Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Why do Democrats support importing Sharia Law which oppresses women and punishes gays into the U.S.?

Sharia Law is a boogie man that keeps conservatives up at night

I can see why you support it. You dig the idea of rape victims being stoned to death.

On October 30, 2008, the United Nations condemned the stoning to death of Aisha Duhulowa, a 13-year-old girl who had been gang-raped and then sentenced to death by a Sharia court for fornication (Zina). She was screaming and begging for mercy, but when some family members attempted to intervene, shots were fired by the Islamic militia and a baby was killed. This happens in Sharia courts of other countries also. The village Sharia courts in Bangladesh, although illegal, regularly punish raped minor girls and women by flogging and beating them with shoes. In Pakistan similar cases of punishing raped women are Mina v. the State, Bibi v. the State and Bahadur v. the State. In Pakistan similar cases of punishing raped women are Mina v. the State, Bibi v. the State and Bahadur v. the State.[ii] Sharia courts in Pakistan have punished many thousands of raped women by long term imprisonment.[iii] It became so chronic that raped women stopped reporting to police. ...

Has nothing to do with me as an American

We have something we like to call the Constitution that has precedence

Here you go, bub. Some Sharia burn victim photos for you to jerk off to.
Why do Democrats support importing Sharia Law which oppresses women and punishes gays into the U.S.?

Sharia Law is a boogie man that keeps conservatives up at night

I can see why you support it. You dig the idea of rape victims being stoned to death.

On October 30, 2008, the United Nations condemned the stoning to death of Aisha Duhulowa, a 13-year-old girl who had been gang-raped and then sentenced to death by a Sharia court for fornication (Zina). She was screaming and begging for mercy, but when some family members attempted to intervene, shots were fired by the Islamic militia and a baby was killed. This happens in Sharia courts of other countries also. The village Sharia courts in Bangladesh, although illegal, regularly punish raped minor girls and women by flogging and beating them with shoes. In Pakistan similar cases of punishing raped women are Mina v. the State, Bibi v. the State and Bahadur v. the State. In Pakistan similar cases of punishing raped women are Mina v. the State, Bibi v. the State and Bahadur v. the State.[ii] Sharia courts in Pakistan have punished many thousands of raped women by long term imprisonment.[iii] It became so chronic that raped women stopped reporting to police. ...

Has nothing to do with me as an American

We have something we like to call the Constitution that has precedence

Here you go, bub. Some Sharia burn victim photos for you to jerk off to.
Which state did that happen in?
You see Republicans....you don't get to play both sides of the coin

You can't claim Republicans bring jobs to the poor and then tell poor neighborhoods to go fuck themselves

The only people that "bring jobs" are job creators, and politicians do not tell job creators where to create the jobs at.

All politicians can do is make it more or less inviting for job creators to create jobs. If your city, town or state has such high taxes that it makes it difficult to operate business, or you are in one of those liberal areas pushing for ridiculous minimum wage hikes, businesses don't want to open up business there. Don't blame Republicans for that, blame liberal Democrats.

In fact I just ran across a story this morning out of New York. The former actor Tony Danza has a cheese shop in the city, and he's protesting how the city is closing down small businesses because they can't afford to stay open any longer thanks to taxes and regulations. I found the story in Google news if you care to look it up.
Mostly true
And when job creators abandon a sector of the country it is up to the citizens of this country to help them out
Something Republicans refuse to do in helping the poor

Their solution of...get a job
Does not work when there are no jobs

We have plenty of jobs, just not enough Americans willing to take those jobs. My industry alone needs tens of thousands of drivers we can't find. I work in industrial areas all day long. Each one is loaded with HELP WANTED signs. Those signs are posted week after week--month after month.

The new trend in business is to hire minorities. Why? Because minorities will work for less money than white people. Several of our customers went from having a mostly white staff to a nearly all black staff in a matter of a few years.
Wrong types of jobs. Not everyone has the superior intellect to be truck drivers or rocket scientists
Used to be manufacturing jobs those people could take that paid enough for them to live on

But those days are gone just like making horseshoes. It's never coming back because robots took over all the monkey jobs.

Now's the time to make up your mind to attempt being successful at a trade or live your life as a failure through nobody's fault but your own. If I sat back and waited for the perfect job with the perfect hours and perfect working conditions, I would have never worked one day in my life.

I'm a sick man and have been for some time now. But until I can't get out of bed, I'm going to get up for work in the morning and support all those younger much healthier people than myself. And as I'm working, I'll read and listen to all the excuses why I'm supporting them such as they don't have any training, they don't have specific talents for jobs, they had a bad upbringing or went to substandard schools. In the meantime, some foreigner will come here with two dollars in his pocket and barely knowing thirty words in English and watch him make something of himself.

It's truly pathetic.
Why do Democrats support importing Sharia Law which oppresses women and punishes gays into the U.S.?

Sharia Law is a boogie man that keeps conservatives up at night

I can see why you support it. You dig the idea of rape victims being stoned to death.

On October 30, 2008, the United Nations condemned the stoning to death of Aisha Duhulowa, a 13-year-old girl who had been gang-raped and then sentenced to death by a Sharia court for fornication (Zina). She was screaming and begging for mercy, but when some family members attempted to intervene, shots were fired by the Islamic militia and a baby was killed. This happens in Sharia courts of other countries also. The village Sharia courts in Bangladesh, although illegal, regularly punish raped minor girls and women by flogging and beating them with shoes. In Pakistan similar cases of punishing raped women are Mina v. the State, Bibi v. the State and Bahadur v. the State. In Pakistan similar cases of punishing raped women are Mina v. the State, Bibi v. the State and Bahadur v. the State.[ii] Sharia courts in Pakistan have punished many thousands of raped women by long term imprisonment.[iii] It became so chronic that raped women stopped reporting to police. ...

Has nothing to do with me as an American

We have something we like to call the Constitution that has precedence

You mean The Constitution that you loons think of as a Living thing that you can change and manipulate for political purposes outside of the legislative process?

Aha! You lose.
When have Republicans ever helped the poor or working class?

Have they ever passed legislation that doesn't help the wealthy the most?

which is better for an able bodied poor person, a job or a welfare check?

A good paying union job.

Die unions....die.

And with them the middle class and any hopes of strong economic growth.

Just a bunch of corrupt thugs.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
Rather than try pissing into the wind, I reject the premise of your question.

It is created of right wing talking points unchallenged by receptive minds. Minds not use don't to plumbing the depths of the situation as it actually is. Minds usually unaware of all the factors contributing to the situation. Minds unwilling to use critical thinking, historical facts and the myriad of obstacles promulgated by previous generations of leaders.
Why do Democrats support importing Sharia Law which oppresses women and punishes gays into the U.S.?

They don't, you retard.

Do you wear a Burqua Carb?

Post as much credible evidence you have that most Democrats support replacing our system with Sharia Law,

or, go back under your cowpie.

Not what I said, or what I asked is it?
Fact kid, you'd defend Sharia over being Republican.
Why do Democrats support importing Sharia Law which oppresses women and punishes gays into the U.S.?

They don't, you retard.

Do you wear a Burqua Carb?

Post as much credible evidence you have that most Democrats support replacing our system with Sharia Law,

or, go back under your cowpie.

Not what I said, or what I asked is it?
Fact kid, you'd defend Sharia over being Republican.
I'd be happy to FEED you cowpie kid.
In truth, the people most likely to support Sharia Law are conservatives, because of their obsessive adoration and promotion of states' rights over the federal government, aka the Constitution.

Using conservative principles in the form of their perverse interpretations of the 10 Amendment, a state or local government could institute Sharia Law, in defiance of federal law,

and claim their 10th Amendment rights as trumping any nonsense to the contrary from the big central government in Washington DC.
Why do Democrats support importing Sharia Law which oppresses women and punishes gays into the U.S.?

Sharia Law is a boogie man that keeps conservatives up at night

I can see why you support it. You dig the idea of rape victims being stoned to death.

On October 30, 2008, the United Nations condemned the stoning to death of Aisha Duhulowa, a 13-year-old girl who had been gang-raped and then sentenced to death by a Sharia court for fornication (Zina). She was screaming and begging for mercy, but when some family members attempted to intervene, shots were fired by the Islamic militia and a baby was killed. This happens in Sharia courts of other countries also. The village Sharia courts in Bangladesh, although illegal, regularly punish raped minor girls and women by flogging and beating them with shoes. In Pakistan similar cases of punishing raped women are Mina v. the State, Bibi v. the State and Bahadur v. the State. In Pakistan similar cases of punishing raped women are Mina v. the State, Bibi v. the State and Bahadur v. the State.[ii] Sharia courts in Pakistan have punished many thousands of raped women by long term imprisonment.[iii] It became so chronic that raped women stopped reporting to police. ...

Has nothing to do with me as an American

We have something we like to call the Constitution that has precedence

You mean The Constitution that you loons think of as a Living thing that you can change and manipulate for political purposes outside of the legislative process?

Aha! You lose.
We wrote it.....
We know what it means
U.S. Constitutional protections supercede any Sharia nightmare fantasies you may have
Why do Democrats support importing Sharia Law which oppresses women and punishes gays into the U.S.?

They don't, you retard.

Do you wear a Burqua Carb?

Post as much credible evidence you have that most Democrats support replacing our system with Sharia Law,

or, go back under your cowpie.

Not what I said, or what I asked is it?
Fact kid, you'd defend Sharia over being Republican.

No, you would defend a state imposing Sharia Law as having the authority to do so under the 10th Amendment.
In truth, the people most likely to support Sharia Law are conservatives, because of their obsessive adoration and promotion of states' rights over the federal government, aka the Constitution.

Using conservative principles in the form of their perverse interpretations of the 10 Amendment, a state or local government could institute Sharia Law, in defiance of federal law,

and claim their 10th Amendment rights as trumping any nonsense to the contrary from the big central government in Washington DC.

In truth, you are an idiot.

lol, I win.
In truth, the people most likely to support Sharia Law are conservatives, because of their obsessive adoration and promotion of states' rights over the federal government, aka the Constitution.

Using conservative principles in the form of their perverse interpretations of the 10 Amendment, a state or local government could institute Sharia Law, in defiance of federal law,

and claim their 10th Amendment rights as trumping any nonsense to the contrary from the big central government in Washington DC.

In truth, you are an idiot.

So you concede that the 10th Amendment is subordinate to the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution...?

Maybe you're not ineducable.
So Redfish you want the black babies to be born, but don't want to feed, or cloth them until they are able to themselves.

How is feeding, clothing and housing their babies my responsibility? What about personal responsibility?

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