Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Die unions....die.

And with them the middle class and any hopes of strong economic growth.

Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.

And with them go the middle class and any hope of strong ecomomic growth.

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
Oh for god sakes will you Republicans just cut welfare so we can see if the results are what we expect?

You forget you don't need a single democrat vote to pass welfare reform. So what are you waiting for?

My guess is you're all talk.

You won the election. The time for talking shit is over
What have Republicans ever done for minority neighborhoods other than to build more prisons?
We pay for their housing, food, medical care, education, electricity, transportation, cell phones, and a few I am sure I forgot.
None of which you support

What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?
What have Republicans ever done for minority neighborhoods other than to build more prisons?
We pay for their housing, food, medical care, education, electricity, transportation, cell phones, and a few I am sure I forgot.
None of which you support

What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?
Never mind that. That's the past. What you want to know is what are Republicans going to do to help poor neighborhoods
What have Republicans ever done for minority neighborhoods other than to build more prisons?
We pay for their housing, food, medical care, education, electricity, transportation, cell phones, and a few I am sure I forgot.
None of which you support

What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?
Never mind that. That's the past. What you want to know is what are Republicans going to do to help poor neighborhoods
Let em die
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?

They want the votes. The democrats appreciate that they don't have to force blacks to work on the plantations anymore...they simply have to drive them to the polls every two years...then they forget about them......
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
Oh for god sakes will you Republicans just cut welfare so we can see if the results are what we expect?

You forget you don't need a single democrat vote to pass welfare reform. So what are you waiting for?

My guess is you're all talk.

You won the election. The time for talking shit is over

Look no farther when the republicans got rid of the 99 weekeers on Unemployment.. The Unemployment rate dropped like a rock

Post as much credible evidence you have that most Democrats support replacing our system with Sharia Law,

Where did anyone say "MOST" or to replace our system with Sharia Law? Do you deny that there are Democrats who support Sharia law?
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I don' t think they hate blacks at all, they just realize that its necessary for their own lifestyles. Men like Chuck U. Schumer make a real good living at being a senator.

I agree with you in spirit but disagree as to what is the primary reason for their clinging to their positions. POWER is the ultimate aphrodisiac is a quote from Henry Kissinger. Out of office, they could earn five to ten times the salary they earn in Washington but they wouldn't have the POWER.
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What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?

When have Republicans ever helped the poor or working class?

Have they ever passed legislation that doesn't help the wealthy the most?

Senate Passes Tax Increases on Wealthy Americans

First step on tax increases by Republicans
It was Obama who ran on allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire and preserve them for the middle class

It was Republicans who threatened to default on our debt unless wealthy tax cuts were preserved

bullshit. obozo kept all of the Bush tax cuts in place for everyone who pays taxes. They became the Obama tax cuts.
Dems offer many programs to help not just minorities, but the poor in general to get off of welfare

Obama was awesome for the black community.
Show us all how many fewer blacks are on welfare at the end of Obama's 8 years, compared to the beginning.

Unemployment among blacks dropped 6% under President Obama


NO, it didn't. NEXT.

You are correct....Unemployment rate for blacks actually dropped 8% under Obama
<It went UP 8% under Bush>


look at your chart, dipshit. Obama was elected in 08, the UE rate went up and stayed up his entire 8 years, then went back to where it started in 08. That's not success, idiot. That's massive failure. Its likely that it started down in 14 because everyone knew that the Kenyan was leaving in two years.

Damn fool, you post a chart that defeats your argument and then you crow about it. That defective liberal gene has finally taken you over the cliff into total idiocy.
Why do conservatives struggle so much interpreting charts?
Obama took office in 2009. 2008 was BUSH
UE went UP 3 percent and continued into 2009
Starting in 2010, President Obama reversed the trend and UE went DOWN 5 percent

are you totally crazy. UE went up after obozo took office, when he left it was back where it was when he started.
When have Republicans ever helped the poor or working class?

Have they ever passed legislation that doesn't help the wealthy the most?

Senate Passes Tax Increases on Wealthy Americans

First step on tax increases by Republicans
It was Obama who ran on allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire and preserve them for the middle class

It was Republicans who threatened to default on our debt unless wealthy tax cuts were preserved

bullshit. obozo kept all of the Bush tax cuts in place for everyone who pays taxes. They became the Obama tax cuts.
Once again, your knowledge of the facts is limited

Bush tax cuts were extended for one year and then taxes for those making over $400,000 returned to their former rates
Unemployment among blacks dropped 6% under President Obama


NO, it didn't. NEXT.

You are correct....Unemployment rate for blacks actually dropped 8% under Obama
<It went UP 8% under Bush>


look at your chart, dipshit. Obama was elected in 08, the UE rate went up and stayed up his entire 8 years, then went back to where it started in 08. That's not success, idiot. That's massive failure. Its likely that it started down in 14 because everyone knew that the Kenyan was leaving in two years.

Damn fool, you post a chart that defeats your argument and then you crow about it. That defective liberal gene has finally taken you over the cliff into total idiocy.
Why do conservatives struggle so much interpreting charts?
Obama took office in 2009. 2008 was BUSH
UE went UP 3 percent and continued into 2009
Starting in 2010, President Obama reversed the trend and UE went DOWN 5 percent

are you totally crazy. UE went up after obozo took office, when he left it was back where it was when he started.

We were losing 750,000 jobs a month when Obama took office. Of course they went up.......that was the economy he was given

Obama gave Trump an economy that was adding 200,000 jobs a month
What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?

Imagine that
If they are so poor, it would seem easy for Republicans to offer something better

Why don't they?

when the dems control the city it's impossible for republicans to make any changes. Here in New Orleans our stupid mayor and council are more interested in removing historical statues than in doing anything about crime or poverty. But they do have measures in place to raise taxes----------on the poor who have no way to pay them.

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