Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

Socialism, now defined as fair capitalism with a good safety net everywhere but GOP dupe world, works great in every other Rich modern country. Only GOP America keeps wrecking the world economy and its own middle class and infrastructure, all to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying taxes.
You conceded that I'm correct, then proceeded to repeat the same rehashed dishonest garbage to someone else. So, you're not just ignorant, you're a dishonest, lowdown, lying snake. Nobody should bother having discourse with you, since you're intentionally repeating things that you know to be false.

You ignore what you don't want to acknowledge, make no arguments to support your points, and simply repeat yourself to others when you've lost. You don't care about honesty, you don't care about discussion, and you don't care about facts. Definitions don't change according to your feelings or they would be arbitrary, and apparently neither does your disgusting dishonesty and disposition as a propaganda-spreading parrot of the ruling class. Go back to polishing your master's jack-boots, you filthy animal.
Maybe you should catch up to reality in the world these days. Socialism is defined as a government that owns or regulates business and industry. That used to be own but now means regulated.
As I said before, it's always the same, otherwise it's arbitrary and therefor has no meaning, and by extension language would have no meaning, which keeps it consistent. Your 'argument' is that because one or two of the screenshots I took had that tacked on, and you picked it out of the group, you therefor agree with it. Different websites choosing to keep it or remove it doesn't change the definition of the word, otherwise, again, it's arbitrary.
Ask any socialist
Yes, ask anyone whose narrative it suits, and they'll tell me that definitions change according to who you ask, how consistent.

You see, everything has to be consistent and non-contradictory, otherwise it's meaningless to argue about any of it. For example, anyone could conclude right now that everything you say is meaningless because in your last post, you just went from "It's now just fair capitalism" to "Yeah, now it's REGULATED" because you couldn't find anything to fit your erroneous claim. Similarly, ethics can't change from location to location based on the will of some ruler because that would make ethics arbitrary, and ethics would become meaningless, and that would allow someone to justify the holocaust.

Politicians tend to use words incorrectly because parrots like you will repeat it. For example, Dark Angel earlier mentioned that Liberal used to be those who opposed the State while Conservative was the statists. Then, in the 1930s, it was used to describe those who were Socialists, and therefor wanted the government to own the means of production. The misuse and conflation of words is just another method for people to make discourse into a confusing and meaningless mess.

All of that said, no, the definition did not change simply because a guy in Finland, and yes he is just a guy, misused the word, and one or two websites said "Or regulated". regardless of which you used, your usage was incorrect, because as I explained, definitions do not change, otherwise they are entirely meaningless.

and... I never said you were right and I was wrong d******. I have a masters in history and you read an article once lol...
You don't have to say I was right, the fact that you agreed with me and ignored the vast majority of my arguments while making no counterpoints whatsoever, and using no citations, shows that I'm right.

Given your exhibited comprehension level, I highly doubt you have a Masters in anything, however whether you do or not doesn't matter, because claiming some level of education is just an appeal to authority fallacy. Even if, hypothetically, you had the credentials that you claim, simply having those credentials isn't an argument and doesn't automatically make you right.
You are a great typing but you are absolutely idiotic. Of course definitions change idiot.
That's not an argument, that's a statement and an adhom. In order to refute my argument, you need to make an argument that definitions do change, however, I already explained how that makes the meanings arbitrary and therefor meaningless, so you'd have to refute that as well. If you can't debate, you have no reason to be here.
Well I also am a linguist and I speak French and Spanish and I'm telling you the meanings change over time and socialism is one of the best examples. France has had a Socialist Party since 1900 and a Communist Party since the twenties or something, and they know what they are doing with this stuff. There is a section in Wikipedia explaining the history of the definition and it is just what I have been telling you. Because it is well established fact.
beside Obamacare, Democrats have basically passed nothing since LBJ, dunce. Only time they've had 60 votes.National GOP giveaway to the rich policy, dumbass.

All our problems come from 35 years of ruining the non-rich and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. Democrat cities and states are not immune of course...


What makes you think that Obamacare wasn't the biggest give away program to the rich that was ever passed and is owned by the Democratic party?



Facts and reality... Obamacare includes a 3.8% tax on the rich, and the best part of it is subsidies for the middle class and working class, and Medicaid for those with less income than $1,400 or so. Of course you have no idea what Obamacare is, just the usual brainwash.



A 3.8% tax on profits that went up by at least 300% for those invested in the industry while those not invested, namely the middle class, are paying the toll. Wow!!! That really hurt the rich.



Well it is the GOP very capitalist plan, so it's not surprising. Those people invested in big health and big Pharma are now getting used to being regulated and having their profits limited, and there will be more regulation as time goes on. It will be tinkered with forever. Until single-payer...

Why can’t everyone pay for health care

Because we have to cover the people with pre
existing conditions and are sick and the more people we get paying for insurance the better. Catastrophic care plans have been the way things are going.... We really should get single-payer as part of income taxes like every other modern country basically.

What makes you think that Obamacare wasn't the biggest give away program to the rich that was ever passed and is owned by the Democratic party?



Facts and reality... Obamacare includes a 3.8% tax on the rich, and the best part of it is subsidies for the middle class and working class, and Medicaid for those with less income than $1,400 or so. Of course you have no idea what Obamacare is, just the usual brainwash.



A 3.8% tax on profits that went up by at least 300% for those invested in the industry while those not invested, namely the middle class, are paying the toll. Wow!!! That really hurt the rich.



Well it is the GOP very capitalist plan, so it's not surprising. Those people invested in big health and big Pharma are now getting used to being regulated and having their profits limited, and there will be more regulation as time goes on. It will be tinkered with forever. Until single-payer...

Why can’t everyone pay for health care

Because we have to cover the people with pre
existing conditions and are sick and the more people we get paying for insurance the better. Catastrophic care plans have been the way things are going.... We really should get single-payer as part of income taxes like every other modern country basically.

If you have an accident or cancer without insurance you lose everything, not the way to go really.. in Massachusetts you're pretty good 4 health care right? I used to live in Boston. Jobi liquor on Cambridge Street by Joyce Street. 1978
I will go with the definition known by all the other rich countries in the world, not brainwashed provincial GOP dupe world, dupe. "Now we are all socialists!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
You apparently can't make a rational argument, likely because you're not bothering to actually read my posts. The politicians are going against the components which make up the word, and previous application of the system throughout history. Social, as in Society or organization, referring to the type of control over the means of production, as in supposedly controlled by society as a whole, and Ism, referring to doctrine. The doctrine of Social Control. This is backed up by Wikipedia, and practically every dictionary.

As I said, your conflation of Socialism and Social Democracy are completely erroneous. Your acceptance of the Finland Prime-Minister's definition over that of the actual meaning and definition based on the components that make up the word is an appeal to authority or appeal to popularity fallacy, take your pick, a fallacy all the same.

Also, calling me a GOP dupe is, much like all of your arguments so far, erroneous. I'm an Anarchist.
there been 3 definitions of socialism one back in Marxist ideology before the USSR. Then the USSR became the definition of socialism. Since the 20s and the discovery that the USSR was in no way democratic, we have the newest definition of socialism, fair democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Everywhere but GOP dupe world, dupe. Read the article in Wikipedia, it agrees with every Poli SCI and history department in the world. Except liberty University I suppose.
It will never work sorry
Socialism, now defined as fair capitalism with a good safety net everywhere but GOP dupe world, works great in every other Rich modern country. Only GOP America keeps wrecking the world economy and its own middle class and infrastructure, all to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying taxes.
It doesn’t work veterans are begging to leave the VA for private care. All progressive towns are failing

What makes you think that Obamacare wasn't the biggest give away program to the rich that was ever passed and is owned by the Democratic party?



Facts and reality... Obamacare includes a 3.8% tax on the rich, and the best part of it is subsidies for the middle class and working class, and Medicaid for those with less income than $1,400 or so. Of course you have no idea what Obamacare is, just the usual brainwash.



A 3.8% tax on profits that went up by at least 300% for those invested in the industry while those not invested, namely the middle class, are paying the toll. Wow!!! That really hurt the rich.



Well it is the GOP very capitalist plan, so it's not surprising. Those people invested in big health and big Pharma are now getting used to being regulated and having their profits limited, and there will be more regulation as time goes on. It will be tinkered with forever. Until single-payer...

Why can’t everyone pay for health care

Because we have to cover the people with pre
existing conditions and are sick and the more people we get paying for insurance the better. Catastrophic care plans have been the way things are going.... We really should get single-payer as part of income taxes like every other modern country basically.

You are an idiot for believing that people that barter their labor for paper scrip notes of debt should give a percentage of them to a corporate entity you lovingly worship called "gubermint" and you are even DUMBER for believing that you are "entitled" to anything that you can't provide on your own.

What is even MORE pathetic is your lack of understanding of how this debt slavery works and your ignorant belief that you can simply "tax" the ever-lovin' shit out of people to pay for your socialist utopia AND that the majority of people (that those like yourself would have to depend on to go along with this) will be fine with it. You believe in Santa Claus, don't ya?
So your just spout off with noting pertaining to what I asked ... the reason why they poor can’t afford rent is because of building codes Democrats have implemented in poor Democrat towns.. they have destroyed education to the extent they the voters are to stupid to protest the Jim crows laws they have implemented...
beside Obamacare, Democrats have basically passed nothing since LBJ, dunce. Only time they've had 60 votes.National GOP giveaway to the rich policy, dumbass.

All our problems come from 35 years of ruining the non-rich and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. Democrat cities and states are not immune of course...


What makes you think that Obamacare wasn't the biggest give away program to the rich that was ever passed and is owned by the Democratic party?



Facts and reality... Obamacare includes a 3.8% tax on the rich, and the best part of it is subsidies for the middle class and working class, and Medicaid for those with less income than $1,400 or so. Of course you have no idea what Obamacare is, just the usual brainwash.



A 3.8% tax on profits that went up by at least 300% for those invested in the industry while those not invested, namely the middle class, are paying the toll. Wow!!! That really hurt the rich.



Well it is the GOP very capitalist plan, so it's not surprising. Those people invested in big health and big Pharma are now getting used to being regulated and having their profits limited, and there will be more regulation as time goes on. It will be tinkered with forever. Until single-payer...


As I recall the GOP opposed the legislative bill that had to be passed so everyone could find out what was inside as your former and now current Democratic house speaker championed. For someone who 'says' he/she has a masters in history you don't remember events very well.


So your just spout off with noting pertaining to what I asked ... the reason why they poor can’t afford rent is because of building codes Democrats have implemented in poor Democrat towns.. they have destroyed education to the extent they the voters are to stupid to protest the Jim crows laws they have implemented...
beside Obamacare, Democrats have basically passed nothing since LBJ, dunce. Only time they've had 60 votes.National GOP giveaway to the rich policy, dumbass.

All our problems come from 35 years of ruining the non-rich and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. Democrat cities and states are not immune of course...


What makes you think that Obamacare wasn't the biggest give away program to the rich that was ever passed and is owned by the Democratic party?



Facts and reality... Obamacare includes a 3.8% tax on the rich, and the best part of it is subsidies for the middle class and working class, and Medicaid for those with less income than $1,400 or so. Of course you have no idea what Obamacare is, just the usual brainwash.



A 3.8% tax on profits that went up by at least 300% for those invested in the industry while those not invested, namely the middle class, are paying the toll. Wow!!! That really hurt the rich.


and you're wrong of course.
Obamacare imposed two taxes on the well-to-do to help pay for the expansion of health coverage to millions of low- and moderate-income Americans. It levied a 3.8% tax on investment income and a 0.9% Medicare payroll tax on incomes over $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for married couples who file jointly.Jul 13, 2017
Senate GOP keeps Obamacare taxes on the rich - Business - CNN.com


Yeah. Right after they made sure their income jumped to offset the new tax your grand legislation imposed. As I stated earlier... Wow!!! You really socked it to them!


You conceded that I'm correct, then proceeded to repeat the same rehashed dishonest garbage to someone else. So, you're not just ignorant, you're a dishonest, lowdown, lying snake. Nobody should bother having discourse with you, since you're intentionally repeating things that you know to be false.

You ignore what you don't want to acknowledge, make no arguments to support your points, and simply repeat yourself to others when you've lost. You don't care about honesty, you don't care about discussion, and you don't care about facts. Definitions don't change according to your feelings or they would be arbitrary, and apparently neither does your disgusting dishonesty and disposition as a propaganda-spreading parrot of the ruling class. Go back to polishing your master's jack-boots, you filthy animal.
Maybe you should catch up to reality in the world these days. Socialism is defined as a government that owns or regulates business and industry. That used to be own but now means regulated.
As I said before, it's always the same, otherwise it's arbitrary and therefor has no meaning, and by extension language would have no meaning, which keeps it consistent. Your 'argument' is that because one or two of the screenshots I took had that tacked on, and you picked it out of the group, you therefor agree with it. Different websites choosing to keep it or remove it doesn't change the definition of the word, otherwise, again, it's arbitrary.
Ask any socialist
Yes, ask anyone whose narrative it suits, and they'll tell me that definitions change according to who you ask, how consistent.

You see, everything has to be consistent and non-contradictory, otherwise it's meaningless to argue about any of it. For example, anyone could conclude right now that everything you say is meaningless because in your last post, you just went from "It's now just fair capitalism" to "Yeah, now it's REGULATED" because you couldn't find anything to fit your erroneous claim. Similarly, ethics can't change from location to location based on the will of some ruler because that would make ethics arbitrary, and ethics would become meaningless, and that would allow someone to justify the holocaust.

Politicians tend to use words incorrectly because parrots like you will repeat it. For example, Dark Angel earlier mentioned that Liberal used to be those who opposed the State while Conservative was the statists. Then, in the 1930s, it was used to describe those who were Socialists, and therefor wanted the government to own the means of production. The misuse and conflation of words is just another method for people to make discourse into a confusing and meaningless mess.

All of that said, no, the definition did not change simply because a guy in Finland, and yes he is just a guy, misused the word, and one or two websites said "Or regulated". regardless of which you used, your usage was incorrect, because as I explained, definitions do not change, otherwise they are entirely meaningless.

and... I never said you were right and I was wrong d******. I have a masters in history and you read an article once lol...
You don't have to say I was right, the fact that you agreed with me and ignored the vast majority of my arguments while making no counterpoints whatsoever, and using no citations, shows that I'm right.

Given your exhibited comprehension level, I highly doubt you have a Masters in anything, however whether you do or not doesn't matter, because claiming some level of education is just an appeal to authority fallacy. Even if, hypothetically, you had the credentials that you claim, simply having those credentials isn't an argument and doesn't automatically make you right.
You are a great typing but you are absolutely idiotic. Of course definitions change idiot.
That's not an argument, that's a statement and an adhom. In order to refute my argument, you need to make an argument that definitions do change, however, I already explained how that makes the meanings arbitrary and therefor meaningless, so you'd have to refute that as well. If you can't debate, you have no reason to be here.
Well I also am a linguist and I speak French and Spanish and I'm telling you the meanings change over time and socialism is one of the best examples. France has had a Socialist Party since 1900 and a Communist Party since the twenties or something, and they know what they are doing with this stuff. There is a section in Wikipedia explaining the history of the definition and it is just what I have been telling you. Because it is well established fact.


Oh boy! Wiki... That's an authoritative source that I'd use on my college papers.


Because we have to cover the people with pre
existing conditions and are sick and the more people we get paying for insurance the better. Catastrophic care plans have been the way things are going.... We really should get single-payer as part of income taxes like every other modern country basically.

Yes!!! Prince John does need his taxes that aren't taxes because it looks good on his/her investment portfolio.


Because we have to cover the people with pre
existing conditions and are sick and the more people we get paying for insurance the better. Catastrophic care plans have been the way things are going.... We really should get single-payer as part of income taxes like every other modern country basically.

Yes!!! Prince John does need his taxes that aren't taxes because it looks good on his/her investment portfolio.



Like every other modern country, we should have universal Health Care As a right. You GOP doops are so worried about the poor Rich LOL. The brainwash is in.
Because we have to cover the people with pre
existing conditions and are sick and the more people we get paying for insurance the better. Catastrophic care plans have been the way things are going.... We really should get single-payer as part of income taxes like every other modern country basically.

Yes!!! Prince John does need his taxes that aren't taxes because it looks good on his/her investment portfolio.



Like every other modern country, we should have universal Health Care As a right. You GOP doops are so worried about the poor Rich LOL. The brainwash is in.


If you want to demand universal health care then nationalize the industry and put all the health care workers on the military (or government pay scale that is the same wage as the military earns) scale. That would be fine by me but you might have some health care workers whining because they can no longer maintain three or four multimillion dollar mansions on their new lieutenant pay grade. A lot of them need to show their willingness to give a bit anyway in my opinion since most of them supported this grand Democratic legislation called Obamacare. Won't bother me a bit because...


Because we have to cover the people with pre
existing conditions and are sick and the more people we get paying for insurance the better. Catastrophic care plans have been the way things are going.... We really should get single-payer as part of income taxes like every other modern country basically.

Yes!!! Prince John does need his taxes that aren't taxes because it looks good on his/her investment portfolio.



Like every other modern country, we should have universal Health Care As a right. You GOP doops are so worried about the poor Rich LOL. The brainwash is in.

And you do know that we have the most expensive Health Care by far, and it sucks. 18% of GDP. In the UK it's 9%, France 12%
You conceded that I'm correct, then proceeded to repeat the same rehashed dishonest garbage to someone else. So, you're not just ignorant, you're a dishonest, lowdown, lying snake. Nobody should bother having discourse with you, since you're intentionally repeating things that you know to be false.

You ignore what you don't want to acknowledge, make no arguments to support your points, and simply repeat yourself to others when you've lost. You don't care about honesty, you don't care about discussion, and you don't care about facts. Definitions don't change according to your feelings or they would be arbitrary, and apparently neither does your disgusting dishonesty and disposition as a propaganda-spreading parrot of the ruling class. Go back to polishing your master's jack-boots, you filthy animal.
Maybe you should catch up to reality in the world these days. Socialism is defined as a government that owns or regulates business and industry. That used to be own but now means regulated.
As I said before, it's always the same, otherwise it's arbitrary and therefor has no meaning, and by extension language would have no meaning, which keeps it consistent. Your 'argument' is that because one or two of the screenshots I took had that tacked on, and you picked it out of the group, you therefor agree with it. Different websites choosing to keep it or remove it doesn't change the definition of the word, otherwise, again, it's arbitrary.
Ask any socialist
Yes, ask anyone whose narrative it suits, and they'll tell me that definitions change according to who you ask, how consistent.

You see, everything has to be consistent and non-contradictory, otherwise it's meaningless to argue about any of it. For example, anyone could conclude right now that everything you say is meaningless because in your last post, you just went from "It's now just fair capitalism" to "Yeah, now it's REGULATED" because you couldn't find anything to fit your erroneous claim. Similarly, ethics can't change from location to location based on the will of some ruler because that would make ethics arbitrary, and ethics would become meaningless, and that would allow someone to justify the holocaust.

Politicians tend to use words incorrectly because parrots like you will repeat it. For example, Dark Angel earlier mentioned that Liberal used to be those who opposed the State while Conservative was the statists. Then, in the 1930s, it was used to describe those who were Socialists, and therefor wanted the government to own the means of production. The misuse and conflation of words is just another method for people to make discourse into a confusing and meaningless mess.

All of that said, no, the definition did not change simply because a guy in Finland, and yes he is just a guy, misused the word, and one or two websites said "Or regulated". regardless of which you used, your usage was incorrect, because as I explained, definitions do not change, otherwise they are entirely meaningless.

and... I never said you were right and I was wrong d******. I have a masters in history and you read an article once lol...
You don't have to say I was right, the fact that you agreed with me and ignored the vast majority of my arguments while making no counterpoints whatsoever, and using no citations, shows that I'm right.

Given your exhibited comprehension level, I highly doubt you have a Masters in anything, however whether you do or not doesn't matter, because claiming some level of education is just an appeal to authority fallacy. Even if, hypothetically, you had the credentials that you claim, simply having those credentials isn't an argument and doesn't automatically make you right.
You are a great typing but you are absolutely idiotic. Of course definitions change idiot.
That's not an argument, that's a statement and an adhom. In order to refute my argument, you need to make an argument that definitions do change, however, I already explained how that makes the meanings arbitrary and therefor meaningless, so you'd have to refute that as well. If you can't debate, you have no reason to be here.
Well I also am a linguist and I speak French and Spanish and I'm telling you the meanings change over time and socialism is one of the best examples. France has had a Socialist Party since 1900 and a Communist Party since the twenties or something, and they know what they are doing with this stuff. There is a section in Wikipedia explaining the history of the definition and it is just what I have been telling you. Because it is well established fact.
Again, claiming you have specific credentials is not an argument, at best it's an appeal to authority fallacy.

Your example is that of the word being used differently, not of a definition changing. Specific politicians and their talking point parrots misusing a word doesn't change the definition of the word, much like hordes of uneducated people misusing the word "literally" doesn't cause it to mean "not literally". If this were the case, language would cease to have meaning, due to violating the consistency principal and the law of non-contradiction.

As I said earlier, you'll need an actual argument here, not just saying 'look, I have a major in astrophysics, I know what I'm talking about', and 'look, other people use the word wrong, therefor the definition changes'. No, you need to tell me WHY and HOW a definition can be changed instead of asserting that it can and telling me other people don't know the English language, while throwing out random credentials that you may or may not have.

Trump owns the shutdown.
Only congress can cut off funding.

All non-ignorant people know that. Do you?

Really? Congress originates funding shit-brains.....

HOLY shit??? You don't know that the House originates all spending bills????

Apparently you don't know the make-up of Congress. We'll add that to the giant pile of shit you're unaware of. BTW...do you still think a missile hit the Pentagon?
And you do know that we have the most expensive Health Care by far, and it sucks. 18% of GDP. In the UK it's 9%, France 12%


Hidden meaning in your statement is that the Democratic leadership you worship, and who's investment portfolios you increased, knew exactly what kind of rube you were and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

What makes you think that your progressive masters want any change to their grand scheme that you eagerly fulfilled for them?


Last edited:
Because we have to cover the people with pre
existing conditions and are sick and the more people we get paying for insurance the better. Catastrophic care plans have been the way things are going.... We really should get single-payer as part of income taxes like every other modern country basically.

Yes!!! Prince John does need his taxes that aren't taxes because it looks good on his/her investment portfolio.



Like every other modern country, we should have universal Health Care As a right. You GOP doops are so worried about the poor Rich LOL. The brainwash is in.


If you want to demand universal health care then nationalize the industry and put all the health care workers on the military (or government pay scale that is the same wage as the military earns) scale. That would be fine by me but you might have some health care workers whining because they can no longer maintain three or four multimillion dollar mansions on their new lieutenant pay grade. A lot of them need to show their willingness to give a bit anyway in my opinion since most of them supported this grand Democratic legislation called Obamacare. Won't bother me a bit because...



NOT lol. won't go that far but Obamacare is the framework that can be used to regulate Healthcare further. Transparency competition subsidies and regulation will get the job done in the end.
And you do know that we have the most expensive Health Care by far, and it sucks. 18% of GDP. In the UK it's 9%, France 12%


Hidden meaning in your statement is that the Democratic leadership you worship, and who's investment portfolios you increased, knew exactly what kind of rube you were and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

What makes you think that your progressive masters want any change to their grand scheme that you eagerly fulfilled for them?



And what the hell conspiracy theory would you be talking about? Fixing the old GOP scam health system is thanks enough, idiot.

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