Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

The correct answer is that Socialism doesn't work anywhere, because of the economic calculation problem, and the fact that taxes result in diminishing returns the higher you raise them. The government has no way to measure supply and demand curves, so it results in forced rationing, causing people to get little while the government pays too much, the cost then causes the government to raise taxes, but they end up getting less money the higher they raise it, causing the government to go further and further into debt. The fact that some overbloated governments do better than other overbloated governments is not a method for claiming Socialism works, especially given its colossal number of failures. The fact that some locations have yet to collapse DUE to Socialism does not mean it's working either, especially, again, due to the numerous times it has failed throughout history. Nothing works when centrally planned, it only creates a monopoly, and the fact that government is the holder of that monopoly only makes it worse than a private monopoly(Which only forms due to government interference).

I'd also like to point out that you CLAIM that those specific locations are Socialist, however having centralized Healthcare is a Socialist component, but that doesn't make a place Socialist, Social control of the means of production does. In fact, New Zealand is economically freer than America. Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
So are Canada and New Zealand. You're actually making an argument against Socialism.

With that, I'll give you a handy list of socialist failures:
Afghanistan(Twice), Albania(Three times), Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia(Twice), Congo-Brazzaville, Czechoslovakia(twice), Ethiopia(twice), Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Russia, North Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Greece.

So, even if, hypothetically, you weren't being flat-out dishonest or ignorant, you'd be cherry-picking.
Those countries are communist, you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur
Socialism just means good democratic government at this point. Faire capitalism with good benefits and a good safety net. Most countries in Europe have parties called socialist that are like that. Social Democrats are the same.zzzzzzzz. Except in GOP dupe world.
So how come ordinary poor people used to live in Boston in private housing, but today in mostly left wing democrat Boston the poor can’t afford the rent? And they are so uneducated they aren’t even protesting?
National GOP giveaway to the rich policy, dumbass. 35 years of ruining the non-rich and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. Democrat cities and states are not immune of course...
So your just spout off with noting pertaining to what I asked ... the reason why they poor can’t afford rent is because of building codes Democrats have implemented in poor Democrat towns.. they have destroyed education to the extent they the voters are to stupid to protest the Jim crows laws they have implemented...
most of that has happened in the last 35 years as the country and its people go to hell under your BS GOP garbage giveaway to the rich policies, brainwashed functional moron. Like cutting spending on everything, like low cost housing duh.... All to save your precious greedy idiot GOP rich, super dupe.
The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers. | Fact Left

As you can see everything about the middle class has gone to hell since 1982... If the GOP didn't have its BS giant propaganda machine and silly chumps like you, they wouldn't have anything.
Where does socialism work?
Every successful modern country, like Scandinavia Germany France Australia New Zealand Canada Japan..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....
The correct answer is that Socialism doesn't work anywhere, because of the economic calculation problem, and the fact that taxes result in diminishing returns the higher you raise them. The government has no way to measure supply and demand curves, so it results in forced rationing, causing people to get little while the government pays too much, the cost then causes the government to raise taxes, but they end up getting less money the higher they raise it, causing the government to go further and further into debt. The fact that some overbloated governments do better than other overbloated governments is not a method for claiming Socialism works, especially given its colossal number of failures. The fact that some locations have yet to collapse DUE to Socialism does not mean it's working either, especially, again, due to the numerous times it has failed throughout history. Nothing works when centrally planned, it only creates a monopoly, and the fact that government is the holder of that monopoly only makes it worse than a private monopoly(Which only forms due to government interference).

I'd also like to point out that you CLAIM that those specific locations are Socialist, however having centralized Healthcare is a Socialist component, but that doesn't make a place Socialist, Social control of the means of production does. In fact, New Zealand is economically freer than America. Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
So are Canada and New Zealand. You're actually making an argument against Socialism.

With that, I'll give you a handy list of socialist failures:
Afghanistan(Twice), Albania(Three times), Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia(Twice), Congo-Brazzaville, Czechoslovakia(twice), Ethiopia(twice), Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Russia, North Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Greece.

So, even if, hypothetically, you weren't being flat-out dishonest or ignorant, you'd be cherry-picking.
Those countries are communist, you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur
Socialism just means good democratic government at this point. Faire capitalism with good benefits and a good safety net. Most countries in Europe have parties called socialist that are like that. Social Democrats are the same.zzzzzzzz. Except in GOP dupe world.
Communist, as defined in the Communist Manifesto, and as practiced in the past, AND as advocated by Communists TODAY is a stateless society in which there is no currency and no government, NONE of the things which you claim are Communist are actually communist, they are the PROPERLY applied Socialism, by definition, and by the actual components of the word. Socialism is Social Control of the means of production, which all or most of the Nations you're pointing to LACK. You also failed to provide an argument against statements regarding the Economic Calculation Problem which proves that Government programs do not work, so it's nice to know that you're actually aware of that colossal problem and just don't care.

Straight-up misusing the word Socialist doesn't change it's meaning, it only means that you're ignorant or dishonest. It's a failed attempt to normalize Socialism and pretend it works, while also distancing the Socialist movement from their clear frequent failures by conflating and changing different terms. The problem you're facing here is that none of the terms you're trying to conflate actually work.

I also find it hilarious you're calling me brainwashed considering the government and the state-controlled MSM are the ones advocating for Socialism, while I've taken a position separate from the GOP and Democrat platform. The amount of self-awareness you lack is incredible, you even failed to open your argument with anything but an adhom attack.
I will go with the definition known by all the other rich countries in the world, not brainwashed provincial GOP dupe world, dupe. "Now we are all socialists!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
The correct answer is that Socialism doesn't work anywhere, because of the economic calculation problem, and the fact that taxes result in diminishing returns the higher you raise them. The government has no way to measure supply and demand curves, so it results in forced rationing, causing people to get little while the government pays too much, the cost then causes the government to raise taxes, but they end up getting less money the higher they raise it, causing the government to go further and further into debt. The fact that some overbloated governments do better than other overbloated governments is not a method for claiming Socialism works, especially given its colossal number of failures. The fact that some locations have yet to collapse DUE to Socialism does not mean it's working either, especially, again, due to the numerous times it has failed throughout history. Nothing works when centrally planned, it only creates a monopoly, and the fact that government is the holder of that monopoly only makes it worse than a private monopoly(Which only forms due to government interference).

I'd also like to point out that you CLAIM that those specific locations are Socialist, however having centralized Healthcare is a Socialist component, but that doesn't make a place Socialist, Social control of the means of production does. In fact, New Zealand is economically freer than America. Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
So are Canada and New Zealand. You're actually making an argument against Socialism.

With that, I'll give you a handy list of socialist failures:
Afghanistan(Twice), Albania(Three times), Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia(Twice), Congo-Brazzaville, Czechoslovakia(twice), Ethiopia(twice), Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Russia, North Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Greece.

So, even if, hypothetically, you weren't being flat-out dishonest or ignorant, you'd be cherry-picking.
Those countries are communist, you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur
Socialism just means good democratic government at this point. Faire capitalism with good benefits and a good safety net. Most countries in Europe have parties called socialist that are like that. Social Democrats are the same.zzzzzzzz. Except in GOP dupe world.
So how come ordinary poor people used to live in Boston in private housing, but today in mostly left wing democrat Boston the poor can’t afford the rent? And they are so uneducated they aren’t even protesting?
National GOP giveaway to the rich policy, dumbass. 35 years of ruining the non-rich and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. Democrat cities and states are not immune of course...
So your just spout off with noting pertaining to what I asked ... the reason why they poor can’t afford rent is because of building codes Democrats have implemented in poor Democrat towns.. they have destroyed education to the extent they the voters are to stupid to protest the Jim crows laws they have implemented...
Actually, dumbass, the GOP has dominated everything the last 35 years. With their reconciliation and filibustering laws passed by the GOP, it only takes 51 votes in the Senate for them to cut taxes and services on the nonrich, and so easy to block reform by the Democrats, who needs 60 votes. The GOP cut taxes on the rich, so federal tax revenue and federal aid to the states goes down, and state and local taxes which kill the Non rich go up. Goodbye middle class and our infrastructure. Wake up and smell the coffee, super dupe.
The correct answer is that Socialism doesn't work anywhere, because of the economic calculation problem, and the fact that taxes result in diminishing returns the higher you raise them. The government has no way to measure supply and demand curves, so it results in forced rationing, causing people to get little while the government pays too much, the cost then causes the government to raise taxes, but they end up getting less money the higher they raise it, causing the government to go further and further into debt. The fact that some overbloated governments do better than other overbloated governments is not a method for claiming Socialism works, especially given its colossal number of failures. The fact that some locations have yet to collapse DUE to Socialism does not mean it's working either, especially, again, due to the numerous times it has failed throughout history. Nothing works when centrally planned, it only creates a monopoly, and the fact that government is the holder of that monopoly only makes it worse than a private monopoly(Which only forms due to government interference).

I'd also like to point out that you CLAIM that those specific locations are Socialist, however having centralized Healthcare is a Socialist component, but that doesn't make a place Socialist, Social control of the means of production does. In fact, New Zealand is economically freer than America. Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
So are Canada and New Zealand. You're actually making an argument against Socialism.

With that, I'll give you a handy list of socialist failures:
Afghanistan(Twice), Albania(Three times), Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia(Twice), Congo-Brazzaville, Czechoslovakia(twice), Ethiopia(twice), Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Russia, North Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Greece.

So, even if, hypothetically, you weren't being flat-out dishonest or ignorant, you'd be cherry-picking.
Those countries are communist, you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur
Socialism just means good democratic government at this point. Faire capitalism with good benefits and a good safety net. Most countries in Europe have parties called socialist that are like that. Social Democrats are the same.zzzzzzzz. Except in GOP dupe world.
So how come ordinary poor people used to live in Boston in private housing, but today in mostly left wing democrat Boston the poor can’t afford the rent? And they are so uneducated they aren’t even protesting?
National GOP giveaway to the rich policy, dumbass. 35 years of ruining the non-rich and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. Democrat cities and states are not immune of course...
So your just spout off with noting pertaining to what I asked ... the reason why they poor can’t afford rent is because of building codes Democrats have implemented in poor Democrat towns.. they have destroyed education to the extent they the voters are to stupid to protest the Jim crows laws they have implemented...
beside Obamacare, Democrats have basically passed nothing since LBJ, dunce. Only time they've had 60 votes.National GOP giveaway to the rich policy, dumbass.

All our problems come from 35 years of ruining the non-rich and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. Democrat cities and states are not immune of course...
Last edited:
What governments don't rely on capitalism to some extent? Simply using fiat money is a capital convenience.
Where does socialism work?
Every successful modern country, like Scandinavia Germany France Australia New Zealand Canada Japan..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....

So what's the hold up? Are you being held here against your will? Should we send help?
Instead of being stupid why not consider why we are the only rich country with no Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap college and training, national ID card to end illegal immigration? And the most unequal and worst upward ? scumbag GOP and dupes like you...
Good news and bad news, we already have great Health Care, daycare parental leave, living wages, and cheap college. Although none of it is free….dumbass.
You are out of your tiny little brain washed mind, super duper.
What governments don't rely on capitalism to some extent? Simply using fiat money is a capital convenience.
Where does socialism work?
Every successful modern country, like Scandinavia Germany France Australia New Zealand Canada Japan..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....

So what's the hold up? Are you being held here against your will? Should we send help?
Instead of being stupid why not consider why we are the only rich country with no Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap college and training, national ID card to end illegal immigration? And the most unequal and worst upward ? scumbag GOP and dupes like you...
We don’t have free health care because we ended slavery years ago, you can’t force doctors to see people.. silly socialist lol
And you cant force my to buy anything silly Democrat haha
Who said anything about free health care, super duper? You're like Pavlov's dog...
Where does socialism work?
Every successful modern country, like Scandinavia Germany France Australia New Zealand Canada Japan..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....

So what's the hold up? Are you being held here against your will? Should we send help?
Instead of being stupid why not consider why we are the only rich country with no Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap college and training, national ID card to end illegal immigration? And the most unequal and worst upward ? scumbag GOP and dupes like you...
We don’t have free health care because we ended slavery years ago, you can’t force doctors to see people.. silly socialist lol
And you cant force my to buy anything silly Democrat haha
Who said anything about free health care, super duper? You're like Pavlov's dog...

You don't have to say it, we know how you fricken clowns operate.
What governments don't rely on capitalism to some extent? Simply using fiat money is a capital convenience.
Where does socialism work?
Every successful modern country, like Scandinavia Germany France Australia New Zealand Canada Japan..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....
The correct answer is that Socialism doesn't work anywhere, because of the economic calculation problem, and the fact that taxes result in diminishing returns the higher you raise them. The government has no way to measure supply and demand curves, so it results in forced rationing, causing people to get little while the government pays too much, the cost then causes the government to raise taxes, but they end up getting less money the higher they raise it, causing the government to go further and further into debt. The fact that some overbloated governments do better than other overbloated governments is not a method for claiming Socialism works, especially given its colossal number of failures. The fact that some locations have yet to collapse DUE to Socialism does not mean it's working either, especially, again, due to the numerous times it has failed throughout history. Nothing works when centrally planned, it only creates a monopoly, and the fact that government is the holder of that monopoly only makes it worse than a private monopoly(Which only forms due to government interference).

I'd also like to point out that you CLAIM that those specific locations are Socialist, however having centralized Healthcare is a Socialist component, but that doesn't make a place Socialist, Social control of the means of production does. In fact, New Zealand is economically freer than America. Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
So are Canada and New Zealand. You're actually making an argument against Socialism.

With that, I'll give you a handy list of socialist failures:
Afghanistan(Twice), Albania(Three times), Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia(Twice), Congo-Brazzaville, Czechoslovakia(twice), Ethiopia(twice), Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Russia, North Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Greece.

So, even if, hypothetically, you weren't being flat-out dishonest or ignorant, you'd be cherry-picking.
Special pleading, Pumpkin? Social-ism is applied Government.

We have a Command Economy. Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy.
Where is it working?
All successful rich countries except us LOL. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Of course it's been sabotaged by the GOP since.
Every successful modern country, like Scandinavia Germany France Australia New Zealand Canada Japan..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....

So what's the hold up? Are you being held here against your will? Should we send help?
Instead of being stupid why not consider why we are the only rich country with no Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap college and training, national ID card to end illegal immigration? And the most unequal and worst upward ? scumbag GOP and dupes like you...
We don’t have free health care because we ended slavery years ago, you can’t force doctors to see people.. silly socialist lol
And you cant force my to buy anything silly Democrat haha
Who said anything about free health care, super duper? You're like Pavlov's dog...

You don't have to say it, we know how you fricken clowns operate.
Well, thanks to Obamacare, in many states people under $1,400 monthly income do have Medicaid. What the hell is wrong with you people? Well I know, you are brainwashed out of your freaking mind, ignoramus.
Every successful modern country, like Scandinavia Germany France Australia New Zealand Canada Japan..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....
The correct answer is that Socialism doesn't work anywhere, because of the economic calculation problem, and the fact that taxes result in diminishing returns the higher you raise them. The government has no way to measure supply and demand curves, so it results in forced rationing, causing people to get little while the government pays too much, the cost then causes the government to raise taxes, but they end up getting less money the higher they raise it, causing the government to go further and further into debt. The fact that some overbloated governments do better than other overbloated governments is not a method for claiming Socialism works, especially given its colossal number of failures. The fact that some locations have yet to collapse DUE to Socialism does not mean it's working either, especially, again, due to the numerous times it has failed throughout history. Nothing works when centrally planned, it only creates a monopoly, and the fact that government is the holder of that monopoly only makes it worse than a private monopoly(Which only forms due to government interference).

I'd also like to point out that you CLAIM that those specific locations are Socialist, however having centralized Healthcare is a Socialist component, but that doesn't make a place Socialist, Social control of the means of production does. In fact, New Zealand is economically freer than America. Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
So are Canada and New Zealand. You're actually making an argument against Socialism.

With that, I'll give you a handy list of socialist failures:
Afghanistan(Twice), Albania(Three times), Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia(Twice), Congo-Brazzaville, Czechoslovakia(twice), Ethiopia(twice), Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Russia, North Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Greece.

So, even if, hypothetically, you weren't being flat-out dishonest or ignorant, you'd be cherry-picking.
Special pleading, Pumpkin? Social-ism is applied Government.

We have a Command Economy. Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy.
Where is it working?
Everywhere there is Government. AnCap is still vaporware not socialism.
So why are veterans trying to get private care? And no more VA? Why do private schools work better then public? Hmmmm
Because the GOP under funds every public institution like that. All to save their precious rich people, super duper.
So what's the hold up? Are you being held here against your will? Should we send help?
Instead of being stupid why not consider why we are the only rich country with no Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap college and training, national ID card to end illegal immigration? And the most unequal and worst upward ? scumbag GOP and dupes like you...
We don’t have free health care because we ended slavery years ago, you can’t force doctors to see people.. silly socialist lol
And you cant force my to buy anything silly Democrat haha
Who said anything about free health care, super duper? You're like Pavlov's dog...

You don't have to say it, we know how you fricken clowns operate.
Well, thanks to Obamacare, in many states people under $1,400 monthly income do have Medicaid. What the hell is wrong with you people? Well I know, you are brainwashed out of your freaking mind, ignoramus.

Good to know you've made the cut.
Instead of being stupid why not consider why we are the only rich country with no Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap college and training, national ID card to end illegal immigration? And the most unequal and worst upward ? scumbag GOP and dupes like you...
We don’t have free health care because we ended slavery years ago, you can’t force doctors to see people.. silly socialist lol
And you cant force my to buy anything silly Democrat haha
Who said anything about free health care, super duper? You're like Pavlov's dog...

You don't have to say it, we know how you fricken clowns operate.
Well, thanks to Obamacare, in many states people under $1,400 monthly income do have Medicaid. What the hell is wrong with you people? Well I know, you are brainwashed out of your freaking mind, ignoramus.

Good to know you've made the cut.
Just because you can't see beyond the end of your nose doesn't mean I can't. Idiot. I'm on Medicare and retired, d****** dupe.
Here's a fact. Mitch MC voted 6 times to raise his own pay...... And 15 times against raising the min wage
Every successful modern country, like Scandinavia Germany France Australia New Zealand Canada Japan..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....
The correct answer is that Socialism doesn't work anywhere, because of the economic calculation problem, and the fact that taxes result in diminishing returns the higher you raise them. The government has no way to measure supply and demand curves, so it results in forced rationing, causing people to get little while the government pays too much, the cost then causes the government to raise taxes, but they end up getting less money the higher they raise it, causing the government to go further and further into debt. The fact that some overbloated governments do better than other overbloated governments is not a method for claiming Socialism works, especially given its colossal number of failures. The fact that some locations have yet to collapse DUE to Socialism does not mean it's working either, especially, again, due to the numerous times it has failed throughout history. Nothing works when centrally planned, it only creates a monopoly, and the fact that government is the holder of that monopoly only makes it worse than a private monopoly(Which only forms due to government interference).

I'd also like to point out that you CLAIM that those specific locations are Socialist, however having centralized Healthcare is a Socialist component, but that doesn't make a place Socialist, Social control of the means of production does. In fact, New Zealand is economically freer than America. Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
So are Canada and New Zealand. You're actually making an argument against Socialism.

With that, I'll give you a handy list of socialist failures:
Afghanistan(Twice), Albania(Three times), Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia(Twice), Congo-Brazzaville, Czechoslovakia(twice), Ethiopia(twice), Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Russia, North Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Greece.

So, even if, hypothetically, you weren't being flat-out dishonest or ignorant, you'd be cherry-picking.
Those countries are communist, you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur
Socialism just means good democratic government at this point. Faire capitalism with good benefits and a good safety net. Most countries in Europe have parties called socialist that are like that. Social Democrats are the same.zzzzzzzz. Except in GOP dupe world.
Communist, as defined in the Communist Manifesto, and as practiced in the past, AND as advocated by Communists TODAY is a stateless society in which there is no currency and no government, NONE of the things which you claim are Communist are actually communist, they are the PROPERLY applied Socialism, by definition, and by the actual components of the word. Socialism is Social Control of the means of production, which all or most of the Nations you're pointing to LACK. You also failed to provide an argument against statements regarding the Economic Calculation Problem which proves that Government programs do not work, so it's nice to know that you're actually aware of that colossal problem and just don't care.

Straight-up misusing the word Socialist doesn't change it's meaning, it only means that you're ignorant or dishonest. It's a failed attempt to normalize Socialism and pretend it works, while also distancing the Socialist movement from their clear frequent failures by conflating and changing different terms. The problem you're facing here is that none of the terms you're trying to conflate actually work.

I also find it hilarious you're calling me brainwashed considering the government and the state-controlled MSM are the ones advocating for Socialism, while I've taken a position separate from the GOP and Democrat platform. The amount of self-awareness you lack is incredible, you even failed to open your argument with anything but an adhom attack.
I will go with the definition known by all the other rich countries in the world, not brainwashed provincial GOP dupe world, dupe. "Now we are all socialists!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
You apparently can't make a rational argument, likely because you're not bothering to actually read my posts. The politicians are going against the components which make up the word, and previous application of the system throughout history. Social, as in Society or organization, referring to the type of control over the means of production, as in supposedly controlled by society as a whole, and Ism, referring to doctrine. The doctrine of Social Control. This is backed up by Wikipedia, and practically every dictionary.

As I said, your conflation of Socialism and Social Democracy are completely erroneous. Your acceptance of the Finland Prime-Minister's definition over that of the actual meaning and definition based on the components that make up the word is an appeal to authority or appeal to popularity fallacy, take your pick, a fallacy all the same.

Also, calling me a GOP dupe is, much like all of your arguments so far, erroneous. I'm an Anarchist.
Those countries are communist, you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur
Socialism just means good democratic government at this point. Faire capitalism with good benefits and a good safety net. Most countries in Europe have parties called socialist that are like that. Social Democrats are the same.zzzzzzzz. Except in GOP dupe world.
So how come ordinary poor people used to live in Boston in private housing, but today in mostly left wing democrat Boston the poor can’t afford the rent? And they are so uneducated they aren’t even protesting?
National GOP giveaway to the rich policy, dumbass. 35 years of ruining the non-rich and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. Democrat cities and states are not immune of course...
So your just spout off with noting pertaining to what I asked ... the reason why they poor can’t afford rent is because of building codes Democrats have implemented in poor Democrat towns.. they have destroyed education to the extent they the voters are to stupid to protest the Jim crows laws they have implemented...
Actually, dumbass, the GOP has dominated everything the last 35 years. With their reconciliation and filibustering laws passed by the GOP, it only takes 51 votes in the Senate for them to cut taxes and services on the nonrich, and so easy to block reform by the Democrats, who needs 60 votes. The GOP cut taxes on the rich, so federal tax revenue and federal aid to the states goes down, and state and local taxes which kill the Non rich go up. Goodbye middle class and our infrastructure. Wake up and smell the coffee, super dupe.
Lol taxes ... us poor which I am don’t need you to take more from the guy that employees me.. I need less restrictions that Democrats have put on the poor. They only cater to the rich
Those countries are communist, you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur
Socialism just means good democratic government at this point. Faire capitalism with good benefits and a good safety net. Most countries in Europe have parties called socialist that are like that. Social Democrats are the same.zzzzzzzz. Except in GOP dupe world.
So how come ordinary poor people used to live in Boston in private housing, but today in mostly left wing democrat Boston the poor can’t afford the rent? And they are so uneducated they aren’t even protesting?
National GOP giveaway to the rich policy, dumbass. 35 years of ruining the non-rich and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. Democrat cities and states are not immune of course...
So your just spout off with noting pertaining to what I asked ... the reason why they poor can’t afford rent is because of building codes Democrats have implemented in poor Democrat towns.. they have destroyed education to the extent they the voters are to stupid to protest the Jim crows laws they have implemented...
most of that has happened in the last 35 years as the country and its people go to hell under your BS GOP garbage giveaway to the rich policies, brainwashed functional moron. Like cutting spending on everything, like low cost housing duh.... All to save your precious greedy idiot GOP rich, super dupe.
The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers. | Fact Left

As you can see everything about the middle class has gone to hell since 1982... If the GOP didn't have its BS giant propaganda machine and silly chumps like you, they wouldn't have anything.
Sorry gop isn’t in Boston, Chicago, Detroit. Camden, Baltimore.. all Democrat laws and they have a shit load of money
The correct answer is that Socialism doesn't work anywhere, because of the economic calculation problem, and the fact that taxes result in diminishing returns the higher you raise them. The government has no way to measure supply and demand curves, so it results in forced rationing, causing people to get little while the government pays too much, the cost then causes the government to raise taxes, but they end up getting less money the higher they raise it, causing the government to go further and further into debt. The fact that some overbloated governments do better than other overbloated governments is not a method for claiming Socialism works, especially given its colossal number of failures. The fact that some locations have yet to collapse DUE to Socialism does not mean it's working either, especially, again, due to the numerous times it has failed throughout history. Nothing works when centrally planned, it only creates a monopoly, and the fact that government is the holder of that monopoly only makes it worse than a private monopoly(Which only forms due to government interference).

I'd also like to point out that you CLAIM that those specific locations are Socialist, however having centralized Healthcare is a Socialist component, but that doesn't make a place Socialist, Social control of the means of production does. In fact, New Zealand is economically freer than America. Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
So are Canada and New Zealand. You're actually making an argument against Socialism.

With that, I'll give you a handy list of socialist failures:
Afghanistan(Twice), Albania(Three times), Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia(Twice), Congo-Brazzaville, Czechoslovakia(twice), Ethiopia(twice), Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Russia, North Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Greece.

So, even if, hypothetically, you weren't being flat-out dishonest or ignorant, you'd be cherry-picking.
Those countries are communist, you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur
Socialism just means good democratic government at this point. Faire capitalism with good benefits and a good safety net. Most countries in Europe have parties called socialist that are like that. Social Democrats are the same.zzzzzzzz. Except in GOP dupe world.
Communist, as defined in the Communist Manifesto, and as practiced in the past, AND as advocated by Communists TODAY is a stateless society in which there is no currency and no government, NONE of the things which you claim are Communist are actually communist, they are the PROPERLY applied Socialism, by definition, and by the actual components of the word. Socialism is Social Control of the means of production, which all or most of the Nations you're pointing to LACK. You also failed to provide an argument against statements regarding the Economic Calculation Problem which proves that Government programs do not work, so it's nice to know that you're actually aware of that colossal problem and just don't care.

Straight-up misusing the word Socialist doesn't change it's meaning, it only means that you're ignorant or dishonest. It's a failed attempt to normalize Socialism and pretend it works, while also distancing the Socialist movement from their clear frequent failures by conflating and changing different terms. The problem you're facing here is that none of the terms you're trying to conflate actually work.

I also find it hilarious you're calling me brainwashed considering the government and the state-controlled MSM are the ones advocating for Socialism, while I've taken a position separate from the GOP and Democrat platform. The amount of self-awareness you lack is incredible, you even failed to open your argument with anything but an adhom attack.
I will go with the definition known by all the other rich countries in the world, not brainwashed provincial GOP dupe world, dupe. "Now we are all socialists!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
You apparently can't make a rational argument, likely because you're not bothering to actually read my posts. The politicians are going against the components which make up the word, and previous application of the system throughout history. Social, as in Society or organization, referring to the type of control over the means of production, as in supposedly controlled by society as a whole, and Ism, referring to doctrine. The doctrine of Social Control. This is backed up by Wikipedia, and practically every dictionary.

As I said, your conflation of Socialism and Social Democracy are completely erroneous. Your acceptance of the Finland Prime-Minister's definition over that of the actual meaning and definition based on the components that make up the word is an appeal to authority or appeal to popularity fallacy, take your pick, a fallacy all the same.

Also, calling me a GOP dupe is, much like all of your arguments so far, erroneous. I'm an Anarchist.
there been 3 definitions of socialism one back in Marxist ideology before the USSR. Then the USSR became the definition of socialism. Since the 20s and the discovery that the USSR was in no way democratic, we have the newest definition of socialism, fair democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Everywhere but GOP dupe world, dupe. Read the article in Wikipedia, it agrees with every Poli SCI and history department in the world. Except liberty University I suppose.
Those countries are communist, you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur
Socialism just means good democratic government at this point. Faire capitalism with good benefits and a good safety net. Most countries in Europe have parties called socialist that are like that. Social Democrats are the same.zzzzzzzz. Except in GOP dupe world.
Communist, as defined in the Communist Manifesto, and as practiced in the past, AND as advocated by Communists TODAY is a stateless society in which there is no currency and no government, NONE of the things which you claim are Communist are actually communist, they are the PROPERLY applied Socialism, by definition, and by the actual components of the word. Socialism is Social Control of the means of production, which all or most of the Nations you're pointing to LACK. You also failed to provide an argument against statements regarding the Economic Calculation Problem which proves that Government programs do not work, so it's nice to know that you're actually aware of that colossal problem and just don't care.

Straight-up misusing the word Socialist doesn't change it's meaning, it only means that you're ignorant or dishonest. It's a failed attempt to normalize Socialism and pretend it works, while also distancing the Socialist movement from their clear frequent failures by conflating and changing different terms. The problem you're facing here is that none of the terms you're trying to conflate actually work.

I also find it hilarious you're calling me brainwashed considering the government and the state-controlled MSM are the ones advocating for Socialism, while I've taken a position separate from the GOP and Democrat platform. The amount of self-awareness you lack is incredible, you even failed to open your argument with anything but an adhom attack.
I will go with the definition known by all the other rich countries in the world, not brainwashed provincial GOP dupe world, dupe. "Now we are all socialists!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
You apparently can't make a rational argument, likely because you're not bothering to actually read my posts. The politicians are going against the components which make up the word, and previous application of the system throughout history. Social, as in Society or organization, referring to the type of control over the means of production, as in supposedly controlled by society as a whole, and Ism, referring to doctrine. The doctrine of Social Control. This is backed up by Wikipedia, and practically every dictionary.

As I said, your conflation of Socialism and Social Democracy are completely erroneous. Your acceptance of the Finland Prime-Minister's definition over that of the actual meaning and definition based on the components that make up the word is an appeal to authority or appeal to popularity fallacy, take your pick, a fallacy all the same.

Also, calling me a GOP dupe is, much like all of your arguments so far, erroneous. I'm an Anarchist.
there been 3 definitions of socialism one back in Marxist ideology before the USSR. Then the USSR became the definition of socialism. Since the 20s and the discovery that the USSR was in no way democratic, we have the newest definition of socialism, fair democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Everywhere but GOP dupe world, dupe. Read the article in Wikipedia, it agrees with every Poli SCI and history department in the world. Except liberty University.
First, as I already detailed, definitions do not change in accordance with your preference on their usage, or the preference of the ruling class. Definitions are consistent, otherwise meanings are completely arbitrary and wouldn't matter. As I have already stated, the meaning of the word by its components are as I've already explained to you, and regardless of your feelings on the matter, it's the factual way to use it.







So, how many definitions, in how many dictionaries, do I have to go through before coming to your completely arbitrary, erroneous, and outright dishonest usage of the word? Is it backed by anything other than your politicians? Should we let all of the dictionaries know that your feelings actually dictate the meanings of words and that they should get with the program, since it's better to be wrong now, so that things suit your personal false narrative, or that of the authoritarians in the ruling class? Are the dictionaries not considered "everywhere", or are you just SAYING everywhere because only the opinions and narratives of the ruling class matter, and you actually have nothing to back up your claim other than "Non-socialist Finland's ruler said so"?

Secondly, capitalism is already "fair" because nobody is favored, anyone can succeed based on their own merits, decisions, and actions, government force is only used to make things 'un-fair', because regulations, regardless of intent, always hurt smaller, less-established business more, due to increasing the cost of production and distribution. The only "fair" capitalism is that which is entirely independent of government.

Thirdly, a "safety net" can be created by any individual using their own money, one isn't required to be created by the government, and even if it was, the economic calculation problem would prevent it from being effective or efficient, because the government has no method of measuring supply or demand curves, causing it to misallocate resources, creating artificial scarcity and rationing. I noticed that I've mentioned it several times, and you refuse to provide a counter-argument, so you either know I'm right and are being completely dishonest, or you're not reading my post because your only intent here is to spew your propaganda and adhom attacks.

Fourthly, you clearly didn't read the Wikipedia article, because:

It says exactly what I've been trying to explain to you. I see you don't even read your own sources, otherwise you'd have some amount of self-awareness.

You keep calling me a "GOP dupe", yet GOP practices are completely consistent with your own wishes, since regardless of who the ruler is, they simply increase regulations in accordance with the government's desire for power. I'm an Anarchist, the GOP, Democrats, and government as a whole are far from being in agreement with me.
Socialism just means good democratic government at this point. Faire capitalism with good benefits and a good safety net. Most countries in Europe have parties called socialist that are like that. Social Democrats are the same.zzzzzzzz. Except in GOP dupe world.
Communist, as defined in the Communist Manifesto, and as practiced in the past, AND as advocated by Communists TODAY is a stateless society in which there is no currency and no government, NONE of the things which you claim are Communist are actually communist, they are the PROPERLY applied Socialism, by definition, and by the actual components of the word. Socialism is Social Control of the means of production, which all or most of the Nations you're pointing to LACK. You also failed to provide an argument against statements regarding the Economic Calculation Problem which proves that Government programs do not work, so it's nice to know that you're actually aware of that colossal problem and just don't care.

Straight-up misusing the word Socialist doesn't change it's meaning, it only means that you're ignorant or dishonest. It's a failed attempt to normalize Socialism and pretend it works, while also distancing the Socialist movement from their clear frequent failures by conflating and changing different terms. The problem you're facing here is that none of the terms you're trying to conflate actually work.

I also find it hilarious you're calling me brainwashed considering the government and the state-controlled MSM are the ones advocating for Socialism, while I've taken a position separate from the GOP and Democrat platform. The amount of self-awareness you lack is incredible, you even failed to open your argument with anything but an adhom attack.
I will go with the definition known by all the other rich countries in the world, not brainwashed provincial GOP dupe world, dupe. "Now we are all socialists!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
You apparently can't make a rational argument, likely because you're not bothering to actually read my posts. The politicians are going against the components which make up the word, and previous application of the system throughout history. Social, as in Society or organization, referring to the type of control over the means of production, as in supposedly controlled by society as a whole, and Ism, referring to doctrine. The doctrine of Social Control. This is backed up by Wikipedia, and practically every dictionary.

As I said, your conflation of Socialism and Social Democracy are completely erroneous. Your acceptance of the Finland Prime-Minister's definition over that of the actual meaning and definition based on the components that make up the word is an appeal to authority or appeal to popularity fallacy, take your pick, a fallacy all the same.

Also, calling me a GOP dupe is, much like all of your arguments so far, erroneous. I'm an Anarchist.
there been 3 definitions of socialism one back in Marxist ideology before the USSR. Then the USSR became the definition of socialism. Since the 20s and the discovery that the USSR was in no way democratic, we have the newest definition of socialism, fair democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Everywhere but GOP dupe world, dupe. Read the article in Wikipedia, it agrees with every Poli SCI and history department in the world. Except liberty University.
First, as I already detailed, definitions do not change in accordance with your preference on their usage, or the preference of the ruling class. Definitions are consistent, otherwise meanings are completely arbitrary and wouldn't matter. As I have already stated, the meaning of the word by its components are as I've already explained to you, and regardless of your feelings on the matter, it's the factual way to use it.







So, how many definitions, in how many dictionaries, do I have to go through before coming to your completely arbitrary, erroneous, and outright dishonest usage of the word? Is it backed by anything other than your politicians? Should we let all of the dictionaries know that your feelings actually dictate the meanings of words and that they should get with the program, since it's better to be wrong now, so that things suit your personal false narrative, or that of the authoritarians in the ruling class? Are the dictionaries not considered "everywhere", or are you just SAYING everywhere because only the opinions and narratives of the ruling class matter, and you actually have nothing to back up your claim other than "Non-socialist Finland's ruler said so"?

Secondly, capitalism is already "fair" because nobody is favored, anyone can succeed based on their own merits, decisions, and actions, government force is only used to make things 'un-fair', because regulations, regardless of intent, always hurt smaller, less-established business more, due to increasing the cost of production and distribution. The only "fair" capitalism is that which is entirely independent of government.

Thirdly, a "safety net" can be created by any individual using their own money, one isn't required to be created by the government, and even if it was, the economic calculation problem would prevent it from being effective or efficient, because the government has no method of measuring supply or demand curves, causing it to misallocate resources, creating artificial scarcity and rationing. I noticed that I've mentioned it several times, and you refuse to provide a counter-argument, so you either know I'm right and are being completely dishonest, or you're not reading my post because your only intent here is to spew your propaganda and adhom attacks.

Fourthly, you clearly didn't read the Wikipedia article, because:

It says exactly what I've been trying to explain to you. I see you don't even read your own sources, otherwise you'd have some amount of self-awareness.

You keep calling me a "GOP dupe", yet GOP practices are completely consistent with your own wishes, since regardless of who the ruler is, they simply increase regulations in accordance with the government's desire for power. I'm an Anarchist, the GOP, Democrats, and government as a whole are far from being in agreement with me.
Yep, owned OR regulated by the community. Used to be owned, now regulated. Wake up and smell the coffee.

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