Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

Wrong, he was impeached for lying.

Yeah, about a very personal and private matter that had nothing to do with his job as president.
Blow jobs in the Oval Office. Very presidential.

And very personal and private.
Reagan had such respect for the office he wouldn't take off his jacket there. Bill sprayed cum on the floor like a mangy dog.

And the Kennedy boys gang banged Marilyn. Big deal. It had nothing to do with governing. Hypocrite.

Nor did this, right?

We have two candidates because one group is still obsessed about a silly blowjob from 30 years ago, but now has a presidential nominee who is proud his wife's titties are shown all over the internet, and another group that cares about governing our country for the benefit of all. It's not a real hard choice.

Your childish effort to diminish the corruption and fraud committed by the Clinton's is...amusing.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine

Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy

Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud

Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony -

Whitewater real-estate investor John Haley - recent!

1998 on fraud Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery Eugene Fitzhugh -

Whitewater - bribery Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign

Finance: Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China
I don't give a shit if it works now, I didn't start or revive this stupid thread. The fact is Bill Clinton knowingly committed a felony and a supposed grown adult trying to make excuses for it is something I find totally pathetic. I hope you taught you kids to have higher standards than you obviously have. Lawyers and politicians should be held to the highest standards of behavior, period, end of story.
Please explain how he got his law license back if he was convicted of a felony.

Can you say preferential and a plea deal? Neither negate the original crime. Also I don't know for a fact he ever got it back, you got a link for that assertion, he's never practiced law since leaving the WH.

The Senate found him not guilty that's what negated the original charge.

Clinton gave up his Arkansas law license in 2001, for five years and paid a 25,000 fine. He resigned his law license to practice before the Supreme Court to avoid penalties related to his Arkansas disbarment.

Damn you're stupid, he plead guilty in a plea deal in court. The impeachment proceeding in congress and the senates refusal to do their duty didn't change that.

No you're the dummy and obviously don't know the facts.

The infamous "Starr Report" outlining the findings of the Independent Counsel's investigation was delivered to the House of Representatives on Sept. 9, 1998, and subsequently made available to the public. Many felt the report, filled with lurid details of Clinton's sexual encounters with Lewinsky, to be a political attack against the President rather than a legal justification for his impeachment. Of the 11 possible grounds for impeachment cited by Starr, four were eventually approved by the House Judiciary Committee: grand jury perjury, civil suit perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power.

On December 19, following much debate over the constitutionality of the proceedings and whether or not Clinton could be punished by censure rather than impeachment, the House of Representatives held its historic vote. Clinton was impeached on two counts, grand jury perjury (228–206) and obstruction of justice (221–212), with the votes split along party lines. The Senate Republicans, however, were unable to gather enough support to achieve the two-thirds majority required for his conviction. On Feb. 12, 1999, the Senate acquitted President Clinton on both counts. The perjury charge failed by a vote of 55–45, with 10 Republicans voting against impeachment along with all 45 Democrats. The obstruction of justice vote was 50–50, with 5 Republicans breaking ranks to vote against impeachment.

Impeachment History

The day before leaving office, Clinton agreed to a five year suspension of his Arkansas law license as part of an agreement with the independent counsel to end the investigation. Based on this suspension, Clinton was also automatically suspended from the United States Supreme Court bar, from which he chose to resign. Clinton's resignation was mostly symbolic and will have little practical effect. He has never practiced before the Supreme Court and was not expected to in the future. Clinton also was assessed a $90,000 fine by federal judge Susan Webber Wright for contempt of court. The Paula Jones lawsuit was settled out of court for $850,000.

Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clinton agreed to this suspension on the condition that Whitewater prosecutors wouldn't pursue criminal charges for "evasive and misleading answers" Clinton gave under oath about his relations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

In April 1999 Judge Susan Webber Wright found Clinton in civil contempt of court for misleading testimony in the Jones case but did not press for any criminal charge. Rather than undergo a review by the Arkansas Supreme Court, Clinton voluntarily surrendered his Arkansas law license.

Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing here changes anything I said, the senate refused to do their sworn duty even though they had Clinton cold. Now run along child, you're dismissed.
Please explain how he got his law license back if he was convicted of a felony.

Can you say preferential and a plea deal? Neither negate the original crime. Also I don't know for a fact he ever got it back, you got a link for that assertion, he's never practiced law since leaving the WH.

The Senate found him not guilty that's what negated the original charge.

Clinton gave up his Arkansas law license in 2001, for five years and paid a 25,000 fine. He resigned his law license to practice before the Supreme Court to avoid penalties related to his Arkansas disbarment.

Damn you're stupid, he plead guilty in a plea deal in court. The impeachment proceeding in congress and the senates refusal to do their duty didn't change that.

No you're the dummy and obviously don't know the facts.

The infamous "Starr Report" outlining the findings of the Independent Counsel's investigation was delivered to the House of Representatives on Sept. 9, 1998, and subsequently made available to the public. Many felt the report, filled with lurid details of Clinton's sexual encounters with Lewinsky, to be a political attack against the President rather than a legal justification for his impeachment. Of the 11 possible grounds for impeachment cited by Starr, four were eventually approved by the House Judiciary Committee: grand jury perjury, civil suit perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power.

On December 19, following much debate over the constitutionality of the proceedings and whether or not Clinton could be punished by censure rather than impeachment, the House of Representatives held its historic vote. Clinton was impeached on two counts, grand jury perjury (228–206) and obstruction of justice (221–212), with the votes split along party lines. The Senate Republicans, however, were unable to gather enough support to achieve the two-thirds majority required for his conviction. On Feb. 12, 1999, the Senate acquitted President Clinton on both counts. The perjury charge failed by a vote of 55–45, with 10 Republicans voting against impeachment along with all 45 Democrats. The obstruction of justice vote was 50–50, with 5 Republicans breaking ranks to vote against impeachment.

Impeachment History

The day before leaving office, Clinton agreed to a five year suspension of his Arkansas law license as part of an agreement with the independent counsel to end the investigation. Based on this suspension, Clinton was also automatically suspended from the United States Supreme Court bar, from which he chose to resign. Clinton's resignation was mostly symbolic and will have little practical effect. He has never practiced before the Supreme Court and was not expected to in the future. Clinton also was assessed a $90,000 fine by federal judge Susan Webber Wright for contempt of court. The Paula Jones lawsuit was settled out of court for $850,000.

Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clinton agreed to this suspension on the condition that Whitewater prosecutors wouldn't pursue criminal charges for "evasive and misleading answers" Clinton gave under oath about his relations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

In April 1999 Judge Susan Webber Wright found Clinton in civil contempt of court for misleading testimony in the Jones case but did not press for any criminal charge. Rather than undergo a review by the Arkansas Supreme Court, Clinton voluntarily surrendered his Arkansas law license.

Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing here changes anything I said, the senate refused to do their sworn duty even though they had Clinton cold. Now run along child, you're dismissed.

You are flat out wrong. The Senate voted and came to a decision, Congress and its attempt to impeach was rejected. Clinton remains at number 8 in the all time best president list and is respected by millions around the world.
Can you say preferential and a plea deal? Neither negate the original crime. Also I don't know for a fact he ever got it back, you got a link for that assertion, he's never practiced law since leaving the WH.

The Senate found him not guilty that's what negated the original charge.

Clinton gave up his Arkansas law license in 2001, for five years and paid a 25,000 fine. He resigned his law license to practice before the Supreme Court to avoid penalties related to his Arkansas disbarment.

Damn you're stupid, he plead guilty in a plea deal in court. The impeachment proceeding in congress and the senates refusal to do their duty didn't change that.

No you're the dummy and obviously don't know the facts.

The infamous "Starr Report" outlining the findings of the Independent Counsel's investigation was delivered to the House of Representatives on Sept. 9, 1998, and subsequently made available to the public. Many felt the report, filled with lurid details of Clinton's sexual encounters with Lewinsky, to be a political attack against the President rather than a legal justification for his impeachment. Of the 11 possible grounds for impeachment cited by Starr, four were eventually approved by the House Judiciary Committee: grand jury perjury, civil suit perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power.

On December 19, following much debate over the constitutionality of the proceedings and whether or not Clinton could be punished by censure rather than impeachment, the House of Representatives held its historic vote. Clinton was impeached on two counts, grand jury perjury (228–206) and obstruction of justice (221–212), with the votes split along party lines. The Senate Republicans, however, were unable to gather enough support to achieve the two-thirds majority required for his conviction. On Feb. 12, 1999, the Senate acquitted President Clinton on both counts. The perjury charge failed by a vote of 55–45, with 10 Republicans voting against impeachment along with all 45 Democrats. The obstruction of justice vote was 50–50, with 5 Republicans breaking ranks to vote against impeachment.

Impeachment History

The day before leaving office, Clinton agreed to a five year suspension of his Arkansas law license as part of an agreement with the independent counsel to end the investigation. Based on this suspension, Clinton was also automatically suspended from the United States Supreme Court bar, from which he chose to resign. Clinton's resignation was mostly symbolic and will have little practical effect. He has never practiced before the Supreme Court and was not expected to in the future. Clinton also was assessed a $90,000 fine by federal judge Susan Webber Wright for contempt of court. The Paula Jones lawsuit was settled out of court for $850,000.

Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clinton agreed to this suspension on the condition that Whitewater prosecutors wouldn't pursue criminal charges for "evasive and misleading answers" Clinton gave under oath about his relations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

In April 1999 Judge Susan Webber Wright found Clinton in civil contempt of court for misleading testimony in the Jones case but did not press for any criminal charge. Rather than undergo a review by the Arkansas Supreme Court, Clinton voluntarily surrendered his Arkansas law license.

Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing here changes anything I said, the senate refused to do their sworn duty even though they had Clinton cold. Now run along child, you're dismissed.

You are flat out wrong. The Senate voted and came to a decision, Congress and its attempt to impeach was rejected. Clinton remains at number 8 in the all time best president list and is respected by millions around the world.
It doesn't matter what millions of suckers think. What matters to me is what I think.
The Senate found him not guilty that's what negated the original charge.

Clinton gave up his Arkansas law license in 2001, for five years and paid a 25,000 fine. He resigned his law license to practice before the Supreme Court to avoid penalties related to his Arkansas disbarment.

Damn you're stupid, he plead guilty in a plea deal in court. The impeachment proceeding in congress and the senates refusal to do their duty didn't change that.

No you're the dummy and obviously don't know the facts.

The infamous "Starr Report" outlining the findings of the Independent Counsel's investigation was delivered to the House of Representatives on Sept. 9, 1998, and subsequently made available to the public. Many felt the report, filled with lurid details of Clinton's sexual encounters with Lewinsky, to be a political attack against the President rather than a legal justification for his impeachment. Of the 11 possible grounds for impeachment cited by Starr, four were eventually approved by the House Judiciary Committee: grand jury perjury, civil suit perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power.

On December 19, following much debate over the constitutionality of the proceedings and whether or not Clinton could be punished by censure rather than impeachment, the House of Representatives held its historic vote. Clinton was impeached on two counts, grand jury perjury (228–206) and obstruction of justice (221–212), with the votes split along party lines. The Senate Republicans, however, were unable to gather enough support to achieve the two-thirds majority required for his conviction. On Feb. 12, 1999, the Senate acquitted President Clinton on both counts. The perjury charge failed by a vote of 55–45, with 10 Republicans voting against impeachment along with all 45 Democrats. The obstruction of justice vote was 50–50, with 5 Republicans breaking ranks to vote against impeachment.

Impeachment History

The day before leaving office, Clinton agreed to a five year suspension of his Arkansas law license as part of an agreement with the independent counsel to end the investigation. Based on this suspension, Clinton was also automatically suspended from the United States Supreme Court bar, from which he chose to resign. Clinton's resignation was mostly symbolic and will have little practical effect. He has never practiced before the Supreme Court and was not expected to in the future. Clinton also was assessed a $90,000 fine by federal judge Susan Webber Wright for contempt of court. The Paula Jones lawsuit was settled out of court for $850,000.

Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clinton agreed to this suspension on the condition that Whitewater prosecutors wouldn't pursue criminal charges for "evasive and misleading answers" Clinton gave under oath about his relations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

In April 1999 Judge Susan Webber Wright found Clinton in civil contempt of court for misleading testimony in the Jones case but did not press for any criminal charge. Rather than undergo a review by the Arkansas Supreme Court, Clinton voluntarily surrendered his Arkansas law license.

Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing here changes anything I said, the senate refused to do their sworn duty even though they had Clinton cold. Now run along child, you're dismissed.

You are flat out wrong. The Senate voted and came to a decision, Congress and its attempt to impeach was rejected. Clinton remains at number 8 in the all time best president list and is respected by millions around the world.
It doesn't matter what millions of suckers think. What matters to me is what I think.

That's what most reality denying, fact-loathing, wingnuts say too.
Irrelevant. The topic was Bubba's legal troubles and some were trying to claim he did nothing really wrong. He did.

So you are dredging up a failed political attack from three decades ago in hopes of it helping you now. How irrelevant is that?
Do I have to remind you and everyone that is reading this thread that it was YOUR post to which I was responding?

So? All I'm doing is pointing out how pathetic the right is in trying to rehash crap that didn't go well for you the first time.
And I'm pointing out how wrong is your characterization of what Bubba did. You get that, right?

I get that it was a witch hunt, and a waste of time and taxpayer money over a personal matter that had nothing to do with governing. A political attack that hurt the GOP more than it hurt their target.
Well, all except for that little sexual harassment thing, you know, that we're supposed to ignore. Who cares about the women?
We have two candidates because one group is still obsessed about a silly blowjob from 30 years ago, but now has a presidential nominee who is proud his wife's titties are shown all over the internet, and another group that cares about governing our country for the benefit of all. It's not a real hard choice.

Your childish effort to diminish the corruption and fraud committed by the Clinton's is...amusing.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine

Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy

Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud

Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony -

Whitewater real-estate investor John Haley - recent!

1998 on fraud Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery Eugene Fitzhugh -

Whitewater - bribery Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign

Finance: Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

All crap that was dismissed decades ago.
So you are dredging up a failed political attack from three decades ago in hopes of it helping you now. How irrelevant is that?
Do I have to remind you and everyone that is reading this thread that it was YOUR post to which I was responding?

So? All I'm doing is pointing out how pathetic the right is in trying to rehash crap that didn't go well for you the first time.
And I'm pointing out how wrong is your characterization of what Bubba did. You get that, right?

I get that it was a witch hunt, and a waste of time and taxpayer money over a personal matter that had nothing to do with governing. A political attack that hurt the GOP more than it hurt their target.
Well, all except for that little sexual harassment thing, you know, that we're supposed to ignore. Who cares about the women?

Was Hillary guilty of sexual harassment?
Do I have to remind you and everyone that is reading this thread that it was YOUR post to which I was responding?

So? All I'm doing is pointing out how pathetic the right is in trying to rehash crap that didn't go well for you the first time.
And I'm pointing out how wrong is your characterization of what Bubba did. You get that, right?

I get that it was a witch hunt, and a waste of time and taxpayer money over a personal matter that had nothing to do with governing. A political attack that hurt the GOP more than it hurt their target.
Well, all except for that little sexual harassment thing, you know, that we're supposed to ignore. Who cares about the women?

Was Hillary guilty of sexual harassment?
I thought you were saying how unimportant Bubba's actions were. Now you're talking about Hillary. Can you pick a horse and ride it?
So? All I'm doing is pointing out how pathetic the right is in trying to rehash crap that didn't go well for you the first time.
And I'm pointing out how wrong is your characterization of what Bubba did. You get that, right?

I get that it was a witch hunt, and a waste of time and taxpayer money over a personal matter that had nothing to do with governing. A political attack that hurt the GOP more than it hurt their target.
Well, all except for that little sexual harassment thing, you know, that we're supposed to ignore. Who cares about the women?

Was Hillary guilty of sexual harassment?
I thought you were saying how unimportant Bubba's actions were. Now you're talking about Hillary. Can you pick a horse and ride it?

The only reason you are concerned with Bill is because you think it might somehow effect Hillary's chances. It won't, but it's entertaining to watch you try.
And I'm pointing out how wrong is your characterization of what Bubba did. You get that, right?

I get that it was a witch hunt, and a waste of time and taxpayer money over a personal matter that had nothing to do with governing. A political attack that hurt the GOP more than it hurt their target.
Well, all except for that little sexual harassment thing, you know, that we're supposed to ignore. Who cares about the women?

Was Hillary guilty of sexual harassment?
I thought you were saying how unimportant Bubba's actions were. Now you're talking about Hillary. Can you pick a horse and ride it?

The only reason you are concerned with Bill is because you think it might somehow effect Hillary's chances. It won't, but it's entertaining to watch you try.
I'm interested in Bill because you first claimed that what he did was basically no big deal. Do you wish to now stop talking about that, since I have shown it to be a much bigger deal than you claimed?

Hillary is involved because she trashed the very women she now claims have the right to be heard and believed.
I get that it was a witch hunt, and a waste of time and taxpayer money over a personal matter that had nothing to do with governing. A political attack that hurt the GOP more than it hurt their target.
Well, all except for that little sexual harassment thing, you know, that we're supposed to ignore. Who cares about the women?

Was Hillary guilty of sexual harassment?
I thought you were saying how unimportant Bubba's actions were. Now you're talking about Hillary. Can you pick a horse and ride it?

The only reason you are concerned with Bill is because you think it might somehow effect Hillary's chances. It won't, but it's entertaining to watch you try.
I'm interested in Bill because you first claimed that what he did was basically no big deal. Do you wish to now stop talking about that, since I have shown it to be a much bigger deal than you claimed?

Hillary is involved because she trashed the very women she now claims have the right to be heard and believed.

I only find it entertaining that you are still obsessed with a decades old blowjob. The whole thing is and was ridiculous.
Le's see, an impeached president who perjured himself who stayed in office because of politics and not the truth and a known lying bitch, I just can't imagine why anyone might have any reason to dislike them.
He was impeached because he was hated, not hated because he was impeached.

He was impeached because he lied under oath.

He was impeached because republicans thought it would be a good political move. They were wrong.

No, he impeached because he violated the law. They knew it wasn't a good political move. The fact you think that's why they did it, proves how morally bankrupt the left is. Because that is the only reason YOU would do it.
Le's see, an impeached president who perjured himself who stayed in office because of politics and not the truth and a known lying bitch, I just can't imagine why anyone might have any reason to dislike them.
He was impeached because he was hated, not hated because he was impeached.

He was impeached because he lied under oath.

He was impeached because republicans thought it would be a good political move. They were wrong.

No, he impeached because he violated the law. They knew it wasn't a good political move. The fact you think that's why they did it, proves how morally bankrupt the left is. Because that is the only reason YOU would do it.

Think what you want. It was decades ago, and it didn't work like you wanted then either.
Le's see, an impeached president who perjured himself who stayed in office because of politics and not the truth and a known lying bitch, I just can't imagine why anyone might have any reason to dislike them.
He was impeached because he was hated, not hated because he was impeached.

He was impeached because he lied under oath.

He was impeached because republicans thought it would be a good political move. They were wrong.

He was impeached for obstruction of justice and perjury.

For a blow job. Big deal.

He lied in a court deposition in a sexual harassment lawsuit. He was denying Paula Jones her civil rights by perjuring himself. It was a law Clinton signed on being able to bring previous behavior into a harassment trial.

It wasn't just a blow job, your lying about history is pretty funny.
He was impeached because he was hated, not hated because he was impeached.

He was impeached because he lied under oath.

He was impeached because republicans thought it would be a good political move. They were wrong.

He was impeached for obstruction of justice and perjury.

For a blow job. Big deal.

He lied in a court deposition in a sexual harassment lawsuit. He was denying Paula Jones her civil rights by perjuring himself. It was a law Clinton signed on being able to bring previous behavior into a harassment trial.

It wasn't just a blow job, your lying about history is pretty funny.

It was all over a blowjob . Get a life.

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