Why did the corporate tax cuts fail?

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Thank you for actually giving an answer to the question. I think it's definitely on the right track. With so many of our corporations being near monopolies I think they already had tons of cash.

Do you even know what a corporation is?
Waiting for you to explain why a huge tax cut for corporations lead to decreased gdp growth.

It took me about six seconds to do a Google search on this guy, and I got several photos of him. Please see below.

The guy in your photo is clearly not him.

Do you care? Does this matter at all to you? Does it even REGISTER in your mind?

By the way, those are VERY serious questions, but I'm not expecting an honest answer.

Your photo:

I think they could pass for twins.



I'm sure you do.
I've been told by more than one of them that that chart is fake.

I am not making this up.

All they know is what they're told.

Keep pretending that it is not unusual to have such a low unemployment.

The trend is not the story, the economy is always trending. The sheer number of winning we have reached, that's the story. And it is because of Donald J. Trump.
"Keep pretending"? I didn't say that.

You're illustrating my point. Much appreciated.

If you did not say that, what in the hell is even your point? A random meaningless graph?

I try to fill in what you leave unsaid. It would be preferable if you just stated YOURSELF what you believe the graph proves.
I'm not surprised that you don't understand my points.

I would like you to, but I've given up trying to explain things to you people. You refuse to understand anything aside from what you are fed.

I'm not trying to convince you of ANYTHING. I'm burned out on asymmetrical conversations here. I'm tired of having to dumb things down.

Maybe if you were pushing truths it would not be quite so draining.
And here we go again.

Please show me where I have been dishonest.

Let's see the quotes. Thanks in advance.
If you are self employed or run a small business, you know how much the tax cut helped. 20% deduction off net income for those making under 250K. Not to bad,
Trump promised it would help the economy, it hasn't. He also promised it wouldn't add to deficits, but they have increased drastically.

Trump promised it would help the economy, it hasn't.

You think it hurt the economy? How?
I’m saying it didn’t help. You don’t read so well?

I’m saying it didn’t help.

How do you know it didn't help?
I’ve answered that several times, stop wasting time.
Keep pretending that it is not unusual to have such a low unemployment.

The trend is not the story, the economy is always trending. The sheer number of winning we have reached, that's the story. And it is because of Donald J. Trump.
"Keep pretending"? I didn't say that.

You're illustrating my point. Much appreciated.

If you did not say that, what in the hell is even your point? A random meaningless graph?

I try to fill in what you leave unsaid. It would be preferable if you just stated YOURSELF what you believe the graph proves.
I'm not surprised that you don't understand my points.

I would like you to, but I've given up trying to explain things to you people. You refuse to understand anything aside from what you are fed.

I'm not trying to convince you of ANYTHING. I'm burned out on asymmetrical conversations here. I'm tired of having to dumb things down.

Maybe if you were pushing truths it would not be quite so draining.
And here we go again.

Please show me where I have been dishonest.

Let's see the quotes. Thanks in advance.

What is your interpretation of the graph?

Can you answer your own questions?
If you are self employed or run a small business, you know how much the tax cut helped. 20% deduction off net income for those making under 250K. Not to bad,
Trump promised it would help the economy, it hasn't. He also promised it wouldn't add to deficits, but they have increased drastically.

Trump promised it would help the economy, it hasn't.

You think it hurt the economy? How?
I’m saying it didn’t help. You don’t read so well?

I’m saying it didn’t help.

How do you know it didn't help?
I’ve answered that several times, stop wasting time.

Everyone who actually contributes to the economy knows the tax cuts did work.
Trump promised it would help the economy, it hasn't. He also promised it wouldn't add to deficits, but they have increased drastically.

Trump promised it would help the economy, it hasn't.

You think it hurt the economy? How?
I’m saying it didn’t help. You don’t read so well?

I’m saying it didn’t help.

How do you know it didn't help?
I’ve answered that several times, stop wasting time.

Everyone who actually contributes to the economy knows the tax cuts did work.
As economic policy the tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves and increase growth to 4-6%. Deficits have increased and growth has slowed. Major fail.
Trump promised it would help the economy, it hasn't.

You think it hurt the economy? How?
I’m saying it didn’t help. You don’t read so well?

I’m saying it didn’t help.

How do you know it didn't help?
I’ve answered that several times, stop wasting time.

Everyone who actually contributes to the economy knows the tax cuts did work.
As economic policy the tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves and increase growth to 4-6%. Deficits have increased and growth has slowed. Major fail.

Blah, blah, blah...

They worked in putting Americans back to work and increasing wages first time in decades.
I’m saying it didn’t help. You don’t read so well?

I’m saying it didn’t help.

How do you know it didn't help?
I’ve answered that several times, stop wasting time.

Everyone who actually contributes to the economy knows the tax cuts did work.
As economic policy the tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves and increase growth to 4-6%. Deficits have increased and growth has slowed. Major fail.

Blah, blah, blah...

They worked in putting Americans back to work and increasing wages first time in decades.

They’re putting Americans back to work, huh. So was employment going up or down before the tax cut?
Those of us living in reality can now say that the corporate tax cuts were a failure that hurt revenue and did nothing for the economy. So the question is why? I think it likely has to do with the fact so many of our corporations are near monopolies. Curious what others think.

Trump handed big business a massive tax cut, and all he got in return was embarrassment

Two years after his administration passed a massive tax cut for corporations meant to spur economic growth, the verdict is in, and the results are embarrassing. The tax cuts did not "unleash animal spirits" (as the business media is so fond of saying). And it did not usher in a period of 3% GDP growth(as Trump's administration was so fond of echoing).

The plan did not — by any stretch of the imagination — "pay for itself with growth and reduced deductions," as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said it would back in 2017. In fact, the US budget deficit has grown by 50% since Trump took office.
they did exactly what Moscow Mitch envisioned. Look at the stock market.
I’m saying it didn’t help. You don’t read so well?

I’m saying it didn’t help.

How do you know it didn't help?
I’ve answered that several times, stop wasting time.

Everyone who actually contributes to the economy knows the tax cuts did work.
As economic policy the tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves and increase growth to 4-6%. Deficits have increased and growth has slowed. Major fail.

Blah, blah, blah...

They worked in putting Americans back to work and increasing wages first time in decades.
You aren’t big on facts eh?
I’m saying it didn’t help.

How do you know it didn't help?
I’ve answered that several times, stop wasting time.

Everyone who actually contributes to the economy knows the tax cuts did work.
As economic policy the tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves and increase growth to 4-6%. Deficits have increased and growth has slowed. Major fail.

Blah, blah, blah...

They worked in putting Americans back to work and increasing wages first time in decades.

They’re putting Americans back to work, huh. So was employment going up or down before the tax cut?

It was going down.

And after it was going down even faster to levels we have never seen before. Lowest minority unemployment rate EVER.

It's ok if you don't understand basic economics and have never put anyone including yourself to work. The rest of us don't have that problem.
Now suppose your President is really irresponsible and gives out huge tax cuts that lower revenue and then he increases spending. Now that's just the worst.

You're still talking in moron.
Can you tell me how much it was lowered, you couldn't earlier.
Don't you have google kid? Revenue went flat, that's a fact. It should be growing in a growing economy.

So you dont know.
No, it's a well known fact. You don't seem to belong in this conversation if you don't know the basics.

Look you ignorant fuck
Everytime that there is a tax rate reduction, income to the treasury increases.
In my lifetimr, JFK, Reagan, Bush and Trump.
And everytime, congress ends up spending more in an effort to sabotage the gains so that really stupid fucks like you will never catch on.
That's the facts.

U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law
I’m saying it didn’t help.

How do you know it didn't help?
I’ve answered that several times, stop wasting time.

Everyone who actually contributes to the economy knows the tax cuts did work.
As economic policy the tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves and increase growth to 4-6%. Deficits have increased and growth has slowed. Major fail.

Blah, blah, blah...

They worked in putting Americans back to work and increasing wages first time in decades.
You aren’t big on facts eh?

Fact is that the unemployment rate under Trump is almost the lowest ever in history. Even some leftists are finding productive work.

The prediction was that the economy was supposed crash and burn. It did not turn out correct, did it now?
I’ve answered that several times, stop wasting time.

Everyone who actually contributes to the economy knows the tax cuts did work.
As economic policy the tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves and increase growth to 4-6%. Deficits have increased and growth has slowed. Major fail.

Blah, blah, blah...

They worked in putting Americans back to work and increasing wages first time in decades.
You aren’t big on facts eh?

Fact is that the unemployment rate under Trump is almost the lowest ever in history. Even some leftists are finding productive work.

The prediction was that the economy was supposed crash and burn. It did not turn out correct, did it now?
Yeah it was really low before the cuts and have been declining since 2010.
Everyone who actually contributes to the economy knows the tax cuts did work.
As economic policy the tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves and increase growth to 4-6%. Deficits have increased and growth has slowed. Major fail.

Blah, blah, blah...

They worked in putting Americans back to work and increasing wages first time in decades.
You aren’t big on facts eh?

Fact is that the unemployment rate under Trump is almost the lowest ever in history. Even some leftists are finding productive work.

The prediction was that the economy was supposed crash and burn. It did not turn out correct, did it now?
Yeah it was really low before the cuts and have been declining since 2010.

And after the cuts it was hitting record numbers.

Socislism does not work. Free markets and libery works every time.
Unemployment is down and real wages are up.

How embarrassing!
Unemployment has been going down since 2010. Wages are sad. In 2000 wage growth was over 5%, now it's around 3%.

In 2000 wage growth was over 5%

The Internet Bubble was cool!!!
It's funny how you have no real responses and just parrot yourself constantly.

It's funny how you have no real responses

You think the wage growth in 2000 was unrelated to the Internet Bubble?
Looks like mine was an excellent, on-point response.
Not quite on point. Your bubble burst.
Bush had an average real wage growth of 4.9%
Obama's was 4.2%

Obama's was 4.2%

"Keep pretending"? I didn't say that.

You're illustrating my point. Much appreciated.

If you did not say that, what in the hell is even your point? A random meaningless graph?

I try to fill in what you leave unsaid. It would be preferable if you just stated YOURSELF what you believe the graph proves.
I'm not surprised that you don't understand my points.

I would like you to, but I've given up trying to explain things to you people. You refuse to understand anything aside from what you are fed.

I'm not trying to convince you of ANYTHING. I'm burned out on asymmetrical conversations here. I'm tired of having to dumb things down.

Maybe if you were pushing truths it would not be quite so draining.
And here we go again.

Please show me where I have been dishonest.

Let's see the quotes. Thanks in advance.

What is your interpretation of the graph?

Can you answer your own questions?
To which questions are you referring?

Do you mean the unemployment graph? If so, let me know, and I'll provide my opinion. Again.
If you are self employed or run a small business, you know how much the tax cut helped. 20% deduction off net income for those making under 250K. Not to bad,
Trump promised it would help the economy, it hasn't. He also promised it wouldn't add to deficits, but they have increased drastically.

Trump promised it would help the economy, it hasn't.

You think it hurt the economy? How?
I’m saying it didn’t help. You don’t read so well?

I’m saying it didn’t help.

How do you know it didn't help?
I’ve answered that several times, stop wasting time.

Yes, you've posted your feelings, repeatedly.
As economic policy the tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves and increase growth to 4-6%. Deficits have increased and growth has slowed. Major fail.

Blah, blah, blah...

They worked in putting Americans back to work and increasing wages first time in decades.
You aren’t big on facts eh?

Fact is that the unemployment rate under Trump is almost the lowest ever in history. Even some leftists are finding productive work.

The prediction was that the economy was supposed crash and burn. It did not turn out correct, did it now?
Yeah it was really low before the cuts and have been declining since 2010.

And after the cuts it was hitting record numbers.

Socislism does not work. Free markets and libery works every time.
It continued the trend started in 2010...

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