Why did Feinstein sit on the Kavanaugh letter?

Because Dr. Ford wasn't ready to go public.
yea, she had to clean up her profiles first. why is that?

also - do you believe 1 person over 65? if so, why?

those 65 women weren't in the room with her. AND she has documentation from 2012 thru medical records that it was discussed with her therapist

AND she took a polygraph test where the results said she was being truthful.

How do we know they weren't in the room, she doesn't remember where or when. As for those medical records and polygraph is Kavanaugh identified by name, if not then the records and polygraph prove nothing.

I've never used the word "equal", sorry. Ever.

But you sure can be similar in your behaviors.

mac, you don't have to actually say it. i've seen enough of your posts on the board. with TRUMP et al? you bet i am biased. i am going purely on evidence thus far just how corrupt & the grifting going on ...& the more time goes on- seeing the outright treason being committed.

please... if this were (D)s with obama leading the way in being a russian asset - i sure as hell would be shouting that he needs to go. but you go on with your 'both sides do it therefore there is no comparison' game.
Sure will, and you keep proving it for me. Thanks.

you aren't even willing to admit that he's knee deep in russian money. so there is that.
Okay, show me. Then I'll certainly believe it.

sure. mueller is well on his way & with everything 'circumstantial' & all the flippers & cooperating witness' you will wait & see? lol.... m'k.

Almost at the two year mark. What a lot of fun it has been to watch this circus.

If ever there was a need to define "Nothingburger", this would be it.
I've never used the word "equal", sorry. Ever.

But you sure can be similar in your behaviors.

mac, you don't have to actually say it. i've seen enough of your posts on the board. with TRUMP et al? you bet i am biased. i am going purely on evidence thus far just how corrupt & the grifting going on ...& the more time goes on- seeing the outright treason being committed.

please... if this were (D)s with obama leading the way in being a russian asset - i sure as hell would be shouting that he needs to go. but you go on with your 'both sides do it therefore there is no comparison' game.
Sure will, and you keep proving it for me. Thanks.

you aren't even willing to admit that he's knee deep in russian money. so there is that.
Okay, show me. Then I'll certainly believe it.

sure. mueller is well on his way & with everything 'circumstantial' & all the flippers & cooperating witness' you will wait & see? lol.... m'k.
Great, thanks. At least you admit you can't prove it, and yet you still assume it.

One of the many, many behaviors both ends share.
Because Dr. Ford wasn't ready to go public.
yea, she had to clean up her profiles first. why is that?

also - do you believe 1 person over 65? if so, why?

those 65 women weren't in the room with her. AND she has documentation from 2012 thru medical records that it was discussed with her therapist

AND she took a polygraph test where the results said she was being truthful.

How do we know they weren't in the room, she doesn't remember where or when. As for those medical records and polygraph is Kavanaugh identified by name, if not then the records and polygraph prove nothing.


He could be as guilty as hell and he should still be confirmed.

If this was a repeated pattern of behaviour......might be different.
yea, she had to clean up her profiles first. why is that?

also - do you believe 1 person over 65? if so, why?

those 65 women weren't in the room with her.
those 65 women also said he wouldn't have been either.

you're taking it on faith a highly cleaned up "profile" is telling the truth w/o proof or witnesses. just her own word.

if this were coming after someone you supported, would it be enough to change your mind or suddenly hate the accused? esp if 65 people said that was WAY out of character? if you say it's enough then all i need is 1 person to say you did this to them and then it must be true.

that is in essence what you are saying so unless you're willing to be found "guilty" by the same actions, you'd be a hypocrite to do it here.

lol... i am a female & would believe the accuser first. you seem to think i am partisan when it comes to something like this. you are mistaken.

alcohol is playing a role in this. someone who wouldn't normally act like an animal sober - can very well turn into one after having a belly full of it.

did you stop & think that this line of questioning & the inevitable course that it is taking already had anything to do with her reluctance? imagine what it would have been like back then.

THIS is why females always weigh one way or the other what they are risking by going public. i wonder what rush limbaugh has in his bag of goodies ready to go when he opens his show today. look what he did to sandra fluke's reputation & that had nothing to do with an attempted rape.

BUT the victim is willing to go under oath. so..... perhaps it will be *you* who is the hypocritical partison one. btw... the (D)s went right after franken demanding his resignation & he complied.
/---/ No one doubts women's reluctance to come forward, but this time it stinks of partisan politics. democRATs protected Slick Willie and publicly attacked his accusers.
Monday, September 17, 2018

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998
by Kristinn Taylor January 5, 2016 33 Comments
A 1998 interview confirms allegations by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton was involved in attacking women who accused her husband, then President Bill Clinton, of assault and other sexual improprieties.

In the interview, Hillary said those accusing and investigating her husband “would have a lot to answer for” and that their backgrounds would be investigated.

Hillary Card Denied - Do not pass Go, Do NOT collect $200

/---/ So the clintons can get away with everything while you cry deflection. Too bad Spanky, we're in your face with your double standard.
mac, you don't have to actually say it. i've seen enough of your posts on the board. with TRUMP et al? you bet i am biased. i am going purely on evidence thus far just how corrupt & the grifting going on ...& the more time goes on- seeing the outright treason being committed.

please... if this were (D)s with obama leading the way in being a russian asset - i sure as hell would be shouting that he needs to go. but you go on with your 'both sides do it therefore there is no comparison' game.
Sure will, and you keep proving it for me. Thanks.

you aren't even willing to admit that he's knee deep in russian money. so there is that.
Okay, show me. Then I'll certainly believe it.

sure. mueller is well on his way & with everything 'circumstantial' & all the flippers & cooperating witness' you will wait & see? lol.... m'k.
Great, thanks. At least you admit you can't prove it, and yet you still assume it.

One of the many, many behaviors both ends share.

let's just say that what is presented so far, it sure looks like it there is treasonous acts...

it's not up to me to 'prove' anything. but only a blind fool would admit it's all just hot air. like you have...
those 65 women also said he wouldn't have been either.

you're taking it on faith a highly cleaned up "profile" is telling the truth w/o proof or witnesses. just her own word.

if this were coming after someone you supported, would it be enough to change your mind or suddenly hate the accused? esp if 65 people said that was WAY out of character? if you say it's enough then all i need is 1 person to say you did this to them and then it must be true.

that is in essence what you are saying so unless you're willing to be found "guilty" by the same actions, you'd be a hypocrite to do it here.

lol... i am a female & would believe the accuser first. you seem to think i am partisan when it comes to something like this. you are mistaken.

alcohol is playing a role in this. someone who wouldn't normally act like an animal sober - can very well turn into one after having a belly full of it.

did you stop & think that this line of questioning & the inevitable course that it is taking already had anything to do with her reluctance? imagine what it would have been like back then.

THIS is why females always weigh one way or the other what they are risking by going public. i wonder what rush limbaugh has in his bag of goodies ready to go when he opens his show today. look what he did to sandra fluke's reputation & that had nothing to do with an attempted rape.

BUT the victim is willing to go under oath. so..... perhaps it will be *you* who is the hypocritical partison one. btw... the (D)s went right after franken demanding his resignation & he complied.
/---/ No one doubts women's reluctance to come forward, but this time it stinks of partisan politics. democRATs protected Slick Willie and publicly attacked his accusers.
Monday, September 17, 2018

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998
by Kristinn Taylor January 5, 2016 33 Comments
A 1998 interview confirms allegations by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton was involved in attacking women who accused her husband, then President Bill Clinton, of assault and other sexual improprieties.

In the interview, Hillary said those accusing and investigating her husband “would have a lot to answer for” and that their backgrounds would be investigated.

lol.... but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's all you got, you poor poor trumpanzee.
/----/ Can't you address the democRAT double standard? "lol.... but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is not a rebuttal.

It is actually when BUT HILLARY!!! is not a rebuttal from your end of the stick. :)
/----/ But Hillary set the standard for harassing women accusers. She deserves the credit, don't ya think?.
The one person the Fake Accuser cites as being a witness denies the incident took place.

the other dude in the room? shocker.

She presented no evidence and only mentioned one other person.

You are a dupe for the Left who insist that Kavanaugh prove his innocence.


So what if he's gullty....confirm and move on.

An anonymous and fake accusation is not proof of guilt, bub.
lol... i am a female & would believe the accuser first. you seem to think i am partisan when it comes to something like this. you are mistaken.

alcohol is playing a role in this. someone who wouldn't normally act like an animal sober - can very well turn into one after having a belly full of it.

did you stop & think that this line of questioning & the inevitable course that it is taking already had anything to do with her reluctance? imagine what it would have been like back then.

THIS is why females always weigh one way or the other what they are risking by going public. i wonder what rush limbaugh has in his bag of goodies ready to go when he opens his show today. look what he did to sandra fluke's reputation & that had nothing to do with an attempted rape.

BUT the victim is willing to go under oath. so..... perhaps it will be *you* who is the hypocritical partison one. btw... the (D)s went right after franken demanding his resignation & he complied.
/---/ No one doubts women's reluctance to come forward, but this time it stinks of partisan politics. democRATs protected Slick Willie and publicly attacked his accusers.
Monday, September 17, 2018

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998
by Kristinn Taylor January 5, 2016 33 Comments
A 1998 interview confirms allegations by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton was involved in attacking women who accused her husband, then President Bill Clinton, of assault and other sexual improprieties.

In the interview, Hillary said those accusing and investigating her husband “would have a lot to answer for” and that their backgrounds would be investigated.

lol.... but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's all you got, you poor poor trumpanzee.
/----/ Can't you address the democRAT double standard? "lol.... but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is not a rebuttal.

It is actually when BUT HILLARY!!! is not a rebuttal from your end of the stick. :)
/----/ But Hillary set the standard for harassing women accusers. She deserves the credit, don't ya think?.

That's stupid, so no
/---/ No one doubts women's reluctance to come forward, but this time it stinks of partisan politics. democRATs protected Slick Willie and publicly attacked his accusers.
Monday, September 17, 2018

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998
by Kristinn Taylor January 5, 2016 33 Comments
A 1998 interview confirms allegations by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton was involved in attacking women who accused her husband, then President Bill Clinton, of assault and other sexual improprieties.

In the interview, Hillary said those accusing and investigating her husband “would have a lot to answer for” and that their backgrounds would be investigated.

lol.... but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's all you got, you poor poor trumpanzee.
/----/ Can't you address the democRAT double standard? "lol.... but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is not a rebuttal.

It is actually when BUT HILLARY!!! is not a rebuttal from your end of the stick. :)
/----/ But Hillary set the standard for harassing women accusers. She deserves the credit, don't ya think?.

That's stupid, so no
/----/ In case you missed it:
Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998
by Kristinn Taylor January 5, 2016 33 Comments
A 1998 interview confirms allegations by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton was involved in attacking women who accused her husband, then President Bill Clinton, of assault and other sexual improprieties.

In the interview, Hillary said those accusing and investigating her husband “would have a lot to answer for” and that their backgrounds would be investigated.
The one person the Fake Accuser cites as being a witness denies the incident took place.

the other dude in the room? shocker.

She presented no evidence and only mentioned one other person.

You are a dupe for the Left who insist that Kavanaugh prove his innocence.


So what if he's gullty....confirm and move on.

An anonymous and fake accusation is not proof of guilt, bub.

This is all "He said, she said".

And it is coming out now ?

If the left is conisistent, there will be 20 women start to come forward with the same line of bullshit.
lol.... but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's all you got, you poor poor trumpanzee.
/----/ Can't you address the democRAT double standard? "lol.... but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is not a rebuttal.

It is actually when BUT HILLARY!!! is not a rebuttal from your end of the stick. :)
/----/ But Hillary set the standard for harassing women accusers. She deserves the credit, don't ya think?.

That's stupid, so no
/----/ In case you missed it:
Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998
by Kristinn Taylor January 5, 2016 33 Comments
A 1998 interview confirms allegations by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton was involved in attacking women who accused her husband, then President Bill Clinton, of assault and other sexual improprieties.

In the interview, Hillary said those accusing and investigating her husband “would have a lot to answer for” and that their backgrounds would be investigated.

It was a dem. It was all good. Theyre hypocrites. It the Rs bow down to the dems on this, they can all get thrown out.
The one person the Fake Accuser cites as being a witness denies the incident took place.

the other dude in the room? shocker.

She presented no evidence and only mentioned one other person.

You are a dupe for the Left who insist that Kavanaugh prove his innocence.


So what if he's gullty....confirm and move on.

An anonymous and fake accusation is not proof of guilt, bub.

I would agree.

But I really don't care if it happened or not.

It's a one time deal....35 years ago.

It is nothing.

Confirm him and let's get on with things.

Responding to it is only giving it credibility.

Something it does not deserve.

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