Why do Democrats want a lawless society?

Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

The difference is that "most" conservatives agree with Democrats on the cop kneeling on Floyd's neck. You found one outlier. It's a much different contrast when "most" Democrats agree on something you might not agree with. That makes you the outlier.

And seven of your fellow blob supporters who thanked him for his post (not counting the ones who "loved" it)
The fallout afterword has been much more instructive...still hoping the nation splits in two are you?

I think the nation splitting into two countries is our only solution to our ongoing differences. Wouldn't you be happier without us conservatives as well? And if not--why not? I know I'd be much happier living with people of my own political persuasion.

If politics is that big a part of your life, you've got MUCH bigger problems than who your neighbor is. You need mental help. Now.

But lets see just how crazy you are...

How does the split you envision take place geographically? Is Wisconsin part of Conservistan based on the 2016 election?

My idea is that we split the country form north to south, giving equal land mass to both sides. I would suggest that the leftists take the west side of the country, since their beloved Mexican and southern American immigrants can take advantage of their open border policies.

We would keep the east side of the country. If Democrats and liberals had to move out, my property values would double or triple overnight. The downfall to that is we would have to layoff a good number of police officers. Our home alarm companies would suffer as well. Because of lack of occupation, we would also have to layoff jailers and prison guards, perhaps even close many of our prisons. But like you, we will have to deal with those problems as well.

On your side of the country, you can tax businesses and rich people to no ends. Of course they would quickly move to our side of the country, but that's something you'd have to deal with. Between immigrants, welfare people, free college, repartitions for black people, your side would collapse in a matter of a few years. That's why we will build a huge Trump wall to keep you out when that happens.

What people on your side want is a place where nobody has money except the government. All jobs pay equal regardless of what occupation one has. Nobody has firearms except the government. Free healthcare, and working is optional. Free food is included.

We already have places like this in our country. We call them prisons, and they are mostly populated with other Democrats. It's not hard to get into them either.

Would the "conservative" side of the land mass be based on delusions like the ones you just wrote?

What's delusional about it? Everything I wrote would come true.

Conservistan would fold very quickly for one thing. Hate is divisive. You are proving it with this folly. And hate is the national currency of Conservistan.

Projection at it text book finest!


Mexicans. You hate them
Gays. You hate them
Blacks. You really hate them
Anyone who questions your blob. You want them killed.

The list goes on and on. Foreigners, women, Muslims, single moms, the poor, folks with college diplomas....
Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Yet it only seems to happen when repugs are in the Oval Office.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

Yet we began our conversation here with you stating this in post #52...

Candycorn: " He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike."
No...the "all you guys think alike" started in post #1. I just put the shoe on the other foot.

No, it didn't....A question was posed, and instead of addressing the topic, you decided to troll with what you thought the OP was saying instead of what was actually posed....It's a dodge what you are doing here.

Sure it did. It said "democrats" not "some democrats". So I asked why all conservatives think the cop is a hero. Clearly since one conservative thinks it, all must; right?

So, childish trolling then....Thanks for admitting that.
Just pointing out that there is disagreement in the broad labels you guys throw around.
Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Yet it only seems to happen when repugs are in the Oval Office.

“seems” is your operative word. You may want to try using empirical data from a decent sized pool to validate your hypothesis. .
Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Yet it only seems to happen when repugs are in the Oval Office.

“seems” is your operative word. You may want to try using empirical data from a decent sized pool to validate your hypothesis. .
Bush emergency spending $700B
Trump emergency spending $3T

Analysis complete
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
None of Obama's people went to prison like trump's did. Obama didn't have a mafia type fixer like trump does either (Cohen), and trump desperately needs to win reelection or he will have to face the SDNY prosecutors next year. No, Ray, the republicans are not as pure as the driven snow like rush and hannity always tell you guys.
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I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
None of Obama's people went to prison like trump's did. Obama didn't have a mafia type fixer like trump does either (Cohen), and trump desperately needs to win reelection or he will have to face the SDNY prosecutors next year. No, Ray, the republicans are not as pure as the driven snow like rush and hannity always tell you guys.

Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Meanwhile back in reality...very liberal California has like what...the 6th largest economy in the entire world?

Where does Alabama rate? LOL
Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Meanwhile back in reality...very liberal California has like what...the 6th largest economy in the entire world?

Where does Alabama rate? LOL

People are fleeing California. California is shrinking. Show that stat in 5 years. Alabama was Never trying to be a state whose economy competed with the rest of the world.
Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Meanwhile back in reality...very liberal California has like what...the 6th largest economy in the entire world?

Where does Alabama rate? LOL

People are fleeing California. California is shrinking. Show that stat in 5 years. Alabama was Never trying to be a state whose economy competed with the rest of the world.

In 5 years whatever it rates will still make your moronic argument of democrats fermenting an economic crisis look just as silly as it is today if not more-so.

Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Meanwhile back in reality...very liberal California has like what...the 6th largest economy in the entire world?

Where does Alabama rate? LOL

People are fleeing California. California is shrinking. Show that stat in 5 years. Alabama was Never trying to be a state whose economy competed with the rest of the world.

In 5 years whatever it rates will still make your moronic argument of democrats fermenting an economic crisis look just as silly as it is today if not more-so.


Why and how is my argument moronic according to what lies between your ears?
Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Meanwhile back in reality...very liberal California has like what...the 6th largest economy in the entire world?

Where does Alabama rate? LOL

People are fleeing California. California is shrinking. Show that stat in 5 years. Alabama was Never trying to be a state whose economy competed with the rest of the world.

In 5 years whatever it rates will still make your moronic argument of democrats fermenting an economic crisis look just as silly as it is today if not more-so.


Why and how is my argument moronic according to what lies between your ears?

The state that is most liberal/democratic in the nation has a larger economy than almost every red state combined. And you're arguing that democrats like economic crises. It's a moronic argument that you're now doubling down on.

Again, I said "almost". That qualifier won't stop you from coming up with the "what about...." argument.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
Dimwingers can’t function in a civilized society.
Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Meanwhile back in reality...very liberal California has like what...the 6th largest economy in the entire world?

Where does Alabama rate? LOL

People are fleeing California. California is shrinking. Show that stat in 5 years. Alabama was Never trying to be a state whose economy competed with the rest of the world.

In 5 years whatever it rates will still make your moronic argument of democrats fermenting an economic crisis look just as silly as it is today if not more-so.


Why and how is my argument moronic according to what lies between your ears?

The state that is most liberal/democratic in the nation has a larger economy than almost every red state combined. And you're arguing that democrats like economic crises. It's a moronic argument that you're now doubling down on.

Again, I said "almost". That qualifier won't stop you from coming up with the "what about...." argument.

I also argued that the State’s economy is declining. People and corporations are fleeing. That’s not a “what about” as opposed to “what is”. Again, Democrats love economic crisis.
Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Meanwhile back in reality...very liberal California has like what...the 6th largest economy in the entire world?

Where does Alabama rate? LOL

People are fleeing California. California is shrinking. Show that stat in 5 years. Alabama was Never trying to be a state whose economy competed with the rest of the world.

In 5 years whatever it rates will still make your moronic argument of democrats fermenting an economic crisis look just as silly as it is today if not more-so.


Why and how is my argument moronic according to what lies between your ears?

The state that is most liberal/democratic in the nation has a larger economy than almost every red state combined. And you're arguing that democrats like economic crises. It's a moronic argument that you're now doubling down on.

Again, I said "almost". That qualifier won't stop you from coming up with the "what about...." argument.

I also argued that the State’s economy is declining. People and corporations are fleeing. That’s not a “what about” as opposed to “what is”. Again, Democrats love economic crisis.


Meanwhile back in reality the "economic crisis" loving Democrats managed to build an economy that ranks 6th in the world in terms of size. Again, where does Alabama rate?
Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Meanwhile back in reality...very liberal California has like what...the 6th largest economy in the entire world?

Where does Alabama rate? LOL

People are fleeing California. California is shrinking. Show that stat in 5 years. Alabama was Never trying to be a state whose economy competed with the rest of the world.

In 5 years whatever it rates will still make your moronic argument of democrats fermenting an economic crisis look just as silly as it is today if not more-so.


Why and how is my argument moronic according to what lies between your ears?

The state that is most liberal/democratic in the nation has a larger economy than almost every red state combined. And you're arguing that democrats like economic crises. It's a moronic argument that you're now doubling down on.

Again, I said "almost". That qualifier won't stop you from coming up with the "what about...." argument.

I also argued that the State’s economy is declining. People and corporations are fleeing. That’s not a “what about” as opposed to “what is”. Again, Democrats love economic crisis.


Meanwhile back in reality the "economic crisis" loving Democrats managed to build an economy that ranks 6th in the world in terms of size. Again, where does Alabama rate?

How did Democrats build California’s economy?
Dems need a lawless society at least until November. Anything to stop a great man from being reelected POTUS. And I do mean ANYTHING! Nothing crazy going on in our society is related to what the media are peddling. It's all about stopping Trump.
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Democrats will permit a violent and lawless society until the one we have is utterly destroyed and the people too demoralized to do anything about it. Then they will impose their vision.
By their own words, Democrats have been shown to welcome and facilitate economic crisis, pandemics, and civil unrest so that they can “shape and restructure things to align with their vision.”
Meanwhile back in reality...very liberal California has like what...the 6th largest economy in the entire world?

Where does Alabama rate? LOL

People are fleeing California. California is shrinking. Show that stat in 5 years. Alabama was Never trying to be a state whose economy competed with the rest of the world.

In 5 years whatever it rates will still make your moronic argument of democrats fermenting an economic crisis look just as silly as it is today if not more-so.


Why and how is my argument moronic according to what lies between your ears?

The state that is most liberal/democratic in the nation has a larger economy than almost every red state combined. And you're arguing that democrats like economic crises. It's a moronic argument that you're now doubling down on.

Again, I said "almost". That qualifier won't stop you from coming up with the "what about...." argument.

I also argued that the State’s economy is declining. People and corporations are fleeing. That’s not a “what about” as opposed to “what is”. Again, Democrats love economic crisis.


Meanwhile back in reality the "economic crisis" loving Democrats managed to build an economy that ranks 6th in the world in terms of size. Again, where does Alabama rate?

How did Democrats build California’s economy?

How did they create the 6th largest economy if they love economic crisis?
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
Dimwingers can’t function in a civilized society.

Nor in an adult society either. If you take a serious look at Democrats, their outlook and behavior are very similar to a spoiled child.

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