Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Make American great again? We need strong unions.


Yeah, we know how much the Unions helped the auto industry in Detroit, the steel industry, railroads, air traffic controllers and the list goes on!
You see Republicans....you don't get to play both sides of the coin

You can't claim Republicans bring jobs to the poor and then tell poor neighborhoods to go fuck themselves

The only people that "bring jobs" are job creators, and politicians do not tell job creators where to create the jobs at.

All politicians can do is make it more or less inviting for job creators to create jobs. If your city, town or state has such high taxes that it makes it difficult to operate business, or you are in one of those liberal areas pushing for ridiculous minimum wage hikes, businesses don't want to open up business there. Don't blame Republicans for that, blame liberal Democrats.

In fact I just ran across a story this morning out of New York. The former actor Tony Danza has a cheese shop in the city, and he's protesting how the city is closing down small businesses because they can't afford to stay open any longer thanks to taxes and regulations. I found the story in Google news if you care to look it up.
Mostly true
And when job creators abandon a sector of the country it is up to the citizens of this country to help them out
Something Republicans refuse to do in helping the poor

Their solution of...get a job
Does not work when there are no jobs

We have plenty of jobs, just not enough Americans willing to take those jobs. My industry alone needs tens of thousands of drivers we can't find. I work in industrial areas all day long. Each one is loaded with HELP WANTED signs. Those signs are posted week after week--month after month.

The new trend in business is to hire minorities. Why? Because minorities will work for less money than white people. Several of our customers went from having a mostly white staff to a nearly all black staff in a matter of a few years.
Wrong types of jobs. Not everyone has the superior intellect to be truck drivers or rocket scientists
Used to be manufacturing jobs those people could take that paid enough for them to live on

But those days are gone just like making horseshoes. It's never coming back because robots took over all the monkey jobs.

Now's the time to make up your mind to attempt being successful at a trade or live your life as a failure through nobody's fault but your own. If I sat back and waited for the perfect job with the perfect hours and perfect working conditions, I would have never worked one day in my life.

I'm a sick man and have been for some time now. But until I can't get out of bed, I'm going to get up for work in the morning and support all those younger much healthier people than myself. And as I'm working, I'll read and listen to all the excuses why I'm supporting them such as they don't have any training, they don't have specific talents for jobs, they had a bad upbringing or went to substandard schools. In the meantime, some foreigner will come here with two dollars in his pocket and barely knowing thirty words in English and watch him make something of himself.

It's truly pathetic.

True. When I was about 60 and not working any more, I helped out an electrician friend pulling wire when he was short handed one day. He then asked me to work part time now and then. Extra money, learn something different, why not, I said. It would come in handy when I built my own house on some acreage I own, I was also thinking. I did this on and off for about 5 or 6 years, got halfway good at residential and commercial electric too. I have never seen a white or black man, old or young, at a home depot trying to get a job with a contractor like the Mexicans do. No, they hang out in parking lots mooching. How many people ever see kids knocking on doors wanting to mow lawns or whatever for money? We did in the '50s. Sometimes got in fights if you got too far out of your own neighborhood too.
And as unions have declined, so has the middle class. Go figure. When you going to come back to reality?

You're a member of what union?

We know what unions have done. How is this a good thing?
The only people that "bring jobs" are job creators, and politicians do not tell job creators where to create the jobs at.

All politicians can do is make it more or less inviting for job creators to create jobs. If your city, town or state has such high taxes that it makes it difficult to operate business, or you are in one of those liberal areas pushing for ridiculous minimum wage hikes, businesses don't want to open up business there. Don't blame Republicans for that, blame liberal Democrats.

In fact I just ran across a story this morning out of New York. The former actor Tony Danza has a cheese shop in the city, and he's protesting how the city is closing down small businesses because they can't afford to stay open any longer thanks to taxes and regulations. I found the story in Google news if you care to look it up.
Mostly true
And when job creators abandon a sector of the country it is up to the citizens of this country to help them out
Something Republicans refuse to do in helping the poor

Their solution of...get a job
Does not work when there are no jobs

We have plenty of jobs, just not enough Americans willing to take those jobs. My industry alone needs tens of thousands of drivers we can't find. I work in industrial areas all day long. Each one is loaded with HELP WANTED signs. Those signs are posted week after week--month after month.

The new trend in business is to hire minorities. Why? Because minorities will work for less money than white people. Several of our customers went from having a mostly white staff to a nearly all black staff in a matter of a few years.
Wrong types of jobs. Not everyone has the superior intellect to be truck drivers or rocket scientists
Used to be manufacturing jobs those people could take that paid enough for them to live on

But those days are gone just like making horseshoes. It's never coming back because robots took over all the monkey jobs.

Now's the time to make up your mind to attempt being successful at a trade or live your life as a failure through nobody's fault but your own. If I sat back and waited for the perfect job with the perfect hours and perfect working conditions, I would have never worked one day in my life.

I'm a sick man and have been for some time now. But until I can't get out of bed, I'm going to get up for work in the morning and support all those younger much healthier people than myself. And as I'm working, I'll read and listen to all the excuses why I'm supporting them such as they don't have any training, they don't have specific talents for jobs, they had a bad upbringing or went to substandard schools. In the meantime, some foreigner will come here with two dollars in his pocket and barely knowing thirty words in English and watch him make something of himself.

It's truly pathetic.
Some people are just fucking dumb or just fucking lazy. We are looking at about 20% of the population. No matter what we do, these people will struggle in complex positions.
Our society used to have jobs these people could fill be it a low skilled assembly line worker or janitor. These jobs used to pay enough for people to support themselves .......they no longer do
Now the taxpayer has to step in and make up the difference

Sure, and I agree with that if a person is properly evaluated by professionals who would testify a subject is too stupid to work. But what you make are assumptions and not anything concrete.

As for laziness, that's something I won't support. Laziness is not a physical or mental illness. Nobody I know wants to get up and go to work every day, but we do it because we have to. If you just decide you don't like working (and who does?) starve in the streets for all I care. I curse ever day I get up and go to work.
Dems don't hate Black's, they just don't think that they are able to care for themselves.
When have Republicans ever helped the poor or working class?

Have they ever passed legislation that doesn't help the wealthy the most?

which is better for an able bodied poor person, a job or a welfare check?

A good paying union job.

Die unions....die.

And with them the middle class and any hopes of strong economic growth.

Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.
Since there are far more whites than blacks on welfare in America, why are you going the racist angle?

As you know, the difference is in the PERCENTAGE of blacks on welfare compared to whites and other races. They’re in serious trouble and their sorry leaders continue to pound into them that they are VICTIMS AND SOMEONE OWES THEM A LIVING! How is that good for them or anyone else?
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?

I don' t think they hate blacks at all, they just realize that its necessary for their own lifestyles. Men like Chuck U. Schumer make a real good living at being a senator.

If he didn't have all of those surefire black welfare votes, he would no longer be able to earn a living. What skills does an unemployed senator bring to the table? I guess he could turn to male prostitution. But that's about it.
which is better for an able bodied poor person, a job or a welfare check?

A good paying union job.

Die unions....die.

And with them the middle class and any hopes of strong economic growth.

Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.
A good paying union job.

Die unions....die.

And with them the middle class and any hopes of strong economic growth.

Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.

That created the middle class and made us the strongest country in the world.

How are they working out for the middle class of Detroit?
How about those middle class Hostess employees?
How are the teachers unions working out for the children of Chicago?

Corrupt thugs must be eliminated.

Forget it, he is a true believer.
Union's are nothing more than the new plantation. Now they employ white's and black's.
The only people that "bring jobs" are job creators, and politicians do not tell job creators where to create the jobs at.

All politicians can do is make it more or less inviting for job creators to create jobs. If your city, town or state has such high taxes that it makes it difficult to operate business, or you are in one of those liberal areas pushing for ridiculous minimum wage hikes, businesses don't want to open up business there. Don't blame Republicans for that, blame liberal Democrats.

In fact I just ran across a story this morning out of New York. The former actor Tony Danza has a cheese shop in the city, and he's protesting how the city is closing down small businesses because they can't afford to stay open any longer thanks to taxes and regulations. I found the story in Google news if you care to look it up.
Mostly true
And when job creators abandon a sector of the country it is up to the citizens of this country to help them out
Something Republicans refuse to do in helping the poor

Their solution of...get a job
Does not work when there are no jobs

We have plenty of jobs, just not enough Americans willing to take those jobs. My industry alone needs tens of thousands of drivers we can't find. I work in industrial areas all day long. Each one is loaded with HELP WANTED signs. Those signs are posted week after week--month after month.

The new trend in business is to hire minorities. Why? Because minorities will work for less money than white people. Several of our customers went from having a mostly white staff to a nearly all black staff in a matter of a few years.
Wrong types of jobs. Not everyone has the superior intellect to be truck drivers or rocket scientists
Used to be manufacturing jobs those people could take that paid enough for them to live on

But those days are gone just like making horseshoes. It's never coming back because robots took over all the monkey jobs.

Now's the time to make up your mind to attempt being successful at a trade or live your life as a failure through nobody's fault but your own. If I sat back and waited for the perfect job with the perfect hours and perfect working conditions, I would have never worked one day in my life.

I'm a sick man and have been for some time now. But until I can't get out of bed, I'm going to get up for work in the morning and support all those younger much healthier people than myself. And as I'm working, I'll read and listen to all the excuses why I'm supporting them such as they don't have any training, they don't have specific talents for jobs, they had a bad upbringing or went to substandard schools. In the meantime, some foreigner will come here with two dollars in his pocket and barely knowing thirty words in English and watch him make something of himself.

It's truly pathetic.

True. When I was about 60 and not working any more, I helped out an electrician friend pulling wire when he was short handed one day. He then asked me to work part time now and then. Extra money, learn something different, why not, I said. It would come in handy when I built my own house on some acreage I own, I was also thinking. I did this on and off for about 5 or 6 years, got halfway good at residential and commercial electric too. I have never seen a white or black man, old or young, at a home depot trying to get a job with a contractor like the Mexicans do. No, they hang out in parking lots mooching. How many people ever see kids knocking on doors wanting to mow lawns or whatever for money? We did in the '50s. Sometimes got in fights if you got too far out of your own neighborhood too.

It was almost like a different world back then. People used to have so much pride and dignity. Today, I don't think many younger people understand the definition of the words.
Dems don't hate Black's, they just don't think that they are able to care for themselves.

No, they understand that blacks can take care of themselves, but if they do, then who needs Democrats? So convince them that they are victims.

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