Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

The top 10 richest are also run by democrats .

This is typical right wing dishonesty. Pretty much all cities lean democratic, so you blame every city problem on the Dems. Even if the city is in the reddest of red states , it's the Dems fault !

Yes, it is. When they are in control, its their fault. That's the way responsibility works. Name one dem run city that is financially sound, has a low crime rate, and a low unemployment rate.

Boston , Seattle, San Fran.

There's 3 . DO you want to compare successful vs not ? You'll find red state cities at the bottom.

There are no "red state" cities. There are red cities and there are blue cities.
Pass the buck

Red States take the revenue from their cities....they just don't want the responsibilities

States don't take revenue from cities. If anything, it's the other way around. States do give money to their cities that have been cutoff like here in Ohio, but it was the states money to begin with.
Cities are where the money is......they finance the rest of the state
Republicans control the State Houses....that is where the money is
Why haven't they invested in impoverished communities?

So typical of far left Progressives. Their sad solution for EVERYTHING is to THROW MORE MONEY. They have no solution for anything other than WE NEED MORE MONEY!

Please show us that all the cities with the highest rates of poverty are in Republican run states.
Just to set the record straight, consider this:

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

"Some conservative critics of federal social programs, including leading presidential candidates, are sounding an alarm that the United States is rapidly becoming an “entitlement society” in which social programs are undermining the work ethic and creating a large class of Americans who prefer to depend on government benefits rather than work. A new CBPP analysis of budget and Census data, however, shows that more than 90 percent of the benefit dollars that entitlement and other mandatory programs[1] spend go to assist people who are elderly, seriously disabled, or members of working households — not to able-bodied, working-age Americans who choose not to work. (See Figure 1.) This figure has changed little in the past few years."


Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Conservatives, of course, have to manufacture and sustain the myth that most of the above entitlement dollars are going to able bodied freeloaders,

a classic propaganda tactic.

As you know, Social Security nor Medicare are entitlements. They are paid for by the recipient. Cute try.
Your white ancestors are at fault for the lack of family structure in the black community.

Your entire post is nothing but useless whining and moaning. A LIE. IF any part of it was true, then the Japanese would have a far, far more likely to be in poverty and being a victim. After all, they had lost all their property and had been interned in prison camps in the Western United States. THEY could make a legitimate claim to having been enslaved and treated horribly. Instead, they have higher grades in school, lower poverty rates and lower unemployment.

This particular sentence is especially appalling.

Let me expose you to some FACTS. Not that you'll listen or learn.



In the wake of Hurricane Katrina's destruction of New Orleans, President Bush gave America's poverty pimps and race hustlers new ammunition. The president said, "As all of us saw on television, there is also some deep, persistent poverty in this region as well. And that poverty has roots in a history of racial discrimination, which cut off generations from the opportunity of America. We have a duty to confront this poverty with bold action."

The president's espousing such a vision not only supplies ammunition to poverty pimps and race hustlers, it focuses attention away from the true connection between race and poverty.

Though I grow weary of pointing it out, let's do it again. Let's examine some numbers readily available from the Census Bureau's 2004 Current Population Survey and ask some questions. There's one segment of the black population that suffers only a 9.9 percent poverty rate, and only 13.7 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. There's another segment that suffers a 39.5 percent poverty rate, and 58.1 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. Among whites, one segment suffers a 6 percent poverty rate, and only 9.9 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. The other segment suffers a 26.4 percent poverty rate, and 52 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. What do you think distinguishes the high and low poverty populations among blacks?

Would you buy an explanation that it's because white people practice discrimination against one segment of the black population and not the other or one segment had a history of slavery and not the other? You'd have to be a lunatic to buy such an explanation. The only distinction between both the black and white populations is marriage -- lower poverty in married-couple families.

In 1960, only 28 percent of black females ages 15 to 44 were never married and illegitimacy among blacks was 22 percent. Today, the never-married rate is 56 percent and illegitimacy stands at 70 percent. If today's black family structure were what it was in 1960, the overall black poverty rate would be in or near single digits. The weakening of the black family structure, and its devastating consequences, have nothing to do with the history of slavery or racial discrimination.

Dr. Charles Murray, an American Enterprise Institute scholar, argues in an article titled "Rediscovering the Underclass" in the Institute's On the Issues series (October 2005) that self-destructive behavior has become the hallmark of the underclass. He says that unemployment in the underclass is not caused by the lack of jobs but by the inability to get up every morning and go to work. In 1954, the percentage of black males, age 20 to 24, not looking for work was nine percent. In 1999, it rose to 30 percent, and that was at a time when employers were beating the bushes for employees. Murray adds that "the statistical reality is that people who get into the American job market and stay there seldom remain poor unless they do something self-destructive.

I share Murray's sentiment expressed at the beginning of his article where he says, "Watching the courage of ordinary low-income people as they deal with the aftermath of Katrina and Rita, it is hard to decide which politicians are more contemptible -- Democrats who are rediscovering poverty and blaming it on George W. Bush, or Republicans who are rediscovering poverty and claiming that the government can fix it." Since President Johnson's War on Poverty, controlling for inflation, the nation has spent $9 trillion on about 80 anti-poverty programs. To put that figure in perspective, last year's U.S. GDP was $11 trillion; $9 trillion exceeds the GDP of any nation except the U.S. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita uncovered the result of the War on Poverty -- dependency and self-destructive behavior.

Guess what the president [President George Walker Bush] and politicians from both parties are asking the American people to do? If you said, "Enact programs that will sustain and enhance dependency," go to the head of the class.

Ammunition For Poverty Pimps
Socialist programs like free education, healthcare for the poor, old age and disability benefits, roads, safe water and food help the people

One of the reasons we have a society

You don't have a clue as to the meaning of Socialism, do you?

See Venezuela.
Rightfully so

People in cities want public services. Good public transportation, good schools, parks, reliable public works

Republicans want low taxes and bare bones services

Then why are so many cities, run by Democrats in such deplorable condition?
I love how Republicans don't want to raise minimum wage, they want to raise "earned income credits". Earned Income Credits are the vehicle under which the 1% gets the middle class to subsidize their shitty wages, thereby increasing profits and earnings for the 1%, on the backs of the middle class.

The problem is the middle class keep blaming the poor for being poor, while voting for Republicans and Republican policies that keep them that way.

If I were Queen of the World, no corporation whose employees are receiving public assistance either in the form of food stamps, MedicAid, or Section 8, would be allowed to pay its executives compensation exceeding $9,999,999. No 8 figure salaries to executives of companies using social safety net programs to aid their employees - any employee from the floor sweeper to the burger flipper.

The resulting price increases will be more than offset by the tax savings.

They have a position open for you in Venezuela or maybe North Korea.
Yes, it is. When they are in control, its their fault. That's the way responsibility works. Name one dem run city that is financially sound, has a low crime rate, and a low unemployment rate.

Boston , Seattle, San Fran.

There's 3 . DO you want to compare successful vs not ? You'll find red state cities at the bottom.

There are no "red state" cities. There are red cities and there are blue cities.
Pass the buck

Red States take the revenue from their cities....they just don't want the responsibilities

States don't take revenue from cities. If anything, it's the other way around. States do give money to their cities that have been cutoff like here in Ohio, but it was the states money to begin with.
Cities are where the money is......they finance the rest of the state

How is that possible when many cities get grant money from the state? I know when we were cut off by the state, our city had to cut services, cut unnecessary spending, cut overtime and even city positions. We are still in the red thanks to the funding that was stopped by Kasich.

The state is funded by state income tax--not cities. Roads are usually funded by the state through gasoline and diesel fuel taxes.
Boston , Seattle, San Fran.

There's 3 . DO you want to compare successful vs not ? You'll find red state cities at the bottom.

So convenient of you. I only had to look at the first one to see you are lying.

Poverty rates in Boston
Residents with income below the poverty level in 2015:

Whole state:

Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level in 2015:

Whole state:
Poverty rate among disabled males:

Disability rate in this city among poor males (it is 20.9% among residents who are not classified as poor):

Poverty rate among disabled females:

Disability rate in this city among poor females (it is 21.4% among residents who are not classified as poor):

Renting rate in this city among poor and not poor residents:
Residents below poverty level:

Residents above poverty level:
Read more: http://www.city-data.com/poverty/poverty-Boston-Massachusetts.html#ixzz4d8fbrHNF
Republicans control the State Houses....that is where the money is
Why haven't they invested in impoverished communities?

So typical of far left Progressives. Their sad solution for EVERYTHING is to THROW MORE MONEY. They have no solution for anything other than WE NEED MORE MONEY!

Please show us that all the cities with the highest rates of poverty are in Republican run states.
I'm sure you have no need for money.
Boston , Seattle, San Fran.

There's 3 . DO you want to compare successful vs not ? You'll find red state cities at the bottom.

So convenient of you. I only had to look at the first one to see you are lying.

Poverty rates in Boston
Residents with income below the poverty level in 2015:

Whole state:

Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level in 2015:

Whole state:
Poverty rate among disabled males:

Disability rate in this city among poor males (it is 20.9% among residents who are not classified as poor):

Poverty rate among disabled females:

Disability rate in this city among poor females (it is 21.4% among residents who are not classified as poor):

Renting rate in this city among poor and not poor residents:
Residents below poverty level:

Residents above poverty level:
Read more: http://www.city-data.com/poverty/poverty-Boston-Massachusetts.html#ixzz4d8fbrHNF

Boston has one of the highest per capita income rates and home values in the country.

But yeah, as a city it will have poor and disabled people.

List of highest-income metropolitan statistical areas in the United States - Wikipedia
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Republicans control the State Houses....that is where the money is
Why haven't they invested in impoverished communities?

So typical of far left Progressives. Their sad solution for EVERYTHING is to THROW MORE MONEY. They have no solution for anything other than WE NEED MORE MONEY!

Please show us that all the cities with the highest rates of poverty are in Republican run states.
I'm sure you have no need for money.
I have more need for the skill of, Perfection in Money Management as a form of Holy Grail; than I do with actual money, usually.
What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?


The top 10 richest are also run by democrats .

This is typical right wing dishonesty. Pretty much all cities lean democratic, so you blame every city problem on the Dems. Even if the city is in the reddest of red states , it's the Dems fault !

Yes, it is. When they are in control, its their fault. That's the way responsibility works. Name one dem run city that is financially sound, has a low crime rate, and a low unemployment rate.

Boston , Seattle, San Fran.

There's 3 . DO you want to compare successful vs not ? You'll find red state cities at the bottom.

What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?


The top 10 richest are also run by democrats .

This is typical right wing dishonesty. Pretty much all cities lean democratic, so you blame every city problem on the Dems. Even if the city is in the reddest of red states , it's the Dems fault !

Yes, it is. When they are in control, its their fault. That's the way responsibility works. Name one dem run city that is financially sound, has a low crime rate, and a low unemployment rate.

Boston , Seattle, San Fran.

There's 3 . DO you want to compare successful vs not ? You'll find red state cities at the bottom.

You're a real lost case. You can't even lie decently.
For your information. Where your chosen cities rank in the order of poverty.


US city poverty rankings: Look up, compare nation's biggest cities
What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?


The top 10 richest are also run by democrats .

This is typical right wing dishonesty. Pretty much all cities lean democratic, so you blame every city problem on the Dems. Even if the city is in the reddest of red states , it's the Dems fault !

Yes, it is. When they are in control, its their fault. That's the way responsibility works. Name one dem run city that is financially sound, has a low crime rate, and a low unemployment rate.

Boston , Seattle, San Fran.

There's 3 . DO you want to compare successful vs not ? You'll find red state cities at the bottom.

You're a real lost case. You can't even lie decently.
For your information. Where your chosen cities rank in the order of poverty.


US city poverty rankings: Look up, compare nation's biggest cities

Umm. That's pretty low . And don't forget "poverty " in San Fran is a kings ransome is theses hillbilly red states .

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