Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.
With the exception of Bob Dole and Bob Michaels, Carter had very little help on the hill....from either party. Domestically he was done in by Democrats in Congress that resented the rube. Many of them thought they deserved to be in the White House instead of him.
Actually...Carter brokered a lasting peace accord between Egypt and Israel ( w Began and Sadat at Camp David) ...something no prez was able to do before... Also was the first to establish a National Energy Policy, established the Panama Canal Treaties, Boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow after the USSR invaded Afghanistan, bailed out Chrysler, signed the Airline deregulation Act, removing gov control of that industry, deregulated the American Beer Industry and had the balls to try rescue U.S.hostages from Iran, although that particular effort didn't work out...
All in all..not to shabby for a 1 term prez, although he seems to be remembered just for that failure and a sucky economy...not his many accomplishments.
He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and started the Habitat for Humanity Project, which he continues to be involved in...but that was after his presidency.

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Ha...That was Egypt in surrender mode. Remember, Egypt's military got it's ass handed to them by Israel's.
Carter may have been able to get Egypt to roll over and piss itself. But the Palestinians were another matter. No dice there.
Look, Carter had his moments. But when the people believe the administration is ignoring or neglecting kitchen table issues( Jobs, housing values, energy shortages,etc) that is what they will remember.
What killed Carter's presidency was skyrocketing interest rates, high gas prices combined with gas rationing, and high unemployment.
Carter also froze federal hiring and instituted wage and price controls, which made things that much worse. He also made a speech that included the words, "...must get used to a lower standard of living"...You don't tell Americans who work and produce that their efforts are to no avail. That no matter how hard you work, you'll be going backward...And all because the administration enacted policies that made things worse.
Let's see the proof. Where's the indictment?

The President of Iran, The Prime Minister of Israel, The Reagan/Bush staff member, The Portuguese Prime Minister who was assassinated by the CIA who said he had documents about the October Surprise....

It doesn't take a genius to make the connection between Iranians who demanded weapons from Carter for the Hostages to Reagan who gave weapons to Iran. And those are facts.
In other words, you have no fucking proof, just accusations and conspiracy theories that you can't back up.

There will never be enough proof to Reagan supporters and there was never a serious investigation.
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The President of Iran, The Prime Minister of Israel, The Reagan/Bush staff member, The Portuguese Prime Minister who was assassinated by the CIA who said he had documents about the October Surprise....

It doesn't take a genius to make the connection between Iranians who demanded weapons from Carter for the Hostages to Reagan who gave weapons to Iran. And those are facts.
In other words, you have no fucking proof, just accusations and conspiracy theories that you can't back up.

There will never bee enough proof to Reagan supporters and there was never a serious investigation.
And you have absolutely NONE. ZERO proof. If there was any way in hell the Democrats could prove something criminal like that against Reagan, you know damn good and well they would have done it by now, no matter HOW much they had to spend.
Let's do a thought experiment.

John Kerry was elected president in 1976.

What would the world be like today?

Something to ponder.

Carter was a great humanitarian and fine person but had no great leadership ability nor any experience in foreign affairs or national politics. The Soviets invasion of Afghanistan, Islamic terrors in Iran capturing US civilians, inflation, an energy crisis, and a nation with extreme distrust of government after the Viet Nam war and Watergate begged for a great leader and Cartier just didn't fill bill. However, he did restore a more constitutional balance in government after the excesses of the Johnson and Nixon and is remembered for the Camp David Accords where he mediated a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.

He actually accomplished more after his presidency than his 4 years in the Whitehouse.
In other words, you have no fucking proof, just accusations and conspiracy theories that you can't back up.

There will never bee enough proof to Reagan supporters and there was never a serious investigation.
And you have absolutely NONE. ZERO proof. If there was any way in hell the Democrats could prove something criminal like that against Reagan, you know damn good and well they would have done it by now, no matter HOW much they had to spend.

Democrats want to have kumbaya moments when they are in power. GOP had nothing on Clinton or Obama but that doesn't stop Republicans from wasting billions in taxpayer money on ridiculous hearings.
Carter was a great humanitarian and fine person but had no great leadership ability nor any experience in foreign affairs or national politics. The Soviets invasion of Afghanistan, Islamic terrors in Iran capturing US civilians, inflation, an energy crisis, and a nation with extreme distrust of government after the Viet Nam war and Watergate begged for a great leader and Cartier just didn't fill bill. However, he did restore a more constitutional balance in government after the excesses of the Johnson and Nixon and is remembered for the Camp David Accords where he mediated a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.

He actually accomplished more after his presidency than his 4 years in the Whitehouse.
What, exactly, has he accomplished?
Let's do another thought experiment.

Jimmy Carter runs against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democrat Party primaries.

Who will you vote for?

Carter was a great humanitarian and fine person but had no great leadership ability nor any experience in foreign affairs or national politics. The Soviets invasion of Afghanistan, Islamic terrors in Iran capturing US civilians, inflation, an energy crisis, and a nation with extreme distrust of government after the Viet Nam war and Watergate begged for a great leader and Cartier just didn't fill bill. However, he did restore a more constitutional balance in government after the excesses of the Johnson and Nixon and is remembered for the Camp David Accords where he mediated a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.

He actually accomplished more after his presidency than his 4 years in the Whitehouse.
What, exactly, has he accomplished?

S.J., you don't remember his greatest accomplishment when he wasn't re-elected?

"Many scholars and experts on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have strongly criticized Jimmy Carter’s book, “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid,” for its distortions, misrepresentations, and one-sided arguments that blame Israel for the conflict while giving the Palestinians a pass."
Carter was a great humanitarian and fine person but had no great leadership ability nor any experience in foreign affairs or national politics. The Soviets invasion of Afghanistan, Islamic terrors in Iran capturing US civilians, inflation, an energy crisis, and a nation with extreme distrust of government after the Viet Nam war and Watergate begged for a great leader and Cartier just didn't fill bill. However, he did restore a more constitutional balance in government after the excesses of the Johnson and Nixon and is remembered for the Camp David Accords where he mediated a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.

He actually accomplished more after his presidency than his 4 years in the Whitehouse.
What, exactly, has he accomplished?

S.J., you don't remember his greatest accomplishment when he wasn't re-elected?

"Many scholars and experts on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have strongly criticized Jimmy Carter’s book, “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid,” for its distortions, misrepresentations, and one-sided arguments that blame Israel for the conflict while giving the Palestinians a pass."
The only thing I've seen him do since Reagan kicked his sorry ass is pound a few nails for photo ops, show his bitterness toward Reagan (for kicking his sorry ass), and laying a wreath at Yassir Arafat's tomb (the Godfather of terrorists). I think I might have seen him on Oprah a couple of times too.
While I understand the disaster that Carter was as president, I also know some folks who have worked with him on Habitat For Humanity housing. They were skeptical of his abilities but, after working with him, have found him to be sincere and moderately capable of some nice work under good leadership.

Pity he didn't have any while in Washington.
While I understand the disaster that Carter was as president, I also know some folks who have worked with him on Habitat For Humanity housing. They were skeptical of his abilities but, after working with him, have found him to be sincere and moderately capable of some nice work under good leadership.

Pity he didn't have any while in Washington.

Ok, that is a second one. Habitat for Humanity worked. It relies on individual volunteerism, and it has survived as a charitable vehicle over the decades.
Carter was a great humanitarian and fine person but had no great leadership ability nor any experience in foreign affairs or national politics. The Soviets invasion of Afghanistan, Islamic terrors in Iran capturing US civilians, inflation, an energy crisis, and a nation with extreme distrust of government after the Viet Nam war and Watergate begged for a great leader and Cartier just didn't fill bill. However, he did restore a more constitutional balance in government after the excesses of the Johnson and Nixon and is remembered for the Camp David Accords where he mediated a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.

He actually accomplished more after his presidency than his 4 years in the Whitehouse.
What, exactly, has he accomplished?
He's written 28 books, one winning the noble prize for literature in 2002. engaged in conflict mediation in Ethiopia and Eritrea (1989), North Korea (1994), Liberia (1994), Haiti (1994), Bosnia (1994), Sudan (1995), the Great Lakes region of Africa (1995-96), Sudan and Uganda (1999), Venezuela (2002-2003), Nepal (2004-2008), Ecuador and Colombia (2008), and the Middle East (2003-present). Under his leadership The Carter Center has sent ninety-six election-observation missions to the Americas, Africa, and Asia. These include Panama (1989), Nicaragua (1990), Guyana (1992), China (1997), Nigeria (1998), Indonesia (1999), East Timor (1999), Mexico (2000), Guatemala (2003), Venezuela (2004), Ethiopia (2005), Liberia (2005), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2006), Nepal (2008), Lebanon (2009), Sudan (2010), Tunisia (2011), Egypt (2011-2012), and Kenya (2013). He's been activity in numerous charities, particularly the International Habitat for Humanity. He's been awarded the, international Human Rights Award, Scroll Peace Award, World Methodist Peace Award, Nonviolent Peace Prize, Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, ect... There has probably been no president who has been awarded more honors and awards than Jimmy Carter.
If Carter was so bad you would think neoconservatives wouldn't have to lie about how bad Carter was and how good Reagan was...
This thread has been sidetracked into Reagan so let me mention an amazing fact. Shortly after taking office Reagan was shot by john hinckley whose parents were very good friends of VP Bush!!! The media hushed it up at the time and school textbooks never mention it.
Carter was a great humanitarian and fine person but had no great leadership ability nor any experience in foreign affairs or national politics. The Soviets invasion of Afghanistan, Islamic terrors in Iran capturing US civilians, inflation, an energy crisis, and a nation with extreme distrust of government after the Viet Nam war and Watergate begged for a great leader and Cartier just didn't fill bill. However, he did restore a more constitutional balance in government after the excesses of the Johnson and Nixon and is remembered for the Camp David Accords where he mediated a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.

He actually accomplished more after his presidency than his 4 years in the Whitehouse.
What, exactly, has he accomplished?
He's written 28 books, one winning the noble prize for literature in 2002. engaged in conflict mediation in Ethiopia and Eritrea (1989), North Korea (1994), Liberia (1994), Haiti (1994), Bosnia (1994), Sudan (1995), the Great Lakes region of Africa (1995-96), Sudan and Uganda (1999), Venezuela (2002-2003), Nepal (2004-2008), Ecuador and Colombia (2008), and the Middle East (2003-present). Under his leadership The Carter Center has sent ninety-six election-observation missions to the Americas, Africa, and Asia. These include Panama (1989), Nicaragua (1990), Guyana (1992), China (1997), Nigeria (1998), Indonesia (1999), East Timor (1999), Mexico (2000), Guatemala (2003), Venezuela (2004), Ethiopia (2005), Liberia (2005), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2006), Nepal (2008), Lebanon (2009), Sudan (2010), Tunisia (2011), Egypt (2011-2012), and Kenya (2013). He's been activity in numerous charities, particularly the International Habitat for Humanity. He's been awarded the, international Human Rights Award, Scroll Peace Award, World Methodist Peace Award, Nonviolent Peace Prize, Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, ect... There has probably been no president who has been awarded more honors and awards than Jimmy Carter.
Wow! He got the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award??? Now I'm impressed!
Shit happens;


What, exactly, has he accomplished?
He's written 28 books, one winning the noble prize for literature in 2002. engaged in conflict mediation in Ethiopia and Eritrea (1989), North Korea (1994), Liberia (1994), Haiti (1994), Bosnia (1994), Sudan (1995), the Great Lakes region of Africa (1995-96), Sudan and Uganda (1999), Venezuela (2002-2003), Nepal (2004-2008), Ecuador and Colombia (2008), and the Middle East (2003-present). Under his leadership The Carter Center has sent ninety-six election-observation missions to the Americas, Africa, and Asia. These include Panama (1989), Nicaragua (1990), Guyana (1992), China (1997), Nigeria (1998), Indonesia (1999), East Timor (1999), Mexico (2000), Guatemala (2003), Venezuela (2004), Ethiopia (2005), Liberia (2005), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2006), Nepal (2008), Lebanon (2009), Sudan (2010), Tunisia (2011), Egypt (2011-2012), and Kenya (2013). He's been activity in numerous charities, particularly the International Habitat for Humanity. He's been awarded the, international Human Rights Award, Scroll Peace Award, World Methodist Peace Award, Nonviolent Peace Prize, Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, ect... There has probably been no president who has been awarded more honors and awards than Jimmy Carter.
Wow! He got the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award??? Now I'm impressed!
Plus a couple of dozen others, I haven't listed.

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