Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

I wonder if the Trumpian dumbasses who called this an inside DNC job will now admit they are absolute dumbasses.

Why would that be? What are the chances deep state "Democrats" used this fellow the same way they used Ford? Both people are nuts.

Wow, there is no more evidence needed to support the conclusion "TheDude" is rumor mongering. Does S/He really believe what is posted above, or is this one more effort by a Trumpanzee to foster chaos in support of Trump?

You have reading comp issues numb-nuts. Read it again you dumb fuck.

And I foster chaos? That's strike two, you lack critical thought. It was the Democrats who fostered chaos with the Ford spectacle. IMO Ford is a nut-job and the Democrats exploited her for political advantage. Course it failed, but that's what progressives do.
Why do you not believe Ford? Do you also not believe all those victims of Catholic priests?
I wonder if the Trumpian dumbasses who called this an inside DNC job will now admit they are absolute dumbasses.

Why would that be? What are the chances deep state "Democrats" used this fellow the same way they used Ford? Both people are nuts.

Wow, there is no more evidence needed to support the conclusion "TheDude" is rumor mongering. Does S/He really believe what is posted above, or is this one more effort by a Trumpanzee to foster chaos in support of Trump?

You have reading comp issues numb-nuts. Read it again you dumb fuck.

And I foster chaos? That's strike two, you lack critical thought. It was the Democrats who fostered chaos with the Ford spectacle. IMO Ford is a nut-job and the Democrats exploited her for political advantage. Course it failed, but that's what progressives do.
Why do you not believe Ford? Do you also not believe all those victims of Catholic priests?

Because she's nuts that's why. She's that dramatic little girl who adopts the victim role, and still talks like a little girl. Because of the timing. Because of her lies. Because there are no witnesses. Because of Kavanaugh's proven character. A better question might be, why in the fuck would you believer her?
No detonation method.

Items in the package meant to be seen that would not have been seen if the bomb went off.

I know, right? The bombs had the look of “these are BOMBS!” cartoonishly. The suspect’s van had the look of “this is a CONSERVATIVE!” cartoonishly.

And then.....there’s the timing of it all.... :popcorn:
Does anyone know if Sil has blamed gay marriage and/or homos yet?
All very nice but after 35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history

Nothing stopping the left from redistributing wealth in Dem run states so why haven't they? Why do Dem run states still have income inequality?
Republican-dominated give away to the rich federal tax rates duh...
Why did the bomber strike now?
Why did the racist Krogers killer shoot two elderly black folks in the head?
Why did this asshole kill so many people in this Pittsburgh synagogue?

Because the Trump and Trumpers are feeding the fear and hatred and as we approach this mid-term election they have been ramping up that fear and hatred....

We have one chance to repudiate this insanity
Yeah I don’t think many people are buying that story Lesh. They'd just strike after the election if that was the case. After they’d gained more power. They wouldn’t risk losing power by doing it before.
It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Why now? Please discuss the possible motives you theorize as relates to the TIMING of the events added to the fact (not disputed) that all targets are high ranking democrats or their wealthy supporters.

The pivotal Congressional election is just days away. Maybe such a concerned and evidently-manifest "conservative Trump supporter" might have waited until after the election so it wouldn't hurt the Congressional lead the GOP has? I mean, look at his van. Clearly he is organized enough to display those stickers so perfectly aligned to each other. He shows signs of keep the van clean, the collage looks graphically-oriented like he did a good job organizing it. So he displays initial signs of understanding how things fit together. Like perhaps how spurring sympathy for democrats on the eve of an election might harm instead of help his cause?

And, as an added bonus theory question, please discuss the convenience that the suspect was clearly (as in, "there can be no doubt") labeled "a Trump supporter" by the stickers on his van. Does there leave any doubt at all that this van is like a walking billboard of most-certainty ever of a car owner "being a conservative Trump supporter!"? I have to admit, it seems to seal the case shut in the bag. No doubt whatsoever that this is in no way shape or form an democrat operative. Very nice for CNN too to have such a clean cut ending to the story. :popcorn: Bombing suspect’s van blanketed in pro-Trump bumper stickers


You have to remember that some people are in fact, crazy.

I will admit that I find the Michael Moore sticker, a little questionable. Hasn't Mooron been relegated to obscurity? Does anyone still follow him?

But let's be honest. There are crazy people. The Uno-bomber was a left-wing nut case too. It's not like this is impossible.

I do find it a little odd..... that he has stickers with cross-hairs on it, and only now was this reported. I think I'd be telling someone if my neighbor had such stickers on their van.
Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

You seriously looking for a serious answer as to why an insane nut did something?
Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

You seriously looking for a serious answer as to why an insane nut did something?

He knew what he was doing & dollars to donuts he was not acting alone. Remember, there were curiors. CNN instead of instant evacuation, took time to photo their non operative bomb before the squad arrived. Almost like they knew it was harmless.
Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

You seriously looking for a serious answer as to why an insane nut did something?

Why did the rape survivor of 30 years just yesterday remember that she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh?

Why did a caravan traverse 3000 miles in a few days to be here right on time for the elections?

Why were fake bombs sent....

It's a bit convenient isn't it? They got the guy by the finger prints. If you are smart enough to build a bomb, you are probably smart enough to get the finger prints of a mentally challenged person.

I have to say, it's rather interesting how the intelligence agencies finally actually got something done... and so quickly even.
Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

You seriously looking for a serious answer as to why an insane nut did something?

He was functional on many levels. He had a driver's license; drove a van according to the rules of the road. Obviously. It's straight and no dents. Kept it clean. Decorated it with perfect graphic arrangement "leaving no doubt he IS a conservative!". And, he managed to slip how many bombs past top officials and a news outlet with ironclad security?

I think he's practiced at what he did. He and his cohorts. And you can bet that he had help.

So, yes, it's a fair question, WHY did this "conservative" strike against democrats only right on the eve of the election...
All very nice but after 35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history

Nothing stopping the left from redistributing wealth in Dem run states so why haven't they? Why do Dem run states still have income inequality?
Republican-dominated give away to the rich federal tax rates duh...

LMAO there are no rich Dem's? :itsok:
Of course but they are not greedy idiots, they want taxes to rise for the rich so we can invest in America again. And before you go off on the usual BS talking points, they want the rich idiot GOP assholes to pay more too.
All very nice but after 35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history

Nothing stopping the left from redistributing wealth in Dem run states so why haven't they? Why do Dem run states still have income inequality?
Republican-dominated give away to the rich federal tax rates duh...

LMAO there are no rich Dem's? :itsok:
Of course but they are not greedy idiots, they want taxes to rise for the rich so we can invest in America again. And before you go off on the usual BS talking points, they want the rich idiot GOP assholes to pay more too.
And of course they want reasonable tax Hikes not the garbage you think, and certainly not on the non rich, tax cuts for them finally.
The Trumpers are claiming that the timing is suspect?

We're talking about a Trumper lunatic here.

You're giving the guy way too much credit.

He acted out of hatred and fear. That's the driving force of Trumpers.

You reap what you sow
Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

You seriously looking for a serious answer as to why an insane nut did something?

He was functional on many levels. He had a driver's license; drove a van according to the rules of the road. Obviously. It's straight and no dents. Kept it clean. Decorated it with perfect graphic arrangement "leaving no doubt he IS a conservative!". And, he managed to slip how many bombs past top officials and a news outlet with ironclad security?

I think he's practiced at what he did. He and his cohorts. And you can bet that he had help.

So, yes, it's a fair question, WHY did this "conservative" strike against democrats only right on the eve of the election...
because your propaganda gets even crazier around elections?
Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

You seriously looking for a serious answer as to why an insane nut did something?

Why did the rape survivor of 30 years just yesterday remember that she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh?

Why did a caravan traverse 3000 miles in a few days to be here right on time for the elections?

Why were fake bombs sent....

It's a bit convenient isn't it? They got the guy by the finger prints. If you are smart enough to build a bomb, you are probably smart enough to get the finger prints of a mentally challenged person.

I have to say, it's rather interesting how the intelligence agencies finally actually got something done... and so quickly even.
What color is the sky on your stupid brainwashed planet? He is a brainwashed functional moron and psychopath and made a lot of mistakes.
All very nice but after 35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history

Nothing stopping the left from redistributing wealth in Dem run states so why haven't they? Why do Dem run states still have income inequality?
Republican-dominated give away to the rich federal tax rates duh...

LMAO there are no rich Dem's? :itsok:
Of course but they are not greedy idiots, they want taxes to rise for the rich so we can invest in America again. And before you go off on the usual BS talking points, they want the rich idiot GOP assholes to pay more too.

Nothing stopping rich Dem's from paying more, so go ahead lead by example pay higher taxes. We'll just be standing over here laughing while your side doesn't okay.

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