who are fascists, want to destroy the moral fiber of society. They know that it can only lead to authoritarianism.
Morals do not guarantee an ethical society. Most people are generally decent without the mysticism and afterlife threats and rewards.

Everyone has morals, even those behind bars.

The issue is, morals that lend to a civil society.

As a rule, we are all born with the Golden Rule, told to us by Christ. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. But we all violate this understood moral code even though we understand it. What is worse, society at times justifies it in various ways.

To prove my point, Hitler justified identity politics in targeting Jews because he said that they were "vermin". They were not our equals, thus, the Golden Rule does not apply. Likewise, slaves were understood by the state to be subhuman, or a glorified ape, thus the Golden Rule need not apply. And today, we see the same with the unborn. They are not human, they are a fetus, thus the Golden Rule need not apply.

The one commonality that all three have is, these mental gymnastics are done because of one thing, the love of money which is the root of all evil in the world today. The Jews had their gold taken as they were sent off to die, the slave owners were the wealthiest colonists and, without their wealth, probably could not have fought off England, and most women who have abortions today do so because of financial concerns.

What is humbling is, how our morality can be so easily manipulated by the state. Take slavery, for example. Before it was made illegal, the general consensus was that, although not ideal, it is OK. However, centuries after being made illegal, all are in agreement that it is immoral. Likewise, before Roe vs. Wade, the general consensus was that abortion was immoral. However, decades after being made legal, the general consensus has shifted to it being OK, although not ideal.

As the Bible states, we are sheeple in may ways when it comes to morality even with the innately given Golden Rule
Morality is nothing more than the escape hatches that justify unethical behavior in certain situations.
The only education the left loves is the indoctrination they can impose. They love any education that brings with it a lack of knowledge. The left doesn't educate. It miseducates. The left denies science in favor of social dogma. It twists history in favor of its own mythos. Then the leftist high priests of the terminally stupid call disagreement with the utter bullshit hating education.

No one hates education, just your education.

No one should be shouted down at a university, yet only conservatives are shouted down.

No one should be denied access to speak at a major university, yet only conservatives are denied this right.

Very telling.

It's as I've said, the Left in the US is as fascist as the Nazi regime.

They are so educated that they are afraid of someone else's point of view.

Leftists fancy themselves as educated intellectuals while in reality they are indoctrinated fools.
Many Trump supporters and Conservatives are less educated than most...and damn proud of it! Celebrating one's dumbness is a badge of honor for them, but why?? The answer can be found way back in the 70's during the reign of Republican Richard Nixon. In a Woody Allen film a beautiful WASPish woman was asked why she thought Mr. Allen (Character name Fielding Mellish) was a traitor to our country, she replied:

"I think Mr. Mellish is a traitor to our country because his views differ from those of the President and his kind, differences of opinion should be tolerated, but not when they're too different, then he becomes... a subversive mother!

Education forces us to consider diverse points of view, too look at things from the perspective of others. Education encourages us to think outside the box, and to seek new solutions, and expand our boundaries of understanding. This stands in stark contrast to the Conservative agenda, which tells us in little bumper sticker slogans that "we're right, and they're wrong!" "We're superior and they're inferior" "We're strong, and they're weak"

History is full of Conservative thinkers who (with the full backing of the church) taught the earth was the center of the universe, the earth was flat, many women were witches, and must be burned, the study of the stars and human autonomy, and other fields of science were the devils works, and the list goes on-

In my 64 years of walking this old rock called planet earth I've learned: Ignorance = Fear. It's fear that tells Conservatives that waves of evil foreigners are invading our great nation from the southern border and spreading violence and disease. It's fear that tells Conservatives they have to own a gun, or they'll be attacked at any minute, it's fear that tells Conservatives our universities are spreading the doctrine of socialism and liberalism, which undermine the values of our fine Christian nation...just like it's fear that makes Conservatives clutch their little bibles, and believe with all their Christian souls, that Donald J Trump is going to build a great, big beautiful, and MEXICO is going to pay for it.

I feel so sorry for these folks, though their intentions are good, they're blindly placing their trust in a man who doesn't give a shit about them at all....

What the left celebrates as education is indoctrination. They have rejected history and true scholarship in favor of socialist, racist, anti-humanity garbage that is preached from the pulpit of our classrooms.

Conservatives are rejecting ideologues and the marxist garbage they preach. Brainwashed leftist goons don't like that.

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