Why didn't the media & the left show this kind of concern for children before now?

This is how the left treated the Clinton accusers:

"Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find."

There was as much evidence then as there is now yet no coverage. No condemnation.
The difference between then and now is the GOP is in power and they aren't trying to hide what's occurring now.

You can not claim to want to protect children while not being INCREDIBLY alarmed at this video.

Nice fake news there, Comrade. And a nice deflection from Child-chaser Moore too.

I never claimed it was news, twit.

And it is not a deflection. Fuck Roy. Get it yet carpet muncher?

Ah....backpedaling already, eh? And if you have to resort to name-calling over my sexual orientation and using derogatory terms.....look at yourself....you've just admitted you've lost.

Your sexual orientation is derogatory?

And I've lost nothing. The first few responses in this thread proved my point.

The terminology you used is. But feel free to pretend it is not, Comrade.
This video is hilarious. I love these home made conspiracy videos and the "proof" they present. Come back with something that wasn't made in someones basement and we can have an adult conversation.

But the real point is, lets say this is all true. Does that make Roy Moore any less guilty?
Nope, it doesn't.

It just proves your hypocrisy

Show actual proof of Bill Clinton being a pedophile and not just guilt by association and you'll have an actual argument, until then this is just a sad deflection.
It's not a deflection. ROY can rot in hell for all I care.
Why is one considered conspiricy while the other is a national disgrace?


The evidence against both is overwhelming

One we have actual victims speaking out, the other is someone on YouTube playing 6 degrees of separation.
But but but....what about the Hypocrisy!!!!!!
This is conjecture. There's no evidence of anything.

Mrs. Smith was seen walking near the park. Within the hour it started to rain. The rain caused a landslide in Malibu. As a result, the Jones house was destroyed. The evidence is plain that Mrs. Smith destroyed the Jones house.
So....you saw the video too.
Moore is a creep

So is Bill Clinton. Creepy as they come
I wouldn't vote for B. Clinton as Senator in Alabama either. But at least his affairs were with adults.

Why are you so sure about that? He's on record as being a frequent visitor to his good friend Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island.' It's fact. You need to get real.
How many times did he go and what were those dates again?
Regarding Bill Clinton, yes the Dems are being very hypocritical. Clinton is/was a sexual predator. And they go into denial and plain just don't want to talk about.
Of course, the Trumpsters are emulating the Dems tactic in regards to Trump's own history as a sexual predator.
In other words, there's hypocrisy all the way around.
And that's,,,,,,
This video is hilarious. I love these home made conspiracy videos and the "proof" they present. Come back with something that wasn't made in someones basement and we can have an adult conversation.

But the real point is, lets say this is all true. Does that make Roy Moore any less guilty?
Nope, it doesn't.

It just proves your hypocrisy

Show actual proof of Bill Clinton being a pedophile and not just guilt by association and you'll have an actual argument, until then this is just a sad deflection.
be glad to do that right after evidence of trump and russia colluding and not just a "guilt by association" thing.

tag, you're it.
This video is hilarious. I love these home made conspiracy videos and the "proof" they present. Come back with something that wasn't made in someones basement and we can have an adult conversation.

But the real point is, lets say this is all true. Does that make Roy Moore any less guilty?
Nope, it doesn't.

It just proves your hypocrisy

Show actual proof of Bill Clinton being a pedophile and not just guilt by association and you'll have an actual argument, until then this is just a sad deflection.
be glad to do that right after evidence of trump and russia colluding and not just a "guilt by association" thing.

tag, you're it.

LOL, seriously? The case is ongoing....the dots are being connected and it's not just some guy on Youtube making the case.

You regressives are always funny with your lack of thinking things through.
This video is hilarious. I love these home made conspiracy videos and the "proof" they present. Come back with something that wasn't made in someones basement and we can have an adult conversation.

But the real point is, lets say this is all true. Does that make Roy Moore any less guilty?
Nope, it doesn't.

It just proves your hypocrisy

Show actual proof of Bill Clinton being a pedophile and not just guilt by association and you'll have an actual argument, until then this is just a sad deflection.
be glad to do that right after evidence of trump and russia colluding and not just a "guilt by association" thing.

tag, you're it.

LOL, seriously? The case is ongoing....the dots are being connected and it's not just some guy on Youtube making the case.

You regressives are always funny with your lack of thinking things through.
so you're ok if you do guilt by association in saying trumps camp *talked* to the russians, ergo, he's guilty. however, clinton can be on flight records going to pedo-island and it's just to chat with friends or something innocent.

when you apply the same rules to all, let me know.
38 years. 8 major elections. This is the first time the DNC actually paid women to lie.
Most of the GOP leadership is saying the women appear truthful

IT IS Moore who is lying

What would happen if any of the swamp dwellers said the women are lying? They are obviously lying, but no swampy would admit it.

Besides, the GOP swampies have been trying to get rid of Moore since they removed him from the bench for wanting to keep the The Commandments.

The women are lying, probably paid, and the proof is Gloria Allred wants to tell the people of Alabama how to vote. She's the one that cooked up the forged yearbook.
This video is hilarious. I love these home made conspiracy videos and the "proof" they present. Come back with something that wasn't made in someones basement and we can have an adult conversation.

But the real point is, lets say this is all true. Does that make Roy Moore any less guilty?
Nope, it doesn't.

It just proves your hypocrisy

Show actual proof of Bill Clinton being a pedophile and not just guilt by association and you'll have an actual argument, until then this is just a sad deflection.
be glad to do that right after evidence of trump and russia colluding and not just a "guilt by association" thing.

tag, you're it.

LOL, seriously? The case is ongoing....the dots are being connected and it's not just some guy on Youtube making the case.

You regressives are always funny with your lack of thinking things through.
so you're ok if you do guilt by association in saying trumps camp *talked* to the russians, ergo, he's guilty. however, clinton can be on flight records going to pedo-island and it's just to chat with friends or something innocent.

when you apply the same rules to all, let me know.

I'll say this slow so you can keep up.

There is a mountain of reasons to investigate Trump. From intelligence info from our own CIA/FBI/ etc...to testimony provided by people on Trumps own team to information uncovered by the Special investigator assigned to look in to this. None of it means Trump is guilty...yet. But there is plenty of reason to continue to investigate.

On the other hand, some guy on YouTube made a video implying that Bill Clinton is a pedophile because his friend is a pedophile.

Like I said before, when there is really evidence to warrant a true investigation, I am all ears.

Get it yet?
Nope, it doesn't.

It just proves your hypocrisy

Show actual proof of Bill Clinton being a pedophile and not just guilt by association and you'll have an actual argument, until then this is just a sad deflection.
be glad to do that right after evidence of trump and russia colluding and not just a "guilt by association" thing.

tag, you're it.

LOL, seriously? The case is ongoing....the dots are being connected and it's not just some guy on Youtube making the case.

You regressives are always funny with your lack of thinking things through.
so you're ok if you do guilt by association in saying trumps camp *talked* to the russians, ergo, he's guilty. however, clinton can be on flight records going to pedo-island and it's just to chat with friends or something innocent.

when you apply the same rules to all, let me know.

I'll say this slow so you can keep up.

There is a mountain of reasons to investigate Trump. From intelligence info from our own CIA/FBI/ etc...to testimony provided by people on Trumps own team to information uncovered by the Special investigator assigned to look in to this. None of it means Trump is guilty...yet. But there is plenty of reason to continue to investigate.

On the other hand, some guy on YouTube made a video implying that Bill Clinton is a pedophile because his friend is a pedophile.

Like I said before, when there is really evidence to warrant a true investigation, I am all ears.

Get it yet?
i stopped reading after your asinine "see if you can keep up"

i've got zero interest in exchanging insults with you. if you want to talk over issues and our collective thoughts on them, leave the fucking arrogance at the door.
Show actual proof of Bill Clinton being a pedophile and not just guilt by association and you'll have an actual argument, until then this is just a sad deflection.
be glad to do that right after evidence of trump and russia colluding and not just a "guilt by association" thing.

tag, you're it.

LOL, seriously? The case is ongoing....the dots are being connected and it's not just some guy on Youtube making the case.

You regressives are always funny with your lack of thinking things through.
so you're ok if you do guilt by association in saying trumps camp *talked* to the russians, ergo, he's guilty. however, clinton can be on flight records going to pedo-island and it's just to chat with friends or something innocent.

when you apply the same rules to all, let me know.

I'll say this slow so you can keep up.

There is a mountain of reasons to investigate Trump. From intelligence info from our own CIA/FBI/ etc...to testimony provided by people on Trumps own team to information uncovered by the Special investigator assigned to look in to this. None of it means Trump is guilty...yet. But there is plenty of reason to continue to investigate.

On the other hand, some guy on YouTube made a video implying that Bill Clinton is a pedophile because his friend is a pedophile.

Like I said before, when there is really evidence to warrant a true investigation, I am all ears.

Get it yet?
i stopped reading after your asinine "see if you can keep up"

i've got zero interest in exchanging insults with you. if you want to talk over issues and our collective thoughts on them, leave the fucking arrogance at the door.

Poor snowflake is mad that he can't justify his defense of a pedophile.
be glad to do that right after evidence of trump and russia colluding and not just a "guilt by association" thing.

tag, you're it.

LOL, seriously? The case is ongoing....the dots are being connected and it's not just some guy on Youtube making the case.

You regressives are always funny with your lack of thinking things through.
so you're ok if you do guilt by association in saying trumps camp *talked* to the russians, ergo, he's guilty. however, clinton can be on flight records going to pedo-island and it's just to chat with friends or something innocent.

when you apply the same rules to all, let me know.

I'll say this slow so you can keep up.

There is a mountain of reasons to investigate Trump. From intelligence info from our own CIA/FBI/ etc...to testimony provided by people on Trumps own team to information uncovered by the Special investigator assigned to look in to this. None of it means Trump is guilty...yet. But there is plenty of reason to continue to investigate.

On the other hand, some guy on YouTube made a video implying that Bill Clinton is a pedophile because his friend is a pedophile.

Like I said before, when there is really evidence to warrant a true investigation, I am all ears.

Get it yet?
i stopped reading after your asinine "see if you can keep up"

i've got zero interest in exchanging insults with you. if you want to talk over issues and our collective thoughts on them, leave the fucking arrogance at the door.

Poor snowflake is mad that he can't justify his defense of a pedophile.
who said i was defending bill?
LOL, seriously? The case is ongoing....the dots are being connected and it's not just some guy on Youtube making the case.

You regressives are always funny with your lack of thinking things through.
so you're ok if you do guilt by association in saying trumps camp *talked* to the russians, ergo, he's guilty. however, clinton can be on flight records going to pedo-island and it's just to chat with friends or something innocent.

when you apply the same rules to all, let me know.

I'll say this slow so you can keep up.

There is a mountain of reasons to investigate Trump. From intelligence info from our own CIA/FBI/ etc...to testimony provided by people on Trumps own team to information uncovered by the Special investigator assigned to look in to this. None of it means Trump is guilty...yet. But there is plenty of reason to continue to investigate.

On the other hand, some guy on YouTube made a video implying that Bill Clinton is a pedophile because his friend is a pedophile.

Like I said before, when there is really evidence to warrant a true investigation, I am all ears.

Get it yet?
i stopped reading after your asinine "see if you can keep up"

i've got zero interest in exchanging insults with you. if you want to talk over issues and our collective thoughts on them, leave the fucking arrogance at the door.

Poor snowflake is mad that he can't justify his defense of a pedophile.
who said i was defending bill?

It's sad that literally nothing is off limits for you people as long as they have an (R) next to their name.

You want to sexually molest kids? Let me check if you're a Republican. Sure, go for it!
so you're ok if you do guilt by association in saying trumps camp *talked* to the russians, ergo, he's guilty. however, clinton can be on flight records going to pedo-island and it's just to chat with friends or something innocent.

when you apply the same rules to all, let me know.

I'll say this slow so you can keep up.

There is a mountain of reasons to investigate Trump. From intelligence info from our own CIA/FBI/ etc...to testimony provided by people on Trumps own team to information uncovered by the Special investigator assigned to look in to this. None of it means Trump is guilty...yet. But there is plenty of reason to continue to investigate.

On the other hand, some guy on YouTube made a video implying that Bill Clinton is a pedophile because his friend is a pedophile.

Like I said before, when there is really evidence to warrant a true investigation, I am all ears.

Get it yet?
i stopped reading after your asinine "see if you can keep up"

i've got zero interest in exchanging insults with you. if you want to talk over issues and our collective thoughts on them, leave the fucking arrogance at the door.

Poor snowflake is mad that he can't justify his defense of a pedophile.
who said i was defending bill?

It's sad that literally nothing is off limits for you people as long as they have an (R) next to their name.

You want to sexually molest kids? Let me check if you're a Republican. Sure, go for it!
show me where i said it was ok for *anyone*. show me where i fit your blanket statement.

go ahead.

or shut the fuck up.
I'll say this slow so you can keep up.

There is a mountain of reasons to investigate Trump. From intelligence info from our own CIA/FBI/ etc...to testimony provided by people on Trumps own team to information uncovered by the Special investigator assigned to look in to this. None of it means Trump is guilty...yet. But there is plenty of reason to continue to investigate.

On the other hand, some guy on YouTube made a video implying that Bill Clinton is a pedophile because his friend is a pedophile.

Like I said before, when there is really evidence to warrant a true investigation, I am all ears.

Get it yet?
i stopped reading after your asinine "see if you can keep up"

i've got zero interest in exchanging insults with you. if you want to talk over issues and our collective thoughts on them, leave the fucking arrogance at the door.

Poor snowflake is mad that he can't justify his defense of a pedophile.
who said i was defending bill?

It's sad that literally nothing is off limits for you people as long as they have an (R) next to their name.

You want to sexually molest kids? Let me check if you're a Republican. Sure, go for it!
show me where i said it was ok for *anyone*. show me where i fit your blanket statement.

go ahead.

or shut the fuck up.

Read this thread. You're a pedo-apologist.

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