Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

follow up question: why do democrats support the organized murder of unborn black children through planned parenthood?

Limit their numbers and keep them on the plantation. Sounds like something from the KKK democrats of the 1800s.
No one breaks the cycle of poverty because of government handouts. That's a concept liberals don't get.
Democrats are about power. And keeping people poor and dependent is a way to stay in power. it is that simple. They can't threaten me over health care...I pay for my own. I dont care if government cuts food stamps, section 8, welfare or head start. That makes me an obstacle for them to overcome and they do it with their dependent class.
Government handouts create serfs.
No one breaks the cycle of poverty because of government handouts. That's a concept liberals don't get.

yes, before liberals had their way with blacks the black family was as intact as the white family!! Liberals have hollowed out America destroying its families, children, schools, churches, and workers.
With how fast the middle class is shrinking you should be concerned for everyone. I don't hear real answers from either party.

what??? Republicans want to eliminate taxes regulations unions illegals to bring back 40 million jobs that liberals offshored. Now do you understand?
follow up question: why do democrats support the organized murder of unborn black children through planned parenthood?

Limit their numbers and keep them on the plantation. Sounds like something from the KKK democrats of the 1800s.

So Redfish you want the black babies to be born, but don't want to feed, or cloth them until they are able to themselves..I am a pro life democrat who also believes in what happens after the baby is born..

Maybe you can throw them a crumb every now and then..

With how fast the middle class is shrinking you should be concerned for everyone. I don't hear real answers from either party.

what??? Republicans want to eliminate taxes regulations unions illegals to bring back 40 million jobs that liberals offshored. Now do you understand?

We've trIed that. It all goes to the rich. Taxes are at historic lows. Unions are in deep decline. The middle class shrinks. The rich sent jobs to china. The rich hire immigrants. How dumb are you?

Make American great again? We need strong unions.
We've trIed that. It all goes to the rich. Taxes are at historic lows..

don't be absurd stupid and liberal. Our Corporate taxes are highest in world and top 1% pay 40% of all income tax, also highest in world!!! Now do you understand?
We've trIed that. It all goes to the rich. Taxes are at historic lows..

don't be absurd stupid and liberal. Our Corporate taxes are highest in world and top 1% pay 40% of all income tax, also highest in world!!! Now do you understand?

Many big corporations pay zero taxes. The rich pay so much because they take all the income. Want to fix wages? Make unions strong. Want to fix immigration? Make unions strong.
However this is not the story everywhere. Other wealthy countries have considerably lower poverty rates than the United States. There are a variety of factors that affect poverty rates but one that stands out is the power of unions. There is a very strong inverse relationship between the percentage of workers who are covered by a union contract and the poverty rate as measured by the OECD.[1]

Unions: The Best Fix to Poverty
The rich pay so much because they take all the income. .

too stupid!!! They don't take it they earn it from doing business all over the newly globalized world. The middle class don't want to steal money from the rich at gun point but rather earn their own money once stupid liberals get off their backs!! Its not a zero sum game. Do you understand???
However this is not the story everywhere. Other wealthy countries have considerably lower poverty rates than the United States. There are a variety of factors that affect poverty rates but one that stands out is the power of unions. There is a very strong inverse relationship between the percentage of workers who are covered by a union contract and the poverty rate as measured by the OECD.[1]

Unions: The Best Fix to Poverty

LMFAO which universe you live in?

Here in the real world the facts speak for themselves...

Even ultra liberal Bono knows what's the best answer to fight poverty

Bono: 'Capitalism Takes More People Out of Poverty Than Aid'

Make unions strong. .

unions should be illegal again since they distort the free market, punish consumers and drove 20 million jobs offshore . Unions destroyed our auto industry, now we have a huge new auto industry that is foreign owned and operates in free Trump supporting southern states.1+1=2
However this is not the story everywhere. Other wealthy countries have considerably lower poverty rates than the United States. There are a variety of factors that affect poverty rates but one that stands out is the power of unions. There is a very strong inverse relationship between the percentage of workers who are covered by a union contract and the poverty rate as measured by the OECD.[1]

Unions: The Best Fix to Poverty

unions raise prices so no net gain is possible. How does driving 20 million jobs off shore and raising prices fight poverty rather than create it?????

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