Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Hey you are the one who insists on talking about yourself. I'm just laughing at you. Show your taxes and prove something or stfu.

Sorry kid, you like most your age are nothing more than a whiny ass who depends on someone else to take care of you. Yu proudly made those Pinto's and Gremlin's and cashed your checks. Don't blame anyone else kid, if you'd had integrity you'd have said no and went to work somewhere else.

No responsibility for the people who gave the go to build such crappy cars. Go figure.

I fault you kid. YOU made them. If you had stood up and said NO they couldn't have had them made. Do you find it interesting that you cannot take responsibility for anything? No integrity, no responsibility, just cashing your checks and blaming others for everything.

Sorry but I have never work making cars. There is a lot wrong with you and making things up. You should try honesty.

The execs hired the engineers and designers and made all the decisions. Those building the cars aren't supposed to know if the model will sell or not, the build the cars. The execs failed Detroit.

You're just a child who makes excuses for everything. "It's not my fault". Integrity demands saying NO to inferior products kid. You don't have any and you never will. In my business I am the gate keeper. It has to get through me to get to my people. If it's shit I say no. Try it, it feels good to protect people.

The execs failed, that is clear. You however are making excuses and whining. The union workers should have designed, engineered, marketed... You are a joke. I guess they should have done everything and the execs have no responsibility. I think you need a new bottle.

Yes some exec thought the above was a good idea.

And someone JUST like you decided that his "pay check" was more important than a quality product. You are dismissed punk.

Yes the workers trusted the very high paid execs knew what they were doing. Go figure.
Yes getting the unions out of the way has worked great. You are a weak man, you won't admit when you have been wrong.

Either that or the entire country ending up like Detroit and no jobs

Detroit was selling shit cars. Pinto?

All made by you Union Kids no?
They didn't design them or decide what models to build. Nobody could make a pinto a good car.

W. Edwards Deming - Wikipedia
Deming's teachings and philosophy are clearly illustrated by examining the results they produced after they were adopted by Japanese industry, as the following example shows. Ford Motor Company was simultaneously manufacturing a car model with transmissions made in Japan and the United States. Soon after the car model was on the market[when?], Ford customers were requesting the model with Japanese transmission over the US-made transmission, and they were willing to wait for the Japanese model. As both transmissions were made to the same specifications, Ford engineers could not understand the customer preference for the model with Japanese transmission. Finally, Ford engineers decided to take apart the two different transmissions. The American-made car parts were all within specified tolerance levels. On the other hand, the Japanese car parts were virtually identical to each other, and much closer to the nominal values for the parts—e.g., if a part was supposed to be one foot long, plus or minus 1/8 of an inch—then the Japanese parts were all within 1/16 of an inch, less variation. This made the Japanese cars run more smoothly and customers experienced fewer problems.[9]
Deming's teachings and philosophy are clearly illustrated by examining the results they produced after they were adopted by Japanese industry, as the following example shows. Ford Motor Company was simultaneously manufacturing a car model with transmissions made in Japan and the United States. Soon after the car model was on the market[when?], Ford customers were requesting the model with Japanese transmission over the US-made transmission, and they were willing to wait for the Japanese model. As both transmissions were made to the same specifications, Ford engineers could not understand the customer preference for the model with Japanese transmission. Finally, Ford engineers decided to take apart the two different transmissions. The American-made car parts were all within specified tolerance levels. On the other hand, the Japanese car parts were virtually identical to each other, and much closer to the nominal values for the parts—e.g., if a part was supposed to be one foot long, plus or minus 1/8 of an inch—then the Japanese parts were all within 1/16 of an inch, less variation. This made the Japanese cars run more smoothly and customers experienced fewer problems.[9]

What's so funny Brian if you don't know who turned around us manufacturing

Aka the the Q. C. God Mr. Deming you are an idiot and never worked a day in your life in a plant.
Sorry kid, you like most your age are nothing more than a whiny ass who depends on someone else to take care of you. Yu proudly made those Pinto's and Gremlin's and cashed your checks. Don't blame anyone else kid, if you'd had integrity you'd have said no and went to work somewhere else.

No responsibility for the people who gave the go to build such crappy cars. Go figure.

I fault you kid. YOU made them. If you had stood up and said NO they couldn't have had them made. Do you find it interesting that you cannot take responsibility for anything? No integrity, no responsibility, just cashing your checks and blaming others for everything.

Sorry but I have never work making cars. There is a lot wrong with you and making things up. You should try honesty.

The execs hired the engineers and designers and made all the decisions. Those building the cars aren't supposed to know if the model will sell or not, the build the cars. The execs failed Detroit.

You're just a child who makes excuses for everything. "It's not my fault". Integrity demands saying NO to inferior products kid. You don't have any and you never will. In my business I am the gate keeper. It has to get through me to get to my people. If it's shit I say no. Try it, it feels good to protect people.

The execs failed, that is clear. You however are making excuses and whining. The union workers should have designed, engineered, marketed... You are a joke. I guess they should have done everything and the execs have no responsibility. I think you need a new bottle.

(smile) I say no when it's a shit product, you cash your check and blame others.

Yes some exec thought the above was a good idea.

And someone JUST like you decided that his "pay check" was more important than a quality product. You are dismissed punk.

Yes the workers trusted the very high paid execs knew what they were doing. Go figure.

Who builds the cars idiot? Any company I worked for in the past 30 years, any worker can stop production because of crap parts being made.
Either that or the entire country ending up like Detroit and no jobs

Detroit was selling shit cars. Pinto?

All made by you Union Kids no?
They didn't design them or decide what models to build. Nobody could make a pinto a good car.

W. Edwards Deming - Wikipedia
Deming's teachings and philosophy are clearly illustrated by examining the results they produced after they were adopted by Japanese industry, as the following example shows. Ford Motor Company was simultaneously manufacturing a car model with transmissions made in Japan and the United States. Soon after the car model was on the market[when?], Ford customers were requesting the model with Japanese transmission over the US-made transmission, and they were willing to wait for the Japanese model. As both transmissions were made to the same specifications, Ford engineers could not understand the customer preference for the model with Japanese transmission. Finally, Ford engineers decided to take apart the two different transmissions. The American-made car parts were all within specified tolerance levels. On the other hand, the Japanese car parts were virtually identical to each other, and much closer to the nominal values for the parts—e.g., if a part was supposed to be one foot long, plus or minus 1/8 of an inch—then the Japanese parts were all within 1/16 of an inch, less variation. This made the Japanese cars run more smoothly and customers experienced fewer problems.[9]
Deming's teachings and philosophy are clearly illustrated by examining the results they produced after they were adopted by Japanese industry, as the following example shows. Ford Motor Company was simultaneously manufacturing a car model with transmissions made in Japan and the United States. Soon after the car model was on the market[when?], Ford customers were requesting the model with Japanese transmission over the US-made transmission, and they were willing to wait for the Japanese model. As both transmissions were made to the same specifications, Ford engineers could not understand the customer preference for the model with Japanese transmission. Finally, Ford engineers decided to take apart the two different transmissions. The American-made car parts were all within specified tolerance levels. On the other hand, the Japanese car parts were virtually identical to each other, and much closer to the nominal values for the parts—e.g., if a part was supposed to be one foot long, plus or minus 1/8 of an inch—then the Japanese parts were all within 1/16 of an inch, less variation. This made the Japanese cars run more smoothly and customers experienced fewer problems.[9]

What's so funny Brian if you don't know who turned around us manufacturing

Aka the the Q. C. God Mr. Deming you are an idiot and never worked a day in your life in a plant.

I never claimed to have worked in a plant. I am quite well educated and own my own business.

Yes some exec thought the above was a good idea.

And someone JUST like you decided that his "pay check" was more important than a quality product. You are dismissed punk.

Yes the workers trusted the very high paid execs knew what they were doing. Go figure.

Who builds the cars idiot? Any company I worked for in the past 30 years, any worker can stop production because of crap parts being made.

Nobody was going to make an Aztek a good car. The execs picked an ugly ass design.

Yes some exec thought the above was a good idea.

And someone JUST like you decided that his "pay check" was more important than a quality product. You are dismissed punk.

Yes the workers trusted the very high paid execs knew what they were doing. Go figure.

Kid you've been bested, get some integrity.

Sure. No responsibility for the high paid execs. Cute.

Kid, go to bed. You look bad here.

Yes some exec thought the above was a good idea.

And someone JUST like you decided that his "pay check" was more important than a quality product. You are dismissed punk.

Yes the workers trusted the very high paid execs knew what they were doing. Go figure.

Kid you've been bested, get some integrity.

Sure. No responsibility for the high paid execs. Cute.

Kid, go to bed. You look bad here.

You are proving everything that is wrong with our economy now. The execs make all the money and are not held responsible for failure even thought they make all the decisions. Too funny.
Democrats are about power. And keeping people poor and dependent is a way to stay in power. it is that simple. They can't threaten me over health care...I pay for my own. I dont care if government cuts food stamps, section 8, welfare or head start. That makes me an obstacle for them to overcome and they do it with their dependent class.
Government handouts create serfs.
I do not agree with everything you posted, but I understand politics. One party creates new massive plantations, the other forces people to fight for security, independence. I wish people would stop asking us to pay for the screw ups.
So Redfish you want the black babies to be born, but don't want to feed, or cloth them until they are able to themselves

correct when govt took the father role it destroyed the black family. Do you understand?

That's called Benevolent Paternalism.

It is a strategy employed after Emancipation to encourage Former Slaves to stay on The Plantation.

Benevolent Paternalism is roughly translated as The Kind and Fatherly Slave Master.

The Fatherly Slave Master provides food shelter and clothing for his children in exchange for their loyalty and labor.

Anyone who works in the newborn babies dept., foster families, homes for mothers call this save the fetus but who gives a shit after it is born, is a complete idiot..

Pence walks around like he is the messiah , while he cuts food, shelter to these children..

Once they are old enough, they can take care of themselves...Fuck the people who walk around with signs and talk their talk on the internet..

Get out there and help raise those crack babies
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?

LMBO! Typical uneducated righty comment...there are more white folks on welfare/food stamps! Omg- gotta share this humorous post!
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Why do you like to touch little kids on the peepee?
Hopefully this ass is kicked off. Liberals always accuse others to protect their behavior. They make it the norm. Men in little girls showers and bathrooms.

Better a transgender in the bathroom than a hate-filled bigot any day.
We've trIed that. It all goes to the rich. Taxes are at historic lows. Unions are in deep decline. The middle class shrinks. The rich sent jobs to china. The rich hire immigrants. How dumb are you?

Make American great again? We need strong unions.

We've trIed that. It all goes to the rich. Taxes are at historic lows.

Ummm....the top tax rate is almost 40%.
In 1988, it was 28%. DERP!
uhhhh....hmmm.... in 1986 it was 50% and now it is 39%, in 1980 it was 70% and now it's 39%

Historical Rates

39.6 percent: Top tax rate in 2000

31 percent: Top tax rate in 1991

50 percent: Top tax rate in 1986

70 percent: Top tax rate in 1980

91 percent: Top tax rate in 1963

84.4 percent: Top tax rate in 1950

94 percent: Top tax rate in 1945

uhhhh....hmmm.... in 1986 it was 50% and now it is 39%, in 1980 it was 70% and now it's 39%

It's weird, you left out 1988 when the top rate was 28%.
Saying 39.6% is historically low is moronic. Liberal math.

Historically they are low.

39.6 / 28= 141.4%
More than 41% higher than in 1988.
Proof that we are not in real times of war if we can afford to lower tax rates on the rich.
We've trIed that. It all goes to the rich. Taxes are at historic lows.

Ummm....the top tax rate is almost 40%.
In 1988, it was 28%. DERP!
uhhhh....hmmm.... in 1986 it was 50% and now it is 39%, in 1980 it was 70% and now it's 39%

Historical Rates

39.6 percent: Top tax rate in 2000

31 percent: Top tax rate in 1991

50 percent: Top tax rate in 1986

70 percent: Top tax rate in 1980

91 percent: Top tax rate in 1963

84.4 percent: Top tax rate in 1950

94 percent: Top tax rate in 1945

uhhhh....hmmm.... in 1986 it was 50% and now it is 39%, in 1980 it was 70% and now it's 39%

It's weird, you left out 1988 when the top rate was 28%.
Saying 39.6% is historically low is moronic. Liberal math.

Historically they are low.

39.6 / 28= 141.4%
More than 41% higher than in 1988.
Proof that we are not in real times of war if we can afford to lower tax rates on the rich.

Time of war? Against the JV team? DERP!
What have Republicans ever done for minority neighborhoods other than to build more prisons?

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