why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?


I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

As a very general rule of thumb, it is NOT true that conservatives "care" about other people's abortions. That is a case of a bad mis-focus by the author of the OP.

What conservatives CARE about is the slaughter of helpless, defenseless human beings.

I care.

I think we should give any dimocrap that wants an abortion a free one.

And $5 from Crime stop.

Not really being sardonic
A fetus is not an innocent human being until the libs insist it is, that is, until AFTER it has gotten outside the mom's body.

After birth, and even after committing intentional murders with proof of guilt being established beyond the shadow of any doubt, the libs insist that it is a life that is worthy of protection.

Innocence appears to be a grounds for execution in the topsy turvy universe of modern American liberalism.
A fetus is not an innocent human being until the libs insist it is, that is, until AFTER it has gotten outside the mom's body.

After birth, and even after committing intentional murders with proof of guilt being established beyond the shadow of any doubt, the libs insist that it is a life that is worthy of protection.

Innocence appears to be a grounds for execution in the topsy turvy universe of modern American liberalism.

Not true anymore.

dimocrap scum are now pushing for post-birth abortions. I shit you not. Honest to God.

It hasn't hit the mainstream dimocrap scum HQ yet. Right now, it's in the 'stalking horse' test stage.

Look for it. If you can't find, I'll look for it and post it
Not true anymore.

dimocrap scum are now pushing for post-birth abortions. I shit you not. Honest to God.

It hasn't hit the mainstream dimocrap scum HQ yet. Right now, it's in the 'stalking horse' test stage.

Look for it. If you can't find, I'll look for it and post it

Liberals have always supported the concept of eugenics. You have to meet their politically correct standards or else you don't get to live.

It would be if a fetus the size of a kidney bean was actually "a child". But of course, it isn't.

You were once the size of a "kidney bean". Maybe being a Libtard you weren't much of a human then, just like now.

Since I have no memory of it, it's irrelevant.

The reality is, most women don't think of a fetus at that point as a baby. They don't have funerals for early miscarriages.
Funerals? No. Mourn? Yes. My first and third pregnancies were miscarriages. Fuck You.

Oh, and none of my four pregnancies were 'mistakes'. They were intentional. I took advantage of the pill until my husband and I considered ourselves prepared to take on the challenge of having a family......fiscally and emotionally.

I hate to be the one to tell you but miscarriages are not abortions.

Usually there are no funerals in abortion. They just toss the dead baby's body into the dumpsters out behind the abortion clinic. After all the mother didn't want to have anything to do with the little guy that that was going to be a bother to her. There are pictures of that on the internet if you really want to see.

Actually miscarriages are abortions.

An abortion is when a pregnancy is ended before the fetus is viable.

A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion.

An abortion that's not a miscarriage is called an induced abortion.

All spontaneous abortions and induced abortions are counted the same in medical records. Or at least they are in my state I don't know about other states but I think they count them the same way. So when statistics are released on abortions, miscarriages are included in that number.

spontaneous abortion - definition of spontaneous abortion by Medical dictionary

And no they don't toss the medical waste in the dumpster behind the clinic. It's disposed of the same way all medical waste is disposed.

If you have to lie how valid is your point and why should anyone believe you or listen to even one word you said?
If a fetus is not human then it won't grow into a human child that needs to have its diaper change so why kill it?
Because pregnancy is one medical condition that is 100% preventable. Some people use abortion instead of birth control, which btw, most conservatives have no issue with birth control. Actually, we wish more people would use it.
And no they don't toss the medical waste in the dumpster behind the clinic.

17 Aborted Fetuses Allegedly Discarded In Dumpster

17 Aborted Fetuses Allegedly Discarded In Dumpster

"It is legal to take an aborted baby and put them into a garbage disposal and grind them up. Apparently it's also legal in michigan to dip that baby into formaldehyde and simply throw them into a garbage dumpster," said Jones, (R-Grand Ledge).

Fetus Found Near Dumpster of Abortion Clinic - Fox Nation
Fetus Found Near Dumpster of Abortion Clinic

It would be if a fetus the size of a kidney bean was actually "a child". But of course, it isn't.

You were once the size of a "kidney bean". Maybe being a Libtard you weren't much of a human then, just like now.

Since I have no memory of it, it's irrelevant.

The reality is, most women don't think of a fetus at that point as a baby. They don't have funerals for early miscarriages.
Funerals? No. Mourn? Yes. My first and third pregnancies were miscarriages. Fuck You.

Oh, and none of my four pregnancies were 'mistakes'. They were intentional. I took advantage of the pill until my husband and I considered ourselves prepared to take on the challenge of having a family......fiscally and emotionally.

I hate to be the one to tell you but miscarriages are not abortions.

Usually there are no funerals in abortion. They just toss the dead baby's body into the dumpsters out behind the abortion clinic. After all the mother didn't want to have anything to do with the little guy that that was going to be a bother to her. There are pictures of that on the internet if you really want to see.

A cousin and his wife were expecting their second child. They were quite excited to give their daughter a sibling. Unfortunately, at 20 weeks ( a gestational age where it is still permissible to abort) it was discovered that the baby had no heartbeat and she was induce and gave birth to a stillborn girl. She was given a name and they also had a private funeral service to recognize the loss the family suffered.
So, yes, there are funerals. We just don't often hear about them.

Exactly. No one hears about them but they happen.

My cousin's wife was in the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. In that 3rd trimester the cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and strangled it. There was a faint heart beat while it was still in the womb but the doctors determined there was no brain activity. My cousin's wife had to have a late term abortion.

They gave the fetus a name, a family name that's been passed to the first born son of each generation, then they had a funeral and buried that fetus.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I had to endure a couple of miscarriages too. It's one of the worst things a person can go through. When you plan a pregnancy, get pregnant and then lose it your whole world was nothing but pain. I put myself through guilt that no person should have to endure. The only way I found a way to live with it was time. Time passes and the pain isn't as bad and I found a way to live with it.
And no they don't toss the medical waste in the dumpster behind the clinic.

17 Aborted Fetuses Allegedly Discarded In Dumpster

17 Aborted Fetuses Allegedly Discarded In Dumpster

"It is legal to take an aborted baby and put them into a garbage disposal and grind them up. Apparently it's also legal in michigan to dip that baby into formaldehyde and simply throw them into a garbage dumpster," said Jones, (R-Grand Ledge).

Fetus Found Near Dumpster of Abortion Clinic - Fox Nation
Fetus Found Near Dumpster of Abortion Clinic

Ok maybe I should have used the word LEGAL.

It's not legal for someone to put an aborted fetus in a dumpster. By law it must be disposed of the same way all other medical waste is disposed.
It is unfortunate that more Liberals don't care about the right of a child to live.

They think a child should be put to death simply because a parent thinks the child will be a bother to them sometime in the future. Disgusting, isn't it?.

It would be if a fetus the size of a kidney bean was actually "a child". But of course, it isn't.

Indeed, those of us with the ability need to protect them until such a time they have the ability to protect themselves.

It's silly to think otherwise

How many kidney beans have you known that ever grew up to become a citizen?
It is unfortunate that more Liberals don't care about the right of a child to live.

They think a child should be put to death simply because a parent thinks the child will be a bother to them sometime in the future. Disgusting, isn't it?.

It would be if a fetus the size of a kidney bean was actually "a child". But of course, it isn't.

Indeed, those of us with the ability need to protect them until such a time they have the ability to protect themselves.

It's silly to think otherwise

How many kidney beans have you known that ever grew up to become a citizen?
He eats dinner with them weekly

It would be if a fetus the size of a kidney bean was actually "a child". But of course, it isn't.

You were once the size of a "kidney bean". Maybe being a Libtard you weren't much of a human then, just like now.

Since I have no memory of it, it's irrelevant.

The reality is, most women don't think of a fetus at that point as a baby. They don't have funerals for early miscarriages.
Funerals? No. Mourn? Yes. My first and third pregnancies were miscarriages. Fuck You.

Oh, and none of my four pregnancies were 'mistakes'. They were intentional. I took advantage of the pill until my husband and I considered ourselves prepared to take on the challenge of having a family......fiscally and emotionally.

I hate to be the one to tell you but miscarriages are not abortions.

Usually there are no funerals in abortion. They just toss the dead baby's body into the dumpsters out behind the abortion clinic. After all the mother didn't want to have anything to do with the little guy that that was going to be a bother to her. There are pictures of that on the internet if you really want to see.

Actually miscarriages are abortions.

An abortion is when a pregnancy is ended before the fetus is viable.

A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion.

An abortion that's not a miscarriage is called an induced abortion.

All spontaneous abortions and induced abortions are counted the same in medical records. Or at least they are in my state I don't know about other states but I think they count them the same way. So when statistics are released on abortions, miscarriages are included in that number.

spontaneous abortion - definition of spontaneous abortion by Medical dictionary

And no they don't toss the medical waste in the dumpster behind the clinic. It's disposed of the same way all medical waste is disposed.

If you have to lie how valid is your point and why should anyone believe you or listen to even one word you said?

And dieing in your sleep is spontaneous murder.

Funerals? No. Mourn? Yes. My first and third pregnancies were miscarriages. Fuck You.

Oh, and none of my four pregnancies were 'mistakes'. They were intentional. I took advantage of the pill until my husband and I considered ourselves prepared to take on the challenge of having a family......fiscally and emotionally.

Point is there wasn't a funeral or a death certificate. Fetuses aren't people.
It is unfortunate that more Liberals don't care about the right of a child to live.

They think a child should be put to death simply because a parent thinks the child will be a bother to them sometime in the future. Disgusting, isn't it?.

It would be if a fetus the size of a kidney bean was actually "a child". But of course, it isn't.
is it alive? That has been my question. Are they killing a living something in your world?

They aren't killing something that can live on its own, so no, it's no more a murder than a tonsillectomy.
Libtards state that a fetus is not human and some even claim that it is not alive but yet they still want to kill it to keep it from being an inconvenience to someone later on that has to change its diaper.

I don't know of any liberal who 'wants' to kill a fetus.

What we recognize is that women are going to get abortions, not matter what the law is and no matter what the religious fuckheads say.

We know this because even in countries that ban abortions, hundreds of thousands of abortions occur.
It is unfortunate that more Liberals don't care about the right of a child to live.

They think a child should be put to death simply because a parent thinks the child will be a bother to them sometime in the future. Disgusting, isn't it?.

It would be if a fetus the size of a kidney bean was actually "a child". But of course, it isn't.
is it alive? That has been my question. Are they killing a living something in your world?

They aren't killing something that can live on its own, so no, it's no more a murder than a tonsillectomy.
wow, so a child out of the womb can live on their own eh?

And the stupid never stops on us message board forum!!! holy crap. I think you all should try this stuff out before you actually post it. maybe you could recover the stupid before it hits the boards.
Libtards state that a fetus is not human and some even claim that it is not alive but yet they still want to kill it to keep it from being an inconvenience to someone later on that has to change its diaper.

I don't know of any liberal who 'wants' to kill a fetus.

What we recognize is that women are going to get abortions, not matter what the law is and no matter what the religious fuckheads say.

We know this because even in countries that ban abortions, hundreds of thousands of abortions occur.
but sure they do.

I can understand the "murder" aspect of abortion.

Even though you technically aren't murdering a human being, you are murdering an entire future, and one with infinite possibilities. The effects that even one human life has on humanity is beyond the ability to fathom. Even the most seemingly insignificant of humans make choices and perform actions all the time with effects that reach endlessly into the future.

Still, I fully support abortion.

It is a simple yet profound choice that one should really think through. But after its done, one should never regret it.

I can understand the "murder" aspect of abortion.

Even though you technically aren't murdering a human being, you are murdering an entire future, and one with infinite possibilities. The effects that even one human life has on humanity is beyond the ability to fathom. Even the most seemingly insignificant of humans make choices and perform actions all the time with effects that reach endlessly into the future.

Still, I fully support abortion.

It is a simple yet profound choice that one should really think through. But after its done, one should never regret it.

Well, since you know that, then it is. It is murder.

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