Why do Democrats want a lawless society?

I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

why do you believe such nonsense?

why are you always such an idiot?

most democrats do not want (why the fuk do I have to keep explaining away YOUR fukin lunacies?!) a LAWLESS society.

they want FAIR and EQUAL treatment under RATIONAL and REASONABLE laws.

we do NOT want conservative republican trump supporter fascist goons and jack booted nazis beating, tazing, executing people in the streets!

Now...other than your obvious conservative rush to judgment....please explain why YOU WANT cops beating, tazing, executing people in the streets? with NO trial?

is that what you wanted for Cliven Bundy?
Ruby Ridge?
Democrats do not want fair and equal treatment. The COVID shutdown has shown that much.

The reason democrats want to defund the police is because they already think they are above the law. When they say calling the cops is a “ privlidge” they mean for others, not themselves.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
You used to be normal but right-wing trump supporter. Now you are for dissolving the 50 state union? What a quitter. :9:
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
You used to be normal but right-wing trump supporter. Now you are for dissolving the 50 state union? What a quitter. :9:

What choice do we have? The Democrats are ushering in foreigners to takeover the country. That can't be stopped. So the best thing we can do is to create two countries instead of having one. Is it not better to salvage half the country than to surrender it entirely????
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
You used to be normal but right-wing trump supporter. Now you are for dissolving the 50 state union? What a quitter. :9:

What choice do we have? The Democrats are ushering in foreigners to takeover the country. That can't be stopped. So the best thing we can do is to create two countries instead of having one. Is it not better to salvage half the country than to surrender it entirely????
Not to mention the requests for more foreign workers by Lindsey Graham and some other republicans last week. But, even Lindsey and Moscow Mitch are not that far gone. You haven't crossed over to the Putin side have you? It was little Nikita of Russia that said the US would fall from within without firing a shot. Calm down dude. Buck up. Do not be fearful and give up.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.
One smaller part of this is the ongoing "Trump Derangement Syndrome," found mostly in the "swamp" on both sides of the political aisle.
The much larger problem is that for many years now, Marxist/Leninist teachings in our public educational system has been creating a large number of neo-Marxists/Leninists, believing those failing systems will work effectively, not realizing that this nation has been a beacon to people seeking to escape that oppressive/authoritarian political system, where the only ones that aren't living in poverty, are the politburo members. They sought freedom. The freedom to live without government overreach, as well as the freedom to be without the fear of being arrested, for simply complaining about their government. The goal of the neo-Communists when it comes to this nation, is to divide and conquer by pitting neighbor against neighbor, family member against family member and race against race. Tear the nation down from within. Ideology over blood (political belief over family). We are in a war. Right now, in this country, we are in a war of ideas and words. On one side, it's standing with the belief of the Bill of Rights and on the other side is that those Bill of Rights must be compromised, supposedly for the good of the people, when in reality, it's not for the good of the people, but to destroy a nation of free thinkers that has been a thorn in the side of Marxists/Leninists since it was created.
For if the naïve public really gave it any thought, how could they want such a government here?
The people in those nations try to come here. Whether it's China, Cuba, Venezuela, or North Korea, if those nations were free, people would not be having to be smuggled out. In fact, people are imprisoned and shot if they try to leave. In China, you're not allowed to vacation out of the country if you do not acquire enough "social-credits," showing you are a good Communist. Tiananmen Square is a good example of how protesters are handled. Thousands killed, and for what? They peacefully stood together and only insisted they wanted one thing.....FREEDOM! For that, they were killed. Hong Kong....protests for what? FREEDOM! This is what Marxism/Leninism brings to nations, enslaved peoples of an unbending ideology. The neo-Communists on these boards will claim that such is lies, but they are not, for what they want is to be a part of that politburo, the internal political establishment who decides who goes to the re-education camps, who goes to the gulags and who just disappears.
I've said this before and I'm saying it again, there needs to be a Civil War to stop this absurdity. I won't fire the first shot, but once an actual Civil War breaks out, if one ever does, I would be duty bound to side with the Constitutionalists.
More likely though, considering the caliber of people today, the public will naively vote Marxism/Leninism in and when its true grasp becomes apparent, it will be too late. We will have sheepishly given up our guns, shrugged our shoulders and said, "oh well." Then the hammer (and sickle) fall down on the public.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.

Wow, wasn't this tried back in 1861? How'd that work out for you?
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
You used to be normal but right-wing trump supporter. Now you are for dissolving the 50 state union? What a quitter. :9:

What choice do we have? The Democrats are ushering in foreigners to takeover the country. That can't be stopped. So the best thing we can do is to create two countries instead of having one. Is it not better to salvage half the country than to surrender it entirely????
Not to mention the requests for more foreign workers by Lindsey Graham and some other republicans last week. But, even Lindsey and Moscow Mitch are not that far gone. You haven't crossed over to the Putin side have you? It was little Nikita of Russia that said the US would fall from within without firing a shot. Calm down dude. Buck up. Do not be fearful and give up.
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I'm not giving up which is why my stance is to have two countries. By Democrats playing Santa Clause, they are making a larger and larger segment of our population irresponsible and government dependent. I'm taking advantage of that. I've been a landlord for over 25 years now. I've never seen the rental market this strong as it's been the last several years. It's not only where I live, but across the entire country.

Why is this happening? Because younger people today don't want the responsibilities of home ownership. It's such a vast contrast to when I was younger and owning your own home was at the top of your list of accomplishments in life. Because of supply and demand, some cities have offered rent control laws to keep prices down.

As our governments eliminate responsibility, they draw in more and more people to the Socialist/ Communist side. It's like a cancer with no cure, and the Democrats are pushing for free healthcare, paid college, paid personal time off from work and so on. Keep removing personal responsibility from people, and they will rely on government for just about everything right down to what they are allowed to eat. Mooochelle Obama is a prime example of that.
What choice do we have? The Democrats are ushering in foreigners to takeover the country. That can't be stopped. So the best thing we can do is to create two countries instead of having one. Is it not better to salvage half the country than to surrender it entirely????

Dem's need us, we don't need them. If we created two countries we'd be fine.
Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

Why do you lie out your big fat lying liberal mouth wow! This is racism in Dem controlled police departments in Dem controlled cities in Dem controlled states OWN IT.

There are conservatives here who consider the cop a hero.

Name them, back up your lie.
Took about 30 seconds to search.

The cop didn't kill that career criminal as much as do the world a favor by taking out the trash. George Floyd died as he lived, stuffed to the gills with drugs.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
You used to be normal but right-wing trump supporter. Now you are for dissolving the 50 state union? What a quitter. :9:

What choice do we have? The Democrats are ushering in foreigners to takeover the country. That can't be stopped. So the best thing we can do is to create two countries instead of having one. Is it not better to salvage half the country than to surrender it entirely????
Not to mention the requests for more foreign workers by Lindsey Graham and some other republicans last week. But, even Lindsey and Moscow Mitch are not that far gone. You haven't crossed over to the Putin side have you? It was little Nikita of Russia that said the US would fall from within without firing a shot. Calm down dude. Buck up. Do not be fearful and give up.
View attachment 347869

I'm not giving up which is why my stance is to have two countries. By Democrats playing Santa Clause, they are making a larger and larger segment of our population irresponsible and government dependent. I'm taking advantage of that. I've been a landlord for over 25 years now. I've never seen the rental market this strong as it's been the last several years. It's not only where I live, but across the entire country.

Why is this happening? Because younger people today don't want the responsibilities of home ownership. It's such a vast contrast to when I was younger and owning your own home was at the top of your list of accomplishments in life. Because of supply and demand, some cities have offered rent control laws to keep prices down.

As our governments eliminate responsibility, they draw in more and more people to the Socialist/ Communist side. It's like a cancer with no cure, and the Democrats are pushing for free healthcare, paid college, paid personal time off from work and so on. Keep removing personal responsibility from people, and they will rely on government for just about everything right down to what they are allowed to eat. Mooochelle Obama is a prime example of that.

So you would rather refuse to work with others then. That's the way it is right now. Two opposing sides, each refusing to work together to come up with an agreeable solution. The problem is, it's not the American way and never has been. Our Founding Fathers never intended for it to be that way. And the Majority of the Population doesn't either. The problem is, we only hear from the two fringe groups that want to rule over everyone else.

Your idea of splitting the nation wouldn't work. Booth halves would just find others to be Lord and Master to. And I am talking about both your Rtwing and Ltwing. You want a Revolution, do it the American way at the Ballot Box.
Why do conservatives consider the cop who knelt on Floyd's neck a hero?

Why do you lie out your big fat lying liberal mouth wow! This is racism in Dem controlled police departments in Dem controlled cities in Dem controlled states OWN IT.

There are conservatives here who consider the cop a hero.

Name them, back up your lie.

This was the 2nd time this one sack of shit called the cop a hero.
The cop was just doing his job. That makes him a hero.

On the original post in the same thread several fellow blob supporters thanked him for his comment. You were one of them if memory serves.

Are you going to call him out on it or just agree silently?
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
You used to be normal but right-wing trump supporter. Now you are for dissolving the 50 state union? What a quitter. :9:

What choice do we have? The Democrats are ushering in foreigners to takeover the country. That can't be stopped. So the best thing we can do is to create two countries instead of having one. Is it not better to salvage half the country than to surrender it entirely????
Not to mention the requests for more foreign workers by Lindsey Graham and some other republicans last week. But, even Lindsey and Moscow Mitch are not that far gone. You haven't crossed over to the Putin side have you? It was little Nikita of Russia that said the US would fall from within without firing a shot. Calm down dude. Buck up. Do not be fearful and give up.
View attachment 347869

I'm not giving up which is why my stance is to have two countries. By Democrats playing Santa Clause, they are making a larger and larger segment of our population irresponsible and government dependent. I'm taking advantage of that. I've been a landlord for over 25 years now. I've never seen the rental market this strong as it's been the last several years. It's not only where I live, but across the entire country.

Why is this happening? Because younger people today don't want the responsibilities of home ownership. It's such a vast contrast to when I was younger and owning your own home was at the top of your list of accomplishments in life. Because of supply and demand, some cities have offered rent control laws to keep prices down.

As our governments eliminate responsibility, they draw in more and more people to the Socialist/ Communist side. It's like a cancer with no cure, and the Democrats are pushing for free healthcare, paid college, paid personal time off from work and so on. Keep removing personal responsibility from people, and they will rely on government for just about everything right down to what they are allowed to eat. Mooochelle Obama is a prime example of that.

So you would rather refuse to work with others then. That's the way it is right now. Two opposing sides, each refusing to work together to come up with an agreeable solution. The problem is, it's not the American way and never has been. Our Founding Fathers never intended for it to be that way. And the Majority of the Population doesn't either. The problem is, we only hear from the two fringe groups that want to rule over everyone else.

Your idea of splitting the nation wouldn't work. Booth halves would just find others to be Lord and Master to. And I am talking about both your Rtwing and Ltwing. You want a Revolution, do it the American way at the Ballot Box.

We should remember this post from Ray when he accuses others of wanting to divide the nation
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
You used to be normal but right-wing trump supporter. Now you are for dissolving the 50 state union? What a quitter. :9:

What choice do we have? The Democrats are ushering in foreigners to takeover the country. That can't be stopped. So the best thing we can do is to create two countries instead of having one. Is it not better to salvage half the country than to surrender it entirely????
Not to mention the requests for more foreign workers by Lindsey Graham and some other republicans last week. But, even Lindsey and Moscow Mitch are not that far gone. You haven't crossed over to the Putin side have you? It was little Nikita of Russia that said the US would fall from within without firing a shot. Calm down dude. Buck up. Do not be fearful and give up.
View attachment 347869

I'm not giving up which is why my stance is to have two countries. By Democrats playing Santa Clause, they are making a larger and larger segment of our population irresponsible and government dependent. I'm taking advantage of that. I've been a landlord for over 25 years now. I've never seen the rental market this strong as it's been the last several years. It's not only where I live, but across the entire country.

Why is this happening? Because younger people today don't want the responsibilities of home ownership. It's such a vast contrast to when I was younger and owning your own home was at the top of your list of accomplishments in life. Because of supply and demand, some cities have offered rent control laws to keep prices down.

As our governments eliminate responsibility, they draw in more and more people to the Socialist/ Communist side. It's like a cancer with no cure, and the Democrats are pushing for free healthcare, paid college, paid personal time off from work and so on. Keep removing personal responsibility from people, and they will rely on government for just about everything right down to what they are allowed to eat. Mooochelle Obama is a prime example of that.

So you would rather refuse to work with others then. That's the way it is right now. Two opposing sides, each refusing to work together to come up with an agreeable solution. The problem is, it's not the American way and never has been. Our Founding Fathers never intended for it to be that way. And the Majority of the Population doesn't either. The problem is, we only hear from the two fringe groups that want to rule over everyone else.

Your idea of splitting the nation wouldn't work. Booth halves would just find others to be Lord and Master to. And I am talking about both your Rtwing and Ltwing. You want a Revolution, do it the American way at the Ballot Box.

We should remember this post from Ray when he accuses others of wanting to divide the nation

The nation is already divided and has been for quite a long time. My suggestion is that we just make the divide physical and (at least for us on the right) end the misery of constant bickering.

The US Communist Party endorsed your last three presidential candidates, and the Republicans are fed up with our RINO's and want to move towards more constitutionalism. So where is this middle ground between Communism and constitutionalism? There is none. The are polar opposites of each other, meaning there is no way not to be divided.
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
You used to be normal but right-wing trump supporter. Now you are for dissolving the 50 state union? What a quitter. :9:

What choice do we have? The Democrats are ushering in foreigners to takeover the country. That can't be stopped. So the best thing we can do is to create two countries instead of having one. Is it not better to salvage half the country than to surrender it entirely????
Not to mention the requests for more foreign workers by Lindsey Graham and some other republicans last week. But, even Lindsey and Moscow Mitch are not that far gone. You haven't crossed over to the Putin side have you? It was little Nikita of Russia that said the US would fall from within without firing a shot. Calm down dude. Buck up. Do not be fearful and give up.
View attachment 347869

I'm not giving up which is why my stance is to have two countries. By Democrats playing Santa Clause, they are making a larger and larger segment of our population irresponsible and government dependent. I'm taking advantage of that. I've been a landlord for over 25 years now. I've never seen the rental market this strong as it's been the last several years. It's not only where I live, but across the entire country.

Why is this happening? Because younger people today don't want the responsibilities of home ownership. It's such a vast contrast to when I was younger and owning your own home was at the top of your list of accomplishments in life. Because of supply and demand, some cities have offered rent control laws to keep prices down.

As our governments eliminate responsibility, they draw in more and more people to the Socialist/ Communist side. It's like a cancer with no cure, and the Democrats are pushing for free healthcare, paid college, paid personal time off from work and so on. Keep removing personal responsibility from people, and they will rely on government for just about everything right down to what they are allowed to eat. Mooochelle Obama is a prime example of that.

So you would rather refuse to work with others then. That's the way it is right now. Two opposing sides, each refusing to work together to come up with an agreeable solution. The problem is, it's not the American way and never has been. Our Founding Fathers never intended for it to be that way. And the Majority of the Population doesn't either. The problem is, we only hear from the two fringe groups that want to rule over everyone else.

Your idea of splitting the nation wouldn't work. Booth halves would just find others to be Lord and Master to. And I am talking about both your Rtwing and Ltwing. You want a Revolution, do it the American way at the Ballot Box.

We should remember this post from Ray when he accuses others of wanting to divide the nation

The nation is already divided and has been for quite a long time. My suggestion is that we just make the divide physical and (at least for us on the right) end the misery of constant bickering.

The US Communist Party endorsed your last three presidential candidates, and the Republicans are fed up with our RINO's and want to move towards more constitutionalism. So where is this middle ground between Communism and constitutionalism? There is none. The are polar opposites of each other, meaning there is no way not to be divided.

You need a psychiatrist
I vowed not to create new topics because a certain moderator takes them down in spite of following all the guidelines, and USMB doesn't seem interested to address the problem, but I have to ask people why they would vote Democrat? In light of recent events, it's clear that Democrats want a lawless society. Let's look at their stance when it comes to the protection of American citizens:

* The elimination of ICE, an agency that protects our borders and handles those who illegally enter our country.
* Cuts in military budgets, that weaken our military forces against aggressive nations.
* Disarm law abiding citizens, so we virtually have no real defense against the criminal element.
* Tabeling Kates Law, which would have given a stronger deterrent to deported felons who re-entered our country.
* And finally, Democrat Governors and Mayors, who want to defund their police force thus making them much less effective.

So why would anybody in their right mind vote for a candidate or party that takes these positions? Why in the world would you want to see a defenseless America? It truly baffles the mind. I don't care how much anybody hates President Trump. Imagine a country if the Democrats had their way.

Your last sentence says it all.

The Dems will be having their way in just a few months.

I suspect that President Biden will not want to prosecute President Trump for something, but his BLM supporters will insist on it. It would not surprise me if they try to pin something on the First Lady, too.

How ironic! BLM is actually helping to promote the idea that this country should be divided up, as was Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, dividing the country up is the only way to save our Republic.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists (Whatever TF that's supposed to be). On this path they will go from Democrat-Socialists to plain Socialists. Then it they will go from Socialists to Socialist-Communists, and finally plain old Communists.

I never heard that BLM's agenda was a divided country. If it is, please provide proof of your claim. I would gladly support that stance even if it is theirs.

They want to divide the country not to have two separate countries but to CONTROL 100% of the country and people. This is all about control, and oppression by the Left.

Correct, and that is why I suggest saving at least part of the Republic by dividing us into two countries instead of having one that will eventually be dominated by Socialism and eventually Communism. There is only one Untied States of America. Once this place is gone, there is no other United States to run to. It will be gone forever. So we need to have at least half of the country to continue what our founders created.

Mind you, this is not really my idea. This is what I call Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought and argued as children, my mother would place us in separate rooms to stop the commotion. Eventually we learned to get along so we could continue playing together in one room of the house.

If we divided the country, the liberal side would collapse in a matter of a few years. Nobody would want to be a police officer there. Half of their country would be loaded up on what is now illegal narcotics. The citizens would not be able to protect themselves without firearms. Businesses would quickly move to our side of the country because of extremely high taxation. That means no jobs, and their country could not support most of their citizenry on welfare programs. It would collapse. And with all of southern America with extremely poor and uneducated people rushing in, their demise would be unavoidable.

Within a few years, the Democrat side would be on their knees begging us to be one country again, and have to capitulate to our way of doing things. It's like what Rush Limbaugh said so many times: You cannot convince people they are wrong. They have to decide they are wrong themselves. All you can do is help them to come to that conclusion.

Separating our country would do exactly what Rush said.
You used to be normal but right-wing trump supporter. Now you are for dissolving the 50 state union? What a quitter. :9:

What choice do we have? The Democrats are ushering in foreigners to takeover the country. That can't be stopped. So the best thing we can do is to create two countries instead of having one. Is it not better to salvage half the country than to surrender it entirely????
Not to mention the requests for more foreign workers by Lindsey Graham and some other republicans last week. But, even Lindsey and Moscow Mitch are not that far gone. You haven't crossed over to the Putin side have you? It was little Nikita of Russia that said the US would fall from within without firing a shot. Calm down dude. Buck up. Do not be fearful and give up.
View attachment 347869

I'm not giving up which is why my stance is to have two countries. By Democrats playing Santa Clause, they are making a larger and larger segment of our population irresponsible and government dependent. I'm taking advantage of that. I've been a landlord for over 25 years now. I've never seen the rental market this strong as it's been the last several years. It's not only where I live, but across the entire country.

Why is this happening? Because younger people today don't want the responsibilities of home ownership. It's such a vast contrast to when I was younger and owning your own home was at the top of your list of accomplishments in life. Because of supply and demand, some cities have offered rent control laws to keep prices down.

As our governments eliminate responsibility, they draw in more and more people to the Socialist/ Communist side. It's like a cancer with no cure, and the Democrats are pushing for free healthcare, paid college, paid personal time off from work and so on. Keep removing personal responsibility from people, and they will rely on government for just about everything right down to what they are allowed to eat. Mooochelle Obama is a prime example of that.

So you would rather refuse to work with others then. That's the way it is right now. Two opposing sides, each refusing to work together to come up with an agreeable solution. The problem is, it's not the American way and never has been. Our Founding Fathers never intended for it to be that way. And the Majority of the Population doesn't either. The problem is, we only hear from the two fringe groups that want to rule over everyone else.

Your idea of splitting the nation wouldn't work. Booth halves would just find others to be Lord and Master to. And I am talking about both your Rtwing and Ltwing. You want a Revolution, do it the American way at the Ballot Box.

It's difficult to win at the ballot box when one side is Santa Clause. That side will eventually win out no matter what we do. Of course that will lead to the demise of this country and make Venezuela look like a warm up act, but the people who benefited by being paid to lead this country down that road will be long out of politics and perhaps long off this planet.

To avoid that, we only have two choices here: try to save at least half of the country, or allow them to take it from us like the Communists said they would generations ago. The anti-white party is working frantically to make whites a minority ASAP so they can have a single-party country forever, and we both know what will happen when they accomplish that goal.

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