Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

there is no general warfare clause. nor even a common offense clause. we literally have an Express not Implied, general welfare clause.
I don’t understand what you are saying in regards to my post, can you rephrase it?
why should I take Your arguments seriously if you don't understand the language?
Maybe you are way to advanced for me lol could you rephrase it so I understand elite one? Haha
Why write like you are for the "gospel Truth", when you are merely ignorant?
I don’t think anyone can understand you,, so can you break it down for us what are you saying in layman’s term?
you mean, dumb it down for the right wing so they can still abstain from a rational argument and just say "no"?
I don’t understand what you are saying in regards to my post, can you rephrase it?
why should I take Your arguments seriously if you don't understand the language?
Maybe you are way to advanced for me lol could you rephrase it so I understand elite one? Haha
Why write like you are for the "gospel Truth", when you are merely ignorant?
I don’t think anyone can understand you,, so can you break it down for us what are you saying in layman’s term?
you mean, dumb it down for the right wing so they can still abstain from a rational argument and just say "no"?
If you are calling us names sure can you dumb it down for us? Using your words thanks .. what are you saying?
dear, there is no appeal to ignorance of the law... .
That's not what FIRED former FBI Director Comey argued when he publicly stated Hillary - who was running for President - was too stupid to understand she was breaking laws / committing the crime of Espionage....dear.
Of course everything you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper. Illegals are not on welfare and do not vote. D u h.
Bullshit, and you damn well know it or you’re just a plain damn slum fucktard.
My New Democrat County supervisor just hiked up our property taxes to support illegals.
Yes I know you are a brainwashed functional moron....
Nassau County Supervisor Curran ran on a Sanctuary County platform, dumb ass.
good, now illegal witnesses will be coming forward to get the actual criminals for a change, super duper. None of it has anything to do with illegals costing us money. 94% of illegal men work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. Everything you know is garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional racist Moron. Pass a national ID card that will actually end this GOP scam phony scandal.
" 94% of illegal men work, 65% pay taxes" Hmmmmm. See the problem with your statement?
why should I take Your arguments seriously if you don't understand the language?
Maybe you are way to advanced for me lol could you rephrase it so I understand elite one? Haha
Why write like you are for the "gospel Truth", when you are merely ignorant?
I don’t think anyone can understand you,, so can you break it down for us what are you saying in layman’s term?
you mean, dumb it down for the right wing so they can still abstain from a rational argument and just say "no"?
If you are calling us names sure can you dumb it down for us? Using your words thanks .. what are you saying?
We have a Constitution not right wing fantasy.
dear, there is no appeal to ignorance of the law... .
That's not what FIRED former FBI Director Comey argued when he publicly stated Hillary - who was running for President - was too stupid to understand she was breaking laws / committing the crime of Espionage....dear.
nope; that argument won't work in this venue.

nothing but continuance, diversion and other forms of fallacy and allege to not be frivolous at the Expense of the Poor.
Maybe you are way to advanced for me lol could you rephrase it so I understand elite one? Haha
Why write like you are for the "gospel Truth", when you are merely ignorant?
I don’t think anyone can understand you,, so can you break it down for us what are you saying in layman’s term?
you mean, dumb it down for the right wing so they can still abstain from a rational argument and just say "no"?
If you are calling us names sure can you dumb it down for us? Using your words thanks .. what are you saying?
We have a Constitution not right wing fantasy.
Where does it say welfare?
Why write like you are for the "gospel Truth", when you are merely ignorant?
I don’t think anyone can understand you,, so can you break it down for us what are you saying in layman’s term?
you mean, dumb it down for the right wing so they can still abstain from a rational argument and just say "no"?
If you are calling us names sure can you dumb it down for us? Using your words thanks .. what are you saying?
We have a Constitution not right wing fantasy.
Where does it say welfare?
Our Constitution.
In the meantime....The Democrats are standing with illegals instead of the American people who voted them into office to shut down the government in order to keep the borders open, to keep illegal immigration going, to ensure our laws / existing Immigration laws are not enforced, to make sure the illegal election fraud involving allowing illegals to vote, to refuse to protect Americans, and to keep their illegal cop killer-protecting Sanctuary Cities running at tax payer expense.

In the meantime the democrats, despite taking the House, continue to prove what Schumer said on the 1st Day of the trump Presidency remains true, that Democrats are 100% committed to resistance, obstruction, denial, undermining, and overthrowing this President.

Pelosi continues to prefer continuing to keep the government shut down to deny the President any kind of political 'win', to include getting DACA passed as they claimed was their goal and promised Latinos they would accomplish. (Democrats have now walked away from the table where the GOP and President has offered them DACA - everything they asked for.)

Pelosi continues to prove she is a failed House leader by refusing to negotiate or compromise for the good of the nation / American citizens out of complete partisan hatred for this President. She has rejected every proposed compromise while offering NOTHING as a counter-offer. The path she has taken is holding the nation hostage rather than to do her job as Speaker - to negotiate, compromise, and get legislation passed that will keep the country moving forward.
I don’t think anyone can understand you,, so can you break it down for us what are you saying in layman’s term?
you mean, dumb it down for the right wing so they can still abstain from a rational argument and just say "no"?
If you are calling us names sure can you dumb it down for us? Using your words thanks .. what are you saying?
We have a Constitution not right wing fantasy.
Where does it say welfare?
Our Constitution.
It protects citizens from a dangerous government yes
In the meantime....The Democrats are standing with illegals instead of the American people who voted them into office to shut down the government in order to keep the borders open, to keep illegal immigration going, to ensure our laws / existing Immigration laws are not enforced, to make sure the illegal election fraud involving allowing illegals to vote, to refuse to protect Americans, and to keep their illegal cop killer-protecting Sanctuary Cities running at tax payer expense.

In the meantime the democrats, despite taking the House, continue to prove what Schumer said on the 1st Day of the trump Presidency remains true, that Democrats are 100% committed to resistance, obstruction, denial, undermining, and overthrowing this President.

Pelosi continues to prefer continuing to keep the government shut down to deny the President any kind of political 'win', to include getting DACA passed as they claimed was their goal and promised Latinos they would accomplish. (Democrats have now walked away from the table where the GOP and President has offered them DACA - everything they asked for.)

Pelosi continues to prove she is a failed House leader by refusing to negotiate or compromise for the good of the nation / American citizens out of complete partisan hatred for this President. She has rejected every proposed compromise while offering NOTHING as a counter-offer. The path she has taken is holding the nation hostage rather than to do her job as Speaker - to negotiate, compromise, and get legislation passed that will keep the country moving forward.
Can you show any express immigration clause in our federal Constitution?

You may need an argument, that supreme.
you mean, dumb it down for the right wing so they can still abstain from a rational argument and just say "no"?
If you are calling us names sure can you dumb it down for us? Using your words thanks .. what are you saying?
We have a Constitution not right wing fantasy.
Where does it say welfare?
Our Constitution.
It protects citizens from a dangerous government yes
it is only idiot proof not wilful blindness proof since that is a moral turpitude and Bad, not Good.

Our welfare clause General must promote and provide for the general Good and not the general Bad.
nothing but continuance, diversion and other forms of fallacy and allege to not be frivolous at the Expense of the Poor.
Again, Democrats STOLE BILLIONS of tax dollars by putting 7,000 (SEVEN THOUSAND) Democrat Party-ONLY pieces of wasteful pork intended to reward those who got them elected and to get them re-elected. Pelosi and other Democrats even gave themselves 'personal loans' they never paid back to bail their spouse's bankrupting business out ... and you are now trying to claim none of that is relevant / applicable?


Democrats continue t prove they believe they are above the law, that they can spend / waste tax dollars on things that benefit their party and themselves but argue against anything that benefits the American people / country if it goes against their liberal ideology / agenda....and any argument made / opinion shared that does not align with liberal ideology / the liberal agenda is not tolerated / dismissed.

Thanks for that great demonstration.
If you are calling us names sure can you dumb it down for us? Using your words thanks .. what are you saying?
We have a Constitution not right wing fantasy.
Where does it say welfare?
Our Constitution.
It protects citizens from a dangerous government yes
it is only idiot proof not wilful blindness proof since that is a moral turpitude and Bad, not Good.

Our welfare clause General must promote and provide for the general Good and not the general Bad.
Where does it say the government will force me to pay for my neighborhoods health care?
Can you show any express immigration clause in our federal Constitution?

"A – The word “immigration” does not appear in the U.S. Constitution or any of its Amendments. Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 does read, “… To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, …”. The 14th Amendment, Section 1 addresses the protection of “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,…” which extended citizenship through the States to the former slaves. The rules of immigration were reserved to the States through the 10th Amendment until the first Federal law was enacted in 1875. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the following year that immigration regulation was an exclusive Federal responsibility. Congress established the Immigration Service in 1891, which was the first time the Federal government took an active role. Congress enacted additional quota systems after World War I in the years 1921 and 1924. The laws remained largely unchanged until the passage of the “The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965.” Changes to admittance were made again in 1976 and 1978. “The Immigration Act of 1990″ added a category of admission based on diversity and increased the worldwide immigration ceiling.

Other changes came through the introduction of new categories of immigration and citizenship with the resettlement of refugees after World War II. “The Refugee Act of 1980” allowed the President the authority to admit refugees on an annual basis, in consultation with Congress in response to United Nations protocols in 1967 and 1969, derived from the 1951 United Nations Refugee Convention. This new legislation was the first time that our country used international standards and definitions for our immigration policies. “The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986” addressed unauthorized immigration creating two amnesty programs “legalizing” about 2.7 million people who illegally entered the country. Because illegal immigration remained a problem, “The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996” was passed to provide greater controls on the borders and reduced benefits. The last change occurred with “The Homeland Security Act of 2002” which now has consolidated authority for border protection, naturalization, customs and immigration."

Are you somehow attempting to argue that the original Constitution is THE only document that matters, that amendments to this Constitution and existing laws are to be disregarded when they do not fit your narrative / agenda? It seems like you are...

What Authority Does the U.S. Constitution Give the Federal Government Regarding Immigration? | The American View

Where does it say the government will force me to pay for my neighborhoods health care?
Where does it say Democrats can use my tax dollars to commit crimes, specifically illegally rin Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven and protection from our laws to violent illegals, human traffickers, thieves, rapists, MS13, cop killers...?

Is THAT in the 'Welfare Clause'?
nothing but continuance, diversion and other forms of fallacy and allege to not be frivolous at the Expense of the Poor.
Again, Democrats STOLE BILLIONS of tax dollars by putting 7,000 (SEVEN THOUSAND) Democrat Party-ONLY pieces of wasteful pork intended to reward those who got them elected and to get them re-elected. Pelosi and other Democrats even gave themselves 'personal loans' they never paid back to bail their spouse's bankrupting business out ... and you are now trying to claim none of that is relevant / applicable?


Democrats continue t prove they believe they are above the law, that they can spend / waste tax dollars on things that benefit their party and themselves but argue against anything that benefits the American people / country if it goes against their liberal ideology / agenda....and any argument made / opinion shared that does not align with liberal ideology / the liberal agenda is not tolerated / dismissed.

Thanks for that great demonstration.
What does that have to do with equal protection of the law?
We have a Constitution not right wing fantasy.
Where does it say welfare?
Our Constitution.
It protects citizens from a dangerous government yes
it is only idiot proof not wilful blindness proof since that is a moral turpitude and Bad, not Good.

Our welfare clause General must promote and provide for the general Good and not the general Bad.
Where does it say the government will force me to pay for my neighborhoods health care?
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax to solve the problems of our Republic.
Can you show any express immigration clause in our federal Constitution?

"A – The word “immigration” does not appear in the U.S. Constitution or any of its Amendments. Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 does read, “… To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, …”. The 14th Amendment, Section 1 addresses the protection of “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,…” which extended citizenship through the States to the former slaves. The rules of immigration were reserved to the States through the 10th Amendment until the first Federal law was enacted in 1875. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the following year that immigration regulation was an exclusive Federal responsibility. Congress established the Immigration Service in 1891, which was the first time the Federal government took an active role. Congress enacted additional quota systems after World War I in the years 1921 and 1924. The laws remained largely unchanged until the passage of the “The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965.” Changes to admittance were made again in 1976 and 1978. “The Immigration Act of 1990″ added a category of admission based on diversity and increased the worldwide immigration ceiling.

Other changes came through the introduction of new categories of immigration and citizenship with the resettlement of refugees after World War II. “The Refugee Act of 1980” allowed the President the authority to admit refugees on an annual basis, in consultation with Congress in response to United Nations protocols in 1967 and 1969, derived from the 1951 United Nations Refugee Convention. This new legislation was the first time that our country used international standards and definitions for our immigration policies. “The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986” addressed unauthorized immigration creating two amnesty programs “legalizing” about 2.7 million people who illegally entered the country. Because illegal immigration remained a problem, “The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996” was passed to provide greater controls on the borders and reduced benefits. The last change occurred with “The Homeland Security Act of 2002” which now has consolidated authority for border protection, naturalization, customs and immigration."

Are you somehow attempting to argue that the original Constitution is THE only document that matters, that amendments to this Constitution and existing laws are to be disregarded when they do not fit your narrative / agenda? It seems like you are...

What Authority Does the U.S. Constitution Give the Federal Government Regarding Immigration? | The American View

the establishment clause is Express not Implied.
Where does it say welfare?
Our Constitution.
It protects citizens from a dangerous government yes
it is only idiot proof not wilful blindness proof since that is a moral turpitude and Bad, not Good.

Our welfare clause General must promote and provide for the general Good and not the general Bad.
Where does it say the government will force me to pay for my neighborhoods health care?
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax to solve the problems of our Republic.
No to build roads yes but put a gun to my head to pay for my neighbors healthcare

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