Why do gun-enthusiasts OBJECT to registering their weapons?

All of which you progressives are trying to destroy. And when you finally succeed, as you most certainly will, then the country will begin the final fall towards a dictatorship and the guns will be the first thing confiscated.

Hope you took canned goods under your bed with you.

Why? I'm armed. You're the one who's going to get screwed up.
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Because registration leads to confiscation.
The primary reason for the 2nd Amendment was to secure "the people's" right to protect themselves and their States against a tyrannical government should the need to do so ever arise.

Given that context, what sense does it make for "the people" to register their firearms with a government that they may one day have to defend themselves against?

You're entitled to some form of opinion...albeit a bit uninformed.....However,

The 2nd amendment was mostly written to prevent the expense of the central government having a standing army (thereby relying on a militia) in case of both foreign invasions......the putting down of rebellions (look up the Shays Rebellion in Mass.) among citizens who were against taxation, slaves or Indian tribes.....and to basically have the Founders (who were all men of means) have....if needed... at the ready an almost mercenary force to quell uprisings.

In short......The Founders were NOT calling for an armed citizen militia to commit treason against the newly formed federal government, but to have that militia at the ready to fight off rebellions since the federal government did not have the money for a standing army.
Because registration leads to confiscation.

How truly, TRULY stupid......Are you morons really thinking that the federal government wants your weapons to ENSLAVE you? That storm troopers are going to search ans seize the guns of all who have registered them?
.....and if even in your moronic scenario were to happen, YOU are going to fight off the army and air force from your bedroom window?
Hey nat, the law is still that an 18 year old male registers with selective service. Just giving a public service reminder.

I never said OTHERWISE....Do you folks just write dumb posts for sexual gratification?

Do you folks just write dumb posts for sexual gratification?

No, we're not like you and timmy

Get yourself one of those inflatable dolls, there guy........Stroking your guns isn't going to be enough. LOL
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)
Simple. Owning a gun is a RiGHT not a privilege.
Hey nat, the law is still that an 18 year old male registers with selective service. Just giving a public service reminder.

I never said OTHERWISE....Do you folks just write dumb posts for sexual gratification?

Do you folks just write dumb posts for sexual gratification?

No, we're not like you and timmy

Get yourself one of those inflatable dolls, there guy........Stroking your guns isn't going to be enough. LOL

again, we're not like you and timmy
Registration accomplishes nothing in the interest of the people, only in the interest of the government

It's funny - I just watched (last night) the old movie "Red Dawn" and while it was a corny bit of fun - there was one bit of scariness during the movie. The Cuban Commander (after the initial invasion) tells his second to "go to the sporting good store and get for 4295? for the lists of gun owners and types of guns"

Fiction? to be sure. But just imagine.....

Only a tiny fraction of legal gun owners commit crimes. The left can't even come up with a reasonable argument how gun laws help anyone other than the government just wanting to know who has what guns

I've owned guns since I was a child. I own guns (for hunting, target shooting and self-defense) to this day. I have a large cache' of ammo because I purchase it when I can get it cheap. I live 60 miles from the nearest town and it's a small town at that. I have killed humans with guns (and I state that regrettably) when the government of the United States instructed me to - and to save the life of my squad members and myself. Any idiot that believes that killing is "fun" or it in any way whatsoever resembles a video game needs to be examined by a Doctor immediately. I left Viet Nam in 1968 - and to this day I live with what happened there. I don't wish that on anyone.
The other night my grandson was allowed to watch 13 Hours with the rest of the family. He plays those war video games 36 hours a day. He watched the movie until the blood started flying and told his dad he didn't feel good and said he was going to bed. I noticed the past 2 days he has started riding his bicycle more than he normally does.

I, too, recently watched 13 hours and, thankfully, they left "politics" out except to point out that the F-16s never left the ground and that "there wasn't any protests" before the attack. Really good movie. But it did serve to point out that these folks were abandoned by this country. Which is a fact that Hillary Clinton simply can NOT hide from, Her, and her State Department are responsible for those deaths.

Personally, for me, the most poignant part of the movie was when they WERE evacuated from Libya, they left on a Libyan plane and a private oil companies executive plane. We couldn't be bothered to even send an America plane to get them home.

She will carry that to her miserable grave.
I remarked on those points to friends and all agreed that those were two powerful reminders to people and they are thinking about them.. Especially the fighter jets that could have been a big factor. And yes,Obama lied. They were left behind.
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Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)
Simple. Owning a gun is a RiGHT not a privilege.
It should be a requirement to have firearms.
Why? I'm armed. You're the one who's going to get screwed up.

Armed against the federal government??? That's bordering on the definition of treason.....

Proving yet again, how blissfully ignorant you are. Here's what a couple of Presidents had to say on teh subject. I'll go with thei opinion instead of some ignorant jackass like you.

"A little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."

THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

"Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better.

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, speech in the United States House of Representatives, January 12, 1848"

Read more at Revolution Quotes
Simple. Owning a gun is a RiGHT not a privilege.

A bit trite for the "administrator" of this right-leaning forum, don't you think......

That gun right is just as nebulous as the right to the "pursuit of happiness"......

NO ONE is taking your freaking guns away...all that the O/P stated was to register them....Why are you "brave and armed" right wingers so damn afraid of a data base?
Simple. Owning a gun is a RiGHT not a privilege.

A bit trite for the "administrator" of this right-leaning forum, don't you think......

That gun right is just as nebulous as the right to the "pursuit of happiness"......

NO ONE is taking your freaking guns away...all that the O/P stated was to register them....Why are you "brave and armed" right wingers so damn afraid of a data base?

The Pursuit of Happiness is far from nebulous. Maybe to an uneducated dimwit like you it is. But to the educated majority of the People of this country, that is the primary focus of their lives. I don't know what you basement dwellers do for fun, but you really should try reading more.
Why? I'm armed. You're the one who's going to get screwed up.

Armed against the federal government??? That's bordering on the definition of treason.....

Proving yet again, how blissfully ignorant you are. Here's what a couple of Presidents had to say on teh subject. I'll go with thei opinion instead of some ignorant jackass like you.

"A little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."

THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

"Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better.

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, speech in the United States House of Representatives, January 12, 1848"

Read more at Revolution Quotes

Hey moron....you're pulling those quotes from a place that openly states "REVOLUTION"......Do you want and hanker for a revolution??? Ready to storm the dark skinned president with your militia to form a government that SUITS you better?...
Why? I'm armed. You're the one who's going to get screwed up.

Armed against the federal government??? That's bordering on the definition of treason.....

Proving yet again, how blissfully ignorant you are. Here's what a couple of Presidents had to say on teh subject. I'll go with thei opinion instead of some ignorant jackass like you.

"A little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."

THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

"Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better.

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, speech in the United States House of Representatives, January 12, 1848"

Read more at Revolution Quotes

Hey moron....you're pulling those quotes from a place that openly states "REVOLUTION"......Do you want and hanker for a revolution??? Ready to storm the dark skinned president with your militia to form a government that SUITS you better?...

When the government is no longer legitimate, you know, when Senators are exempt from the laws they pass for We The People, when the government controls every aspect of our lives (or at least tries to) when it begins ignoring the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, then yes, it will be time for a revolution. Thankfully we aren't there yet, no thanks to you and your ilk, but it is the natural cycle of governments that eventually they become Authoritarian, and at that point the guns protected by the Founders with the 2nd Amendment, will be needed.
Simple. Owning a gun is a RiGHT not a privilege.

A bit trite for the "administrator" of this right-leaning forum, don't you think......

That gun right is just as nebulous as the right to the "pursuit of happiness"......

NO ONE is taking your freaking guns away...all that the O/P stated was to register them....Why are you "brave and armed" right wingers so damn afraid of a data base?
Trite? Not at all. It's a simple fact and I didn't say anything about anyone taking my guns away. I don't need to register a gun since it's my right to own one. There's nothing more to it. I'm not worried about a database or someone taking it away from me, there's just no point in it. Makes zero sense to do so.
When the government is no longer legitimate, you know, when Senators are exempt from the laws they pass for We The People, when the government controls every aspect of our lives (or at least tries to) when it begins ignoring the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, then yes, it will be time for a revolution. Thankfully we aren't there yet, no thanks to you and your ilk, but it is the natural cycle of governments that eventually they become Authoritarian, and at that point the guns protected by the Founders with the 2nd Amendment, will be needed.

You folks are like a bunch of kids who haven't yet outgrown your naivete.....
So, start a revolution....Go on...take your guns and march on DC....Let us know how it all turns out LOL
When the government is no longer legitimate, you know, when Senators are exempt from the laws they pass for We The People, when the government controls every aspect of our lives (or at least tries to) when it begins ignoring the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, then yes, it will be time for a revolution. Thankfully we aren't there yet, no thanks to you and your ilk, but it is the natural cycle of governments that eventually they become Authoritarian, and at that point the guns protected by the Founders with the 2nd Amendment, will be needed.

You folks are like a bunch of kids who haven't yet outgrown your naivete.....
So, start a revolution....Go on...take your guns and march on DC....Let us know how it all turns out LOL

That's not how it works silly boy. Which you would know were your head not in rectal defilade.
Speaking of which I forgot to register a new couch I bought for the living room. Anyone know what late penalties are for that?

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