Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

why not? why should capitalists get a tax break for simply working their capital? they have to work it, anyway. labor should get a tax break for actually working.

why should capitalists get a tax break for simply working their capital?

Highest corporate rate in the world...where is the break?
nothing but diversion? why should capitalists get a tax break for simply working their capital? they have to work it, anyway. labor should get a tax break for actually working.

Why should they be punished, if the punishment reduces revenues to the government and reduces business formation?
so they will do a better job; a high rate of business failure only wastes money.

Over tax the successful ones....to make them do better?
Successful people did just fine in the 90s before the unnecessary bush tax cuts.
why should capitalists get a tax break for simply working their capital?

Highest corporate rate in the world...where is the break?
nothing but diversion? why should capitalists get a tax break for simply working their capital? they have to work it, anyway. labor should get a tax break for actually working.

Why should they be punished, if the punishment reduces revenues to the government and reduces business formation?
so they will do a better job; a high rate of business failure only wastes money.

Over tax the successful ones....to make them do better?
Successful people did just fine in the 90s before the unnecessary bush tax cuts.

Bush didn't cut the corporate tax rate.
Here is another way you right wingers are such masters of spin. Planned Parenthood helps a lot of black women. A LOT! But if you look up right wing spin it will tell you that Planned Parenthood targets blacks to murder their babies. What a hoot! And I bet you buy that argument.

Now that's a hoot. Saying Planned Parenthood helps a lot of black women is like saying Hitler helped a lot of Jews.

Could you image the outrage if Republicans supported an organization that not only killed blacks by the thousands, but was founded by a person like Margaret Sanger who sought the elimination of the black race?
Ha ha. They pay for how many abortions? And would you prefer shaniqua on welfare with. 4 kids has another?
nothing but diversion? why should capitalists get a tax break for simply working their capital? they have to work it, anyway. labor should get a tax break for actually working.

Why should they be punished, if the punishment reduces revenues to the government and reduces business formation?
so they will do a better job; a high rate of business failure only wastes money.

Over tax the successful ones....to make them do better?
Successful people did just fine in the 90s before the unnecessary bush tax cuts.

Bush didn't cut the corporate tax rate.
The bush tax breaks were supposed to be temporary
Certainly the ceo is taking a big cut of payroll.

The actors are not deciding any of the pay. The CEO of the television station is deciding what to pay the actors and the makeup people. That is the difference and it obviously is a big one. The CEO is deciding his own pay, the actor is dependent on the CEO giving him/her that pay.

Again, that is not at all true with CEO's.
Why CEOs Make So Much Money

Why you have a hair up your behind CEO's pay, I have no clue. Unless you own stock in that company and they're doing a terrible job and your stock is plunging, why do you care? Sell the stock and buy one with superior management.

In years past CEO's did not receive such lucrative contracts. For that, you can blame Bill Clinton. Like you, he wanted to limit the pay for CEO's. How did that work out?

Brain (and others) are convinced that CEO pay is responsible for others not making better money in a company. Therefore if a CEO is making 10 million a year, that's why the floor sweeper is only making $12.00 an hour.

They believe that if we could somehow reduce CEO pay drastically, that floor sweeper would be making $18.00 per hour instead. All other blue collar workers would receive much better money as well.

It really doesn't work that way, but they think it does.
In 1955, CEOs made 23 times the workers' pay, 1980, 40x. Then as always with the rich under Reaganism, it skyrocketed, now 300x. The only way to limit it is to raise taxes at higher amounts. Do it. They've lost touch with workers and we could use the money for investment in Americans like the good old days. It's just part of this Reaganist mess, dupes.
Got a problem with facts? And this applies to all the executives' pay being out of control, dingbat dupe.

Stockholders and boards decide what to pay their executives, you know the owners of the companies. Its none of your damn business that's for sure. The federal government controls $4 trillion a year, go busy yourself cleaning up that mess and leave privately owned corporations alone.
Liberal's hatred of corporations and their war on business is what destroyed the Democratic party. What's freaking weird is, public and private union pensions are one of the biggest investors in the very corporations liberals are attacking.
Why should they be punished, if the punishment reduces revenues to the government and reduces business formation?
so they will do a better job; a high rate of business failure only wastes money.

Over tax the successful ones....to make them do better?
Successful people did just fine in the 90s before the unnecessary bush tax cuts.

Bush didn't cut the corporate tax rate.
The bush tax breaks were supposed to be temporary

Why? Permanent tax cuts work much better.
How have the Democrats lifted blacks over the last 30 years? I can think of nothing, Obama sure didn't help.
Barack Obama's presidency did not improve the lives of black Americans

How Obama Failed Black Americans

Democrats hate poor blacks the proof keep coming.

How have republicans?

The topic is why do Democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare? Democrats have championed themselves saviors to the black community, but really have done nothing. Why is that? Why have the Democrats failed the black community?

Democrats have tried with varied success. I'm not sure republicans even try. They control the government and so far not much.

Probably because Republicans are less likely to separate our people into groups and decide who they will help and who they will not based on how many votes they can conger up. Our theory is everybody is an American, one not to be treated different than another.


Every time it is suggested that the minimum wage be increased, Republicans increase earned income credits which shift the cost of providing for low income workers from their employers, to the middle class. Then they blame the poor workers for being "takers".

Why are the working poor the only people who are not entitled to raises? Why do we try to control how they spend their money, by giving them food stamps to supplement their incomes and then castigating them for spending YOUR TAX DOLLARS foolishly?

Why not have their own employers pay them an appropriate amount and let them spend it however they choose, just like you and I?

Their fate is in their own hands like you and I. Government should not be telling companies what they pay their employees no more than government telling them how much vacation they should have, how many sick days they should get, or what days should be considered paid holidays.

I never got a raise because government forced my employer to give me one. I got raises because of my performance at work, length of time with the company, my attendance record, or because I learned how to do more jobs for the company. That's why employers give raises. If you are working for any length of time for somebody, and you never get a raise, it's probably because your employer doesn't value your services, and it's not up to government to force them to.
so they will do a better job; a high rate of business failure only wastes money.

Over tax the successful ones....to make them do better?
Successful people did just fine in the 90s before the unnecessary bush tax cuts.

Bush didn't cut the corporate tax rate.
The bush tax breaks were supposed to be temporary

Why? Permanent tax cuts work much better.
When? The rich have never been richer. Time to fix the middle class
Here is another way you right wingers are such masters of spin. Planned Parenthood helps a lot of black women. A LOT! But if you look up right wing spin it will tell you that Planned Parenthood targets blacks to murder their babies. What a hoot! And I bet you buy that argument.

Now that's a hoot. Saying Planned Parenthood helps a lot of black women is like saying Hitler helped a lot of Jews.

Could you image the outrage if Republicans supported an organization that not only killed blacks by the thousands, but was founded by a person like Margaret Sanger who sought the elimination of the black race?
Ha ha. They pay for how many abortions? And would you prefer shaniqua on welfare with. 4 kids has another?

No, but if she opts for an abortion, she should pay for it herself--not with taxpayer money.

First, short-term is irrelevant, immaterial, and unimportant. The concern is over a long term.

Front page of your supposed supporting information:

"The information in this paper is preliminary and is being circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment as developmental work for analysis for the Congress. The views expressed here should not be interpreted as CBO’s."
The topic is why do Democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare? Democrats have championed themselves saviors to the black community, but really have done nothing. Why is that? Why have the Democrats failed the black community?

Democrats have tried with varied success. I'm not sure republicans even try. They control the government and so far not much.

Tried? LOL! Is that what you have been told, then why is the reality this:
Barack Obama's presidency did not improve the lives of black Americans

How Obama Failed Black Americans

It was bushanomics that hurt black people you schmuck. Notice you won't admit Obama was handed a great fucking recession. The greatest recession since the great fucking depression, but you won't give Obama credit for getting out of it or handing Trump a fairly good economy. But you will give Trump credit for everything he does. Interesting.

In fact give it a couple months and Republicans like you will be saying this is a great fucking economy and the only ones who aren't doing well need to go back to school, look for a new job or start their own business. Well that was true before Trump. Trump promised these poorly educated blue collar idiots better jobs. Did he lie? Of course. Because we are practically at zero unemployment. Anyone who can't find a good paying job probably doesn't deserve a good paying job. Any factory jobs available pay $10 or $15 at best. Trump said he was going to make America great again. Those people who made good money before Bush fucked them made a lot more than $15. So how is Trump going to make America great again?

That means your company is looking for an engineer. They can't find an engineer but there are lots of blue collar schmucks that make up the REAL unemployment number which Trump claimed was around 25%. So how is Trump going to help the people who've given up trying to find work?

Not sure what your point is. We are discussing Democrats not Republicans, you ought to give. It, its own thread.
How about this? This is a stupid thread. It suggests us liberals don't want blacks to have jobs because they'll then vote Republican if they are working. Not true. Most working folk vote democratic.

And if you want to win over blacks then white companies in metro Detroit need to start hiring more detroiters. I would like nothing more but those racist Republican hiring managers won't hire black people. I hear them talk. I'm a white middle age white collar worker. Racist Republicans speak freely around me

Actually the trend is to hire black workers. Blacks work for less money than whites, so companies are hiring more blacks today and even replacing their mostly white crew. Several of our customers have done that already. A few years ago, the company would be mixed but mostly white. A few years later, the company is mostly black.
The topic is why do Democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare? Democrats have championed themselves saviors to the black community, but really have done nothing. Why is that? Why have the Democrats failed the black community?

The topic is a fallacy. Democrats don't hate poor people of any colour, nor do they want to keep them on welfare.

Democrats have NOT fashioned themselves as saviours of the blacks, but rather the party that is willing to give black people a chance. But systemic racism is insidious and disguises many forms of discrimination.

Conservative are always railing against affirmative action in college admissions, claiming that it keeps more qualifed white applicants out. But they say nothing of the practice of admitting "legacy" students. You think W got into Harvard and Yale with his C+ grades on merit? He got in because his Daddy was a Yale Graduate and the Speaker of the House.

Ivy League schools make a practice of admitting the sons and daughters of graduates. Is this fair to the guy who is the first in his family to go to college who is turned away because the pot smoking ne'er do well "legacy" needs to go to Yale? No, it isn't. But conservatives don't oppose this kind of white affirmative action.

Yeah, you really have to watch those liberal colleges. You can't trust a one of them.
How have republicans?

The topic is why do Democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare? Democrats have championed themselves saviors to the black community, but really have done nothing. Why is that? Why have the Democrats failed the black community?

Democrats have tried with varied success. I'm not sure republicans even try. They control the government and so far not much.

Probably because Republicans are less likely to separate our people into groups and decide who they will help and who they will not based on how many votes they can conger up. Our theory is everybody is an American, one not to be treated different than another.


Every time it is suggested that the minimum wage be increased, Republicans increase earned income credits which shift the cost of providing for low income workers from their employers, to the middle class. Then they blame the poor workers for being "takers".

Why are the working poor the only people who are not entitled to raises? Why do we try to control how they spend their money, by giving them food stamps to supplement their incomes and then castigating them for spending YOUR TAX DOLLARS foolishly?

Why not have their own employers pay them an appropriate amount and let them spend it however they choose, just like you and I?

Their fate is in their own hands like you and I. Government should not be telling companies what they pay their employees no more than government telling them how much vacation they should have, how many sick days they should get, or what days should be considered paid holidays.

I never got a raise because government forced my employer to give me one. I got raises because of my performance at work, length of time with the company, my attendance record, or because I learned how to do more jobs for the company. That's why employers give raises. If you are working for any length of time for somebody, and you never get a raise, it's probably because your employer doesn't value your services, and it's not up to government to force them to.
I've known companies to underpay people who do a really good job. Depends on management style. A lot of companies have dick managers. I've worked for a lot of bad companies. Thank god I work for a good one now. The best way to raise wages is with low unemployment. Then companies have to pay better
Here is another way you right wingers are such masters of spin. Planned Parenthood helps a lot of black women. A LOT! But if you look up right wing spin it will tell you that Planned Parenthood targets blacks to murder their babies. What a hoot! And I bet you buy that argument.

Now that's a hoot. Saying Planned Parenthood helps a lot of black women is like saying Hitler helped a lot of Jews.

Could you image the outrage if Republicans supported an organization that not only killed blacks by the thousands, but was founded by a person like Margaret Sanger who sought the elimination of the black race?
Ha ha. They pay for how many abortions? And would you prefer shaniqua on welfare with. 4 kids has another?

No, but if she opts for an abortion, she should pay for it herself--not with taxpayer money.
But she's saving society money by aborting. If we don't pay now we pay more later.
I've known companies to underpay people who do a really good job. Depends on management style. A lot of companies have dick managers. I've worked for a lot of bad companies. Thank god I work for a good one now. The best way to raise wages is with low unemployment. Then companies have to pay better

Another way to raise wages is to remove the foreigners who are here keeping our wages down.

But she's saving society money by aborting. If we don't pay now we pay more later.

So that justifies taxpayers paying for something many object to?
So republicans don't try. Wha they working on now?

Why don't you start a thread on it and quit trying to derail the topic of this thread?

It seems you are diverting the topic because the Democratic party hates black people and you are at a loss on how to prove otherwise, other than to deflect.
I've not seen any evidence they do.

Well then you are a partisan nut job. The evidence has been clear, sorry your partisanship puts you at a huge disadvantage.

I'm an independent. Just call it as I see it.
Isn't that interesting. Papa tries to paint himself as an independent and everyone else is a partisan nut job. I sense he is more a right wing partisan hack than he is a moderate and now I see he's calling another independent a partisan nut job.

Do you think Papa can put into words how the GOP are racist? Do you think he would dare? He sure likes to swallow right wing talking points and spew that bullshit but I never hear him be honest about Republicans. Why is that papa?

Still trying to derail the thread, I can see why you would.
Why you have a hair up your behind CEO's pay, I have no clue. Unless you own stock in that company and they're doing a terrible job and your stock is plunging, why do you care? Sell the stock and buy one with superior management.

In years past CEO's did not receive such lucrative contracts. For that, you can blame Bill Clinton. Like you, he wanted to limit the pay for CEO's. How did that work out?

Brain (and others) are convinced that CEO pay is responsible for others not making better money in a company. Therefore if a CEO is making 10 million a year, that's why the floor sweeper is only making $12.00 an hour.

They believe that if we could somehow reduce CEO pay drastically, that floor sweeper would be making $18.00 per hour instead. All other blue collar workers would receive much better money as well.

It really doesn't work that way, but they think it does.
In 1955, CEOs made 23 times the workers' pay, 1980, 40x. Then as always with the rich under Reaganism, it skyrocketed, now 300x. The only way to limit it is to raise taxes at higher amounts. Do it. They've lost touch with workers and we could use the money for investment in Americans like the good old days. It's just part of this Reaganist mess, dupes.
Got a problem with facts? And this applies to all the executives' pay being out of control, dingbat dupe.

Stockholders and boards decide what to pay their executives, you know the owners of the companies. Its none of your damn business that's for sure. The federal government controls $4 trillion a year, go busy yourself cleaning up that mess and leave privately owned corporations alone.
If you tax over 10 million 80%, their pay goes down magically. That's what's missing.
Why don't you start a thread on it and quit trying to derail the topic of this thread?

It seems you are diverting the topic because the Democratic party hates black people and you are at a loss on how to prove otherwise, other than to deflect.
I've not seen any evidence they do.

Well then you are a partisan nut job. The evidence has been clear, sorry your partisanship puts you at a huge disadvantage.

I'm an independent. Just call it as I see it.
Isn't that interesting. Papa tries to paint himself as an independent and everyone else is a partisan nut job. I sense he is more a right wing partisan hack than he is a moderate and now I see he's calling another independent a partisan nut job.

Do you think Papa can put into words how the GOP are racist? Do you think he would dare? He sure likes to swallow right wing talking points and spew that bullshit but I never hear him be honest about Republicans. Why is that papa?

His posts sure sounded republican...

And yours sound like a left wing democrat.

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