Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?

Imagine that
If they are so poor, it would seem easy for Republicans to offer something better

Why don't they?

when the dems control the city it's impossible for republicans to make any changes. Here in New Orleans our stupid mayor and council are more interested in removing historical statues than in doing anything about crime or poverty. But they do have measures in place to raise taxes----------on the poor who have no way to pay them.
Republicans control the State Houses....that is where the money is
Why haven't they invested in impoverished communities?
Throwing money at something never solves anything
Many times it does
Taking money away NEVER helps

100 poorest counties:


Looks pretty red statey to me

alot of those counties vote progressive

A lot of what you post is comical.
The federal government does not make life better for the individual… Fact

So Medicaid does not make life better for low income Americans?

why not?
All socialist entitlement programs always make for a weak people... fact

100 poorest counties:


Looks pretty red statey to me

alot of those counties vote progressive

A lot of what you post is comical.
The federal government does not make life better for the individual… Fact

Then let's get rid of the military.
The military, police and fire are a necessary part of the country, and are not socialist entitlement programs...
The federal government and country or not one in the same
What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?


100 poorest counties:


Looks pretty red statey to me

alot of those counties vote progressive

A lot of what you post is comical.
The federal government does not make life better for the individual… Fact
Safe food and water, small business loans, emergency relief, transportation funding, scientific research, anti poverty programs
Imagine that
If they are so poor, it would seem easy for Republicans to offer something better

Why don't they?

when the dems control the city it's impossible for republicans to make any changes. Here in New Orleans our stupid mayor and council are more interested in removing historical statues than in doing anything about crime or poverty. But they do have measures in place to raise taxes----------on the poor who have no way to pay them.
Republicans control the State Houses....that is where the money is
Why haven't they invested in impoverished communities?
Throwing money at something never solves anything
Many times it does
Taking money away NEVER helps
Someone has to pay for it, socialist entitlement programs are unnecessary...

100 poorest counties:


Looks pretty red statey to me

alot of those counties vote progressive

A lot of what you post is comical.
The federal government does not make life better for the individual… Fact
Safe food and water, small business loans, emergency relief, transportation funding, scientific research, anti poverty programs
They are very Unefficient at it... The private sector would do much better
Just to set the record straight, consider this:

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

"Some conservative critics of federal social programs, including leading presidential candidates, are sounding an alarm that the United States is rapidly becoming an “entitlement society” in which social programs are undermining the work ethic and creating a large class of Americans who prefer to depend on government benefits rather than work. A new CBPP analysis of budget and Census data, however, shows that more than 90 percent of the benefit dollars that entitlement and other mandatory programs[1] spend go to assist people who are elderly, seriously disabled, or members of working households — not to able-bodied, working-age Americans who choose not to work. (See Figure 1.) This figure has changed little in the past few years."


Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Conservatives, of course, have to manufacture and sustain the myth that most of the above entitlement dollars are going to able bodied freeloaders,

a classic propaganda tactic.

100 poorest counties:


Looks pretty red statey to me

alot of those counties vote progressive

A lot of what you post is comical.
The federal government does not make life better for the individual… Fact
Safe food and water, small business loans, emergency relief, transportation funding, scientific research, anti poverty programs
They are very Unefficient at it... The private sector would do much better

The private sector is the reason we have so many poor and low income Americans.
Just to set the record straight, consider this:

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

"Some conservative critics of federal social programs, including leading presidential candidates, are sounding an alarm that the United States is rapidly becoming an “entitlement society” in which social programs are undermining the work ethic and creating a large class of Americans who prefer to depend on government benefits rather than work. A new CBPP analysis of budget and Census data, however, shows that more than 90 percent of the benefit dollars that entitlement and other mandatory programs[1] spend go to assist people who are elderly, seriously disabled, or members of working households — not to able-bodied, working-age Americans who choose not to work. (See Figure 1.) This figure has changed little in the past few years."


Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Conservatives, of course, have to manufacture and sustain the myth that most of the above entitlement dollars are going to able bodied freeloaders,

a classic propaganda tactic.
And those fitting the bill cannot afford it… Fact
alot of those counties vote progressive

A lot of what you post is comical.
The federal government does not make life better for the individual… Fact
Safe food and water, small business loans, emergency relief, transportation funding, scientific research, anti poverty programs
They are very Unefficient at it... The private sector would do much better

The private sector is the reason we have so many poor and low income Americans.
Na, The federal government fucks everything up it touches
A lot of what you post is comical.
The federal government does not make life better for the individual… Fact
Safe food and water, small business loans, emergency relief, transportation funding, scientific research, anti poverty programs
They are very Unefficient at it... The private sector would do much better

The private sector is the reason we have so many poor and low income Americans.
Na, The federal government fucks everything up it touches

Want something to not get done? Make a Federal Bureau to do it.
No one breaks the cycle of poverty because of government handouts. That's a concept liberals don't get.

yes, before liberals had their way with blacks the black family was as intact as the white family!! Liberals have hollowed out America destroying its families, children, schools, churches, and workers.

The black family has never been in tact like the white family structure. Slavery created a system where blacks had no family structure. They broke up families when fathers, mothers and children were sold off at auctions.

Your white ancestors are at fault for the lack of family structure in the black community.

Even after slavery abolished this culture of broken up families continued. Many blacks did make families but there was still a large number of unwed mothers in the black communities.

And church has nothing to do with. Blacks have a higher church attendance record than whites do and they're still struggling.

Blacks continue to struggle because of the institutionalized racism that had been been place for years. In the last 30 years that system has weakened but it has had lasting effects.
I find it so interesting when white people think they're experts on black issues.
No one breaks the cycle of poverty because of government handouts. That's a concept liberals don't get.

yes, before liberals had their way with blacks the black family was as intact as the white family!! Liberals have hollowed out America destroying its families, children, schools, churches, and workers.

The black family has never been in tact like the white family structure. Slavery created a system where blacks had no family structure. They broke up families when fathers, mothers and children were sold off at auctions.

Your white ancestors are at fault for the lack of family structure in the black community.

Even after slavery abolished this culture of broken up families continued. Many blacks did make families but there was still a large number of unwed mothers in the black communities.

And church has nothing to do with. Blacks have a higher church attendance record than whites do and they're still struggling.

Blacks continue to struggle because of the institutionalized racism that had been been place for years. In the last 30 years that system has weakened but it has had lasting effects.
Of course that's very mistaken liberalism has done to blacks what slavery Jim Crowe and out right racism could never do. Before liberal policies destroyed the black family It was in fact as intact as the white family the obvious reason for the disintegration of the black family to the point where 75% of kids are born illegitimately came directly out of naziliberal welfare culture do you understand now?
All socialist entitlement programs always make for a weak people... fact

Bullshit. Every first nation in the world has a longer life expectancy that the United States, due in no small part to government-funded, cradle to the grave, health care.

Every first nation in the world has better public school education than the US, in no small part to the idea that to get quality teachers, you need to pay them and pay them well. Otherwise these people will take their skills to private industry where they can make a living wage. They also fund schools for poor children in poor areas with the same amount of money they spend on the children of the rich in higher income neighbourhoods, and provide the same resources, because these nations know that their children are the future.

Americans are more interested in ensuring their children receive a RELIGIOUS, CONSERVATIVE education which reinforces the most regressive, anti-science notions (the Earth is 6000 years old, there is no man-made climate change, and the United States is the greatest nation in the world), none of which are true.

Your country is losing ranking in every measure of live-ability that matters: health care, education, lower working class and middle class income, opportunity, infrastructure. Everything that makes a country great, is slowly being drained from your society, and people are encouraged to hate the poor as a drain on your economy.

It is not the poor who are draining your economy - it is the rich. As more and more wealth is taken by the 1% from the Middle Class, the Middle Class continues to blame social programs instead of the Reagan Tax Cuts which is where the blame squarely belongs. Until Reagan revamped the tax code in the early 1980's, the tax code supported the idea that a high tide lifted all boats, to the idea that if the rich got richer, it would trickle down to the rest of us. It didn't happen in the 1980's and it didn't happen in the 2000's when W did it either.

What it did do was lead to a major stock market crash. Reagan's in 1987, and Bush's in 2008. Notice how long it takes for these cuts to destabilize the stock market. The difference between St. Ronnie's crash and W's is this: Reagan was in power at the beginning of the wealth transfer to the top. The working poor still had some savings and the middle class were encouraged to use credit and thought they were better off, even as their equity took a hit.

By the time W's crash hit, the working class has been sucked dry, and were dependent on "earned income credits" to supplement their incomes, and the middle class had maxxed out their credit cards. Most of the nation's wealth has been transferred to the 1% and no one but those at the top has an appreciable amount of savings left. The economy cannot withstand another Republican stock market crash along the lines of 2008 or 1987.
Of all the things that RW'ers could obsess on, and oh how we know how they love to obsess, they choose to obsess on how can we make life more miserable for the poor,

because (according to RW'ers) the poor are making life SO miserable for us...
A lot of what you post is comical.
The federal government does not make life better for the individual… Fact
Safe food and water, small business loans, emergency relief, transportation funding, scientific research, anti poverty programs
They are very Unefficient at it... The private sector would do much better

The private sector is the reason we have so many poor and low income Americans.
Na, The federal government fucks everything up it touches

So if all aid to low income Americans were ended tomorrow, every bit of it, including free education, healthcare, the works,

how long before our poverty problem disappears?

Give me a ballpark figure. lol
No one breaks the cycle of poverty because of government handouts. That's a concept liberals don't get.

yes, before liberals had their way with blacks the black family was as intact as the white family!! Liberals have hollowed out America destroying its families, children, schools, churches, and workers.

The black family has never been in tact like the white family structure. Slavery created a system where blacks had no family structure. They broke up families when fathers, mothers and children were sold off at auctions.

Your white ancestors are at fault for the lack of family structure in the black community.

Even after slavery abolished this culture of broken up families continued. Many blacks did make families but there was still a large number of unwed mothers in the black communities.

And church has nothing to do with. Blacks have a higher church attendance record than whites do and they're still struggling.

Blacks continue to struggle because of the institutionalized racism that had been been place for years. In the last 30 years that system has weakened but it has had lasting effects.

Well don't think you speak for all blacks, because this black man disagrees with you when he wrote:

"First, weaken the black family, but don't blame it on individual choices. You have to preach that today's weak black family is a legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and racism. The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households.

During the 1960s, devastating nonsense emerged, exemplified by a Johns Hopkins University sociology professor who argued, "It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes." The real issue, he went on to say, "is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income." That suggests marriage and fatherhood can be replaced by a welfare check."


Read more @ Walter Williams: Black Self-Sabotage
All socialist entitlement programs always make for a weak people... fact

Bullshit. Every first nation in the world has a longer life expectancy that the United States, due in no small part to government-funded, cradle to the grave, health care.

Every first nation in the world has better public school education than the US, in no small part to the idea that to get quality teachers, you need to pay them and pay them well. Otherwise these people will take their skills to private industry where they can make a living wage. They also fund schools for poor children in poor areas with the same amount of money they spend on the children of the rich in higher income neighbourhoods, and provide the same resources, because these nations know that their children are the future.

Americans are more interested in ensuring their children receive a RELIGIOUS, CONSERVATIVE education which reinforces the most regressive, anti-science notions (the Earth is 6000 years old, there is no man-made climate change, and the United States is the greatest nation in the world), none of which are true.

Your country is losing ranking in every measure of live-ability that matters: health care, education, lower working class and middle class income, opportunity, infrastructure. Everything that makes a country great, is slowly being drained from your society, and people are encouraged to hate the poor as a drain on your economy.

It is not the poor who are draining your economy - it is the rich. As more and more wealth is taken by the 1% from the Middle Class, the Middle Class continues to blame social programs instead of the Reagan Tax Cuts which is where the blame squarely belongs. Until Reagan revamped the tax code in the early 1980's, the tax code supported the idea that a high tide lifted all boats, to the idea that if the rich got richer, it would trickle down to the rest of us. It didn't happen in the 1980's and it didn't happen in the 2000's when W did it either.

What it did do was lead to a major stock market crash. Reagan's in 1987, and Bush's in 2008. Notice how long it takes for these cuts to destabilize the stock market. The difference between St. Ronnie's crash and W's is this: Reagan was in power at the beginning of the wealth transfer to the top. The working poor still had some savings and the middle class were encouraged to use credit and thought they were better off, even as their equity took a hit.

By the time W's crash hit, the working class has been sucked dry, and were dependent on "earned income credits" to supplement their incomes, and the middle class had maxxed out their credit cards. Most of the nation's wealth has been transferred to the 1% and no one but those at the top has an appreciable amount of savings left. The economy cannot withstand another Republican stock market crash along the lines of 2008 or 1987.
Of course it's very very silly to describe the Republican stock market crash of 2008 when it was a liberal programs that caused the housing collapse. When the collapse occurred government agencies held 75% of Alt A subprime mortgages And 75% of those mortgages were owned or guaranteed by Fannie Freddie. Does that tell you that Republicans were to blame or that moronic liberal policies to get people into homes the free-market said they could not afford were to blame.
All socialist entitlement programs always make for a weak people... fact

Bullshit. Every first nation in the world has a longer life expectancy that the United States, due in no small part to government-funded, cradle to the grave, health care.

Every first nation in the world has better public school education than the US, in no small part to the idea that to get quality teachers, you need to pay them and pay them well. Otherwise these people will take their skills to private industry where they can make a living wage. They also fund schools for poor children in poor areas with the same amount of money they spend on the children of the rich in higher income neighbourhoods, and provide the same resources, because these nations know that their children are the future.

Americans are more interested in ensuring their children receive a RELIGIOUS, CONSERVATIVE education which reinforces the most regressive, anti-science notions (the Earth is 6000 years old, there is no man-made climate change, and the United States is the greatest nation in the world), none of which are true.

Your country is losing ranking in every measure of live-ability that matters: health care, education, lower working class and middle class income, opportunity, infrastructure. Everything that makes a country great, is slowly being drained from your society, and people are encouraged to hate the poor as a drain on your economy.

It is not the poor who are draining your economy - it is the rich. As more and more wealth is taken by the 1% from the Middle Class, the Middle Class continues to blame social programs instead of the Reagan Tax Cuts which is where the blame squarely belongs. Until Reagan revamped the tax code in the early 1980's, the tax code supported the idea that a high tide lifted all boats, to the idea that if the rich got richer, it would trickle down to the rest of us. It didn't happen in the 1980's and it didn't happen in the 2000's when W did it either.

What it did do was lead to a major stock market crash. Reagan's in 1987, and Bush's in 2008. Notice how long it takes for these cuts to destabilize the stock market. The difference between St. Ronnie's crash and W's is this: Reagan was in power at the beginning of the wealth transfer to the top. The working poor still had some savings and the middle class were encouraged to use credit and thought they were better off, even as their equity took a hit.

By the time W's crash hit, the working class has been sucked dry, and were dependent on "earned income credits" to supplement their incomes, and the middle class had maxxed out their credit cards. Most of the nation's wealth has been transferred to the 1% and no one but those at the top has an appreciable amount of savings left. The economy cannot withstand another Republican stock market crash along the lines of 2008 or 1987.
Wrong again, career politicians have ruined this country it basically started around the time at Woodrow Wilson. This country never had a chance because of the big federal government… fact

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