Why do Democrats want a lawless society?

I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
You know why. They want to destroy this county. For some stupid reason though, they somehow think they will be spared.

They don't want to destroy our country, they want to fundamentally transform it as they say.
Woudn't that be pretty much the same thing? No freedom, crime everywhere, no justice, no rights?
Democrats want anarchy so they can use government force. One thing preventing that is an armed citizenry. The punks are gonna cry for the cops to protect them when the American people kick their ass.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
You know why. They want to destroy this county. For some stupid reason though, they somehow think they will be spared.

They don't want to destroy our country, they want to fundamentally transform it as they say.
Woudn't that be pretty much the same thing? No freedom, crime everywhere, no justice, no rights?

It's exactly the same thing. However Democrats use certain terms and words when they speak. Sort of if Trump says something that's not truthful, Trump lied. When a Democrat says something that's not truthful, they only misspoke.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

Where did you get that from? You are either a fool or a stone cold gutless liar

If we are assigning the thoughts of a few to the entire group, you'd have to consider him a hero too then, right?
Not all but many on the left have been doing that for years,
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
Kind of doubt the elimination of Ice will be part of the platform this year. So much for that.
Military spending:
In early 2019, the Trump administration doubled down by proposing a new $750 billion annual budget for the next fiscal year — the largest ever — [2nd largest being the year 2011 at 711.34 Billion (4.58% of GDP the highest since gulf war 1)] <a href='U.S. Military Spending/Defense Budget 1960-2020'> even as the president reportedly had second thoughts on what he called the Pentagon's "crazy" spending spree. A two-year budget deal hashed out last year set a topline of $738 billion for fiscal 2020 and $741 billion for the following year.
Some Democratic leaders accuse the Trump administration of crying wolf when it contends it needs every penny -- especially since it was able to redirect billions from previously approved Defense Department funds to pay for a border barrier.https://www.politico.com/2020-election/candidates-views-on-the-issues/military/defense-spending/

With all the riots during this spring, I wouldn't be looking for much of a push on gun control, so I doubt anyone is going to be disarmed.

Kate's law- I have no problem with Kate's law and manditory sentencing guidelines, But I got to point out the president is rather proud of the crime bill recently passed, reducing manditory sentencing guidelines almost across the board and has attacked his Democratic rival for supporting mandatory sentencing 30 plus years ago.

Governors and Mayors wanting to de-fund their police force. Right. Let me know when they de-fund their police forces, but I doubt I will be hearing from you anytime soon. Sometimes they spout as much nonsense as Donnie.

I am voting for Joe Biden to bring sanity back to the white house, before the Idiot we have makes us a police state with Federal troops patrolling our streets, though I think they talked him out it for the moment as the troops from the 82nd airborn were not deployed to the streets and have been sent back to Ft. Bragg.

You seem like an objective person. The democrats are letting criminals go and promoting looting and arson, and you are voting democrat because you fear a police state? As far as Ice, gun control, and defunding police, they are just talking shit, they are just kidding? The Oakland mayor tipped off people that Ice was coming. It is like you are voting for lawlessness to bring back sanity? I'm not sure I understand that.
Oakland probably one of those sanctuary city places that I don't agree with. I certainly do not support and have never supported all democrats (or all republicans), as some of the ideas they have are as bad or worse than Donnie's crap. I don't think we have any sanctuary cities in TN. As I said nobody is going to defund their police force and Biden is not going to abolish ICE, and nobody going to make headway on gun control as the country is panicked over the riots and will remember for a while. I try to stay in the world of reality and how things work, as opposed to trump, instead of the shifting dogma of the right or the left.

Did they slow down their push for gun control after Ferguson? How about after Baltimore???

The only thing stopping Democrats from pushing their agenda is not enough power and the US Constitution. Look at the cities and states that implemented magazine size, types of weapons and so on. The goal of the anti-white party is to make us a minority ASAP. Of course they would get rid of ICE, or at the very least weaken them to the point they are ineffective if Democrats had total power.
Well, we are just exchanging opinions. I knew yours and gave mine. There is no anti-white party. That is just the divide and conquer schtick of trump talking.

Trump never once called the commies an anti-white party--I did.

Why are they trying to flood our country with illegal immigrants?
Why are they protecting them in their sanctuary cities?
Why are they issuing illegals drivers license--especially places that have Motor Voting?
Why did they table Kate's Law?
Why did they close down our government for the longest period of time over a border wall?
Why are Democrat officials warning illegals when ICE is going to do a sweep at places of business?
Why have some even created a law that makes it illegal for a police officer to contact ICE?

You have to start looking at the man behind the curtain. Every other group of people outside of whites votes a majority Democrat. Middle-Eastern Americans vote mostly Democrat. The Jewish vote mostly Democrat. Asian-Americans vote mostly Democrat. Hispanics vote a huge majority Democrat. The Blacks.....forget about it.

The way to ultimate unchallenged power is to get rid of us whites. Once we are out of the majority, Democrats will have created a single-party country forever. That will begin the end of the Great Experiment. We will quickly go to Socialism, and not long afterwards, Communism.

The Communists said decades ago they will take over the United States, but do so without one bullet being fired. They will takeover from within. We see this happening as we write, and you are helping to pave that path for them by voting Democrat.
You are correct, as I did not even mention commies and denied at some point in the thread that the Democrat were an anti-white party. Well aware that trump did not go that far yet, to openly divide the country. Knew it was you, but it is typical rhetoric for trump supporters, as he seems to be leading from behind with passive support for his race baiting followers.
Look behind the curtain at groups that vote Democrat, the "middle eastern Americans", the "Jewish Americans", the "Hispanics" and "the blacks.....forget about it"??? You are really kind of eat up with the white paranoia, white power thing aren't you. It is indicative of how many trump supporters are viewed and the rhetoric they use. I've been around. You don't expect me to buy into that claptrap do you?
I know when the communists said that. I was very young and I suspect you were not even born when fat little Russian Niki made the assertion. Didn't work out in the following 74 friggin years. I know I did my part to prevent it, yet now trump embraces Russia and Putin, talks about love letters with Lil' Kim and has applauded the work of the Chinese Communist on Coronavirus one day, hailing them as are greatest trading partner and alternately accusing of almost biologic warfare the next. You think I should live in fear of them and support donnie's flip flopping whimsical flights of short term illogical thought and lies as the way to protect my country? Who you zooming, man?
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
Kind of doubt the elimination of Ice will be part of the platform this year. So much for that.
Military spending:
In early 2019, the Trump administration doubled down by proposing a new $750 billion annual budget for the next fiscal year — the largest ever — [2nd largest being the year 2011 at 711.34 Billion (4.58% of GDP the highest since gulf war 1)] <a href='U.S. Military Spending/Defense Budget 1960-2020'> even as the president reportedly had second thoughts on what he called the Pentagon's "crazy" spending spree. A two-year budget deal hashed out last year set a topline of $738 billion for fiscal 2020 and $741 billion for the following year.
Some Democratic leaders accuse the Trump administration of crying wolf when it contends it needs every penny -- especially since it was able to redirect billions from previously approved Defense Department funds to pay for a border barrier.https://www.politico.com/2020-election/candidates-views-on-the-issues/military/defense-spending/

With all the riots during this spring, I wouldn't be looking for much of a push on gun control, so I doubt anyone is going to be disarmed.

Kate's law- I have no problem with Kate's law and manditory sentencing guidelines, But I got to point out the president is rather proud of the crime bill recently passed, reducing manditory sentencing guidelines almost across the board and has attacked his Democratic rival for supporting mandatory sentencing 30 plus years ago.

Governors and Mayors wanting to de-fund their police force. Right. Let me know when they de-fund their police forces, but I doubt I will be hearing from you anytime soon. Sometimes they spout as much nonsense as Donnie.

I am voting for Joe Biden to bring sanity back to the white house, before the Idiot we have makes us a police state with Federal troops patrolling our streets, though I think they talked him out it for the moment as the troops from the 82nd airborn were not deployed to the streets and have been sent back to Ft. Bragg.

You seem like an objective person. The democrats are letting criminals go and promoting looting and arson, and you are voting democrat because you fear a police state? As far as Ice, gun control, and defunding police, they are just talking shit, they are just kidding? The Oakland mayor tipped off people that Ice was coming. It is like you are voting for lawlessness to bring back sanity? I'm not sure I understand that.
Oakland probably one of those sanctuary city places that I don't agree with. I certainly do not support and have never supported all democrats (or all republicans), as some of the ideas they have are as bad or worse than Donnie's crap. I don't think we have any sanctuary cities in TN. As I said nobody is going to defund their police force and Biden is not going to abolish ICE, and nobody going to make headway on gun control as the country is panicked over the riots and will remember for a while. I try to stay in the world of reality and how things work, as opposed to trump, instead of the shifting dogma of the right or the left.

Did they slow down their push for gun control after Ferguson? How about after Baltimore???

The only thing stopping Democrats from pushing their agenda is not enough power and the US Constitution. Look at the cities and states that implemented magazine size, types of weapons and so on. The goal of the anti-white party is to make us a minority ASAP. Of course they would get rid of ICE, or at the very least weaken them to the point they are ineffective if Democrats had total power.
Well, we are just exchanging opinions. I knew yours and gave mine. There is no anti-white party. That is just the divide and conquer schtick of trump talking.

Trump never once called the commies an anti-white party--I did.

Why are they trying to flood our country with illegal immigrants?
Why are they protecting them in their sanctuary cities?
Why are they issuing illegals drivers license--especially places that have Motor Voting?
Why did they table Kate's Law?
Why did they close down our government for the longest period of time over a border wall?
Why are Democrat officials warning illegals when ICE is going to do a sweep at places of business?
Why have some even created a law that makes it illegal for a police officer to contact ICE?

You have to start looking at the man behind the curtain. Every other group of people outside of whites votes a majority Democrat. Middle-Eastern Americans vote mostly Democrat. The Jewish vote mostly Democrat. Asian-Americans vote mostly Democrat. Hispanics vote a huge majority Democrat. The Blacks.....forget about it.

The way to ultimate unchallenged power is to get rid of us whites. Once we are out of the majority, Democrats will have created a single-party country forever. That will begin the end of the Great Experiment. We will quickly go to Socialism, and not long afterwards, Communism.

The Communists said decades ago they will take over the United States, but do so without one bullet being fired. They will takeover from within. We see this happening as we write, and you are helping to pave that path for them by voting Democrat.
You are correct, as I did not even mention commies and denied at some point in the thread that the Democrat were an anti-white party. Well aware that trump did not go that far yet, to openly divide the country. Knew it was you, but it is typical rhetoric for trump supporters, as he seems to be leading from behind with passive support for his race baiting followers.
Look behind the curtain at groups that vote Democrat, the "middle eastern Americans", the "Jewish Americans", the "Hispanics" and "the blacks.....forget about it"??? You are really kind of eat up with the white paranoia, white power thing aren't you. It is indicative of how many trump supporters are viewed and the rhetoric they use. I've been around. You don't expect me to buy into that claptrap do you?
I know when the communists said that. I was very young and I suspect you were not even born when fat little Russian Niki made the assertion. Didn't work out in the following 74 friggin years. I know I did my part to prevent it, yet now trump embraces Russia and Putin, talks about love letters with Lil' Kim and has applauded the work of the Chinese Communist on Coronavirus one day, hailing them as are greatest trading partner and alternately accusing of almost biologic warfare the next. You think I should live in fear of them and support donnie's flip flopping whimsical flights of short term illogical thought and lies as the way to protect my country? Who you zooming, man?

Unfortunately we sold out to China long before Trump came along. Now China makes much of our antibiotics and other drugs, not to mention they were sending us supplies to help fight the Wuhan virus. Right now would be a terrible time to pick a fight with them.

In any case, I listed the vast support Democrats have given foreign minorities. If they are not trying to wipe us out politically, then WTF are they doing? Why would they be throwing our own people under the bus by having foreigners do our jobs and keep our wages down? Why were leftist lawyers crossing the southern border to teach immigrants how to lie on their asylum applications?

Now......if you can present something more logical than my observations, I'm all eyes. I'd love to read it. But you can't and nobody can. There is only one reason they are fighting Republicans on every front when it comes to immigration control. I am not dividing the country by pointing out the obvious. You can :lalala: all you like, but it's happening right in front of our very own eyes.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
Left Wingers are amoral people.
They see laws that protect mainstream society as oppression and hate.
Dems want open borders for two reasons.
1) they have alienated the educated middle class mainstream voters so they are trying to displace them with poor uneducated people
2) the racist Aztlan wing of the Democrat Party want to change America into a Latino country
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

And what conservatives consider this cop a hero? Please give us examples, or take back your lying shit....I have seen NO ONE that considers this cop anything but a murderer....

Here ya go.

He called him a hero twice. The original instance of hero worship got multiple likes from fellow blob supporters.

View attachment 347080

Are you going to call him out on it or not?
I don't know who quarentine is, and Ray from Cleveland nowhere in the post you cite did he say that Chauvin was a "hero".... As for quarentine, I certainly don't agree that Chauvin was a hero....

He’s a fellow conservative. All you guys think alike. What’s that.... you all don’t think alike? Strange...that is what Ray was saying about liberals and Democrats.

So when are you going to call out Quarantine on this? I’m guessing never right?


I look at people as individuals, even misguided ones....;)
Great so that means Ray is wrong.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

Where did you get that from? You are either a fool or a stone cold gutless liar

If we are assigning the thoughts of a few to the entire group, you'd have to consider him a hero too then, right?
Not all but many on the left have been doing that for years,

Some have. True. The more important question is whether you think such generalizations are wrong
“I prefer a prison full of criminals than a graveyard full of innocent people.” - Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro

I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

They are socialist bent on a socialist state. They must first destroy America before they can build their new one.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
Left Wingers are amoral people.
They see laws that protect mainstream society as oppression and hate.
Dems want open borders for two reasons.
1) they have alienated the educated middle class mainstream voters so they are trying to displace them with poor uneducated people
2) the racist Aztlan wing of the Democrat Party want to change America into a Latino country

I believe it's all part of a much larger scheme than that. Flood our country with mostly people south of our border. If or when they gain full control of the federal government, pass a bill making illegals citizens. Citizens of course have a right to vote, and they will vote Democrat. Because whites will then be outnumbered, we end up with a single party country with no real opposition.
Democrats are sick filthy degenrate pigs. They promote infanticide, sodomy, socialism, and the suppression of right. They are worms that need to be squashed. Declare Marshal Law and dispose of them all I say.
It is very simple.
We now live in a society where narrative trumps everything. Especially facts. Facts are now only important if they fit the narrative.
A society of virtue signalers who are easily controlled and manipulated by the mass media narrative.
A society where the appearance of being right is overwhelmingly more important than being right.
And when you can't use reality, facts - the truth - to stop a false narrative... it continues even stronger.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
Kind of doubt the elimination of Ice will be part of the platform this year. So much for that.
Military spending:
In early 2019, the Trump administration doubled down by proposing a new $750 billion annual budget for the next fiscal year — the largest ever — [2nd largest being the year 2011 at 711.34 Billion (4.58% of GDP the highest since gulf war 1)] <a href='U.S. Military Spending/Defense Budget 1960-2020'> even as the president reportedly had second thoughts on what he called the Pentagon's "crazy" spending spree. A two-year budget deal hashed out last year set a topline of $738 billion for fiscal 2020 and $741 billion for the following year.
Some Democratic leaders accuse the Trump administration of crying wolf when it contends it needs every penny -- especially since it was able to redirect billions from previously approved Defense Department funds to pay for a border barrier.https://www.politico.com/2020-election/candidates-views-on-the-issues/military/defense-spending/

With all the riots during this spring, I wouldn't be looking for much of a push on gun control, so I doubt anyone is going to be disarmed.

Kate's law- I have no problem with Kate's law and manditory sentencing guidelines, But I got to point out the president is rather proud of the crime bill recently passed, reducing manditory sentencing guidelines almost across the board and has attacked his Democratic rival for supporting mandatory sentencing 30 plus years ago.

Governors and Mayors wanting to de-fund their police force. Right. Let me know when they de-fund their police forces, but I doubt I will be hearing from you anytime soon. Sometimes they spout as much nonsense as Donnie.

I am voting for Joe Biden to bring sanity back to the white house, before the Idiot we have makes us a police state with Federal troops patrolling our streets, though I think they talked him out it for the moment as the troops from the 82nd airborn were not deployed to the streets and have been sent back to Ft. Bragg.

You seem like an objective person. The democrats are letting criminals go and promoting looting and arson, and you are voting democrat because you fear a police state? As far as Ice, gun control, and defunding police, they are just talking shit, they are just kidding? The Oakland mayor tipped off people that Ice was coming. It is like you are voting for lawlessness to bring back sanity? I'm not sure I understand that.

Criminals like Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen and Mike Flynn? Do you mean Criminals like that?
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.
To create social unrest to get rid of Trump and grow Government.
Trump GREW government! Obama SHRANK government!
He shrank the military. Obama wants/wanted to kill the elderly and the disabled. Progs will limit medical costs for all individuals and then give pain pills to facilitate the ending of life if it comes. Progs have a perverse view of Logans Run. All teenagers to a certain age approaching senior status and healthy is their priority. Children are to be brainwashed and are. To be prepared for their lives in the Perverse Logans Run. We peasants pay most of the costs for everything that goes to others, including peasants. We are taxed highly and the progs have new horizons of investments.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

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