Why do Americans still support Trump now that he's a "convicted felon" (allegedly)? Poll

Why do Americans still support Trump now that he's a "convicted felon" (allegedly)?

  • They know how rotten gvt agencies (Justice Depts) can be/are

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Many Americans have also been falsely convicted by persecutors from Hell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bragg let violent felons off scott free to go after a non-violent "crime"

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Americans understand that Trump is a victim of a politically corrupt judicial system. I bet there isn't a single American who can name even one of the 34 frivolous charges. The question is why a desperate faction of Americans support a clearly mentally impaired president who has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button.
Americans understand that Trump is a victim of a politically corrupt judicial system. I bet there isn't a single American who can name even one of the 34 frivolous charges. The question is why a desperate faction of Americans support a clearly mentally impaired president who has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button.
yeh, I can't imagine why polls don't say 90% Trump and 10% bribum

But then again, maybe I do get it

2 words: mainstream media

(but really, there is nothing mainstream about it)
I was never well off enough to do the Stock Market.. probably a good thing bc with my luck, I would lose all the time

My late husband was good with money and the broker is a family friend, so he works hard, doing what he can to protect what Bribem hasn't gotten his thieving hands on.

There's no "allegedly" there. He is, in fact, a convicted felon.

LOL For the time being. Convicted on dead unprosecuted misdemeanors by a biased jury in a liberal district.

But yea, I guess if you want to stretch it, for now. he is. He won't be long, however.

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