Why do big cities vote Democrat?

That's it, ignore it. The truth hurts. You agree with the 18 year old "thinkers" in this country. Let that sink in for a bit if you can.
If you have an actual work ethic you will work hard and do the best job you can regardless of the wage and the increases in pay and benefits will follow.

I've never seen an average or poor worker suddenly start standing out after a promotion or raise.
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Areas of high population densities are where the traditional media reach the most people. Most of the traditional broadcast media has become nothing but extensions of the Democrat party. I believe this is one reason big cities vote Democrat.
Thus why they need more "freebees" and will vote for any dotard that promises them more.
I don't think there's really any arguing against that. It's been the established pattern for a really long time in this country.
The adjustment being made as rapidly as possible is to replace people with machines because machines have a set cost and are more reliable.

Falsely inflating wages by gov't mandate is going to have the opposite effect of what you would like to see.
Automating a task is most successful where the task is well defined and does not change. A good example is the hand held computer that waiters use to take orders, create checks, and process credit card payments. It saves a lot of time and reduces the number of wait staff needed but does not eliminate them. The fully automated machines for taking order and collecting payment have been successful in high volume fast food but not in higher cost restaurants where diners are interested in good service as well as good food.

The hamburger machine that completely prepares a burger has been very successful in high volume fast foods restaurants in some countries. In the US fast food restaurants often changes their menus adding and dropping items from menu which a burger machine can not handle.

Getting back to government mandated minimum wage, raising minimum wages may result in some automation but new automation also creates jobs in building machines, sales, maintenance, and deliveries.
If cities had more pluses than minuses we'd not see the affluent leaving them for rural and suburban life.
People come to the larger cities for jobs, nightlife, and all the city has to offer usually when they are young. When they become affluent or they are raising a family, a larger home at lower cost becomes more important. As I said, big cities, suburbs, and smaller towns all have their appeal depending on personal circumstances.
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It is always more profitable. Every time
That not necessary so. Human workers tend to be far more flexible than machines. Automation is most effective when the tasks are well define and are not subject to frequent change such as in manufacturing. In service jobs, employees need to be flexible and this is where minimum wage changes have the most effect.
That not necessary so. Human workers tend to be far more flexible than machines. Automation is most effective when the tasks are well define and are not subject to frequent change such as in manufacturing. In service jobs, employees need to be flexible and this is where minimum wage changes have the most effect.
And help the most people
Live music and theater are for self-styled hipsters. Usually leftwingers. Most people don't care about that stuff.
More and more people are able to work from home. As long as they have internet they can live wherever they want. Some even live and work in an RV.
people can't afford housing anymore...
and dumber...
Every time I've had to spend several days in a large city, I couldn't wait to get home. For one thing, there is no place to get real food. No supermarkets. No Walmart. You're either stuck with restaurants (bleh) or high-priced convenience stores. I feel like a prisoner. No place to take uninterrupted walks, no way to get away from traffic, always panhandlers. Always some group of angry leftwing protesters.
We went to Denver a couple of years ago. Spent three days. Bored to death. All these homeless mini-cities on the streets. Feces in the middle of the sidewalks. Unemployed aimless hipsters skateboarding, many of them hig, drunks soliciting donations, and pot shops. I hate every part of a big city vibe. The best part of Denver was the beautiful Catholic cathedral, which the very next year was desecrated by a BLM anti-Christian bigot. Fortunately, she was charged with a hate crime.
i'd love to know what the **** is wrong with this *** **** thing
57% of Americans paid no federal income tax last year. Wow, that's a lot of "GOP lying rich" people.
BS. If you count all taxes, we have a flat tax system. A disgrace and disaster, Thanks GOP and dupes...

people can't afford housing anymore...
and dumber...

i'd love to know what the **** is wrong with this *** **** thing

BS. If you count all taxes, we have a flat tax system. A disgrace and disaster, Thanks GOP and dupes...
No we don't have a flat tax system, certainly not for income taxes which is the subject of discussion here.

When a single flat rate income tax is proposed democrats go insane screaming that it's too regressive.

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