Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

No one breaks the cycle of poverty because of government handouts. That's a concept liberals don't get.

yes, before liberals had their way with blacks the black family was as intact as the white family!! Liberals have hollowed out America destroying its families, children, schools, churches, and workers.

The black family has never been in tact like the white family structure. Slavery created a system where blacks had no family structure. They broke up families when fathers, mothers and children were sold off at auctions.

Your white ancestors are at fault for the lack of family structure in the black community.

Even after slavery abolished this culture of broken up families continued. Many blacks did make families but there was still a large number of unwed mothers in the black communities.

And church has nothing to do with. Blacks have a higher church attendance record than whites do and they're still struggling.

Blacks continue to struggle because of the institutionalized racism that had been been place for years. In the last 30 years that system has weakened but it has had lasting effects.

Well don't think you speak for all blacks, because this black man disagrees with you when he wrote:

"First, weaken the black family, but don't blame it on individual choices. You have to preach that today's weak black family is a legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and racism. The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households.

During the 1960s, devastating nonsense emerged, exemplified by a Johns Hopkins University sociology professor who argued, "It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes." The real issue, he went on to say, "is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income." That suggests marriage and fatherhood can be replaced by a welfare check."

View attachment 119890

Read more @ Walter Williams: Black Self-Sabotage

I don't speak for all black people. But white people shouldn't act like they are experts in being black when they don't have a fucking clue what it means to be black in America .
No one breaks the cycle of poverty because of government handouts. That's a concept liberals don't get.

yes, before liberals had their way with blacks the black family was as intact as the white family!! Liberals have hollowed out America destroying its families, children, schools, churches, and workers.

The black family has never been in tact like the white family structure. Slavery created a system where blacks had no family structure. They broke up families when fathers, mothers and children were sold off at auctions.

Your white ancestors are at fault for the lack of family structure in the black community.

Even after slavery abolished this culture of broken up families continued. Many blacks did make families but there was still a large number of unwed mothers in the black communities.

And church has nothing to do with. Blacks have a higher church attendance record than whites do and they're still struggling.

Blacks continue to struggle because of the institutionalized racism that had been been place for years. In the last 30 years that system has weakened but it has had lasting effects.
Of course that's very mistaken liberalism has done to blacks what slavery Jim Crowe and out right racism could never do. Before liberal policies destroyed the black family It was in fact as intact as the white family the obvious reason for the disintegration of the black family to the point where 75% of kids are born illegitimately came directly out of naziliberal welfare culture do you understand now?

No, these kids came directly out of Ronald Reagan's War on Drugs and minimum sentencing laws, which saw an entire generation of inner city blacks locked in federal prisons, while white kids smoking pot got a slap on the wrist. The justice system is quite willing to overlook the missteps of young white males, while coming down hard on the similar mistakes of young black males. This, more than any other reason, is why there are so many black and brown men in the US prison system.

They didn't overlook it, the white kids had the money for lawyers.


Yes that too, but surveys of the justice system repeatedly show that blacks or Latinos are far more likely to be jailed for a first offence than a white offender. That isn't entirely due to lack of money for a lawyer.
yes, before liberals had their way with blacks the black family was as intact as the white family!! Liberals have hollowed out America destroying its families, children, schools, churches, and workers.

The black family has never been in tact like the white family structure. Slavery created a system where blacks had no family structure. They broke up families when fathers, mothers and children were sold off at auctions.

Your white ancestors are at fault for the lack of family structure in the black community.

Even after slavery abolished this culture of broken up families continued. Many blacks did make families but there was still a large number of unwed mothers in the black communities.

And church has nothing to do with. Blacks have a higher church attendance record than whites do and they're still struggling.

Blacks continue to struggle because of the institutionalized racism that had been been place for years. In the last 30 years that system has weakened but it has had lasting effects.
Of course that's very mistaken liberalism has done to blacks what slavery Jim Crowe and out right racism could never do. Before liberal policies destroyed the black family It was in fact as intact as the white family the obvious reason for the disintegration of the black family to the point where 75% of kids are born illegitimately came directly out of naziliberal welfare culture do you understand now?

No, these kids came directly out of Ronald Reagan's War on Drugs and minimum sentencing laws, which saw an entire generation of inner city blacks locked in federal prisons, while white kids smoking pot got a slap on the wrist. The justice system is quite willing to overlook the missteps of young white males, while coming down hard on the similar mistakes of young black males. This, more than any other reason, is why there are so many black and brown men in the US prison system.

They didn't overlook it, the white kids had the money for lawyers.


Yes that too, but surveys of the justice system repeatedly show that blacks or Latinos are far more likely to be jailed for a first offence than a white offender. That isn't entirely due to lack of money for a lawyer.

An old joke goes on around here, it goes the white kids are in jail because of failure to pay child support the black kids are in for drug dealing.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?

As opposed to the white folk on welfare who vote republican and pray that their heroes will force them off the welfare roles and into those nice high paying jobs that regular people have .
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I love how Republicans don't want to raise minimum wage, they want to raise "earned income credits". Earned Income Credits are the vehicle under which the 1% gets the middle class to subsidize their shitty wages, thereby increasing profits and earnings for the 1%, on the backs of the middle class.

The problem is the middle class keep blaming the poor for being poor, while voting for Republicans and Republican policies that keep them that way.

If I were Queen of the World, no corporation whose employees are receiving public assistance either in the form of food stamps, MedicAid, or Section 8, would be allowed to pay its executives compensation exceeding $9,999,999. No 8 figure salaries to executives of companies using social safety net programs to aid their employees - any employee from the floor sweeper to the burger flipper.

The resulting price increases will be more than offset by the tax savings.
yes, before liberals had their way with blacks the black family was as intact as the white family!! Liberals have hollowed out America destroying its families, children, schools, churches, and workers.

The black family has never been in tact like the white family structure. Slavery created a system where blacks had no family structure. They broke up families when fathers, mothers and children were sold off at auctions.

Your white ancestors are at fault for the lack of family structure in the black community.

Even after slavery abolished this culture of broken up families continued. Many blacks did make families but there was still a large number of unwed mothers in the black communities.

And church has nothing to do with. Blacks have a higher church attendance record than whites do and they're still struggling.

Blacks continue to struggle because of the institutionalized racism that had been been place for years. In the last 30 years that system has weakened but it has had lasting effects.
Of course that's very mistaken liberalism has done to blacks what slavery Jim Crowe and out right racism could never do. Before liberal policies destroyed the black family It was in fact as intact as the white family the obvious reason for the disintegration of the black family to the point where 75% of kids are born illegitimately came directly out of naziliberal welfare culture do you understand now?

No, these kids came directly out of Ronald Reagan's War on Drugs and minimum sentencing laws, which saw an entire generation of inner city blacks locked in federal prisons, while white kids smoking pot got a slap on the wrist. The justice system is quite willing to overlook the missteps of young white males, while coming down hard on the similar mistakes of young black males. This, more than any other reason, is why there are so many black and brown men in the US prison system.

They didn't overlook it, the white kids had the money for lawyers.


Yes that too, but surveys of the justice system repeatedly show that blacks or Latinos are far more likely to be jailed for a first offence than a white offender. That isn't entirely due to lack of money for a lawyer.

It's due to many things such as how the suspect interacted with police, the defendants attitude while being booked, the defendants attitude while in court. It's due to a lot of things conveniently overlooked in all those phony race baiting stats.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
The American dream is only for illegal aliens & white liberals.

I thought you knew?

Not according to you. It's only for white conservatives with jobs. Anyone else is in 2nd place.
The American dream is earned/achieved not handed out with a welfare check.

I love how Republicans don't want to raise minimum wage, they want to raise "earned income credits". Earned Income Credits are the vehicle under which the 1% gets the middle class to subsidize their shitty wages, thereby increasing profits and earnings for the 1%, on the backs of the middle class.

The problem is the middle class keep blaming the poor for being poor, while voting for Republicans and Republican policies that keep them that way.

If I were Queen of the World, no corporation whose employees are receiving public assistance either in the form of food stamps, MedicAid, or Section 8, would be allowed to pay its executives compensation exceeding $9,999,999. No 8 figure salaries to executives of companies using social safety net programs to aid their employees - any employee from the floor sweeper to the burger flipper.

The resulting price increases will be more than offset by the tax savings.

We just don't want to raise minimum wage nation wide across the board, it should be done local and up to the states which it is being done.

For the thousandth time $25 bucks an hour in New York City for example is like making $5 bucks an hour in Alabama.

No one breaks the cycle of poverty because of government handouts. That's a concept liberals don't get.

yes, before liberals had their way with blacks the black family was as intact as the white family!! Liberals have hollowed out America destroying its families, children, schools, churches, and workers.

The black family has never been in tact like the white family structure. Slavery created a system where blacks had no family structure. They broke up families when fathers, mothers and children were sold off at auctions.

Your white ancestors are at fault for the lack of family structure in the black community.

Even after slavery abolished this culture of broken up families continued. Many blacks did make families but there was still a large number of unwed mothers in the black communities.

And church has nothing to do with. Blacks have a higher church attendance record than whites do and they're still struggling.

Blacks continue to struggle because of the institutionalized racism that had been been place for years. In the last 30 years that system has weakened but it has had lasting effects.

Well don't think you speak for all blacks, because this black man disagrees with you when he wrote:

"First, weaken the black family, but don't blame it on individual choices. You have to preach that today's weak black family is a legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and racism. The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households.

During the 1960s, devastating nonsense emerged, exemplified by a Johns Hopkins University sociology professor who argued, "It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes." The real issue, he went on to say, "is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income." That suggests marriage and fatherhood can be replaced by a welfare check."

View attachment 119890

Read more @ Walter Williams: Black Self-Sabotage

I don't speak for all black people. But white people shouldn't act like they are experts in being black when they don't have a fucking clue what it means to be black in America .

That's why I provided testimony from a a black man. And what difference is it being black in America today than being Hispanic, Jewish or Asian? You can tell me. I live in a black neighborhood.
What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?


The top 10 richest are also run by democrats .

This is typical right wing dishonesty. Pretty much all cities lean democratic, so you blame every city problem on the Dems. Even if the city is in the reddest of red states , it's the Dems fault !

Yes, it is. When they are in control, its their fault. That's the way responsibility works. Name one dem run city that is financially sound, has a low crime rate, and a low unemployment rate.

Boston , Seattle, San Fran.

There's 3 . DO you want to compare successful vs not ? You'll find red state cities at the bottom.
I'll be happy to trade you.

We have less than 2/3 of the police enforcement we used to have in Cleveland. Now city Council approved 1.3 million dollars for a dirt bike trail. Why a dirt bike trail? Because the Mayor (Frank Jackson) grandson got busted a few times for riding his dirt bike on the street. Of course the Mayor would look bad telling the cops to look the other way when his grandson speeds down the street on an illegal bike, so the solution is to spend taxpayer money for a bike trail.

I'll bet anybody here this liberal bozo gets reelected because Democrats are stupid. Same goes with the council people that pushed through this idiotic plan.

Wow just wow, how many kids I'm Cleveland have dirt bikes.

But nothing compares to Daily Jr. Closing Meigs field airport in Chicago in the middle of the night because his wife didn't like the noise of airplanes over head.

View attachment 119893

It seems they are all the same, doesn't it? Once Democrats sit comfortably in office, they think they've been anointed king.
Republicans don't?

Nope, not nearly as much as Democrats. The current Mayor of our city hired a criminal out of prison to work for his administration. One of the councilmen is a habitual drunk that's been arrested several times, and now this Mayor wants to waste money for his grandson's dirt bike path? Do you even realize what kind of liability at puts the city on the hook for?

Prior to this the county of Cleveland (Cuyahoga) had a major crackdown on scandal, bribery and theft in office. Most of the guilty were Democrats--some now spending years in jail.
Thus identifying yourself as a blind partisan hack

Of course, that must be it. After all, as we all know, it's never a Democrats fault.
What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?


The top 10 richest are also run by democrats .

This is typical right wing dishonesty. Pretty much all cities lean democratic, so you blame every city problem on the Dems. Even if the city is in the reddest of red states , it's the Dems fault !

Yes, it is. When they are in control, its their fault. That's the way responsibility works. Name one dem run city that is financially sound, has a low crime rate, and a low unemployment rate.

Boston , Seattle, San Fran.

There's 3 . DO you want to compare successful vs not ? You'll find red state cities at the bottom.

There are no "red state" cities. There are red cities and there are blue cities.
The founding fathers wanted a federal government that was the right size for their times

Just like today

liberals help people the way a pimp helps a prostitute

Our Founders:
-20)History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.

-21)I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.

-22)I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

-23)My reading of history convinces me that bad government results from too much government.
Wow just wow, how many kids I'm Cleveland have dirt bikes.

But nothing compares to Daily Jr. Closing Meigs field airport in Chicago in the middle of the night because his wife didn't like the noise of airplanes over head.

View attachment 119893

It seems they are all the same, doesn't it? Once Democrats sit comfortably in office, they think they've been anointed king.
Republicans don't?

It doesn't appear that way locally but then again the democrats held on to the big cities for ages.

Rightfully so

People in cities want public services. Good public transportation, good schools, parks, reliable public works

Republicans want low taxes and bare bones services

You forgot about hiding criminals from the feds.

Yes...Republicans do that

They are currently trying to hide Trump from the feds
What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?


The top 10 richest are also run by democrats .

This is typical right wing dishonesty. Pretty much all cities lean democratic, so you blame every city problem on the Dems. Even if the city is in the reddest of red states , it's the Dems fault !

Yes, it is. When they are in control, its their fault. That's the way responsibility works. Name one dem run city that is financially sound, has a low crime rate, and a low unemployment rate.

Boston , Seattle, San Fran.

There's 3 . DO you want to compare successful vs not ? You'll find red state cities at the bottom.

There are no "red state" cities. There are red cities and there are blue cities.
Pass the buck

Red States take the revenue from their cities....they just don't want the responsibilities

The top 10 richest are also run by democrats .

This is typical right wing dishonesty. Pretty much all cities lean democratic, so you blame every city problem on the Dems. Even if the city is in the reddest of red states , it's the Dems fault !

Yes, it is. When they are in control, its their fault. That's the way responsibility works. Name one dem run city that is financially sound, has a low crime rate, and a low unemployment rate.

Boston , Seattle, San Fran.

There's 3 . DO you want to compare successful vs not ? You'll find red state cities at the bottom.

There are no "red state" cities. There are red cities and there are blue cities.
Pass the buck

Red States take the revenue from their cities....they just don't want the responsibilities

States don't take revenue from cities. If anything, it's the other way around. States do give money to their cities that have been cutoff like here in Ohio, but it was the states money to begin with.
It seems they are all the same, doesn't it? Once Democrats sit comfortably in office, they think they've been anointed king.
Republicans don't?

It doesn't appear that way locally but then again the democrats held on to the big cities for ages.

Rightfully so

People in cities want public services. Good public transportation, good schools, parks, reliable public works

Republicans want low taxes and bare bones services

You forgot about hiding criminals from the feds.

Yes...Republicans do that

They are currently trying to hide Trump from the feds

yep Democrats have controlled the inner cities for 50 years and have destroyed them!
What better advertisement for Republicans is there!!!

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