Why do Democrats want a lawless society?

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

Why do you lie out your big fat lying liberal mouth wow! This is racism in Dem controlled police departments in Dem controlled cities in Dem controlled states OWN IT.

There are conservatives here who consider the cop a hero.

Name them, back up your lie.

As expected, he posted a USMB blogger as evidence.
Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

Why do you lie out your big fat lying liberal mouth wow! This is racism in Dem controlled police departments in Dem controlled cities in Dem controlled states OWN IT.

There are conservatives here who consider the cop a hero.

Name them, back up your lie.

As expected, he posted a USMB blogger as evidence.

Never said anything different did I?
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
You used to be normal but right-wing trump supporter. Now you are for dissolving the 50 state union? What a quitter. :9:

What choice do we have? The Democrats are ushering in foreigners to takeover the country. That can't be stopped. So the best thing we can do is to create two countries instead of having one. Is it not better to salvage half the country than to surrender it entirely????
Not to mention the requests for more foreign workers by Lindsey Graham and some other republicans last week. But, even Lindsey and Moscow Mitch are not that far gone. You haven't crossed over to the Putin side have you? It was little Nikita of Russia that said the US would fall from within without firing a shot. Calm down dude. Buck up. Do not be fearful and give up.
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I'm not giving up which is why my stance is to have two countries. By Democrats playing Santa Clause, they are making a larger and larger segment of our population irresponsible and government dependent. I'm taking advantage of that. I've been a landlord for over 25 years now. I've never seen the rental market this strong as it's been the last several years. It's not only where I live, but across the entire country.

Why is this happening? Because younger people today don't want the responsibilities of home ownership. It's such a vast contrast to when I was younger and owning your own home was at the top of your list of accomplishments in life. Because of supply and demand, some cities have offered rent control laws to keep prices down.

As our governments eliminate responsibility, they draw in more and more people to the Socialist/ Communist side. It's like a cancer with no cure, and the Democrats are pushing for free healthcare, paid college, paid personal time off from work and so on. Keep removing personal responsibility from people, and they will rely on government for just about everything right down to what they are allowed to eat. Mooochelle Obama is a prime example of that.
Congratulations. You are an enemy of the The United States of America. Have a nice day Ray.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Politics is a funny thing. Like most people, I have conservatives in my family, liberals in my family, and people in between. We do debate politics once in a while at family gatherings, but most of us know who to bring our politics up to and who not. But even if we get in a debate with the other side, no matter what, at the end of the night, it's all hugs and kisses before we depart and go home.

Now we can debate about our favorite football team, baseball team, movie, sitcom and so forth, and no matter how divided people are, they don't hate each other because they all understand people have different tastes; different opinions. But with some, being on the wrong side of their politics makes you enemy number one. I've read of families members never talking to each other again because one is a liberal and the other a Trump supporter.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Politics is a funny thing. Like most people, I have conservatives in my family, liberals in my family, and people in between. We do debate politics once in a while at family gatherings, but most of us know who to bring our politics up to and who not. But even if we get in a debate with the other side, no matter what, at the end of the night, it's all hugs and kisses before we depart and go home.

Now we can debate about our favorite football team, baseball team, movie, sitcom and so forth, and no matter how divided people are, they don't hate each other because they all understand people have different tastes; different opinions. But with some, being on the wrong side of their politics makes you enemy number one. I've read of families members never talking to each other again because one is a liberal and the other a Trump supporter.

Or you could get into a discussion of Coors V Busch and break out the hardware.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

The difference is that "most" conservatives agree with Democrats on the cop kneeling on Floyd's neck. You found one outlier. It's a much different contrast when "most" Democrats agree on something you might not agree with. That makes you the outlier.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

The difference is that "most" conservatives agree with Democrats on the cop kneeling on Floyd's neck. You found one outlier. It's a much different contrast when "most" Democrats agree on something you might not agree with. That makes you the outlier.

And seven of your fellow blob supporters who thanked him for his post (not counting the ones who "loved" it)
The fallout afterword has been much more instructive...still hoping the nation splits in two are you?
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

The difference is that "most" conservatives agree with Democrats on the cop kneeling on Floyd's neck. You found one outlier. It's a much different contrast when "most" Democrats agree on something you might not agree with. That makes you the outlier.

One of the problems is, even when you say they are wrong, you still toss in the qualifiers. We both know that the SOBs are animals and need to be locked up for very long stretches of time but we don't need to add the qualifiers to lessen it for those that are so damned blood thirsty because the Bunker Boy thinks it was okay.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

The difference is that "most" conservatives agree with Democrats on the cop kneeling on Floyd's neck. You found one outlier. It's a much different contrast when "most" Democrats agree on something you might not agree with. That makes you the outlier.

And seven of your fellow blob supporters who thanked him for his post (not counting the ones who "loved" it)
The fallout afterword has been much more instructive...still hoping the nation splits in two are you?

I think the nation splitting into two countries is our only solution to our ongoing differences. Wouldn't you be happier without us conservatives as well? And if not--why not? I know I'd be much happier living with people of my own political persuasion.

I don't know who thanked the poster or not. Obviously you've been keeping track. Since that is the case, can you post to the link with the comment with the "seven" likes?
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

The difference is that "most" conservatives agree with Democrats on the cop kneeling on Floyd's neck. You found one outlier. It's a much different contrast when "most" Democrats agree on something you might not agree with. That makes you the outlier.

And seven of your fellow blob supporters who thanked him for his post (not counting the ones who "loved" it)
The fallout afterword has been much more instructive...still hoping the nation splits in two are you?

I think the nation splitting into two countries is our only solution to our ongoing differences. Wouldn't you be happier without us conservatives as well? And if not--why not? I know I'd be much happier living with people of my own political persuasion.

I don't know who thanked the poster or not. Obviously you've been keeping track. Since that is the case, can you post to the link with the comment with the "seven" likes?

That was tried in 1861. How'd that work out?
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

The difference is that "most" conservatives agree with Democrats on the cop kneeling on Floyd's neck. You found one outlier. It's a much different contrast when "most" Democrats agree on something you might not agree with. That makes you the outlier.

You think most democrats are for defunding the police department? No.
You think most democrats are for cutting the defense budget? Probably but not because more money spent means you're stronger...of all of the money spent on defense by all of the world's governments--170+ countries--more than half is spent by our government.
You think most democrats are for eliminating ICE? No.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

The difference is that "most" conservatives agree with Democrats on the cop kneeling on Floyd's neck. You found one outlier. It's a much different contrast when "most" Democrats agree on something you might not agree with. That makes you the outlier.

And seven of your fellow blob supporters who thanked him for his post (not counting the ones who "loved" it)
The fallout afterword has been much more instructive...still hoping the nation splits in two are you?

I think the nation splitting into two countries is our only solution to our ongoing differences. Wouldn't you be happier without us conservatives as well? And if not--why not? I know I'd be much happier living with people of my own political persuasion.

If politics is that big a part of your life, you've got MUCH bigger problems than who your neighbor is. You need mental help. Now.

But lets see just how crazy you are...

How does the split you envision take place geographically? Is Wisconsin part of Conservistan based on the 2016 election?
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

The difference is that "most" conservatives agree with Democrats on the cop kneeling on Floyd's neck. You found one outlier. It's a much different contrast when "most" Democrats agree on something you might not agree with. That makes you the outlier.

And seven of your fellow blob supporters who thanked him for his post (not counting the ones who "loved" it)
The fallout afterword has been much more instructive...still hoping the nation splits in two are you?

I think the nation splitting into two countries is our only solution to our ongoing differences. Wouldn't you be happier without us conservatives as well? And if not--why not? I know I'd be much happier living with people of my own political persuasion.

If politics is that big a part of your life, you've got MUCH bigger problems than who your neighbor is. You need mental help. Now.

But lets see just how crazy you are...

How does the split you envision take place geographically? Is Wisconsin part of Conservistan based on the 2016 election?

My idea is that we split the country form north to south, giving equal land mass to both sides. I would suggest that the leftists take the west side of the country, since their beloved Mexican and southern American immigrants can take advantage of their open border policies.

We would keep the east side of the country. If Democrats and liberals had to move out, my property values would double or triple overnight. The downfall to that is we would have to layoff a good number of police officers. Our home alarm companies would suffer as well. Because of lack of occupation, we would also have to layoff jailers and prison guards, perhaps even close many of our prisons. But like you, we will have to deal with those problems as well.

On your side of the country, you can tax businesses and rich people to no ends. Of course they would quickly move to our side of the country, but that's something you'd have to deal with. Between immigrants, welfare people, free college, repartitions for black people, your side would collapse in a matter of a few years. That's why we will build a huge Trump wall to keep you out when that happens.

What people on your side want is a place where nobody has money except the government. All jobs pay equal regardless of what occupation one has. Nobody has firearms except the government. Free healthcare, and working is optional. Free food is included.

We already have places like this in our country. We call them prisons, and they are mostly populated with other Democrats. It's not hard to get into them either.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

The difference is that "most" conservatives agree with Democrats on the cop kneeling on Floyd's neck. You found one outlier. It's a much different contrast when "most" Democrats agree on something you might not agree with. That makes you the outlier.

And seven of your fellow blob supporters who thanked him for his post (not counting the ones who "loved" it)
The fallout afterword has been much more instructive...still hoping the nation splits in two are you?

I think the nation splitting into two countries is our only solution to our ongoing differences. Wouldn't you be happier without us conservatives as well? And if not--why not? I know I'd be much happier living with people of my own political persuasion.

If politics is that big a part of your life, you've got MUCH bigger problems than who your neighbor is. You need mental help. Now.

But lets see just how crazy you are...

How does the split you envision take place geographically? Is Wisconsin part of Conservistan based on the 2016 election?

My idea is that we split the country form north to south, giving equal land mass to both sides. I would suggest that the leftists take the west side of the country, since their beloved Mexican and southern American immigrants can take advantage of their open border policies.

We would keep the east side of the country. If Democrats and liberals had to move out, my property values would double or triple overnight. The downfall to that is we would have to layoff a good number of police officers. Our home alarm companies would suffer as well. Because of lack of occupation, we would also have to layoff jailers and prison guards, perhaps even close many of our prisons. But like you, we will have to deal with those problems as well.

On your side of the country, you can tax businesses and rich people to no ends. Of course they would quickly move to our side of the country, but that's something you'd have to deal with. Between immigrants, welfare people, free college, repartitions for black people, your side would collapse in a matter of a few years. That's why we will build a huge Trump wall to keep you out when that happens.

What people on your side want is a place where nobody has money except the government. All jobs pay equal regardless of what occupation one has. Nobody has firearms except the government. Free healthcare, and working is optional. Free food is included.

We already have places like this in our country. We call them prisons, and they are mostly populated with other Democrats. It's not hard to get into them either.

Would the "conservative" side of the land mass be based on delusions like the ones you just wrote?
During the impeachment, Democrats lectured all of us that "No one is above the law". Evidently, that policy has changed. Hypocritical moonbats.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
You used to be normal but right-wing trump supporter. Now you are for dissolving the 50 state union? What a quitter. :9:

What choice do we have? The Democrats are ushering in foreigners to takeover the country. That can't be stopped. So the best thing we can do is to create two countries instead of having one. Is it not better to salvage half the country than to surrender it entirely????
Not to mention the requests for more foreign workers by Lindsey Graham and some other republicans last week. But, even Lindsey and Moscow Mitch are not that far gone. You haven't crossed over to the Putin side have you? It was little Nikita of Russia that said the US would fall from within without firing a shot. Calm down dude. Buck up. Do not be fearful and give up.
View attachment 347869

I'm not giving up which is why my stance is to have two countries. By Democrats playing Santa Clause, they are making a larger and larger segment of our population irresponsible and government dependent. I'm taking advantage of that. I've been a landlord for over 25 years now. I've never seen the rental market this strong as it's been the last several years. It's not only where I live, but across the entire country.

Why is this happening? Because younger people today don't want the responsibilities of home ownership. It's such a vast contrast to when I was younger and owning your own home was at the top of your list of accomplishments in life. Because of supply and demand, some cities have offered rent control laws to keep prices down.

As our governments eliminate responsibility, they draw in more and more people to the Socialist/ Communist side. It's like a cancer with no cure, and the Democrats are pushing for free healthcare, paid college, paid personal time off from work and so on. Keep removing personal responsibility from people, and they will rely on government for just about everything right down to what they are allowed to eat. Mooochelle Obama is a prime example of that.
Congratulations. You are an enemy of the The United States of America. Have a nice day Ray.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you are an enemy of America, and with good reason. You support RIOTING, LOOTING, BURNING DOWN BUSINESSES, KILLING POLICE, OCCUPYING CITY BLOCKS AS TERRORISTS do.

The DEMOCRAT PARTY needs to be identified as a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, period. You people are OUT OF FUCKING CONTROL, and the good people of America need to shut you shit stains down.
Last edited:
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.

Sorry it took so long to reply, but sounds like Ray commenting on liberal group think got under your skin a bit....In any case, as I said, I try to look at people as individuals, and as such we aren't going to agree with everyone all the time...This is part of the problem with today's narrative driven protestors....They won't accept that people can disagree with them...They demand total feality, and that is just authoritarian..

When we loose the freedom to think differently, we loose.

Under my skin? No. I was simply pointing out what you stated; people can agree on what party to belong to or what ideology to adopt and not agree with everyone who shares the party membership or ideology. Since one Conservative thinks the killer cop was a hero (quarantine) that doesn’t mean all cons do anymore than all democrats agreeing with every other Democrat on all topics.

Yet we began our conversation here with you stating this in post #52...

Candycorn: " He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike."

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