Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

A good paying union job.

Die unions....die.

And with them the middle class and any hopes of strong economic growth.

Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
How has the American worker done since the demise of the unions?

Less pay, no job security, fewer benefits

An insecure worker is just what Republicans want to ensure a low wage workforce
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Make American great again? We need strong unions.


Yeah, we know how much the Unions helped the auto industry in Detroit, the steel industry, railroads, air traffic controllers and the list goes on!

They helped the whole country by creating the middle class. As they have declined so has the middle class.
Make American great again? We need strong unions.


Yeah, we know how much the Unions helped the auto industry in Detroit, the steel industry, railroads, air traffic controllers and the list goes on!

They helped the whole country by creating the middle class. As they have declined so has the middle class.

Well........then why don't you open up your own business and have union employees do the work? Pay them as much as you want with benefits galore. Then after you create a price for your product or service, see how much you can sell that union work for to the public.
Die unions....die.

And with them the middle class and any hopes of strong economic growth.

Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
How has the American worker done since the demise of the unions?

Less pay, no job security, fewer benefits

An insecure worker is just what Republucans want to ensure a low wage workforce

Better to have jobs of any pay than no jobs at all.
A good paying union job.

Die unions....die.

And with them the middle class and any hopes of strong economic growth.

Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.

And with them go the middle class and any hope of strong ecomomic growth.
And with them the middle class and any hopes of strong economic growth.

Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
How has the American worker done since the demise of the unions?

Less pay, no job security, fewer benefits

An insecure worker is just what Republucans want to ensure a low wage workforce

Better to have jobs of any pay than no jobs at all.

Yes and slow our economy. Repubs said things would be great without unions. They were obviously wrong.
And with them the middle class and any hopes of strong economic growth.

Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
How has the American worker done since the demise of the unions?

Less pay, no job security, fewer benefits

An insecure worker is just what Republucans want to ensure a low wage workforce

Better to have jobs of any pay than no jobs at all.

Hit the nail on the head, again, Ray!

That's why minimum wage laws contribute to poverty.....

"FDR talked Congress into creating Social Security in 1935 and imposing the nation’s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938.... many economists have a different perspective.
The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work."
And with them the middle class and any hopes of strong economic growth.

Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
How has the American worker done since the demise of the unions?

Less pay, no job security, fewer benefits

An insecure worker is just what Republucans want to ensure a low wage workforce

Better to have jobs of any pay than no jobs at all.
That is what employers count on

Take it or leave it
Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
How has the American worker done since the demise of the unions?

Less pay, no job security, fewer benefits

An insecure worker is just what Republucans want to ensure a low wage workforce

Better to have jobs of any pay than no jobs at all.
That is what employers count on

Take it or leave it

One day.....based on the law of averages....you will actually think about what you write.

  1. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the worker’s output worth the higher wage.
  2. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired. walter e. williams
Sharia Law is a boogie man that keeps conservatives up at night

So it is taking over parts of Europe but it can't come here?

Iranian American: ‘Sharia Law Is Here in the U.S.'
By Penny Starr | February 25, 2015 | 1:35 PM EST

Investigative reporter and Fox News contributor Lisa Daftari spoke at the Heritage Foundation on Feb. 20, 2015. (CNSNews.com/Penny Starr)

(CNSNews.com) – Iranian American Lisa Daftari, an investigative journalist and contributor to Fox News, said on Friday that Sharia law is being followed by practitioners of radical Islam right here in the United States, even if many Americans think of the human rights abuses towards women by these practitioners as something that only takes place in the Middle East and Africa.

“And some might ask why should Americans care about what goes on in those countries?” asked Daftar, whose family fled Iran during the 1979 revolution that overthrew Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and established an Islamic state in the country. “How about tolerance for other practices; respect for Sharia law – the cultural and religious differences?

“Well the answer is it’s not just contained to that part of the world,” Daftari said. “It’s here.

“It’s in Europe. It’s in our cities. It’s in our places of work. It’s in our schools,” Daftari said. “Yes, Sharia law is here in the U.S., and this too is a war on women.”

Daftari, who spoke at the Conservative Women’s Network at the Heritage Foundation, focused her remarks on what she said is “the real war on women,” including “honor killings” that have taken place in the United States.

“Every year, about 26 women are killed in the U.S. by a relative in the name of family honor,” Daftari said.

She cited two such killings. On Jan. 1, 2008, a man shot his two teenage daughters, Amina and Sarah Said.

“It later came to light that these murders were premeditated as honor killings as retribution for [Amina] rejecting an arranged marriage to a man in Egypt,” Daftari said.

In an essay written in September 2014, Amina’s boyfriend, Joseph Moreno, said the couple hoped to marry and that the father has never been arrested and his whereabouts are unknown.


Read more:
Iranian American: ‘Sharia Law Is Here in the U.S.'
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all does it not?
They helped the whole country by creating the middle class. As they have declined so has the middle class.

IF that is true, why is it that the very industries where they were the strongest, they, the unions, DESTROYED?


That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
How has the American worker done since the demise of the unions?

Less pay, no job security, fewer benefits

An insecure worker is just what Republucans want to ensure a low wage workforce

Better to have jobs of any pay than no jobs at all.
That is what employers count on

Take it or leave it

One day.....based on the law of averages....you will actually think about what you write.

  1. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the worker’s output worth the higher wage.
  2. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired. walter e. williams

Republican legislators destabilized the unions, held down minimum wage, eroded worker protections

Just what their wealthy masters demanded
Since there are far more whites than blacks on welfare in America, why are you going the racist angle?

As you know, the difference is in the PERCENTAGE of blacks on welfare compared to whites and other races. They’re in serious trouble and their sorry leaders continue to pound into them that they are VICTIMS AND SOMEONE OWES THEM A LIVING! How is that good for them or anyone else?

Percentage means nothing in this case. I'm not surprised you don't know that.
Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
How has the American worker done since the demise of the unions?

Less pay, no job security, fewer benefits

An insecure worker is just what Republucans want to ensure a low wage workforce

Better to have jobs of any pay than no jobs at all.

Hit the nail on the head, again, Ray!

That's why minimum wage laws contribute to poverty.....

"FDR talked Congress into creating Social Security in 1935 and imposing the nation’s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938.... many economists have a different perspective.
The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work."
The FEE Store

Liberals are very resistant to the theory of Action/ Reaction.

Most all actions cause a reaction of some kind.

If we decided to meet in person and I put my arm out to shake your hand, it's likely you will return the gesture. That's positive action/ positive reaction. On the other hand, if we met and I pushed you against the wall, it's likely you'll push me right back, negative action/ negative reaction.

Liberals hate this philosophy because they wish to believe that negative actions will not be met with negative reactions. They actually believe that negative actions will cause a positive reaction.

As we have seen in the past, we know their theory is flawed and the action/ reaction theory is much more accurate.
That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
How has the American worker done since the demise of the unions?

Less pay, no job security, fewer benefits

An insecure worker is just what Republucans want to ensure a low wage workforce

Better to have jobs of any pay than no jobs at all.

Hit the nail on the head, again, Ray!

That's why minimum wage laws contribute to poverty.....

"FDR talked Congress into creating Social Security in 1935 and imposing the nation’s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938.... many economists have a different perspective.
The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work."
The FEE Store

Liberals are very resistant to the theory of Action/ Reaction.

Most all actions cause a reaction of some kind.

If we decided to meet in person and I put my arm out to shake your hand, it's likely you will return the gesture. That's positive action/ positive reaction. On the other hand, if we met and I pushed you against the wall, it's likely you'll push me right back, negative action/ negative reaction.

Liberals hate this philosophy because they wish to believe that negative actions will not be met with negative reactions. They actually believe that negative actions will cause a positive reaction.

As we have seen in the past, we know their theory is flawed and the action/ reaction theory is much more accurate.
Conservatives earn their chops on "blame the victim"

Liberals look at societies role as helping those who need help
Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
How has the American worker done since the demise of the unions?

Less pay, no job security, fewer benefits

An insecure worker is just what Republucans want to ensure a low wage workforce

Better to have jobs of any pay than no jobs at all.

Yes and slow our economy. Repubs said things would be great without unions. They were obviously wrong.

What Republican ever said that? What Republicans have said is unions will have a negative impact on our economy which they have. Unions have chased a lot of jobs out of the state, country or to automation. The company I work for has seen a lot of customers leave our area because of unions.

It's not Republicans, it's not evil rich corporations, it's the American consumer who will not support overpriced services or goods. We've tried in the past. We had American made products right next to foreign made products in the store, and in almost every instance, the American consumer chose the cheap foreign made product.
So what the OP is trying to say is, if you're black, and among the working poor,

if you know what's good for you you would vote for Republicans who want to take your Medicaid away,

because once it's gone you'll magically stop being poor anymore!

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