Why do gun-enthusiasts OBJECT to registering their weapons?

I am comparing national registries of things that aren't any of the government's business.

Like, for example, a national registry where my name was in during the Vietnam draft???

Talk to me about what would have happened to these groups have they tried to register their firearms

1- Jews in NAZI Germany
2- Palestinians in NAZI Israel
3- Afro-Americans deep south 1860's
4- Liberals during Pinochet's regime
5- Cambodians during the PolPot regime
6- Russians during the Stalin regime
7- ad nauseam

Well, let's see. HItler confiscated all guns. PInochet confiscated all guns. Pol Pot confiscated all guns.mStalin confiscated all guns. Israel is NOT Nazi and you are obviously a Palestinian fan. Blacks were not allowed to own weapons until the proclamation. I'm black and have owned weapons since I was a boy 65 years ago.

Did they have registrations ?

We have the 2nd amendment , the courts, the NRA . This confiscation claim is tin foil hat territory .

Nope. One day, when the dictators took over, they proclaimed that in order to keep the masses "safe", all guns MUST be taken away from the populace. All in the name of "security". In case you're not a fan of history, it did NOT end well for the populace.
Silly right wingers......On here longing for those long gone days when they played cowboys and Indians.

Picture the scenario......The evil government sends its troops to arrest and relocate these nitwits....and they break the glass from their bedroom windows and fire away at the troops with their AR-15s shouting histerically, "You want a piece of this baby...".............What a bunch of..:ahole-1:.
The primary reason for the 2nd Amendment was to secure "the people's" right to protect themselves and their States against a tyrannical government should the need to do so ever arise.

Given that context, what sense does it make for "the people" to register their firearms with a government that they may one day have to defend themselves against?

You're entitled to some form of opinion...albeit a bit uninformed.....However,

The 2nd amendment was mostly written to prevent the expense of the central government having a standing army (thereby relying on a militia) in case of both foreign invasions......the putting down of rebellions (look up the Shays Rebellion in Mass.) among citizens who were against taxation, slaves or Indian tribes.....and to basically have the Founders (who were all men of means) have....if needed... at the ready an almost mercenary force to quell uprisings.

In short......The Founders were NOT calling for an armed citizen militia to commit treason against the newly formed federal government, but to have that militia at the ready to fight off rebellions since the federal government did not have the money for a standing army.

You are wrong again.

Ratification and the Bill of Rights

"The Convention had decided that the Constitution would take effect upon ratification by conventions in nine of the 13 states. By June 1788 the required nine states ratified the Constitution, but the large states of Virginia and New York had not. Most people felt that without the support of these two states, the Constitution would never be honored. To many, the document seemed full of dangers: would not the strong central government that it established tyrannize them, oppress them with heavy taxes and drag them into wars?"

"Antipathy toward a strong central government was only one concern among those opposed to the Constitution; of equal concern to many was the fear that the Constitution did not protect individual rights and freedoms sufficiently."
The primary reason for the 2nd Amendment was to secure "the people's" right to protect themselves and their States against a tyrannical government should the need to do so ever arise.

Given that context, what sense does it make for "the people" to register their firearms with a government that they may one day have to defend themselves against?

You're entitled to some form of opinion...albeit a bit uninformed.....However,

The 2nd amendment was mostly written to prevent the expense of the central government having a standing army (thereby relying on a militia) in case of both foreign invasions......the putting down of rebellions (look up the Shays Rebellion in Mass.) among citizens who were against taxation, slaves or Indian tribes.....and to basically have the Founders (who were all men of means) have....if needed... at the ready an almost mercenary force to quell uprisings.

In short......The Founders were NOT calling for an armed citizen militia to commit treason against the newly formed federal government, but to have that militia at the ready to fight off rebellions since the federal government did not have the money for a standing army.

You are wrong again.

Ratification and the Bill of Rights

"The Convention had decided that the Constitution would take effect upon ratification by conventions in nine of the 13 states. By June 1788 the required nine states ratified the Constitution, but the large states of Virginia and New York had not. Most people felt that without the support of these two states, the Constitution would never be honored. To many, the document seemed full of dangers: would not the strong central government that it established tyrannize them, oppress them with heavy taxes and drag them into wars?"

"Antipathy toward a strong central government was only one concern among those opposed to the Constitution; of equal concern to many was the fear that the Constitution did not protect individual rights and freedoms sufficiently."

What you cut-n-pasted is nice but has little to do with what I wrote.......

Besides, since we HAVE been dragged into stupid and wasteful wars AND have been overtaxed.....where the hell are you guys with your beautiful guns defending us from such tyranny???LOL
The primary reason for the 2nd Amendment was to secure "the people's" right to protect themselves and their States against a tyrannical government should the need to do so ever arise.

Given that context, what sense does it make for "the people" to register their firearms with a government that they may one day have to defend themselves against?

You're entitled to some form of opinion...albeit a bit uninformed.....However,

The 2nd amendment was mostly written to prevent the expense of the central government having a standing army (thereby relying on a militia) in case of both foreign invasions......the putting down of rebellions (look up the Shays Rebellion in Mass.) among citizens who were against taxation, slaves or Indian tribes.....and to basically have the Founders (who were all men of means) have....if needed... at the ready an almost mercenary force to quell uprisings.

In short......The Founders were NOT calling for an armed citizen militia to commit treason against the newly formed federal government, but to have that militia at the ready to fight off rebellions since the federal government did not have the money for a standing army.

You are wrong again.

Ratification and the Bill of Rights

"The Convention had decided that the Constitution would take effect upon ratification by conventions in nine of the 13 states. By June 1788 the required nine states ratified the Constitution, but the large states of Virginia and New York had not. Most people felt that without the support of these two states, the Constitution would never be honored. To many, the document seemed full of dangers: would not the strong central government that it established tyrannize them, oppress them with heavy taxes and drag them into wars?"

"Antipathy toward a strong central government was only one concern among those opposed to the Constitution; of equal concern to many was the fear that the Constitution did not protect individual rights and freedoms sufficiently."

What you cut-n-pasted is nice but has little to do with what I wrote.......

Besides, since we HAVE been dragged into stupid and wasteful wars AND have been overtaxed.....where the hell are you guys with your beautiful guns defending us from such tyranny???LOL

Your pathetic attempt attempt at revising the history on the ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is not going to work with me.

"Furthermore, the Founding Fathers were heavily influenced by English republican views on the relationship between arms and democracy. This theory, espoused by Blackstone and other seventeenth- and eighteenth-century English political theorists, held the citizen’s ability to bear arms and use them to defend his rights to be a crucial component of political independence. An armed population was vital to protect against both foreign threats and the threat of a standing army, which could become an instrument of governmental tyranny." ~ Supreme Court Review
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Guns aren't registered now?

Depends on whacha got. Class III weapons are heavily taxed and registered.
The primary reason for the 2nd Amendment was to secure "the people's" right to protect themselves and their States against a tyrannical government should the need to do so ever arise.

Given that context, what sense does it make for "the people" to register their firearms with a government that they may one day have to defend themselves against?

You're entitled to some form of opinion...albeit a bit uninformed.....However,

The 2nd amendment was mostly written to prevent the expense of the central government having a standing army (thereby relying on a militia) in case of both foreign invasions......the putting down of rebellions (look up the Shays Rebellion in Mass.) among citizens who were against taxation, slaves or Indian tribes.....and to basically have the Founders (who were all men of means) have....if needed... at the ready an almost mercenary force to quell uprisings.

In short......The Founders were NOT calling for an armed citizen militia to commit treason against the newly formed federal government, but to have that militia at the ready to fight off rebellions since the federal government did not have the money for a standing army.

You are wrong again.

Ratification and the Bill of Rights

"The Convention had decided that the Constitution would take effect upon ratification by conventions in nine of the 13 states. By June 1788 the required nine states ratified the Constitution, but the large states of Virginia and New York had not. Most people felt that without the support of these two states, the Constitution would never be honored. To many, the document seemed full of dangers: would not the strong central government that it established tyrannize them, oppress them with heavy taxes and drag them into wars?"

"Antipathy toward a strong central government was only one concern among those opposed to the Constitution; of equal concern to many was the fear that the Constitution did not protect individual rights and freedoms sufficiently."

What you cut-n-pasted is nice but has little to do with what I wrote.......

Besides, since we HAVE been dragged into stupid and wasteful wars AND have been overtaxed.....where the hell are you guys with your beautiful guns defending us from such tyranny???LOL

Why? I'm armed. You're the one who's going to get screwed up.

Armed against the federal government??? That's bordering on the definition of treason.....

Proving yet again, how blissfully ignorant you are. Here's what a couple of Presidents had to say on teh subject. I'll go with thei opinion instead of some ignorant jackass like you.

"A little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."

THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

"Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better.

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, speech in the United States House of Representatives, January 12, 1848"

Read more at Revolution Quotes

Hey moron....you're pulling those quotes from a place that openly states "REVOLUTION"......Do you want and hanker for a revolution??? Ready to storm the dark skinned president with your militia to form a government that SUITS you better?...

You are, without doubt, the most stupid person that I have ever read, on any forum.

Barry Obama has been president for nearly a full 8 years. This losers time is over. He will leave office and give $200,000 speeches for the rest of his miserable life. Who cares? The dipshit is all but history.

It's the next president (assuming that Hillary the murderer wins) that this country will have to fear. She will finish this country off, once and for all.

And you worthless, no good, America hating assholes will rejoice in the streets. And Yes - I'm refering to you.
The primary reason for the 2nd Amendment was to secure "the people's" right to protect themselves and their States against a tyrannical government should the need to do so ever arise.

Given that context, what sense does it make for "the people" to register their firearms with a government that they may one day have to defend themselves against?

You're entitled to some form of opinion...albeit a bit uninformed.....However,

The 2nd amendment was mostly written to prevent the expense of the central government having a standing army (thereby relying on a militia) in case of both foreign invasions......the putting down of rebellions (look up the Shays Rebellion in Mass.) among citizens who were against taxation, slaves or Indian tribes.....and to basically have the Founders (who were all men of means) have....if needed... at the ready an almost mercenary force to quell uprisings.

In short......The Founders were NOT calling for an armed citizen militia to commit treason against the newly formed federal government, but to have that militia at the ready to fight off rebellions since the federal government did not have the money for a standing army.

You are wrong again.

Ratification and the Bill of Rights

"The Convention had decided that the Constitution would take effect upon ratification by conventions in nine of the 13 states. By June 1788 the required nine states ratified the Constitution, but the large states of Virginia and New York had not. Most people felt that without the support of these two states, the Constitution would never be honored. To many, the document seemed full of dangers: would not the strong central government that it established tyrannize them, oppress them with heavy taxes and drag them into wars?"

"Antipathy toward a strong central government was only one concern among those opposed to the Constitution; of equal concern to many was the fear that the Constitution did not protect individual rights and freedoms sufficiently."

What you cut-n-pasted is nice but has little to do with what I wrote.......

Besides, since we HAVE been dragged into stupid and wasteful wars AND have been overtaxed.....where the hell are you guys with your beautiful guns defending us from such tyranny???LOL

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." - Declaration of independence
Why? I'm armed. You're the one who's going to get screwed up.

Armed against the federal government??? That's bordering on the definition of treason.....

Proving yet again, how blissfully ignorant you are. Here's what a couple of Presidents had to say on teh subject. I'll go with thei opinion instead of some ignorant jackass like you.

"A little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."

THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

"Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better.

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, speech in the United States House of Representatives, January 12, 1848"

Read more at Revolution Quotes

Hey moron....you're pulling those quotes from a place that openly states "REVOLUTION"......Do you want and hanker for a revolution??? Ready to storm the dark skinned president with your militia to form a government that SUITS you better?...

You are, without doubt, the most stupid person that I have ever read, on any forum.

Barry Obama has been president for nearly a full 8 years. This losers time is over. He will leave office and give $200,000 speeches for the rest of his miserable life. Who cares? The dipshit is all but history.

It's the next president (assuming that Hillary the murderer wins) that this country will have to fear. She will finish this country off, once and for all.

And you worthless, no good, America hating assholes will rejoice in the streets. And Yes - I'm refering to you.

They will up until Aman Hussinie Aukbar shoots their ass's.
Why? I'm armed. You're the one who's going to get screwed up.

Armed against the federal government??? That's bordering on the definition of treason.....

Proving yet again, how blissfully ignorant you are. Here's what a couple of Presidents had to say on teh subject. I'll go with thei opinion instead of some ignorant jackass like you.

"A little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."

THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

"Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better.

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, speech in the United States House of Representatives, January 12, 1848"

Read more at Revolution Quotes

Hey moron....you're pulling those quotes from a place that openly states "REVOLUTION"......Do you want and hanker for a revolution??? Ready to storm the dark skinned president with your militia to form a government that SUITS you better?...

You are, without doubt, the most stupid person that I have ever read, on any forum.

Barry Obama has been president for nearly a full 8 years. This losers time is over. He will leave office and give $200,000 speeches for the rest of his miserable life. Who cares? The dipshit is all but history.

It's the next president (assuming that Hillary the murderer wins) that this country will have to fear. She will finish this country off, once and for all.

And you worthless, no good, America hating assholes will rejoice in the streets. And Yes - I'm refering to you.

They will up until Aman Hussinie Aukbar shoots their ass's.

Well, indeed. I find it reprehensible that the left has more allegiance to ISIS than to the republicans. That should tell us all we need to know. They despise this country and hope to hell that we fall. Think I'm kidding - ask one of these assholes - they are proud of it.
Hey nat, the law is still that an 18 year old male registers with selective service. Just giving a public service reminder.

I never said OTHERWISE....Do you folks just write dumb posts for sexual gratification?

Sad little Nat all up in arms for being accused of what he says he didn't say. But sadly little Nat, for you, this in the internet age and your words come back to bite you.


"we used to register for the draft, etc"

I am guessing you don't know that the draft and the selective service is the same thing. Or they tented your mon's house and forgot to tell you.
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

The Government has no fucking business knowing what I own. :D
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

The Government has no fucking business knowing what I own. :D

Winner, Winner!!! Chicken Dinner!!!!
Can'r fix right wing stupidity, bigotry and racism on a forum such as this.....So, carry on, nitwits. LOL
Actually , guns WERE registered in colonial times, because every white male was required to have one.

That came across to me as being like the colonial equivalent of Obamacare. I did a Google search and found this:

Spiking the Gun Myth Before the Civil War, a historian finds, guns were rare in the United States

Spiking the Gun Myth

I won't attest to it, but again, being forced to own something seemed a bit too much like the government taxing folks for not having health insurance.
Actually , guns WERE registered in colonial times, because every white male was required to have one.

That came across to me as being like the colonial equivalent of Obamacare. I did a Google search and found this:

Spiking the Gun Myth Before the Civil War, a historian finds, guns were rare in the United States

Spiking the Gun Myth

I won't attest to it, but again, being forced to own something seemed a bit too much like the government taxing folks for not having health insurance.

Not so much rare, not near as prolific as they are not that's for sure. Fite arms were not uncommon though,and it was not because everyone was all peace loving and sweet. You have to imagine how it was in America in those days. It was the equivalent of living on the moon. They were expensive. Those who didn't own firearms did so because they couldn't get them due to being in such a remote location or they could not afford them.
Because registration leads to confiscation.

How truly, TRULY stupid......Are you morons really thinking that the federal government wants your weapons to ENSLAVE you? That storm troopers are going to search ans seize the guns of all who have registered them?
.....and if even in your moronic scenario were to happen, YOU are going to fight off the army and air force from your bedroom window?

Since you are now resorting to childish name-calling, please tell us what you think gun registration will accomplish?

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