Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

Rant all you want. All those silly accusations made the right look like a bunch of fools decades ago. No reason why it should be different this time. I'll just be over here laughing at your childishness and reminding you how dumb you are.

They are much more than accusations, they are facts. The corruption and lying of the Clintons is not subject to conjecture, it is FACT.

Odd that they were proven to be silly accusations before, but you are free to run your head into that wall again if you want to.

bullshit, which of them have been proven false? Dismissed by the media does not make them false.

Again, you are free to whine about any silly thing you want to whine about. I enjoy laughing at you. Please proceed.

the world is laughing at you and your failed Kenyan messiah and your female corrupt candidate.

I'm sure it does sound like the entire world from inside that right wing bubble.
I only find it entertaining that you are still obsessed with a decades old blowjob. The whole thing is and was ridiculous.

lying under oath is not a minor thing, it is called perjury. The subject of the lie doesn't matter.


Yes,, when a sitting president lies under oath it is a big deal, thanks for finally admitting that.

And you have every right to not vote for him this time----------Oh wait.

HIs wife was part of the cover up and led the effort to destroy his female victims. She was part of the corruption and should be held accountable by the American public------and she will be in November.

Sure she will. You be sure to hold your breath for that.
I only find it entertaining that you are still obsessed with a decades old blowjob. The whole thing is and was ridiculous.

lying under oath is not a minor thing, it is called perjury. The subject of the lie doesn't matter.


Yes,, when a sitting president lies under oath it is a big deal, thanks for finally admitting that.

And you have every right to not vote for him this time----------Oh wait.

70% of Bernie voters think that Hillary cannot be trusted and is a liar. What do you think they will do on election day?

Most will follow Bernie and vote for Hillary.
I've given this considerable thought, and have concluded what I think is the root cause. First of all, President Clinton gave America 8 years of prosperity and relative peace following President George H.W. Bush's 1st Gulf War in Iraq. President Clinton maintained the northern and southern no-fly zones established in that war. President Clinton was forced to confront numerous international conflicts - but according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) only one person in uniform died as a result of hostilities and another 75 died as a result of terrorist attacks. Plus, President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since WWII (66%).

So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.

Stupidest conclusion ever because no one really liked George Bush senior that much.
The reason why he is hated so much is because he molested his daughter between before he got to Monica.
The Clinton's are rich, and conservatives worship riches over everything else. So in that sense it is ironic.
Do I have to remind you and everyone that is reading this thread that it was YOUR post to which I was responding?

So? All I'm doing is pointing out how pathetic the right is in trying to rehash crap that didn't go well for you the first time.

is there a statute of limitations on bringing out corruption and lying by people who would be president?

Rant all you want. All those silly accusations made the right look like a bunch of fools decades ago. No reason why it should be different this time. I'll just be over here laughing at your childishness and reminding you how dumb you are.

They are much more than accusations, they are facts. The corruption and lying of the Clintons is not subject to conjecture, it is FACT.

Odd that they were proven to be silly accusations before, but you are free to run your head into that wall again if you want to.
Losing your law license for a number of years and paying nearly 6 figures in fines are not silly, if you're sane.
So? All I'm doing is pointing out how pathetic the right is in trying to rehash crap that didn't go well for you the first time.

is there a statute of limitations on bringing out corruption and lying by people who would be president?

Rant all you want. All those silly accusations made the right look like a bunch of fools decades ago. No reason why it should be different this time. I'll just be over here laughing at your childishness and reminding you how dumb you are.

They are much more than accusations, they are facts. The corruption and lying of the Clintons is not subject to conjecture, it is FACT.

Odd that they were proven to be silly accusations before, but you are free to run your head into that wall again if you want to.
Losing your law license for a number of years and paying nearly 6 figures in fines are not silly, if you're sane.

So which presidential candidate did that?
is there a statute of limitations on bringing out corruption and lying by people who would be president?

Rant all you want. All those silly accusations made the right look like a bunch of fools decades ago. No reason why it should be different this time. I'll just be over here laughing at your childishness and reminding you how dumb you are.

They are much more than accusations, they are facts. The corruption and lying of the Clintons is not subject to conjecture, it is FACT.

Odd that they were proven to be silly accusations before, but you are free to run your head into that wall again if you want to.
Losing your law license for a number of years and paying nearly 6 figures in fines are not silly, if you're sane.

So which presidential candidate did that?

Hillary herself, said the Bill would be an active part of our administration. So there you go.
Why rws hate the Clinton's?

Because they are the most popular Democratic president and first lady since Kennedy.

If rws could destroy the Clinton image, it will effect how people think about Democrats and their policies.
Hey....weren't you a rightwinger? I've never thanked you so much before. In fact, never. Unless I'm confused.

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Bravo Hossfly! Bravo! :D:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Boy, you two are going to be really mad when the first statues of Bill and Hillary are placed in Congress.

Clitoris Clinton statue in Congress?


Can't call it Clitoris, it would confuse too many congressmen.

Well she is!

She is a Clitoris Rotten Clinton.

So there!:popcorn:
Should of had his pecker cut off.

Apparently you don't have a live and let live philosophy - even when it doesn't affect your life. Are you a Bible thumping prude?
When I was in Vietnam, I had men being killed, some of them draftees, while draft dodging, coke snorting yellow coward Bubba Clinton was leading anti-war protests in the streets of London. We had TV then and when Bubba was being broadcast one of the guys threw a bottle of Bud through it. He is dying of cancer or AIDS now but I wish him a long and miserable life. No Bible thumper here and it did affect my life. Never forget.

I never looked badly at the college crowd, they used deferments to their advantage and it was legal to do so. I save my anger for the ones who ran, the ones who faked injuries, the ones who used power to get by and the ones too scared to go and didn't care what method it took to get out of it. I'm not even angry about that anymore, I just look at it with contempt and the knowledge I would never let them be at my back in a conflict.
Did you know that Bubba Clinton was a distant relative of Cecil Rhodes? Did you know that he is one of few,if any, to be kicked out of the Rhodes Scholarship Program. Then to continue his draft dodging, spent some time in Moscow, at a time when it was forbidden for an American citizen to enter a Communist country. I could go on and on but I won't.

You made me look that up and he wasn't kicked out of the Rhodes program he is listed on their website.
You should know by now that Republicans lie as if it's going out of style.

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Wrong, he was impeached for lying.

Big deal. He lied about getting a BJ. One of the most benign lies in the history of the world. They impeached him because they thought it was a good political move.

And that folks is why we have to two candidates we have "Big deal that the POTUS lied to Congress" has led us down a dangerous path.

We have two candidates because one group is still obsessed about a silly blowjob from 30 years ago, but now has a presidential nominee who is proud his wife's titties are shown all over the internet, and another group that cares about governing our country for the benefit of all. It's not a real hard choice.

Shut the fuck up you stupid sack of shit.

I'm so sick of you partisan pieces of shit. Hillary has done NOTHING to show that she would make a good POTUS, AND we have absolute proof that liberal policies don't fucking work.
Nice to see you unravel so completely. So Democratic policies don't work and Republican policies do? Well here's a question: Out of 195 countries on the face of the earth and out of fairness let's stretch this to the beginning of time. Name one country that utilized Conservative economic policy and had a thriving middle class. Take your time.

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is there a statute of limitations on bringing out corruption and lying by people who would be president?

Rant all you want. All those silly accusations made the right look like a bunch of fools decades ago. No reason why it should be different this time. I'll just be over here laughing at your childishness and reminding you how dumb you are.

They are much more than accusations, they are facts. The corruption and lying of the Clintons is not subject to conjecture, it is FACT.

Odd that they were proven to be silly accusations before, but you are free to run your head into that wall again if you want to.
Losing your law license for a number of years and paying nearly 6 figures in fines are not silly, if you're sane.

So which presidential candidate did that?
It wasn't a candidate, it was a president, the one you said didn't do anything really wrong.
Rant all you want. All those silly accusations made the right look like a bunch of fools decades ago. No reason why it should be different this time. I'll just be over here laughing at your childishness and reminding you how dumb you are.

They are much more than accusations, they are facts. The corruption and lying of the Clintons is not subject to conjecture, it is FACT.

Odd that they were proven to be silly accusations before, but you are free to run your head into that wall again if you want to.
Losing your law license for a number of years and paying nearly 6 figures in fines are not silly, if you're sane.

So which presidential candidate did that?

Hillary herself, said the Bill would be an active part of our administration. So there you go.
When Bubba was president, they were famous for insisting we got two for the price of one. IOW, she was an active part of his administration, though unelected and unaccountable. Given his age and apparent health, however, I think he would spend more of his time chasing interns again than being a shadow president.
Rant all you want. All those silly accusations made the right look like a bunch of fools decades ago. No reason why it should be different this time. I'll just be over here laughing at your childishness and reminding you how dumb you are.

They are much more than accusations, they are facts. The corruption and lying of the Clintons is not subject to conjecture, it is FACT.

Odd that they were proven to be silly accusations before, but you are free to run your head into that wall again if you want to.
Losing your law license for a number of years and paying nearly 6 figures in fines are not silly, if you're sane.

So which presidential candidate did that?
It wasn't a candidate, it was a president, the one you said didn't do anything really wrong.

So? What office is he running for now?
I love Bill and Hillary Clinton! Can't wait for them to return to the White House for another EIGHT years!
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They are much more than accusations, they are facts. The corruption and lying of the Clintons is not subject to conjecture, it is FACT.

Odd that they were proven to be silly accusations before, but you are free to run your head into that wall again if you want to.
Losing your law license for a number of years and paying nearly 6 figures in fines are not silly, if you're sane.

So which presidential candidate did that?
It wasn't a candidate, it was a president, the one you said didn't do anything really wrong.

So? What office is he running for now?
Hey, you thought his actions were worth commenting on. Why did you do that? His wife is running for office, and she was complicit in preventing those women from being heard and believed, the very same women she NOW claims have the right to be heard and believed. Seems that Bubba and Hillary think alike on that.
Odd that they were proven to be silly accusations before, but you are free to run your head into that wall again if you want to.
Losing your law license for a number of years and paying nearly 6 figures in fines are not silly, if you're sane.

So which presidential candidate did that?
It wasn't a candidate, it was a president, the one you said didn't do anything really wrong.

So? What office is he running for now?
Hey, you thought his actions were worth commenting on. Why did you do that? His wife is running for office, and she was complicit in preventing those women from being heard and believed, the very same women she NOW claims have the right to be heard and believed. Seems that Bubba and Hillary think alike on that.

Typical right wing crap. Like I said before, the country really didn't care that much about your whining back then. What makes you think they will now?

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