Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?

What policy is that, specifically?

What's your alternative, specifically?

OK, I will try to go slow and use small words so you might understand.

democrats favor having lots of americans on welfare and food stamps and living in poverty. Why? you ask. Because they know that people who are dependent on them will continue to vote for them. If they remain in power they can continue to get rich at public expense.

the alternative, an economy with an ever growing number of new jobs, welfare only for those who are physically or mentally unable to care for themselves---and for them sufficient help to live comfortable lives. For those able to work, personal responsibility and accountability, no free lunch. You get what you earn, work for, have talent for, have skills for. Freedom to live your life as you choose, freedom to succeed or fail. Said another way, the dream of the founders of this great nation.

You make a false assumption unsupported by any facts, and you fail to provide any specifics.

You lose.

Seriously NY?

.View attachment 120010

I've been on unemployment. You're required to look for work. You're required in most cases to take work.

I was on unemployment 25 years ago. I had to look for work and get signed statements of the places I'd been. I ended up getting a job that I worked for 22 years.

its not that way today. there is no "must look for work" requirement.
What policy is that, specifically?

What's your alternative, specifically?

OK, I will try to go slow and use small words so you might understand.

democrats favor having lots of americans on welfare and food stamps and living in poverty. Why? you ask. Because they know that people who are dependent on them will continue to vote for them. If they remain in power they can continue to get rich at public expense.

the alternative, an economy with an ever growing number of new jobs, welfare only for those who are physically or mentally unable to care for themselves---and for them sufficient help to live comfortable lives. For those able to work, personal responsibility and accountability, no free lunch. You get what you earn, work for, have talent for, have skills for. Freedom to live your life as you choose, freedom to succeed or fail. Said another way, the dream of the founders of this great nation.

You make a false assumption unsupported by any facts, and you fail to provide any specifics.

You lose.

Seriously NY?

.View attachment 120010

I've been on unemployment. You're required to look for work. You're required in most cases to take work.

I was on unemployment 25 years ago. I had to look for work and get signed statements of the places I'd been. I ended up getting a job that I worked for 22 years.

its not that way today. there is no "must look for work" requirement.

It is where I live, well they have to at least keep a journal of places they applied...

Rightfully so

People in cities want public services. Good public transportation, good schools, parks, reliable public works

Republicans want low taxes and bare bones services

more talking point bullshit. Do you ever have an original thought? Low taxes and efficient government are what every person with a brain wants.

Why do you want to pay high taxes? Are you a complete idiot?

Its all relative

I'd rather pay high taxes and live in a safe community with good schools, parks and good public works than pay low taxes and live in a shithole

And with that being said, I'm sure you're against our military spending because you think our military is plenty strong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Worked for DoD almost 40 years

We buy some wicked shit. Doesn't mean it is justified to trade off quality of life at home for a Military that can kick ass on the other side of the world

without a kick ass military there would be no quality of life in this country. I do agree that we should not be the world's police force or telling other countries how to live.

Bullshit. Without meddling into the governments of other countries, you wouldn't need to defend yourself at home. Are you even aware of WHY Iranians hate Americans? Of the number of right wing dictatorships the US supported because they believed "better dead than Red" and these strong men opposed communism? Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, The Shah of Iran, Marcos, and many, many others.

Americans revel in their military. Trump is already talking about taking on North Korea. Idiots.
its not a zero sum game, fool. You can live in a safe community with all of those things if you have an efficient honest government and low taxes.

If you don't think that the central cities of Detroit, Philly, New York, Boston, Chicago, and LA are not shitholes (with high taxes and dem governments) then you are living in a complete fantasy world.


There is no free lunch

you are correct, someone has to pay for it, usually those who work for a living and pay taxes.

You mean people other than Trump

Is his 25% tax rate not sufficient? He paid a higher rate than Sanders, Clinton, and most of Hollywood. Should he be required to pay more because you don't like him?
11 years ago in a partial return

it was his entire 1040, showing gross income, deductions, exemptions, taxable income, and taxes paid. He paid a rate around 25% and his return was in compliance with the tax code. If he was not in full compliance with the tax code don't you think some of the Obama cronies in the IRS would have leaked it by now?
Rightfully so

People in cities want public services. Good public transportation, good schools, parks, reliable public works

Republicans want low taxes and bare bones services

more talking point bullshit. Do you ever have an original thought? Low taxes and efficient government are what every person with a brain wants.

Why do you want to pay high taxes? Are you a complete idiot?

Its all relative

I'd rather pay high taxes and live in a safe community with good schools, parks and good public works than pay low taxes and live in a shithole

And with that being said, I'm sure you're against our military spending because you think our military is plenty strong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Worked for DoD almost 40 years

We buy some wicked shit. Doesn't mean it is justified to trade off quality of life at home for a Military that can kick ass on the other side of the world

without a kick ass military there would be no quality of life in this country. I do agree that we should not be the world's police force or telling other countries how to live.


Of course there would There isn't a nation on earth capable of invading us. We haven't been invaded in 200 years

There is no free lunch

you are correct, someone has to pay for it, usually those who work for a living and pay taxes.

You mean people other than Trump

Is his 25% tax rate not sufficient? He paid a higher rate than Sanders, Clinton, and most of Hollywood. Should he be required to pay more because you don't like him?
11 years ago in a partial return

it was his entire 1040, showing gross income, deductions, exemptions, taxable income, and taxes paid. He paid a rate around 25% and his return was in compliance with the tax code. If he was not in full compliance with the tax code don't you think some of the Obama cronies in the IRS would have leaked it by now?

Two pages from 11 years ago...what is he hiding?
OK, I will try to go slow and use small words so you might understand.

democrats favor having lots of americans on welfare and food stamps and living in poverty. Why? you ask. Because they know that people who are dependent on them will continue to vote for them. If they remain in power they can continue to get rich at public expense.

the alternative, an economy with an ever growing number of new jobs, welfare only for those who are physically or mentally unable to care for themselves---and for them sufficient help to live comfortable lives. For those able to work, personal responsibility and accountability, no free lunch. You get what you earn, work for, have talent for, have skills for. Freedom to live your life as you choose, freedom to succeed or fail. Said another way, the dream of the founders of this great nation.

You make a false assumption unsupported by any facts, and you fail to provide any specifics.

You lose.

Seriously NY?

.View attachment 120010

I've been on unemployment. You're required to look for work. You're required in most cases to take work.

I was on unemployment 25 years ago. I had to look for work and get signed statements of the places I'd been. I ended up getting a job that I worked for 22 years.

its not that way today. there is no "must look for work" requirement.

It is where I live, well they have to at least keep a journal of places they applied...


yes, I understand that.

"while I was eating at McDonalds I asked one of the cashiers if they needed any help"
"I looked for help wanted signs while on the way to pick up some pot"
more talking point bullshit. Do you ever have an original thought? Low taxes and efficient government are what every person with a brain wants.

Why do you want to pay high taxes? Are you a complete idiot?

Its all relative

I'd rather pay high taxes and live in a safe community with good schools, parks and good public works than pay low taxes and live in a shithole

And with that being said, I'm sure you're against our military spending because you think our military is plenty strong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Worked for DoD almost 40 years

We buy some wicked shit. Doesn't mean it is justified to trade off quality of life at home for a Military that can kick ass on the other side of the world

without a kick ass military there would be no quality of life in this country. I do agree that we should not be the world's police force or telling other countries how to live.


Of course there would There isn't a nation on earth capable of invading us. We haven't been invaded in 200 years

What exactly do you call 9/11?
What policy is that, specifically?

What's your alternative, specifically?

OK, I will try to go slow and use small words so you might understand.

democrats favor having lots of americans on welfare and food stamps and living in poverty. Why? you ask. Because they know that people who are dependent on them will continue to vote for them. If they remain in power they can continue to get rich at public expense.

the alternative, an economy with an ever growing number of new jobs, welfare only for those who are physically or mentally unable to care for themselves---and for them sufficient help to live comfortable lives. For those able to work, personal responsibility and accountability, no free lunch. You get what you earn, work for, have talent for, have skills for. Freedom to live your life as you choose, freedom to succeed or fail. Said another way, the dream of the founders of this great nation.

You make a false assumption unsupported by any facts, and you fail to provide any specifics.

You lose.

Seriously NY?

.View attachment 120010

I've been on unemployment. You're required to look for work. You're required in most cases to take work.

I was on unemployment 25 years ago. I had to look for work and get signed statements of the places I'd been. I ended up getting a job that I worked for 22 years.

its not that way today. there is no "must look for work" requirement.

See? This is why I'm quite comfortable classifying you as the dumbest poster on USMB - when you make a statement like that

PART 473 - New York State Department of Labor
With how fast the middle class is shrinking you should be concerned for everyone. I don't hear real answers from either party.

what??? Republicans want to eliminate taxes regulations unions illegals to bring back 40 million jobs that liberals offshored. Now do you understand?
He understands, but that's not in the regressive agenda. They want to keep hurting us.
Its all relative

I'd rather pay high taxes and live in a safe community with good schools, parks and good public works than pay low taxes and live in a shithole

And with that being said, I'm sure you're against our military spending because you think our military is plenty strong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Worked for DoD almost 40 years

We buy some wicked shit. Doesn't mean it is justified to trade off quality of life at home for a Military that can kick ass on the other side of the world

without a kick ass military there would be no quality of life in this country. I do agree that we should not be the world's police force or telling other countries how to live.


Of course there would There isn't a nation on earth capable of invading us. We haven't been invaded in 200 years

What exactly do you call 9/11?
Most likely they call it a family event.
you are correct, someone has to pay for it, usually those who work for a living and pay taxes.

You mean people other than Trump

Is his 25% tax rate not sufficient? He paid a higher rate than Sanders, Clinton, and most of Hollywood. Should he be required to pay more because you don't like him?
11 years ago in a partial return

it was his entire 1040, showing gross income, deductions, exemptions, taxable income, and taxes paid. He paid a rate around 25% and his return was in compliance with the tax code. If he was not in full compliance with the tax code don't you think some of the Obama cronies in the IRS would have leaked it by now?

Two pages from 11 years ago...what is he hiding?

Probably that while complying with the tax code he was allowed to write off some capital gains and other forms of income. LEGALLY.

The problem, and we all know it, is that the media and the dems would pull out one page, create lies about it, and use it to distract the public from what is really going on in the country. Even you should understand that.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
Simple. It keeps them in power. Exact same reason they couldn't care less about the invasion of America by illegal mexicans and all kinds of other non whites....give them free shit they vote democrat for life.
I vote Democrat, when do I get my free shit?
Nothing weirder than a WORKING class person voting democrat...especially if they pay attention to dem policies that kill jobs. I mean I can understand NOT voting republican but voting democrat just seems idiotic. I prefer populists that put my country first.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
Simple. It keeps them in power. Exact same reason they couldn't care less about the invasion of America by illegal mexicans and all kinds of other non whites....give them free shit they vote democrat for life.
I vote Democrat, when do I get my free shit?
Nothing weirder than a WORKING class person voting democrat...especially if they pay attention to dem policies that kill jobs. I mean I can understand NOT voting republican but voting democrat just seems idiotic. I prefer populists that put my country first.

Nothing weirder than a WORKING class person voting democrat...especially if they pay attention to dem policies that kill jobs.


OK, I will try to go slow and use small words so you might understand.

democrats favor having lots of americans on welfare and food stamps and living in poverty. Why? you ask. Because they know that people who are dependent on them will continue to vote for them. If they remain in power they can continue to get rich at public expense.

the alternative, an economy with an ever growing number of new jobs, welfare only for those who are physically or mentally unable to care for themselves---and for them sufficient help to live comfortable lives. For those able to work, personal responsibility and accountability, no free lunch. You get what you earn, work for, have talent for, have skills for. Freedom to live your life as you choose, freedom to succeed or fail. Said another way, the dream of the founders of this great nation.

You make a false assumption unsupported by any facts, and you fail to provide any specifics.

You lose.

Seriously NY?

.View attachment 120010

I've been on unemployment. You're required to look for work. You're required in most cases to take work.

I was on unemployment 25 years ago. I had to look for work and get signed statements of the places I'd been. I ended up getting a job that I worked for 22 years.

its not that way today. there is no "must look for work" requirement.

See? This is why I'm quite comfortable classifying you as the dumbest poster on USMB - when you make a statement like that

PART 473 - New York State Department of Labor

Yes, those requirements exist in every state, I agree. But they are not enforced. UE payments are not stopped if the person fails to apply for a certain number of jobs.

Your naivete is amazing.
Its all relative

I'd rather pay high taxes and live in a safe community with good schools, parks and good public works than pay low taxes and live in a shithole

And with that being said, I'm sure you're against our military spending because you think our military is plenty strong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Worked for DoD almost 40 years

We buy some wicked shit. Doesn't mean it is justified to trade off quality of life at home for a Military that can kick ass on the other side of the world

without a kick ass military there would be no quality of life in this country. I do agree that we should not be the world's police force or telling other countries how to live.


Of course there would There isn't a nation on earth capable of invading us. We haven't been invaded in 200 years

What exactly do you call 9/11?
Do you know what an invasion is?

The strongest military in history couldn't stop an attack
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Lifetime limit of welfare is 60 months.
Retarded premise.

60 months is 5 years. then you have another kid and start the process over. We have generations who have spent their entire lives on welfare. Do you live on the moon?
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Lifetime limit of welfare is 60 months.
Retarded premise.

You don't know what doctor shopping is an the epidemic of young males and females in their 30s and 40s on Social security disability?
You mean people other than Trump

Is his 25% tax rate not sufficient? He paid a higher rate than Sanders, Clinton, and most of Hollywood. Should he be required to pay more because you don't like him?
11 years ago in a partial return

it was his entire 1040, showing gross income, deductions, exemptions, taxable income, and taxes paid. He paid a rate around 25% and his return was in compliance with the tax code. If he was not in full compliance with the tax code don't you think some of the Obama cronies in the IRS would have leaked it by now?

Two pages from 11 years ago...what is he hiding?

Probably that while complying with the tax code he was allowed to write off some capital gains and other forms of income. LEGALLY.

The problem, and we all know it, is that the media and the dems would pull out one page, create lies about it, and use it to distract the public from what is really going on in the country. Even you should understand that.
Someone who earns $20,000 a year is not paying taxes legally and complying with the tax code

Yet conservatives condemn them as the 47%

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