Why do big cities vote Democrat?

Because they need higher wages to live on
Since they're not going to be making minimum wage long unless they are absolute turds as employees that won't be a factor since they'll either earn raises or find better paying opportunities doing something else.
We have major road construction happening and once some of them reach 40 hours they are making $80 per hour. That's not bad.
Since they're not going to be making minimum wage long unless they are absolute turds as employees that won't be a factor since they'll either earn raises or find better paying opportunities doing something else.
But some will for a long time and they deserve higher wages
Work ethic is directly tied to Wages. Pay more I work harder, pay less I slow it down. Econ 101
Work ethic is directly tied to Wages. Pay more I work harder, pay less I slow it down. Econ 101

Chicken and the egg. I won't pay you more until you work harder. You act as if you deserve more without even proving you are worth it first. That is about as backwards as it gets.
Based on the fact we say so

Then start a company of your own and pay them what you think they deserve.

The overwhelming majority of MW workers are part timers, young kids just starting out or working part time to help them get through school or retirees working part time for a few extra bucks and something to do.
Chicken and the egg. I won't pay you more until you work harder. You act as if you deserve more without even proving you are worth it first. That is about as backwards as it gets.
It isn't as much about how hard someone works as it is what they can produce for the company that determines what they are worth along with what someone else is willing to do the same job for.

Standouts tend to get promoted, get raises, or get hired by other companies offering them a better package in most cases.

Then start a company of your own and pay them what you think they deserve.

The overwhelming majority of MW workers are part timers, young kids just starting out or working part time to help them get through school or retirees working part time for a few extra bucks and something to do.
Or I can just vote

Then start a company of your own and pay them what you think they deserve.

The overwhelming majority of MW workers are part timers, young kids just starting out or working part time to help them get through school or retirees working part time for a few extra bucks and something to do.

These economic geniuses think that an ice cream scooper should be paid 30/hr or 60k/yr. We know the 18 year old ice cream scoopers want this, but one would think that an intelligent adult with life experience would understand why this is a bad idea. I guess I give them too much credit.

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