why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

I don't know of any liberal who 'wants' to kill a fetus.
That is like saying the Nazis didn't "want" to kill Jews.

if a Liberal doesn't want to kill fetuses then they should stop supporting abortion. It ain't rocket science.
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I don't know of any liberal who 'wants' to kill a fetus.
That is like saying the Nazis didn't "want" to kill Jews.

if a Liberal doesn't want to kill fetuses then they should stop supporting abortion. It ain't rocket science.

Dude, your Godwins are showing.

You do get that there's a difference between knowing you can't outlaw something and actually wanting to do it, right?

Dude, your Godwins are showing.

You do get that there's a difference between knowing you can't outlaw something and actually wanting to do it, right?

If you accept the "legality" that children can be killed for the sake of convenience then that makes you pretty damn guilty.

I think it is morally reprehensible that the state allows the murder of children for the sake of convenience and I don't accept that the filthy government has a right to allow it. The government gets away with it like they get away with a lot of other morally reprehensible things and I am powerless to stop it but I don't accept it.
If you accept the "legality" that children can be killed for the sake of convenience then that makes you pretty damn guilty.

I think it is morally reprehensible that the state allows the murder of children for the sake of convenience and I don't accept that the filthy government has a right to allow it. The government gets away with it like they get away with a lot of other morally reprehensible things and I am powerless to stop it but I don't accept it.

1) I don't consider fetuses to be "children", and neither do most sensible people, at least not in the first trimester, when 96% of abortions are preformed.

2) The state merely acknowledged reality in 1973. The dirty little secret is that before Roe v. Wade, women had abortions and their doctors wrote something else down on the charts.

3) As much as you find something morally reprehensible, doesn't mean other people do. If people agreed with you that it was, you would have more of an argument.
If you accept the "legality" that children can be killed for the sake of convenience then that makes you pretty damn guilty.

I think it is morally reprehensible that the state allows the murder of children for the sake of convenience and I don't accept that the filthy government has a right to allow it. The government gets away with it like they get away with a lot of other morally reprehensible things and I am powerless to stop it but I don't accept it.

1) I don't consider fetuses to be "children", and neither do most sensible people, at least not in the first trimester, when 96% of abortions are preformed.

2) The state merely acknowledged reality in 1973. The dirty little secret is that before Roe v. Wade, women had abortions and their doctors wrote something else down on the charts.

3) As much as you find something morally reprehensible, doesn't mean other people do. If people agreed with you that it was, you would have more of an argument.

1. most people do consider unborn humans as humans
2. abortion is murder, it was murder before roe v wade and its murder today
3. a society decides what it considers right and wrong, and it does it by majority vote. So lets put it to a vote, ok?
Nobody considered abortion to be murder even when it was illegal.... Show me the person charged with murder for performing an abortion before 1973. Thanks.
Word games. Abortionists were charged with manslaughter due to abortion.
That's like asking, "Why did the abolitionists care about other people's slaves?" Because they were human beings.

Why do conservatives care about "other people's abortions"? Because babies in the womb have as much right to live as anyone else. Because they're human beings.
That's like asking, "Why did the abolitionists care about other people's slaves?" Because they were human beings.

Why do conservatives care about "other people's abortions"? Because babies in the womb have as much right to live as anyone else. Because they're human beings.

Actually, reading some of the comments, the unborn are probably more valuable life forms than many of the born.
Nobody considered abortion to be murder even when it was illegal.... Show me the person charged with murder for performing an abortion before 1973. Thanks.
Word games. Abortionists were charged with manslaughter due to abortion.

No, they weren't.

For instance, Ruth Barnett peformed 40,000 abortions between 1917 and 1967. She was only charged with "Manslaughter" when the women who visited her died.

abortion laws before Roe v. Wade were kind of like the prostitution laws. On the books, not really enforced.
If you accept the "legality" that children can be killed for the sake of convenience then that makes you pretty damn guilty.

I think it is morally reprehensible that the state allows the murder of children for the sake of convenience and I don't accept that the filthy government has a right to allow it. The government gets away with it like they get away with a lot of other morally reprehensible things and I am powerless to stop it but I don't accept it.

1) I don't consider fetuses to be "children", and neither do most sensible people, at least not in the first trimester, when 96% of abortions are preformed.

2) The state merely acknowledged reality in 1973. The dirty little secret is that before Roe v. Wade, women had abortions and their doctors wrote something else down on the charts.

3) As much as you find something morally reprehensible, doesn't mean other people do. If people agreed with you that it was, you would have more of an argument.

1. most people do consider unborn humans as humans
2. abortion is murder, it was murder before roe v wade and its murder today
3. a society decides what it considers right and wrong, and it does it by majority vote. So lets put it to a vote, ok?

You are just all about following the leader aren't you? Letting society decide for you what "right" and "wrong" is, and acquiescently embracing the herd's collective subjective opinion by assuming that it equates to some objective truth.

If you accept the "legality" that children can be killed for the sake of convenience then that makes you pretty damn guilty.

I think it is morally reprehensible that the state allows the murder of children for the sake of convenience and I don't accept that the filthy government has a right to allow it. The government gets away with it like they get away with a lot of other morally reprehensible things and I am powerless to stop it but I don't accept it.

1) I don't consider fetuses to be "children", and neither do most sensible people, at least not in the first trimester, when 96% of abortions are preformed.

2) The state merely acknowledged reality in 1973. The dirty little secret is that before Roe v. Wade, women had abortions and their doctors wrote something else down on the charts.

3) As much as you find something morally reprehensible, doesn't mean other people do. If people agreed with you that it was, you would have more of an argument.

1. most people do consider unborn humans as humans
2. abortion is murder, it was murder before roe v wade and its murder today
3. a society decides what it considers right and wrong, and it does it by majority vote. So lets put it to a vote, ok?

You are just all about following the leader aren't you? Letting society decide for you what "right" and "wrong" is, and acquiescently embracing the herd's collective subjective opinion by assuming that it equates to some objective truth.

in a word, yes. a society that does not operate on democratic principles is either a dictatorship or anarchy. All free democratic societies decide what is to be considered right and wrong based on majority opinion. Our constitution was ratified by majority vote of the states, all of our laws are put in place by majority vote, our representatives are selected by majority vote.

it amazes me that you liberals favor minority control over your lives.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.
I suppose you wouldn't care if terrorists machine gunned down 3,000,000 of your fellow citizens.
Luddly Neddite I understand The bedroom thing, but please elaborate more in how you feel conservatives want to contol peoples lives? Because I always think it is the liberals

First, I don't think its Conservatives, with an upper case C. Its rabid fundie RWs who want invasive laws controlling women's bodies via birth control and abortion, as well as marriage equality.

There are surely liberals who want to make abortion, bc, gay marriage illegal but I don't know of any. No, its the right that wants invasive laws based on religion aka sharia law.
The ACA seems pretty invasive to me.
Liberals are hypocrites. They say they don't want government telling them what to do and then they support Obamacare , gun control and other measures that control people's lives. Nobody who opposes abortion is controlling somebody's life anymore than if they were opposing random street murder. Murder is illegal and that is a human being thrown in a slop bucket. We have an obligation to stop murder if we can.
Abortion is legal and yes it is controlling a female if you make it illegal, so get off your high horse
History is on my side , if you can not figure out forcing a woman to carry a baby to term is slavery, you are as fucking stupid as democrats who think taxes is charity
History is on my side , if you can not figure out forcing a woman to carry a baby to term is slavery, you are as fucking stupid as democrats who think taxes is charity

how about the right to life of the unborn child? Who is looking out for his or her rights? Was the woman forced to have unprotected sex? is she not responsible for her own actions?

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