Why democrats are the lesser of two evils

So me criticizing their governing prior to 2010, calling them pussies, and expressing my dislike for Nancy....doesn't count?
oh my you called them pussies....:eek-52:.....lets see you do a thread ripping Democrats like you do Republicans......ripping the Republicans in a nice long thread and then adding....oh by the way....those Democrats are pussies......yea that convinced me.....sorry Billy to sound convincing you have to show some anger....you dont show nothing but love to the left.....when you first got here Billy i would have believed you.....now you are no different than Dean and Lakota....its always i hate republicans.....and those democrats?...as long as they fuck me behind my back..... its cool....they are the lessor evil after all..........
Okay I'll make you a deal. I think you're a hypocrite so I don't think you would ever do this for republicans. Prove me wrong. If you make a thread about how full of shit republicans are I will counter with a thread about democrat bullshit.
you think im a hypocrite but yet i am on record here in this forum saying both parties suck.....i am the guy who said a few times here....Republicans tell you to your face what they think of you and Democrats tell you what you want to hear and show their true colors when they fuck you behind your back,like they did with the PO......im the guy who goes against righties in the threads about Pot,Health Care,Unions,Mexicans.....whats the matter Billy you have problems if someone calls out your hypocrisy?....just because i speak out against some of the far lefties and the shit they say Billy does not mean i support the Republicans.....i do the same with some of the far righties too.....doesnt mean i like Democrats....
Lol just because you refuse to believe me when I say I don't like democrats does not make it my problem. Believe what you want dude. I don't care. And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist. From what I can tell, there are no members on this board who have identified themselves as socialist. The day one comes along, I will post my disagreement in his or hers thread. Good god though...far righty tighties are everywhere on here.

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't.
And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.
i dont?.....talk to Katz and Shootspeeders just 2 that i can think of now,and go into the threads about the topics i mentioned....now give me 2 lefties you have criticized....whoops brick wall?....

Believe what you want dude. I don't care
and we all know why that is....right Billy?.....

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't
did i ever say they did?.....you think im a RW yet i have been in quite a few threads here agreeing with the Liberals....how many threads have you been in agreeing with a Conservative idea?...

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist
in my opinion its a Lefty/Liberal/Democrat who has the attitude of...."if you dont agree with us or want what we want ...FUCK you".....and there are quite a few of them around here......they have the same attitude as their cousins on the far right.....and you are right ...there are a bunch of them around here too....
Okay let me ask you this: what specific liberal POLICIES do you agree with?
your right....it has always been a nice blend of Socialism and Capitalism... but many of the Capitalist have gotten greedy and many of the Socialist programs have gotten out of hand....hence here we are at each others throats.....because of the assholes who live to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else....
oh my you called them pussies....:eek-52:.....lets see you do a thread ripping Democrats like you do Republicans......ripping the Republicans in a nice long thread and then adding....oh by the way....those Democrats are pussies......yea that convinced me.....sorry Billy to sound convincing you have to show some anger....you dont show nothing but love to the left.....when you first got here Billy i would have believed you.....now you are no different than Dean and Lakota....its always i hate republicans.....and those democrats?...as long as they fuck me behind my back..... its cool....they are the lessor evil after all..........
Okay I'll make you a deal. I think you're a hypocrite so I don't think you would ever do this for republicans. Prove me wrong. If you make a thread about how full of shit republicans are I will counter with a thread about democrat bullshit.
you think im a hypocrite but yet i am on record here in this forum saying both parties suck.....i am the guy who said a few times here....Republicans tell you to your face what they think of you and Democrats tell you what you want to hear and show their true colors when they fuck you behind your back,like they did with the PO......im the guy who goes against righties in the threads about Pot,Health Care,Unions,Mexicans.....whats the matter Billy you have problems if someone calls out your hypocrisy?....just because i speak out against some of the far lefties and the shit they say Billy does not mean i support the Republicans.....i do the same with some of the far righties too.....doesnt mean i like Democrats....
Lol just because you refuse to believe me when I say I don't like democrats does not make it my problem. Believe what you want dude. I don't care. And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist. From what I can tell, there are no members on this board who have identified themselves as socialist. The day one comes along, I will post my disagreement in his or hers thread. Good god though...far righty tighties are everywhere on here.

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't.
And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.
i dont?.....talk to Katz and Shootspeeders just 2 that i can think of now,and go into the threads about the topics i mentioned....now give me 2 lefties you have criticized....whoops brick wall?....

Believe what you want dude. I don't care
and we all know why that is....right Billy?.....

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't
did i ever say they did?.....you think im a RW yet i have been in quite a few threads here agreeing with the Liberals....how many threads have you been in agreeing with a Conservative idea?...

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist
in my opinion its a Lefty/Liberal/Democrat who has the attitude of...."if you dont agree with us or want what we want ...FUCK you".....and there are quite a few of them around here......they have the same attitude as their cousins on the far right.....and you are right ...there are a bunch of them around here too....
Okay let me ask you this: what specific liberal POLICIES do you agree with?
The ones thaat don't involve more government in our lives or tax and spending increases...oh yeah, there aren't any like that.
oh my you called them pussies....:eek-52:.....lets see you do a thread ripping Democrats like you do Republicans......ripping the Republicans in a nice long thread and then adding....oh by the way....those Democrats are pussies......yea that convinced me.....sorry Billy to sound convincing you have to show some anger....you dont show nothing but love to the left.....when you first got here Billy i would have believed you.....now you are no different than Dean and Lakota....its always i hate republicans.....and those democrats?...as long as they fuck me behind my back..... its cool....they are the lessor evil after all..........
Okay I'll make you a deal. I think you're a hypocrite so I don't think you would ever do this for republicans. Prove me wrong. If you make a thread about how full of shit republicans are I will counter with a thread about democrat bullshit.
you think im a hypocrite but yet i am on record here in this forum saying both parties suck.....i am the guy who said a few times here....Republicans tell you to your face what they think of you and Democrats tell you what you want to hear and show their true colors when they fuck you behind your back,like they did with the PO......im the guy who goes against righties in the threads about Pot,Health Care,Unions,Mexicans.....whats the matter Billy you have problems if someone calls out your hypocrisy?....just because i speak out against some of the far lefties and the shit they say Billy does not mean i support the Republicans.....i do the same with some of the far righties too.....doesnt mean i like Democrats....
Lol just because you refuse to believe me when I say I don't like democrats does not make it my problem. Believe what you want dude. I don't care. And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist. From what I can tell, there are no members on this board who have identified themselves as socialist. The day one comes along, I will post my disagreement in his or hers thread. Good god though...far righty tighties are everywhere on here.

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't.
And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.
i dont?.....talk to Katz and Shootspeeders just 2 that i can think of now,and go into the threads about the topics i mentioned....now give me 2 lefties you have criticized....whoops brick wall?....

Believe what you want dude. I don't care
and we all know why that is....right Billy?.....

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't
did i ever say they did?.....you think im a RW yet i have been in quite a few threads here agreeing with the Liberals....how many threads have you been in agreeing with a Conservative idea?...

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist
in my opinion its a Lefty/Liberal/Democrat who has the attitude of...."if you dont agree with us or want what we want ...FUCK you".....and there are quite a few of them around here......they have the same attitude as their cousins on the far right.....and you are right ...there are a bunch of them around here too....
Okay let me ask you this: what specific liberal POLICIES do you agree with?
Billy if you want to know my opinion give me a Liberal policy and i will tell you where i stand.....or give me a few....i will answer....it may be tonight though.....right now i am leaving......
How freaking long does it take for left leaning alleged independents to see the freaking handwriting on the wall? The half century LBJ "war on poverty" is not only an abject failure but an unintended consequence is that the out of wedlock birth rate among Blacks has gone from around 20% before LBJ's "great society" to around 80% today. The low information radical left lives by cliches and emotion and facts seldom get in the way. Decades of democrat policies have increased the poverty rate. The open borders that democrats think might lead to a new Hispanic voting base are actually ruining the economy of the border states. The foreign policy is so convoluted that even liberal John Kerry, the secretary of state, says "the enemy has a 30 year plan and we don't even have a five year plan. The fake science of "man-made global warming" has made fly-by-night solar factories rich and windmills are killing migratory birds but the junk does not work and nobody is buying two hundred K battery cars. Low energy prices are the secret but Hussein doesn't seem to get it. Even democrat candidates are so disgusted that they refuse to admit they voted for Barry Hussein.
your right....it has always been a nice blend of Socialism and Capitalism... but many of the Capitalist have gotten greedy and many of the Socialist programs have gotten out of hand....hence here we are at each others throats.....because of the assholes who live to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else....
Ah Harry I'll give you props for this answer.
oh my you called them pussies....:eek-52:.....lets see you do a thread ripping Democrats like you do Republicans......ripping the Republicans in a nice long thread and then adding....oh by the way....those Democrats are pussies......yea that convinced me.....sorry Billy to sound convincing you have to show some anger....you dont show nothing but love to the left.....when you first got here Billy i would have believed you.....now you are no different than Dean and Lakota....its always i hate republicans.....and those democrats?...as long as they fuck me behind my back..... its cool....they are the lessor evil after all..........
Okay I'll make you a deal. I think you're a hypocrite so I don't think you would ever do this for republicans. Prove me wrong. If you make a thread about how full of shit republicans are I will counter with a thread about democrat bullshit.
you think im a hypocrite but yet i am on record here in this forum saying both parties suck.....i am the guy who said a few times here....Republicans tell you to your face what they think of you and Democrats tell you what you want to hear and show their true colors when they fuck you behind your back,like they did with the PO......im the guy who goes against righties in the threads about Pot,Health Care,Unions,Mexicans.....whats the matter Billy you have problems if someone calls out your hypocrisy?....just because i speak out against some of the far lefties and the shit they say Billy does not mean i support the Republicans.....i do the same with some of the far righties too.....doesnt mean i like Democrats....
Lol just because you refuse to believe me when I say I don't like democrats does not make it my problem. Believe what you want dude. I don't care. And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist. From what I can tell, there are no members on this board who have identified themselves as socialist. The day one comes along, I will post my disagreement in his or hers thread. Good god though...far righty tighties are everywhere on here.

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't.
And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.
i dont?.....talk to Katz and Shootspeeders just 2 that i can think of now,and go into the threads about the topics i mentioned....now give me 2 lefties you have criticized....whoops brick wall?....

Believe what you want dude. I don't care
and we all know why that is....right Billy?.....

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't
did i ever say they did?.....you think im a RW yet i have been in quite a few threads here agreeing with the Liberals....how many threads have you been in agreeing with a Conservative idea?...

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist
in my opinion its a Lefty/Liberal/Democrat who has the attitude of...."if you dont agree with us or want what we want ...FUCK you".....and there are quite a few of them around here......they have the same attitude as their cousins on the far right.....and you are right ...there are a bunch of them around here too....
Okay let me ask you this: what specific liberal POLICIES do you agree with?

Oh' the praising of the violent black thugs for trashing entire cities....For one.
Another is lying about the crime rate and who does it.
Another is telling men that we shouldn't have any say in our families
Okay I'll make you a deal. I think you're a hypocrite so I don't think you would ever do this for republicans. Prove me wrong. If you make a thread about how full of shit republicans are I will counter with a thread about democrat bullshit.
you think im a hypocrite but yet i am on record here in this forum saying both parties suck.....i am the guy who said a few times here....Republicans tell you to your face what they think of you and Democrats tell you what you want to hear and show their true colors when they fuck you behind your back,like they did with the PO......im the guy who goes against righties in the threads about Pot,Health Care,Unions,Mexicans.....whats the matter Billy you have problems if someone calls out your hypocrisy?....just because i speak out against some of the far lefties and the shit they say Billy does not mean i support the Republicans.....i do the same with some of the far righties too.....doesnt mean i like Democrats....
Lol just because you refuse to believe me when I say I don't like democrats does not make it my problem. Believe what you want dude. I don't care. And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist. From what I can tell, there are no members on this board who have identified themselves as socialist. The day one comes along, I will post my disagreement in his or hers thread. Good god though...far righty tighties are everywhere on here.

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't.
And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.
i dont?.....talk to Katz and Shootspeeders just 2 that i can think of now,and go into the threads about the topics i mentioned....now give me 2 lefties you have criticized....whoops brick wall?....

Believe what you want dude. I don't care
and we all know why that is....right Billy?.....

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't
did i ever say they did?.....you think im a RW yet i have been in quite a few threads here agreeing with the Liberals....how many threads have you been in agreeing with a Conservative idea?...

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist
in my opinion its a Lefty/Liberal/Democrat who has the attitude of...."if you dont agree with us or want what we want ...FUCK you".....and there are quite a few of them around here......they have the same attitude as their cousins on the far right.....and you are right ...there are a bunch of them around here too....
Okay let me ask you this: what specific liberal POLICIES do you agree with?

Oh' the praising of the violent black thugs for trashing entire cities....For one.
Another is lying about the crime rate and who does it.
Another is telling men that we shouldn't have any say in our families
I agree with your first two points but I'm not sure what you mean by your third.

Come on, Matthew. I know you're intelligent. It is evidenced by the spot on thread you made about the importance of government a few months back. I just don't understand some of the stuff you say sometimes. It's so off the wall partisan. I think deep down you don't want to identify as republican. You're a pro government liberal like me. Ditch these nutters.
Okay I'll make you a deal. I think you're a hypocrite so I don't think you would ever do this for republicans. Prove me wrong. If you make a thread about how full of shit republicans are I will counter with a thread about democrat bullshit.
you think im a hypocrite but yet i am on record here in this forum saying both parties suck.....i am the guy who said a few times here....Republicans tell you to your face what they think of you and Democrats tell you what you want to hear and show their true colors when they fuck you behind your back,like they did with the PO......im the guy who goes against righties in the threads about Pot,Health Care,Unions,Mexicans.....whats the matter Billy you have problems if someone calls out your hypocrisy?....just because i speak out against some of the far lefties and the shit they say Billy does not mean i support the Republicans.....i do the same with some of the far righties too.....doesnt mean i like Democrats....
Lol just because you refuse to believe me when I say I don't like democrats does not make it my problem. Believe what you want dude. I don't care. And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist. From what I can tell, there are no members on this board who have identified themselves as socialist. The day one comes along, I will post my disagreement in his or hers thread. Good god though...far righty tighties are everywhere on here.

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't.
And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.
i dont?.....talk to Katz and Shootspeeders just 2 that i can think of now,and go into the threads about the topics i mentioned....now give me 2 lefties you have criticized....whoops brick wall?....

Believe what you want dude. I don't care
and we all know why that is....right Billy?.....

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't
did i ever say they did?.....you think im a RW yet i have been in quite a few threads here agreeing with the Liberals....how many threads have you been in agreeing with a Conservative idea?...

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist
in my opinion its a Lefty/Liberal/Democrat who has the attitude of...."if you dont agree with us or want what we want ...FUCK you".....and there are quite a few of them around here......they have the same attitude as their cousins on the far right.....and you are right ...there are a bunch of them around here too....
Okay let me ask you this: what specific liberal POLICIES do you agree with?

Oh' the praising of the violent black thugs for trashing entire cities....For one.
Another is lying about the crime rate and who does it.
Another is telling men that we shouldn't have any say in our families
you agree with those?....
you think im a hypocrite but yet i am on record here in this forum saying both parties suck.....i am the guy who said a few times here....Republicans tell you to your face what they think of you and Democrats tell you what you want to hear and show their true colors when they fuck you behind your back,like they did with the PO......im the guy who goes against righties in the threads about Pot,Health Care,Unions,Mexicans.....whats the matter Billy you have problems if someone calls out your hypocrisy?....just because i speak out against some of the far lefties and the shit they say Billy does not mean i support the Republicans.....i do the same with some of the far righties too.....doesnt mean i like Democrats....
Lol just because you refuse to believe me when I say I don't like democrats does not make it my problem. Believe what you want dude. I don't care. And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist. From what I can tell, there are no members on this board who have identified themselves as socialist. The day one comes along, I will post my disagreement in his or hers thread. Good god though...far righty tighties are everywhere on here.

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't.
And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.
i dont?.....talk to Katz and Shootspeeders just 2 that i can think of now,and go into the threads about the topics i mentioned....now give me 2 lefties you have criticized....whoops brick wall?....

Believe what you want dude. I don't care
and we all know why that is....right Billy?.....

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't
did i ever say they did?.....you think im a RW yet i have been in quite a few threads here agreeing with the Liberals....how many threads have you been in agreeing with a Conservative idea?...

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist
in my opinion its a Lefty/Liberal/Democrat who has the attitude of...."if you dont agree with us or want what we want ...FUCK you".....and there are quite a few of them around here......they have the same attitude as their cousins on the far right.....and you are right ...there are a bunch of them around here too....
Okay let me ask you this: what specific liberal POLICIES do you agree with?

Oh' the praising of the violent black thugs for trashing entire cities....For one.
Another is lying about the crime rate and who does it.
Another is telling men that we shouldn't have any say in our families
I agree with your first two points but I'm not sure what you mean by your third.

Come on, Matthew. I know you're intelligent. It is evidenced by the spot on thread you made about the importance of government a few months back. I just don't understand some of the stuff you say sometimes. It's so off the wall partisan. I think deep down you don't want to identify as republican. You're a pro government liberal like me. Ditch these nutters.
you agree with those Billy?.....
Same talking points different day.
Your side is the worst...no yours is...well my side is better...no mine is...well your side hates everything...well your side hates worser...well...

Fart in the wind.
All a colossal waste of time and does nothing but distract everyone from realizing that this country is on a very bad path, has been for several decades - and getting worse.
It isn't Obama that did it, it wasn't Bush, it wasn't even Reagan. It wasn't the Republican majority in the 90's or the Democrat majority of the 2000's..... IT WAS ALL OF THEM.
Our entire federal system is DEEEEEPLY corrupt and in complete collusion with super corporations, the central banks and special interest. PERIOD.
And that is why since 2009 the top 7% have basked in a 35% earnings increase while the 93% rest of us have sucked on a 5% decrease in earnings. Actual cash decrease.
Obama didn't fix jack shit. Just like Bush.
Thinking republicans and democrats are equally evil is just as dumb as saying one isn't evil at all.
saying you will take Dracula over Satan is pretty dumb too Billy...
I take Dracula vampires get the hot women.
i bet Satan does too.....
Lol just because you refuse to believe me when I say I don't like democrats does not make it my problem. Believe what you want dude. I don't care. And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist. From what I can tell, there are no members on this board who have identified themselves as socialist. The day one comes along, I will post my disagreement in his or hers thread. Good god though...far righty tighties are everywhere on here.

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't.
And no, you don't do shit to criticize far righties.
i dont?.....talk to Katz and Shootspeeders just 2 that i can think of now,and go into the threads about the topics i mentioned....now give me 2 lefties you have criticized....whoops brick wall?....

Believe what you want dude. I don't care
and we all know why that is....right Billy?.....

Show me a RW on this board who agrees with any liberal policies. You can't
did i ever say they did?.....you think im a RW yet i have been in quite a few threads here agreeing with the Liberals....how many threads have you been in agreeing with a Conservative idea?...

In my opinion a true far left is a socialist
in my opinion its a Lefty/Liberal/Democrat who has the attitude of...."if you dont agree with us or want what we want ...FUCK you".....and there are quite a few of them around here......they have the same attitude as their cousins on the far right.....and you are right ...there are a bunch of them around here too....
Okay let me ask you this: what specific liberal POLICIES do you agree with?

Oh' the praising of the violent black thugs for trashing entire cities....For one.
Another is lying about the crime rate and who does it.
Another is telling men that we shouldn't have any say in our families
I agree with your first two points but I'm not sure what you mean by your third.

Come on, Matthew. I know you're intelligent. It is evidenced by the spot on thread you made about the importance of government a few months back. I just don't understand some of the stuff you say sometimes. It's so off the wall partisan. I think deep down you don't want to identify as republican. You're a pro government liberal like me. Ditch these nutters.
you agree with those Billy?.....
For the most part yes. I think the black community needs to take a good long look in the mirror and people like Al Sharpton need to recognize that. However, racism does a play a role in this. To me it's become a bit of a chicken or the egg situation with the black community and the police. Both sides need to admit fault.

Here's a bonus for you Harry. I completely agree with Bill Maher's view of Islam. Mull that over.

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