Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

So Redfish you want the black babies to be born, but don't want to feed, or cloth them until they are able to themselves

correct when govt took the father role it destroyed the black family. Do you understand?

That's called Benevolent Paternalism.

It is a strategy employed after Emancipation to encourage Former Slaves to stay on The Plantation.

Benevolent Paternalism is roughly translated as The Kind and Fatherly Slave Master.

The Fatherly Slave Master provides food shelter and clothing for his children in exchange for their loyalty and labor.

Anyone who works in the newborn babies dept., foster families, homes for mothers call this save the fetus but who gives a shit after it is born, is a complete idiot..

Pence walks around like he is the messiah , while he cuts food, shelter to these children..

Once they are old enough, they can take care of themselves...Fuck the people who walk around with signs and talk their talk on the internet..

Get out there and help raise those crack babies
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch…
follow up question: why do democrats support the organized murder of unborn black children through planned parenthood?

Limit their numbers and keep them on the plantation. Sounds like something from the KKK democrats of the 1800s.

So Redfish you want the black babies to be born, but don't want to feed, or cloth them until they are able to themselves..I am a pro life democrat who also believes in what happens after the baby is born..

Maybe you can throw them a crumb every now and then..

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/---- Why don't the parents feed and clothe their children?
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?

LMBO! Typical uneducated righty comment...there are more white folks on welfare/food stamps! Omg- gotta share this humorous post!

Typical uneducated righty comment...there are more white folks on welfare/food stamps!

Educate that mean righty!!!

Post the number of whites and blacks on welfare/food stamps.
What have Republicans ever done for minority neighborhoods other than to build more prisons?

Dems would prefer the criminals remain free to further victimize the minority neighborhoods.

All that welfare and food stamps and half a million illegals having their every want and need fulfilled by The Federal And State Government in Chicago has sure made Murder City a Utopian Paradise for Everyone.

Why have abortion even, when you can just move people in to Chicago to die?
So Redfish you want the black babies to be born, but don't want to feed, or cloth them until they are able to themselves

correct when govt took the father role it destroyed the black family. Do you understand?

That's called Benevolent Paternalism.

It is a strategy employed after Emancipation to encourage Former Slaves to stay on The Plantation.

Benevolent Paternalism is roughly translated as The Kind and Fatherly Slave Master.

The Fatherly Slave Master provides food shelter and clothing for his children in exchange for their loyalty and labor.

Anyone who works in the newborn babies dept., foster families, homes for mothers call this save the fetus but who gives a shit after it is born, is a complete idiot..

Pence walks around like he is the messiah , while he cuts food, shelter to these children..

Once they are old enough, they can take care of themselves...Fuck the people who walk around with signs and talk their talk on the internet..

Get out there and help raise those crack babies
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch…

Why Rustic? You all love to show the fetus...but then ignore the needs of a child's medical care, and raising that baby... I worked in this field

Crack babies.. born addicted


Broken Foster care system


Abandoned downs syndrome, physically/ mentally challenged children

Extreme adoption laws in the US
What have Republicans ever done for minority neighborhoods other than to build more prisons?

Dems would prefer the criminals remain free to further victimize the minority neighborhoods.

You failed to answer the question.

Are more prisons bad for minority neighborhoods?

A question doesn't answer a question. You sure are shady.

I understand that you don't want to answer.
What have Republicans ever done for minority neighborhoods other than to build more prisons?

Dems would prefer the criminals remain free to further victimize the minority neighborhoods.

You failed to answer the question.

Are more prisons bad for minority neighborhoods?

A question doesn't answer a question. You sure are shady.

I understand that you don't want to answer.

I understand that you can't answer.
Dems would prefer the criminals remain free to further victimize the minority neighborhoods.

You failed to answer the question.

Are more prisons bad for minority neighborhoods?

A question doesn't answer a question. You sure are shady.

I understand that you don't want to answer.

I understand that you can't answer.

Winner winner, chicken dinner.
Dems would prefer the criminals remain free to further victimize the minority neighborhoods.

You failed to answer the question.

Are more prisons bad for minority neighborhoods?

A question doesn't answer a question. You sure are shady.

I understand that you don't want to answer.

I understand that you can't answer.

Limiting liberal idiocy is a benefit for minority neighborhoods.

Now should we release all those criminals and close the prisons, to help minority neighborhoods or not?
What have Republicans ever done for minority neighborhoods other than to build more prisons?

Dems would prefer the criminals remain free to further victimize the minority neighborhoods.

Republicans are so considerate

No problem building prisons....It is schools they despise

We lacking schools anywhere?
Here in Chicago, the Democrats are closing schools.

Money is being moved away from schools.
You failed to answer the question.

Are more prisons bad for minority neighborhoods?

A question doesn't answer a question. You sure are shady.

I understand that you don't want to answer.

I understand that you can't answer.

Limiting liberal idiocy is a benefit for minority neighborhoods.

Now should we release all those criminals and close the prisons, to help minority neighborhoods or not?

So what have repubs ever done to benefit minority neighborhoods?

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