Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

No duh
Not sure you are aware but socialism doesn’t work, the more money my boss makes the more he expands and hires. Only thing that up lifts the poor is freedom and capitalism.. do some research
No one is against fair capitalism. That is all socialism is now, see Bernie and ocasio and every other modern country. Ours is the only modern country that is a GOP giveaway to the rich and brainwash the ignorant Mess. Why are we the only modern country without a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave, good vacations and infrastructure, cheap college and training? Because of the scumbag GOP and dupes like you. Breaking For doops,--Hillary and Obama and holder and Lerner and the FBI are honest, the Rich are pain the same percentage in all taxes as the middle class and really even the poor. Your bought off High School grad pundits are bought off Liars. No phony GOP Scandal about any of Democrats has ever made it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement outside your stupid bubble of BS.
China and India practice Fair Capitalism?
No, duh. China is communist and God knows what you think India is but corrupt it is. I'm talking about the original EU and Scandinavia and Canada and Australia and New Zealand and Japan, all the other modern countries except us.

"We are all socialists now!"---Finland prime minister when ACA passed. Of course he didn't realize what great saboteurs Liars and assholes the GOP are. Totally bought off by big Health big Pharma etc etc etc. And brainwashed fools like you. Breaking: socialism is not communism, since World War II it is defined as always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Except in Cold War dinosaur brainwashed GOP dupe world, of course...
yiu Must want to move huh, now that trump is president
Actually I would like to fix our country which has been ruined by your party, super duper.
No duh
Not sure you are aware but socialism doesn’t work, the more money my boss makes the more he expands and hires. Only thing that up lifts the poor is freedom and capitalism.. do some research
No one is against fair capitalism. That is all socialism is now, see Bernie and ocasio and every other modern country. Ours is the only modern country that is a GOP giveaway to the rich and brainwash the ignorant Mess. Why are we the only modern country without a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave, good vacations and infrastructure, cheap college and training? Because of the scumbag GOP and dupes like you. Breaking For doops,--Hillary and Obama and holder and Lerner and the FBI are honest, the Rich are pain the same percentage in all taxes as the middle class and really even the poor. Your bought off High School grad pundits are bought off Liars. No phony GOP Scandal about any of Democrats has ever made it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement outside your stupid bubble of BS.
China and India practice Fair Capitalism?
No, duh. China is communist and God knows what you think India is but corrupt it is. I'm talking about the original EU and Scandinavia and Canada and Australia and New Zealand and Japan, all the other modern countries except us.

"We are all socialists now!"---Finland prime minister when ACA passed. Of course he didn't realize what great saboteurs Liars and assholes the GOP are. Totally bought off by big Health big Pharma etc etc etc. And brainwashed fools like you. Breaking: socialism is not communism, since World War II it is defined as always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Except in Cold War dinosaur brainwashed GOP dupe world, of course...
yiu Must want to move huh, now that trump is president
Actually I would like to fix our country which has been ruined by your party, super duper.
Hear this link shows what Reagan tax rates since 1982 have done to our poor middle class...
No duh
Not sure you are aware but socialism doesn’t work, the more money my boss makes the more he expands and hires. Only thing that up lifts the poor is freedom and capitalism.. do some research
No one is against fair capitalism. That is all socialism is now, see Bernie and ocasio and every other modern country. Ours is the only modern country that is a GOP giveaway to the rich and brainwash the ignorant Mess. Why are we the only modern country without a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave, good vacations and infrastructure, cheap college and training? Because of the scumbag GOP and dupes like you. Breaking For doops,--Hillary and Obama and holder and Lerner and the FBI are honest, the Rich are pain the same percentage in all taxes as the middle class and really even the poor. Your bought off High School grad pundits are bought off Liars. No phony GOP Scandal about any of Democrats has ever made it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement outside your stupid bubble of BS.
China and India practice Fair Capitalism?
No, duh. China is communist and God knows what you think India is but corrupt it is. I'm talking about the original EU and Scandinavia and Canada and Australia and New Zealand and Japan, all the other modern countries except us.

"We are all socialists now!"---Finland prime minister when ACA passed. Of course he didn't realize what great saboteurs Liars and assholes the GOP are. Totally bought off by big Health big Pharma etc etc etc. And brainwashed fools like you. Breaking: socialism is not communism, since World War II it is defined as always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Except in Cold War dinosaur brainwashed GOP dupe world, of course...
yiu Must want to move huh, now that trump is president
Actually I would like to fix our country which has been ruined by your party, super duper.
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by Democrats sorry
No duh
No one is against fair capitalism. That is all socialism is now, see Bernie and ocasio and every other modern country. Ours is the only modern country that is a GOP giveaway to the rich and brainwash the ignorant Mess. Why are we the only modern country without a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave, good vacations and infrastructure, cheap college and training? Because of the scumbag GOP and dupes like you. Breaking For doops,--Hillary and Obama and holder and Lerner and the FBI are honest, the Rich are pain the same percentage in all taxes as the middle class and really even the poor. Your bought off High School grad pundits are bought off Liars. No phony GOP Scandal about any of Democrats has ever made it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement outside your stupid bubble of BS.
China and India practice Fair Capitalism?
No, duh. China is communist and God knows what you think India is but corrupt it is. I'm talking about the original EU and Scandinavia and Canada and Australia and New Zealand and Japan, all the other modern countries except us.

"We are all socialists now!"---Finland prime minister when ACA passed. Of course he didn't realize what great saboteurs Liars and assholes the GOP are. Totally bought off by big Health big Pharma etc etc etc. And brainwashed fools like you. Breaking: socialism is not communism, since World War II it is defined as always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Except in Cold War dinosaur brainwashed GOP dupe world, of course...
yiu Must want to move huh, now that trump is president
Actually I would like to fix our country which has been ruined by your party, super duper.
Hear this link shows what Reagan tax rates since 1982 have done to our poor middle class...
Here is a link history of America how capitalism uplifted the poor
New Cities in more optimum locations! How many manufacturing jobs do we want.
New? Where do you want your new slave plantations? God do you remember we freedom them? You have no ownership lol
right wing fantasy, is all you have.
No I’m serious they are free you can’t just put them in chains and force them to move
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing.
How bad do you want them slaves back?
New Cities in more optimum locations not right wing fantasy!
Better Government at lower cost!
Better government is limited government,, why do you want to control people?
equal protection of the law is about individual liberty.
No one is equal lol that’s impossible.. I can jump higher then you. Reality
equal protection of the law really is about individual liberty, regardless of our differences.
And who’s not equal?
the poor are not getting equal protection of the law.
New? Where do you want your new slave plantations? God do you remember we freedom them? You have no ownership lol
right wing fantasy, is all you have.
No I’m serious they are free you can’t just put them in chains and force them to move
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing.
How bad do you want them slaves back?
New Cities in more optimum locations not right wing fantasy!
So tell us will you chain them up?
Better government is limited government,, why do you want to control people?
equal protection of the law is about individual liberty.
No one is equal lol that’s impossible.. I can jump higher then you. Reality
equal protection of the law really is about individual liberty, regardless of our differences.
And who’s not equal?
the poor are not getting equal protection of the law.
We give the poor free lawyers.. did you want to change that?? Lol
right wing fantasy, is all you have.
No I’m serious they are free you can’t just put them in chains and force them to move
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing.
How bad do you want them slaves back?
New Cities in more optimum locations not right wing fantasy!
So tell us will you chain them up?
why in the whole and entire World, would Any rational person come up with that frivolocity?
equal protection of the law is about individual liberty.
No one is equal lol that’s impossible.. I can jump higher then you. Reality
equal protection of the law really is about individual liberty, regardless of our differences.
And who’s not equal?
the poor are not getting equal protection of the law.
We give the poor free lawyers.. did you want to change that?? Lol
equal protection of the law should be enough.
No I’m serious they are free you can’t just put them in chains and force them to move
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing.
How bad do you want them slaves back?
New Cities in more optimum locations not right wing fantasy!
So tell us will you chain them up?
why in the whole and entire World, would Any rational person come up with that frivolocity?
What if they think socialism is wrong and becomes like Ben Carson ,, what will you do to them?
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing.
How bad do you want them slaves back?
New Cities in more optimum locations not right wing fantasy!
So tell us will you chain them up?
why in the whole and entire World, would Any rational person come up with that frivolocity?
What if they think socialism is wrong and becomes like Ben Carson ,, what will you do to them?
Ben Carson is a nut.
And who doesn’t have access to lawyers? Last time I checked they are in the yellow book lol
what the people are suffering from the Government shut down is nothing compared to what America will suffer if a wall is not built to help secure the border. Thousands will be crossing and costing taxpayers billions in government handouts.
The middle class pay anywhere from 500-1000 a month for premiums with 2500 and up deductibles. See democrats need the young and the healthy to pay into this ponzie scheme without using it themselves so the bottom feeders and illegals can have minimal healthcare.
Everyone should have Healthcare and it is getting cheaper now. Plus you are brainwashed with garbage.
No it’s not. As a matter of fact premiums are going up. The only difference is people aren’t going to be penalized for not buying it anymore.
When are you ever going to figure out that everything you know is garbage propaganda? Even with GOP sabotaged, premiums are going down and its approval is going up. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron...
Federal Obamacare exchange premiums to drop 1.5% in 2019 - Modern Healthcare
Modern Healthcare › article › NEWS

Oct 11, 2018 · Federal Obamacare exchange premiums to drop 1.5% in 2019. Premiums for benchmark silver plans on the federal individual market exchanges will drop in 2019, marking the first decrease since the Affordable Care Act was implemented, CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced on Thursday.
Obamacare premiums to drop for the first time - CNNPolitics - CNN.com
CNN.com › 2018/10/11 › politics

Dec 4, 2018 · It will cost a little less to buy Obamacare coverage in 2019.
Obamacare premiums: Some federal marketplace rates dropping in 2019
Too bad your propaganda machine doesn't cover news it doesn't like...
Ho hum...

Premiums for Affordable Care Act individual insurance coverage are set to rise much more modestly in 2019 than in previous years. Consumers will pay premiums that are 3.6% higher on average in 2019, according to an analysis of proposed and approved premiums across 47 states and Washington, D.C., by the Associated Press and consulting firm Avalere Health.

Premium increases projected to be modest in 2019

This would be the sixth consecutive year with a 5% increase, with premiums and out-of-pocket costs for employees and their dependents averaging $14,800 next year. Fortunately, employers continue to cover 70% of that tab, on average, with workers picking up the rest.

Employers said that high-cost claimants, specialty pharmacy and the treatment of specific diseases or conditions (such as cancer or musculoskeletal conditions) were key drivers of the cost increases for 2019.

Most employers will continue to offer high-deductible plans paired with a health savings account in 2019

Cost of Employer Health Coverage to Rise 5% in 2019
The GOP's answer is wrong.
Don't get rid of healthcare,
instead, get rid of insurance companies.
They don't employ doctors or nurses or run hospitals.
All they do is skim money from policies.
Take all that loot stolen from the American people and put it back into helping Americans.

I don't want GOP "coverage". I want to live.

Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing.
How bad do you want them slaves back?
New Cities in more optimum locations not right wing fantasy!
So tell us will you chain them up?
why in the whole and entire World, would Any rational person come up with that frivolocity?
What if they think socialism is wrong and becomes like Ben Carson ,, what will you do to them?
Dr. Carson is rich and still making poor lifestyle choices; why should the left take him seriously.
what the people are suffering from the Government shut down is nothing compared to what America will suffer if a wall is not built to help secure the border. Thousands will be crossing and costing taxpayers billions in government handouts.
lousy right wing management does that. we have a naturalization clause not an immigration clause. we should be generating revenue to defray costs.
How bad do you want them slaves back?
New Cities in more optimum locations not right wing fantasy!
So tell us will you chain them up?
why in the whole and entire World, would Any rational person come up with that frivolocity?
What if they think socialism is wrong and becomes like Ben Carson ,, what will you do to them?
Dr. Carson is rich and still making poor lifestyle choices; why should the left take him seriously.
He grew up poor made it to become the world best brain surgeon.. yea let’s not listen to him lol racist much? Who should blacks listen to JZ? Obama who killed 6,000 blacks in Chicago? Haha
Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

Because Dem leaders are traitors who have sided with foreigners who sneak into our country illegally. They should ROT IN HELL!
Democrats want a solution that will actually work. In 2010, their comprehensive immigration bill started out with a national ID card that would end this garbage GOP scam of an issue. Of course there was a tidal wave of accusations that Democrats are communists fascists and god-knows-what. As the GOP has done for decades. They love the wedge issue that works great with their racist voters. The wall is stupid and won't work, 58% just overstay their visas,and they will just get better ladders and tunnels... Pass a national ID card and enforce it, like other countries with this problem. Works like a charm... And no communism, morons.
so you are saying that 2000 illegals a day over stay their visas? hmmm, let's see those numbers.

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