Why did so many Dems vote for Iraq War

Learn history and stop treating the Democratic party talking points as your Bible

Excuse me nitwit, but how is my sarcasm to YOUR assumption that the Iraq war was Clinton's doing.....MY repeating DNC's talking points....Really, Kaz go take a fucking nap...or find another hobby.

You didn't know that Clinton invaded Iraq? Seriously? How old are you?

There were US troops occupying a bunch of Iraq when W took over the Presidency. The Iraqis were not allowed to fly over most of their country. They were put there by force by Clinton, Sparky.

Liberalism, stupidity beyond belief

Where, exactly?

Operation Vigilant Warrior

Operation Southern Watch

Factsheets Operation Desert Fox
Breaking a cease-fire is. Without enforcement of cease-fire agreements the entire purpose of them becomes moot.

North Korea has been breaking ceasefire agreements since the 50's. When should we have invaded North Korea?

When we decided it was the proper thing to do. We don't know if things would be better had we enforced the cease-fire against North Korea. We live under the luxury of living in a world without Saddam and that's a good thing.

Saddam was insignificant and you were happy to spend thousands of American lives to needlessly remove him.

That makes you as evil as he was .

That's just an emotional and irrational response. Nobody would seriously equate supporting an invasion to remove a tyrant with the actions of that evil tyrant - except an emotional partisan hack I guess.

Saddam was very significant and was undermining the premise of the UN Security Council, the UN programs for humanitarian aid, and was at the nexus of terrorism in the Middle East. It's why your President signed the Iraqi Liberation Act.

No part of the Iraqi Liberation Act called for the U.S. to invade Iraq. If I recall, it limited our fiscal commitment to something like $100m.

On August 14, 1998, President Clinton signed Public Law
105-235, which declared that ``the Government of Iraq is in
material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations''
and urged the President ``to take appropriate action, in accordance
with the Constitution and relevant laws of the United States, to
bring Iraq into compliance with its international obligations.''.

Text - H.R.4655 - 105th Congress 1997-1998 Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 Congress.gov Library of Congress

You can claim that the President doesn't have the authority in accordance with the Constitution to use military force but you would be wrong.
Learn history and stop treating the Democratic party talking points as your Bible

Excuse me nitwit, but how is my sarcasm to YOUR assumption that the Iraq war was Clinton's doing.....MY repeating DNC's talking points....Really, Kaz go take a fucking nap...or find another hobby.

You didn't know that Clinton invaded Iraq? Seriously? How old are you?

There were US troops occupying a bunch of Iraq when W took over the Presidency. The Iraqis were not allowed to fly over most of their country. They were put there by force by Clinton, Sparky.

Liberalism, stupidity beyond belief

Where, exactly?

The US had a major bombing campaign of Iraq in 1998, we had no fly zones over a majority of the country, and we broke off the Kurdish north from control by Hussein and the Iraqi government, Sparky. W took over, then Obama took over. It was again a cluster by both parties
You said we had troops "occupying" parts of Iraq ... please elaborate...

I answered that in the post you quoted
It was Clinton's call to invade or not to invade. He came close to doing it twice.

Operation Desert Thunder Desert Viper

If another country bombed us, prevented us from flying over more than half our country and had troops in a region of our country preventing us from controlling it, how is that not invading?

If Republicans did that, Democrats would get it
What is your point here? Iraq was a peaceful country mnding its own business and the US meddled in their affairs needlessly?
It was Clinton's call to invade or not to invade. He came close to doing it twice.

Operation Desert Thunder Desert Viper

If another country bombed us, prevented us from flying over more than half our country and had troops in a region of our country preventing us from controlling it, how is that not invading?

If Republicans did that, Democrats would get it
What is your point here? Iraq was a peaceful country mnding its own business and the US meddled in their affairs needlessly?

Apparently Bush convinced Clinton to do all those things to that swell guy Saddam.
kaz 11380530
Iraq and Afghanistan are two cases that he inherited a plan to install governments and he finished one (Iraq) and expanded the other (Afghanistan).

In Iraq Obama inherited a plan to withdraw all troops from Iraq by the end of 2011, and he did it. Obama had nothing to do with installing the Maliki Government. Your argument is without merit or fact.
kaz 11380530
Iraq and Afghanistan are two cases that he inherited a plan to install governments and he finished one (Iraq) and expanded the other (Afghanistan).

In Iraq Obama inherited a plan to withdraw all troops from Iraq by the end of 2011, and he did it. Obama had nothing to do with installing the Maliki Government. Your argument is without merit or fact.

When Obama took over in Iraq and Afghanistan, we had no reason to be in either place at that point except nation building As you agreed, Obama continued to nation build in Iraq for three years after becoming President. And he did it in Afghanistan longer than that
Lots of people who voted for the war did so because of false intelligence, combined with a strong desire to do something to catch those who were responsible for 9/11.

Jr. and Cheney saw an opportunity to paint Saddam with the same brush as OBL, so they directed the anger of the American people towards Saddam.

They played up fears that Saddam would somehow give WMDs to terrorists

"We do not want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud"

..."We do not want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud".
Naa, we will leave that "honor" to Iran!

LOL....it starts again

Can't wait for another Bush, can you?
I'd like to say they were innocent dupes of bad intelligence

But in truth, they were cowards
In the post 9-11 hysteria, they were unwilling to take the tag of "soft on terrorism" and Republicans were chomping at the bit to use it. After the attacks, Bush was given a 9-11 card to do anything necessary in the war on terror....to oppose what he wanted was unpatriotic

It was the last time Bush used his 9-11 Card

In a post 9-11 hysteria, Democrats were chomping at the bit to throw Bush and Cheney under the bus. Here is the evidence. Guantanimo is still open, the NSA is collecting every email and phone call, consistent with the Patriot Act. Wake up
Are you fucking nuts?

Bush had 85% approval and was free to do whatever he wanted in the name of fighting terrorism

We never realized how much he would abuse our trust.....two wars, Abu Gharib, torture, Gitmo, spying on Americans.......Iraq

Multiple wars are still being fought, GITMO open, and Americans spied on. If these were so bad in your eyes, you'd be calling out those that continue the practice; not Bush.

Which wars are we fighting? What are our casualties?

Obama is letting Gitmo whither on the vine. Congress blocked him from closing it, so he is slowly making it irrelevant
Breaking a cease-fire is. Without enforcement of cease-fire agreements the entire purpose of them becomes moot.
It was a UN ceasefire. It was not a US ceasefire. The UN Security Council is the body to authorise action, not the POTUS, nor the Congress.

It is rather hilarious to read the horror at Iraq defying the UN while the US invades in breach of the UN Charter.
The main reason for invading Iraq was over WMD. Turned out, Hussein wasn't making any.[/QUOTE]
Correction, turns out he hid it all in Syria.[/QUOTE]

In other words, Saddam.....knowing there was an enemy on his doorsteps looking to eliminate him.....took his most powerful and scary weapons........and donated them to his neighbor....

Kind of nice and altruistic for Saddam....Didn't know he was such a "nice" guy.
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kaz 11380530
Iraq and Afghanistan are two cases that he inherited a plan to install governments and he finished one (Iraq) and expanded the other (Afghanistan).

In Iraq Obama inherited a plan to withdraw all troops from Iraq by the end of 2011, and he did it. Obama had nothing to do with installing the Maliki Government. Your argument is without merit or fact.

When Obama took over in Iraq and Afghanistan, we had no reason to be in either place at that point except nation building As you agreed, Obama continued to nation build in Iraq for three years after becoming President. And he did it in Afghanistan longer than that

The exit from Iraq had already been established by Bush when Obama took office.
In other words, Saddam.....knowing there was an enemy on his doorsteps looking to ekiminate him.....took his most powerful and scary weapons........and donated them to his neighbor....
1991, he sent his air force to Iran.

True......but in 2003 Saddam well knew that he was finished...All I'm getting at is that in the face of his doom, Saddam would not be so nice as to get rid of his WMDs.
kaz 11380530
Iraq and Afghanistan are two cases that he inherited a plan to install governments and he finished one (Iraq) and expanded the other (Afghanistan).

In Iraq Obama inherited a plan to withdraw all troops from Iraq by the end of 2011, and he did it. Obama had nothing to do with installing the Maliki Government. Your argument is without merit or fact.

When Obama took over in Iraq and Afghanistan, we had no reason to be in either place at that point except nation building As you agreed, Obama continued to nation build in Iraq for three years after becoming President. And he did it in Afghanistan longer than that

The exit from Iraq had already been established by Bush when Obama took office.

You didn't understand what I said

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