Why did Obama buy a beach house if the ocean is going to rise and wash it away?

Amazing how right wingers are so jealous of Obama. And then the fact that most of them are terrible racists must really hurt to see a successful black man. Especially sandwiched between the two worst American presidents ever.

More like an elephant sized carbon footprint compared to my ant sized footprint that is apparently destroying the world.
He is a hypocrite.

Great he can afford the mansion though. Maybe they can share a couple rooms with those "refugees".
What do you know about the house?

Does it have Geothermal heating? Does it have solar panels or a wind turbine? Was the home built south facing to take advantage of the south setting sun, in winter?

We really do not know enough to make the assumptions that you did...imo.
As you do that to trumps and you swallow it

Bullshit. I've been critical of Trump many, many times on this forum. You're a radical leftist whose loyalty is to the Democratic Party rather than to your fellow Americans. Now, get back to fellating Obama's scholong.
As you do that to trumps and you swallow it

Bullshit. I've been critical of Trump many, many times on this forum. You're a radical leftist whose loyalty is to the Democratic Party rather than to your fellow Americans. Now, get back to fellating Obama's scholong.
Obama's gone Only repubs are beating that dead horse , and I never read any of your posts much less any critical of trump and you have this thing with sucking of ones privates Please don't pass that on to me
Obama's gone Only repubs are beating that dead horse , and I never read any of your posts much less any critical of trump and you have this thing with sucking of ones privates Please don't pass that on to me

The bottom line is that you worship the Democratic Party. They own you and you're their shill.
Obama's gone Only repubs are beating that dead horse , and I never read any of your posts much less any critical of trump and you have this thing with sucking of ones privates Please don't pass that on to me

The bottom line is that you worship the Democratic Party. They own you and you're their shill.
Do I need to tell you I believe we need to deal with China and the theft of our intellectual property and I don't like my tax money going to illegals ? But I will say I detest Trump he is a walking talking piece of excrement ,,and supposed to make deals?? That's BS too
Amazing how right wingers are so jealous of Obama. And then the fact that most of them are terrible racists must really hurt to see a successful black man. Especially sandwiched between the two worst American presidents ever.

More like an elephant sized carbon footprint compared to my ant sized footprint that is apparently destroying the world.
He is a hypocrite.

Great he can afford the mansion though. Maybe they can share a couple rooms with those "refugees".
What do you know about the house?

Does it have Geothermal heating? Does it have solar panels or a wind turbine? Was the home built south facing to take advantage of the south setting sun, in winter?

We really do not know enough to make the assumptions that you did...imo.
I know its millions more than my shack.
I know it took far more resources to build.
I know they consume far more tan I ever could.
I know the assholes feel the need to lecture me on my carbon use.

Fuck em.
Amazing how right wingers are so jealous of Obama. And then the fact that most of them are terrible racists must really hurt to see a successful black man. Especially sandwiched between the two worst American presidents ever.

More like an elephant sized carbon footprint compared to my ant sized footprint that is apparently destroying the world.
He is a hypocrite.

Great he can afford the mansion though. Maybe they can share a couple rooms with those "refugees".
What do you know about the house?

Does it have Geothermal heating? Does it have solar panels or a wind turbine? Was the home built south facing to take advantage of the south setting sun, in winter?

We really do not know enough to make the assumptions that you did...imo.
I know its millions more than my shack.
I know it took far more resources to build.
I know they consume far more tan I ever could.
I know the assholes feel the need to lecture me on my carbon use.

Fuck em.
Well, you were not ever president Petro.... I would not expect you or I, to ever in a million years... own a home like that!!! :p

There are not any new mansions on Martha's Vinyard with beachfront... It was likely built 100 to 200 years ago, the wood likely came from its own acreage that was cleared for the mansion, milled on the spot or nearby, the builders were likely locals desperate for jobs.... the cedar shingled roof, from trees on their own land as well....

Buying a home that is built already is one of the best things someone can do for ecology....

I'm just saying it's likely a rosier situation than you painted.
I build executive homes in the liberal western suburbs of Mpls.
Nothing under 750K. Full blue Hennepin county. These are Omar supporting privileged white lib's paying lip service and pandering to PC culture as if that gives them a pass on their luxury lifestyles while never setting foot in the inner city or wanting those folks in their gated communities.
They all "care" about the environment, yet drive the best gas guzzling cars, pull the biggest boats, and spew carbon like a coal plant.
I don't have issue with their lifestyle, until they push the idea I shouldn't have that also.
Obama's gone Only repubs are beating that dead horse , and I never read any of your posts much less any critical of trump and you have this thing with sucking of ones privates Please don't pass that on to me

Yeah but, he left his slime-trail.
I just wanna know where he/she/it got the money.

Oh, and see the tax return that goes with all that cash.

It’s not that difficult to finances $15 millions crib. With his speech, other financial functions and books that is very easy.

Amazon is on fire. You do know that is in Brazil. Right?
Not in Amazon City, Bezos, USA.
Obama's gone Only repubs are beating that dead horse , and I never read any of your posts much less any critical of trump and you have this thing with sucking of ones privates Please don't pass that on to me

Yeah but, he left his slime-trail.
There has NEVER been a lower POS than Trump in our WH and never been a lower grade of AH's that allow him to stay These low grade scum we call Republicans
Obama's gone Only repubs are beating that dead horse , and I never read any of your posts much less any critical of trump and you have this thing with sucking of ones privates Please don't pass that on to me

Yeah but, he left his slime-trail.

There has NEVER been a lower POS than Trump in our WH and never been a lower grade of AH's that allow him to stay These low grade scum we call Republicans

TDS Troll alert....^^^^^^^ :spinner:

- "Barry and Mooch are buying a compound in Martha’s Vineyard. Not bad for a community organizer and a person who is not sure that she’s proud of America." -

PROUD ? WHO tf can be proud of America when AH's put one of their kind in our WH? Shame on all of you morons and traitors

- "Barry and Mooch are buying a compound in Martha’s Vineyard. Not bad for a community organizer and a person who is not sure that she’s proud of America." -

PROUD ? WHO tf can be proud of America when AH's put one of their kind in our WH? Shame on all of you morons and traitors

Relax....you seem tense :itsok: ;)
It's built up on higher ground and it's a few hundred yards from the actual ocean.



JAWS Fest reunions are there, nearly every year!

You do know Obama's black right?

There goes the neighborhood, and driving down home prices..


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