Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
So the Republicans are in power now why don't they eliminate that permanent dependent underclass of voters by making them independent?
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
So the Republicans are in power now why don't they eliminate that permanent dependent underclass of voters by making them independent?

Why do you change the subject when the topic of the thread is about Democrats wanting blacks permanently on welfare? Obama and Clinton didn't do a damn thing for the poor blacks to help a situation in fact Obama made it even tougher for blacks to get off welfare.

Democrats bribe the blacks for the poor vote, Republicans do not.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
So the Republicans are in power now why don't they eliminate that permanent dependent underclass of voters by making them independent?

Why do you change the subject when the topic of the thread is about Democrats wanting blacks permanently on welfare? Obama and Clinton didn't do a damn thing for the poor blacks to help a situation in fact Obama made it even tougher for blacks to get off welfare.

Democrats bribe the blacks for the poor vote, Republicans do not.
Well how about this: Republicans bribe the wealthy for their money vote; Democrats do not.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
So the Republicans are in power now why don't they eliminate that permanent dependent underclass of voters by making them independent?

Why do you change the subject when the topic of the thread is about Democrats wanting blacks permanently on welfare? Obama and Clinton didn't do a damn thing for the poor blacks to help a situation in fact Obama made it even tougher for blacks to get off welfare.

Democrats bribe the blacks for the poor vote, Republicans do not.
Well how about this: Republicans bribe the wealthy for their money vote; Democrats do not.

Yes they do, we saw that when Obama had to pay back after the election, the Democrats love the rich, really no difference in the two party's there.

Why can't you refute that thread topic and continue to divert the thread?
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
So the Republicans are in power now why don't they eliminate that permanent dependent underclass of voters by making them independent?

And just how would they do that?
I would suggest the Republican party get rid of Trump and stop trying to create conditions for the rich to get richer. The Republicans might try to make America a nation that no one goes hungry and all can pursue happiness.
The needy have Obamacare for one thing and the GOP wants to take it away. The working poor do some of the most dangerous jobs but the GOP wants to tone down safety requirements. Most egregious of all is the exploitation of poor kids who see hope in joining the military for a better future...only to be used as canon fodder when capitalists deem it necessary to start a war somewhere to protect their investments. Moreover, war is profitable... war doubles annual profits at the expense of the poor soldier looking for a better life.

Key findings include:

  • Increasing the federal minimum wage would raise the wages of about 28 million workers, who would receive nearly $40 billion in additional wages over the phase-in period.2
  • Across the phase-in period of the minimum-wage increase, GDP would increase by roughly $25 billion, resulting in the creation of approximately 100,000 net new jobs over that period.
  • Those who would see wage increases do not fit some of the stereotypes of minimum-wage workers.
    • Women would be disproportionately affected, comprising nearly 55 percent of those who would benefit.
    • Nearly 88 percent of workers who would benefit are at least 20 years old.
    • Although workers of all races and ethnicities would benefit from the increase, non-Hispanic white workers comprise the largest share (about 56 percent) of those who would be affected.
    • About 42 percent of affected workers have at least some college education.
    • Around 54 percent of affected workers work full time, over 70 percent are in families with incomes of less than $60,000, more than a quarter are parents, and over a third are married.
    • The average affected worker earns about half of his or her family’s total income.
How raising the federal minimum wage would help working families and give the economy a boost

You have to be completely brainwashed or completely stupid to believe that any politician gives a shit whether you (or the poor) have healthcare or not. This was not about getting everybody covered, it was about creating as many government dependents as they could. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

As for minimum wage: those workers are only 3% of our workforce, hardly any percentage large enough to create any positive effect on the economy or poverty. Considering most of those workers are kids in school, stay at home moms working for extra money while their kids are in school, or senior citizens looking to get out of the house, raising minimum wage would only encourage employers to invest in automation to replace them as McDonald's and Wendy's are currently doing.

The politicians care about staying in office. I haven't suggested they are concerned about anything else. Threatening to fire them via the vote is the only leverage we have to get them to do what we want. Obviously that tactic worked... we still have Obamacare.

You seem to be completely delusional and selectively ignorant. Even when I put data right in front of you it is ignored and you ramble on.
I said:
"Across the phase-in period of the minimum-wage increase, GDP would increase by roughly $25 billion, resulting in the creation of approximately 100,000 net new jobs over that period."

You looked at that and wrote:

"As for minimum wage: those workers are only 3% of our workforce, hardly any percentage large enough to create any positive effect on the economy or poverty. "

DO you want to go back to the days of "pre-existing conditions"and "drop 'em when they get sick" no matter how much they paid for the premiums?

I would love to, because I've been an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 30 years, and until Commie Care became the law of the land, I was covered with my preexisting condition my entire adult life.

You were one of the lucky ones. But the world does not revolve around YOU. Other folks had horrific experiences before Obamacare.

your last sentence is a blatant lie. NO one was denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE, even those in our country illegally.
Note the date:

July 2, 2008 8:22:53 AM PDT
Eyewitness News
New York City hospital officials promised reforms at a Brooklyn psychiatric ward where surveillance footage captured a woman falling from her chair, writhing on the floor and dying as workers watched without helping for an hour. Esmin Green, 49, had been waiting in the emergency room at the city-owned Kings County Hospital Center for nearly 24 hours when she toppled from her seat at 5:32 a.m. on June 19, falling face down on the floor.

that could have happened whether the person was insured or not. Overcrowded ERs have nothing to do with socialized medicine, except that under socialized medicine all medical care will look like that ER.

You said no one was ever denied medical care before ACA. Well, the video shows you were wrong and that I wasn't lying. But to be accurate, the woman was refused treatment because she was likely percieved as not having medical care insurance. Insurance Triage was at work there and it cost that woman her life. No one should have to wait 24hrs in an ER before being seen.
Socialized medicine? Are you seriously thinking the ppaca is socialized medicine? If you do, you don't know the meaning of the term. The term subsidized Insurance might be as close as you could get to a definition of something being socialized and has nothing to do with the delivery of medical treatment. Under the auspices of the ppaca, all of the health providers, a.k.a., insurance companies are privately owned. Most of the hospitals involved are private too, as are private practices.
The exceptions are medical facilities owned operated and staffed by state and local governments. However, profit is the driving force behind all of them.none are socialist institutions.
Good man. But an exception.

It should be the rule when you are hiring humans.
Dems are working on it...

No they aren't. Look at Starbucks, Costco, Microsoft and other liberal companies, they are the worst. Starbucks has you take a personality test as part as of the hiring process, disgusting.
Dem POLITICIANS. Liberal companies my ass- just because they pay and have day care or what? LOL

Liberal politicians will,do nothing! They didn't stop it from happening, you will see them give lip service to the problem but just as with other issues, they will do nothing, just as they have not helped the blacks get out of property.
Our gov't is perfect for obstruction of reform- all the New BS GOP wants. Great job! That's why I like the end of the fiibuster.
It's your dupe boss to blame. And I'm sorry. Won't he have to do it soon under ACA? Or FIX IT. It was just a framework to use forever- The GOP plan. And needs a little time to work.

There is no difference in standing between white Dems and GOPers- Yes, blacks are feqed. And rural GOPers have been helped more than anyone by ACA.

Obama's Health Law: Who Was Helped Most - The New York Times
Oct 29, 2014 - Rural areas have fallen further behind larger metropolitan areas. Women are the one modest exception. They have benefited more from Obamacare than men, and they ... who was helped most by the passage of the Affordable Care Act. ... insurance gains does not mean that only Republicans signed up; ...
PressReader - Los Angeles Times: 2017-03-12 - Obamacare ...
PressReader.com - Connecting People Through News
Mar 12, 2017 - Obamacare replacement hits Trump voters hard ... in conservative, rural parts of the country — stand to lose the most in ... In nearly 1,500 counties nationwide, such a person stands to lose more than$6,000 a ... But many of the areas where Trump won big have been helped most by Obamacare's system of ...
Obamacare Repeal Threatens Rural Hospitals and the Trump Voters ...
Jan 4, 2017 - Obamacare Repeal Threatens Rural Hospitals and the Trump ... “This hospital, all my life, has been here,” says Keller, now retired. ... In the past six years, more than 70 such facilities have closed, citing ... While the passage of Obamacare was described as historic, many here do not think it helped them.
Donald Trump's Betrayal of the White Working Class - The Atlantic
Nov 22, 2016 - Simply Repealing Obamacare Will Hurt the White Working Class ... its passage, Republicanswill have what they need to repeal the Affordable Care Act. ... Trump has been widely credited for tapping the economic anxiety of many white .... discovers is way more complicated than “anyone” ever imagined?
As Republicans And Democrats Argue Over Obamacare Repeal - NPR
Jan 4, 2017 - Lots of facts have been thrown around as the new GOP Congress takes steps ... Obamacareis also actually cheaper on average than the typical employer-provided plan. ... Most people buying insurance on the exchanges receive a ... Schumer also suggested that repealing Obamacare would hurtrural ...

Don't have time to go through all of them, so I selected your very own NYT article, and here is their conclusion which I'm sure you didn't read:

People with the lowest incomes tended to benefit the most from the law. That makes sense, given how the Affordable Care Act is designed. In states that expanded Medicaid, low-income people can get insurance without having to pay a premium. And for middle-income people who qualify for tax credits to help them buy insurance, the subsidies are most generous for those lowest on the income scale. Poorer people were always the least likely to have insurance because their jobs rarely offered it and private premiums were often unaffordable.

So my conclusions was correct: Commie Care was designed to help likely Democrat voters at the cost to middle-class voters like myself who either pay out the ass, or simply can't afford Commie Care plans.
White GOP voters are just as poor as white Dem voters, dupe.Even poorer, actually. Ignorant racists are poor....

Really? Then why does every city with many low income areas vote almost exclusively Democrat?
Those are blacks areas, and they know which party is full of racists.
You have to be completely brainwashed or completely stupid to believe that any politician gives a shit whether you (or the poor) have healthcare or not. This was not about getting everybody covered, it was about creating as many government dependents as they could. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

As for minimum wage: those workers are only 3% of our workforce, hardly any percentage large enough to create any positive effect on the economy or poverty. Considering most of those workers are kids in school, stay at home moms working for extra money while their kids are in school, or senior citizens looking to get out of the house, raising minimum wage would only encourage employers to invest in automation to replace them as McDonald's and Wendy's are currently doing.

The politicians care about staying in office. I haven't suggested they are concerned about anything else. Threatening to fire them via the vote is the only leverage we have to get them to do what we want. Obviously that tactic worked... we still have Obamacare.

You seem to be completely delusional and selectively ignorant. Even when I put data right in front of you it is ignored and you ramble on.
I said:
"Across the phase-in period of the minimum-wage increase, GDP would increase by roughly $25 billion, resulting in the creation of approximately 100,000 net new jobs over that period."

You looked at that and wrote:

"As for minimum wage: those workers are only 3% of our workforce, hardly any percentage large enough to create any positive effect on the economy or poverty. "

I would love to, because I've been an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 30 years, and until Commie Care became the law of the land, I was covered with my preexisting condition my entire adult life.

You were one of the lucky ones. But the world does not revolve around YOU. Other folks had horrific experiences before Obamacare.

your last sentence is a blatant lie. NO one was denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE, even those in our country illegally.
Note the date:

July 2, 2008 8:22:53 AM PDT
Eyewitness News
New York City hospital officials promised reforms at a Brooklyn psychiatric ward where surveillance footage captured a woman falling from her chair, writhing on the floor and dying as workers watched without helping for an hour. Esmin Green, 49, had been waiting in the emergency room at the city-owned Kings County Hospital Center for nearly 24 hours when she toppled from her seat at 5:32 a.m. on June 19, falling face down on the floor.

that could have happened whether the person was insured or not. Overcrowded ERs have nothing to do with socialized medicine, except that under socialized medicine all medical care will look like that ER.

You said no one was ever denied medical care before ACA. Well, the video shows you were wrong and that I wasn't lying. But to be accurate, the woman was refused treatment because she was likely percieved as not having medical care insurance. Insurance Triage was at work there and it cost that woman her life. No one should have to wait 24hrs in an ER before being seen.
Socialized medicine? Are you seriously thinking the ppaca is socialized medicine? If you do, you don't know the meaning of the term. The term subsidized Insurance might be as close as you could get to a definition of something being socialized and has nothing to do with the delivery of medical treatment. Under the auspices of the ppaca, all of the health providers, a.k.a., insurance companies are privately owned. Most of the hospitals involved are private too, as are private practices.
The exceptions are medical facilities owned operated and staffed by state and local governments. However, profit is the driving force behind all of them.none are socialist institutions.

totally 100% stupid and liberal of course. Govt is massively involved in heath care so it is socialist, hugely inefficient, and 5 times more costly than it should be. Capitalism would mean people shopping carefully with their own money, published prices, and providers competing on basis of price and quality. Do you understand??
The Republicans might try to make America a nation that no one goes hungry and all can pursue happiness.

China just switched to Republican capitalism and instantly eliminated 40% of the entire planets poverty after 60 million went so hungry they slowly died. Do you want to be stupid and liberal or do you really want to eliminate hunger?
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
So the Republicans are in power now why don't they eliminate that permanent dependent underclass of voters by making them independent?

And just how would they do that?
I would suggest the Republican party get rid of Trump and stop trying to create conditions for the rich to get richer. The Republicans might try to make America a nation that no one goes hungry and all can pursue happiness.

What was the last administration that made the rich the richest? That's right, it was the Obama administration.

Why didn't they become Independents before Trump if that's what you believe? And who is going hungry today that wasn't hungry five months ago?

As long as Democrat voters keep buying all the lies of the left, there is nothing the Republicans can do to make liberals Independents. The Democrats lie, their MSM promotes the lies, and people believe what they are told to believe.
As long as it takes money, oodles of money, to run for political office, the rich will have the biggest say in American politics.
As long as it takes money, oodles of money, to run for political office, the rich will have the biggest say in American politics.

makes good liberal sense of course since Clinton raised $1.2 billion and Trump a tiny fraction of that.
Those are blacks areas, and they know which party is full of racists.
the party that has crippled and addicted them with welfare for several generations and whose solution in even more crippling welfare and hip-hop culture!!
BS, give them the money for training or college and they all do it, Pub dupe.

BS, just because you are given money for education will do it. Many programs have proved time and time again that you are wrong in your assumption.
Those are blacks areas, and they know which party is full of racists.
the party that has crippled and addicted them with welfare for several generations and whose solution in even more crippling welfare and hip-hop culture!!
BS, give them the money for training or college and they all do it, Pub dupe.

What's wrong with them using their own money?
They don't have any duh...ay caramba.

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